Topic: Old Republic RPG

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Topic #1101

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January 21, 2007 8:30 pm (Edited February 20, 2007 07:18 am) #

Well, I got tired of waiting for someone to make an RPG that I found interesting, so I made one myself!

This RPG takes place during the four-year Mandalorian Wars. Your character can be a Mandalorian, a Jedi, or a Republic soldier. However, they can come from backrounds besides those (example: a pirate puts their skills to use raiding Mandalorians and bringing their supplies back to the Republic). We're going to need quite a few of all of these, so please, don't think that you're going to get picked off or be less significant to the storyline because of what occupation/alliance you choose. I wanna see some pilots, some smugglers, some Mandos, some Jedi, a little bit of everything ^_^ Really make your character unique.

I'm hoping for two things: diversity, but with structure. Remember, one of the biggest rules of improvisation is 'don't deny.' You character may be reluctant and even choose to part company for a time, but please try to more or less go with the flow of things. Everyone should get their chance to shine at some point, so don't feel like you have to dash in and play the ultimate hero (or villain) in the story.

The rules are the usual: No killing someone else's character without their permission, no godly characters, etc. Most importantly, though, I want everyone to have fun with this. So let's see some characters and get playing!


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


Name: Shion (shy-OWN)
Age: 21
Race: Human
Alliance: Mandalorian
Alignment (optional): NG
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Dark brown
Skin color: Fair
Weapons: Dual vibro blades, two pistols, and will sometimes bring along her rifle.
Gadgets (Jedi, this is will be 'Force Powers' for you): Grappling hook, flame thrower, darts.

"They're actually going to go through with this."

Shion mulled her own words over again as she traced the path of the Republic drop ships on their scanners. Yes, the Republic had done it again, suddenly fearless in their awe of a bunch of high-class monks.

She ran her gloved hand through her slightly wavy hair before tucking it into her collar and sliding the tan-and-green helmet over it. Fine, if that was how they wanted to play, then she was more than happy to do things their way. They'd get what they were asking for- a bloodbath at their expense.

"Shion," said one of her kin, a male by the name of Jigo. She couldn't see anything of him beneath his red armor, but she knew his voice. He stepped inside the rusty old building that housed the scanners and all other manner of electronic devices to keep the camp running. "Mandalore's ordered everyone to their positions. The Reps are landing down the hill in the claring by the waterfall. We'll pick them off as they come up."

Shion stood and hefted her rifle over her back. She broke into a light jog with Jigo as they left the camp, wanting to take up their posts as quickly as possible. It was the beauty of the Mandalorian way of war- there were no ranks, and yet they behaved more efficiently than if there were.

The grass was tall, and damp. But it provided good cover for Shion and Jigo, two among at least five marksman hidden in what looked to be an impassable mess of tangled trees. As she fixed her crosshairs on the first figure to approach, walking up the path with no indication of alarm, she raised a hand to signal 'on my mark.'

More people followed, their feet stomping down the shrubs that grew along the path. These were soldiers, wearing armor and carrying rifles. But the one that she had focused on... wore robes. And appeared unarmed?

Something made the hair on the back of her neck stand up just then, as if someone had just dropped ice down her neck. Again she raised her hand. 'Steady yourselves. Prepare to fire.'

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 21, 2007 8:56 pm (Edited January 21, 2007 08:57 pm) #

Name: Territ Yuot
Age: 26
Race: Mandalorian
Alliance: Mandalorian
Class: Pilot
Ship: Tank
Armor color: Tan with blue lining
Weapons: Tank Cannon and two light turrets on sides. Also a rifle
Gadgets: Wrist Rocket and Flamethrower

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 21, 2007 9:08 pm #

Territ moved his straight threw the mass of trees. The rest of the tank squads were given their movment orders. Territ had two other tanks with him, both behind him. He blew threw the end of the trees and he and the other two tanks started firing on the startled republic troopers. The sharp shooters started sniping republic troops. The jedi was fast on the scene. The jedi charged fast at the tanks and jumped onto Territs. He stabed his lightsaber into the tank and started cutting it open. Territ started up his flamethrower and shot up it and the jedi. The fire shot out of the open hole the jedi jumped back then charged agian. Territ yelled out onto the comm:"Sharpshooters get him off me!"

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 22, 2007 9:31 am #

I can't be Revan can I?

"This IS my signature."
January 22, 2007 9:56 am #

You can't be Revan, but you can be an elite Jedi of sorts, someone with a Revan-esque personality.  Like I said, no godly characters. See, Revan's going to be busy running the war. Our 'heroes' are going to end up having troubles of their own, so the leaders aren't really involved much.

Revan, Malak, Mandalore, and many of the other characters from the KOTOR games will make somewhat breif appearances later in the story. When the time comes, I'm sure we can negotiate something. in the meantime, would you like to play a Jedi for us? We've already got two Mandos and need someone to fight. Doesn't mean you die. I'm just hoping for a diverse 'party' as they put it in D&D.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 22, 2007 10:01 am (Edited January 25, 2007 01:20 pm) #

<- Crap.....I am Revan! Just Joking. Ok.

"This IS my signature."
January 22, 2007 10:18 am #

Okay, thanks for your cooperation ^_^ You still wanna join?

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 22, 2007 1:46 pm #

Name: Bidlo Kwerve
Alliance: Republic
Occupation: Ex freelance pilot turned Republic captain
Weapons: Upgradeable Disruptor Rifle, blaster rifle, dual heavy blaster pistols, Enchani Foil, Mandalorian Heavy Repeater (Stolen from killed Mando soldier)
Armor: Upgradeable Republic Model Armor
History: Kwerve used to be a freelance pilot that helped smugglers and the sort for a fee. He had also tried to locate the mysterious Baklah Claw before, but he quit searching because he wanted to join the Republic. His old Corellian Corvette had been shot down by a Mandalorian capital ship when he was heading to Coruscant. Luckily, a Republic ship found the remains of his ship. He had been trapped in the airtight  bulkhead. The Republic then recruited him. Now he is out for revenge on the Mandos. His idol is Carth Onasi, the legendary soldier, and Kwerve is already as good of a pilot as Carth is. Possibly even better. Bidlo is a great shot, and he is exceptionally strong. His quick wit has helped him get out of many dangerous situations. Overall, Bidlo Kwerve is a good soldier, and the the Republic is lucky to have him on their side

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
January 22, 2007 2:29 pm #

Shion abandoned all subtlety for a cry of "Open fire!" She squeezed the trigger on her rifle once, twice, felling the ususpecting Jedi. The next was not so foolish, deflecting the blow and countles sothers as the sharpshooters rained fire upon them. Not as easy as they had thought. But how much harder could it really get?

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 22, 2007 2:52 pm #

Name: Trenak Velstar
occupation: mandolorian
Alliance: Mandolorian
age: 27
Class: Sniper
WOC: EE-3 mandolorian sniper rifle
secondary weapon: mandolorian silencer carbine
Gadgets: Grapple hook, poisen darts, and electro cord

January 22, 2007 3:02 pm #

trenak sat at the top of the hill as the republic sodier squad waded its way through the dence forest. there was a clearing on aproach and that was were Trenak sat. the first soldier exsited the woods. Trenak saw him in his scope and fired a single, silent shot, killing the soldier instantly. two left. the other two had apparently noticed the dead man fall. they had backed up, and stopped heading towards the clearing. Trenak rolled down the hill, sniper rifle on his back, makeing no noise whatso ever. he dre out his knife, comeing up behind the soldiers. the grabbed ones head, tilted it back and slit his throat. the other one recoiled in fear and trided to run, shooting at him as he ran. trenak held the knife by the tip and threw it. the knife it dead center on the back of the rpublic soldiers neck, instant death.
Trenak turned on his stealth feild generator advanced and starrted towards his clan base. towards the place were death resembled glory and triumph. towards the place he called home.

January 22, 2007 4:12 pm #

We have too many Mandos. Someone needs to be a jedi or a Republic Trooper like me.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
January 22, 2007 4:16 pm (Edited January 22, 2007 04:16 pm) #

Yeah, I think we've reached the limit with Mandos, at least for the moment.

All players joining henceforth need to be Jedi or Republic soldiers. Please?

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 22, 2007 4:18 pm (Edited January 23, 2007 11:40 am) #

Nah, I might join later, though.

"This IS my signature."
January 22, 2007 9:33 pm #

Territ was now free of the jedi and he shot at the republic troopers. Then he saw something that spelt doom, a republic trooper loading a rocket launcher. Territ had little time he went to open his hatch put it was stuck. The lightsaber got to close to the hatch and the intense heat of the blade sealed it. Just when he thought he was doomed, just when he thought he could never tell Shion what he thought of her, a miracle happened, trooper with the launcher got sniped. Territ continued his job and fired his tank cannon once again.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 23, 2007 4:52 am #

Shion threw all caution to the wind and drew her vibroblades. She ran from the thick trees and began to hew down the common soldiers, parrying blades as she went until she met the one who had sealed the hatch on Territ. She aimed a good, hard blow at him, but found herself parried with equal force! She threw her weight on the blade, then dug her spiked boots into his leg. He crumpled, but the next thing she knew Shion was falling, roughly pushed from her perch.

But he hadn't touched her.

She saw the satisfied look on his face as she hesitated before getting back up. "No..." she breathed. These Jedi... they used a different weapon.

Getting back up she met him again, raining a flurry of blows. He parried, despite his wound, and even fought back, the lightsaber rolling off her shields. But the energy blade was stronger than one of even the hardest metal. Time to finish this.

"Deflect this, Jedi scum!" she shouted, shooting a stream of flame from her gauntlet. As he screamed and the smell of burnt flesh filled the air, Shion grabbed the lightsaber and breifly returned fire on a soldier that had noticed her. She knelt over the hatch, activating the com in her helmet. "Territ, are you all right?"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 23, 2007 5:17 am (Edited January 31, 2007 05:38 pm) #

(Yeah! This is my 200th post!!!)
Bidlo Kwerve was riding a Republic capital ship, the Supernova, to the planet of Dxun. The Republic wanted to capture the planet before the Mandalorians, so they sent a single ship to take it. This ship was filled with the finest soldiers and starfighters the Republic had. Also, Revan was in the command bridge. The Republic thought that the Supernova would totally be protected  from a Mando attack. They were wrong. A large Mando capital ship had located them, and they were already sending boarding parties. But the Supernova's crew didn't notice until the first boarding parties hit. Dozens of the toughest Mando soldiers poured into the Republic ship, and the Republic troopers were losing. Bidlo Kwerve was in the freshers when the alarm sounded, and he quickly grabbed his blaster rifle and ran out into the hallway. The second he exited the freshers, he saw several Mandalorian soldiers cutting apart a small group of troopers. Kwerve ran at the Mandos, firing his blaster and slaying several of them. As soon as he was close, he drew his Enchani Foil and decapitated a Mando soldier. Once all of the Mandos in the hallway were dead, he asked the surviving Republic troopers what had happened. They said that they had been attacked by Mandalorian boarding parties, and that the Supernova has been ambushed.
"Crap....." Kwerve mumbled. It was gonna be tough to get outta this alive.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
January 23, 2007 10:16 am #

Territ shook his head and anwsered the comm."Bit shook up but I'll live. My tank is all busted tho, the heat blade cut threw most of my controls. Where are you?"

"Right ontop of your tank." Shion said.

Territ looked up."Get me out of here will ya the jedi sealed the hatch shut and my tanks close to critical." Territ knew that Shion would get him out.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 23, 2007 12:04 pm #

OOC: I'll be joining as a Jedi later tonight. Nice RPG Mando Girl ;)

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
January 23, 2007 10:28 pm (Edited January 23, 2007 10:34 pm) #

Name: Xondra Faux
Age: 14
Race: Human
Alliance: Jedi
Hair color: Auburn
Eye color: Light Green
Skin color: Fair
Weapons: Dual vibro blades, two pistols, and will sometimes bring along her rifle
Force Powers: Telekinesis, Heal, Alter Environment

. . .

Xondra Faux was a padawan with low potential. The child was exceptional with the lightsaber, a master at moving objects with force, and extremely intelligent for someone her some opinions. In others she was somewhere between mentally challenged or borderline insane.

She was a failure at almost all force abilities, couldn't concentrate or meditate, and a compulsive trickster.

That did little to alter the fact she was in the fiery heart of a war that would not be forgotten for centuries...pretending that she was someone else.

Her breathing low and easy, the spiked-haired force user hid underneath the protective shadow of her hood. The sounds of blaster fire pierced the quiet, heavy air of the thick green jungle. Distant explosions shook the ground like an irregular pulsing heartbeat.

It was almost time for the strike.

A Republic Soldier moving stealthily, with his rifle aimed and watchful of the dark shadows in the trees moved over to the young Jedi and spoke in a low whisper, "Jedi Master Liriel, The forces are ready."

Jedi Master Liriel was not her real name. In a galaxy of sentient beings of all sizes and shapes, the padawan's facade hadn't been noticed...yet. There was little future left for Padawan Faux when the truth was finally found.

The fourteen-year-old girl gave an open smile with her teeth parted, "Are they?"

Her laughing light green eyes seemed to hide some terrible truth that answered the question.

The tall girl moved forward silently with mischief on her face, and looked up to the Twi'lek Jedi Master hiding next to her, hidden in a patch of tall jungle reed grass.

"Why are we still holding?" The Padawan asked the older Jedi with idle curiosity.

The Twi'lek explained to her confidently in low tones, "The distraction has been set out, Master Liriel, and now it was time for the trap to close in on it's prey. Even now the greedy Mandalorians set forth against the bait. Our forces will pretend to be caught off guard and retreat, and they will lead the enemy unawares into our position. Easy as a game of holochess. See?"

The padawan looked up and asked quietly, "Then how come the others aren't coming?"

The Twi'lek turned in horror to the sounds of the fading battle, then whispered with loud, disbelieving shock, "No. Ke'lya said they'd be fine! There is no way the battle could already be..."

The jungle went unnaturally silent.

The Twi'lek cried out and ignited his electric blue lightsaber in a furious motion telling of emotional pain as he charged forward. The whole jungle seemed to move as it came alive with Republic soldiers and more Jedi warriors strategically concealed in the thick greenery rushed in for the surprize attack.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
January 24, 2007 9:21 am #

Were this a training procedure, Shion might have taken the opportunity to mess with Territ's head. But it wasn't, and time was of the essence.

"Watch out," she said, igniting the blue blade. She drove it straight down through the thick durasteel, making sure to keep it straight and move it slowly as she cut the hatch away. "Okay, get ready to lift!"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 24, 2007 1:02 pm #

Territ jumped back as the blade cut threw the lock. Shion turned off the blade and Territ pushed open the hatch and crawled out. "Thanks Shion" Territ looked over the battle field, the republic troopers where slaughtered by the mandos.

"No problem" anwsered Shion.

Territ jumped off the tank and was about to help her off when she jumped down with out help and landed perfectly. Territ looked at his ruined tank. "My tank...."  Territ looked over the cut up hunk of metal that used to be his powerful tank.  "I hope they have extras. Theres no way to repair this thing." Territ kicked it softly and its roof caved in. Territ sighed.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 24, 2007 1:12 pm #

"We'll get you a new baby," Shion said sharply. "These Jettise... they're not what we expected. In some ways they seem like us. Look," she pointed to a fourteen year old fighting. "They don't coddle the younger ones."

Moving out of the shelter the crumbling tank provided, Shion began to fire on the sudden wave of Jedi and soldiers. More of her people emerged over the cliffs to the east, firing down on the enemy. But more came. Both Mandos and Republics were driven toward the north and west as the battle continued, Shion fighting back-to-back with Territ. The grounds would be more even the farther they went. The Jedi didn't know this moon well, and that was one part near their camp that the Mandalorians hadn't had time to explore yet.

((Yes, this is about to get somewhere))

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 24, 2007 2:01 pm #

Territ fired his rifle off at the enemy troops, he wasnt the best shot with a gun. He pulled out his long vibro-knife after his rifle went out of ammo. He stabed one republic that came charging. He turned on his flame-thrower and unleashed it on a group of mainly republic. Territ never knew he would last this long in full open war out of his tank. Territ picked up a fallen Mando's vibro sword and started hacking away with his knife and sword. He never left Shion's back.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 24, 2007 2:21 pm #

Shion was soon forced to unsheath her own swords again. The Jedi, as it turned out, were fierce enemies. Their presence seemed to boost the morale of the Republic troops, something that they DIDN'T need in the least.

A Twi'lek, looking maddened, suddenly charged them. Shion barely got her blade up in enough time to parry him. He fought faster than anyone she had ever seen, except maybe Mandalore. Seeing that she was going to be tough, he decided to take a jab at Territ. Shion snapped then and fought back twice as hard. She would be damned if any Jettise was going to kill comrade of hers that she was supposed to be guarding!

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 24, 2007 4:35 pm (Edited January 24, 2007 09:42 pm) #

Territ had to gaurd Shion's back while she faught the jedi master. He was wearing down and getting tired fast, he spent to much time travling in a tank and not walking. He did a quick jab into a republic trooper but the repbulic trooper got a stab into Territ's leg, Mandolorain troopers were taking over the much weaker Republic troopers. Soon the only battle was the jedi and Shion fight in a ring of Mandolorains cheering on Shion.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 25, 2007 5:07 am (Edited January 25, 2007 10:27 am) #

One by one they had all fallen.

Except for Padawan Faux.

The Mandalorians were all around her in a loud and noisy ring waving their weapons and cheering, with one of their best fighters in front her--the one they called Shion.

The fourteen year old stood firm, her watering eyes as fierce and deadly as her matching lightsaber. Her face was dirty and her cloak in shreds. The padawan had fought and held her own in the battle, and she wasn't going to give up now...or ever.

"Come fight me, Mando!" Faux yelled at the top of her lungs. Her body was shaking, but her voice did not. Then she asked with a sudden smile, "Unless, of course, you've all decided to surrender?"

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
January 25, 2007 12:43 pm #

Shion heard the girl's challenge. Green... very green.

She shoved off the Twi'lek master, stepped away from Territ, and gutted the Jedi from chest to groin for the girl to see. Her helmet turned, the T-shaped visor fixing on her like the crosshairs of her rifle, and with the same intent. She wondered... what would she do, seeing her master slaughtered so? Just what were Jettise children made of?

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 25, 2007 12:56 pm #

Territ put a hand on Shion's shoulder. "Give it a rest Shion" Suddenly a clapping noise was heard from the group and Maladore himself walked out from the group.

"Very well done Shion." Maladore said to Shion. Every Mando in the area bowed their heads to Maladore. Maladore the walked up to the jedi girl. "Surreneder Jedi your forces are lost, there is no reason to spill more blood this day."

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 25, 2007 1:13 pm #

Shion glared out of her visor, her tan-and-green armor splattered with the blood of her enemy. She stood firmly behind Mandalore, still staring down the girl. "I've been challenged," she said to him sharply. "She's an adult in our years. Our laws can't protect her." For Mandalore had been there at her first battle, had seen her stand where the Jedi stood now. The only difference was that Shion had beat the Mandalorian she challenged.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 25, 2007 1:22 pm (Edited January 25, 2007 01:28 pm) #

HK-47 is not a god character. Can I be him? Please? I won't be cheap. I promise. You said you wanted to see a little bit of everything. Please?

"This IS my signature."
January 25, 2007 1:35 pm #

...I'd much prefer an original character. But okay, HK it is. I seem to recall that he worked for a Mandalorian anyway? This could be the start of it.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 25, 2007 2:07 pm (Edited February 4, 2007 09:33 pm) #

Name: HK-47
Alliance: Revan
Occupation: Revan's personal Assassin droid
Weapons: Heavy, Long Range Aratech Sniper Rifle with Tri-light scope, Duel Mandalorian Heavy Pistols. (Taken from previous target)
Armor: Droid Heavy plating Type 3
Special: Droid Concealed Flamethrower, Grappling Launcher

History: Recently custom-built by Revan, upon meeting Revan's aprentice, Malak asked what HK-47 thought of him, HK informed him of his meatbag status. Malak was unimpressed, but Revan thought the reference was humorous, he programmed HK-47 to continue using that reference. It drove Malak to extreme lengths of frustration. HK-47 now refers all organics as "meatbags", with the exeption of Revan, wich he calls "master".

"This IS my signature."
January 25, 2007 2:51 pm #

Faux forced her eyes to stay open, to never take her eyes off the enemy for even a moment of intense shock and pain. Trying to hold her shaking hands still, and the tears from spilling in her eyes she kept her lightsaber extended, waiting for any attack from any side.  She looked up at Mandalore and shouted loud enough for everyone to hear, "What? The Mandalorians have gorged on enough blood already?!"

"If you let me live," Her eyes went cold, and her voice trembled ever so slightly, "I will not stop trying to fight you."

"For them..." She nodded her head toward the field of dead.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
January 25, 2007 4:16 pm #

Mandalore looked at Faux."Well let you live." Mandalore said

Territ gave a sigh of relife as the girl was let to live. He looked at her, she was to young to die today. Territ walked away with Shion to the base.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 25, 2007 4:19 pm #

Shion laughed. "Look how she cries. It takes more than words to make you a warrior, little Jettise." She looked again to Mandalore, just waiting for him to give the word.

(Okay, get HK and anyone else in the Battle of Dxun ready. I'm about to drop the first plot bomb.)

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 25, 2007 4:29 pm (Edited January 25, 2007 06:10 pm) #

"Statment: HK-47 is ready and waiting, MandoGirl."

"This IS my signature."
January 25, 2007 5:29 pm #

If being a warrior means being anything like you, then I'll pass.

Faux let herself cry freely and wiped the tears from her face with her loose sleeve. She deactivated her lightsaber and stepped slowly toward Mandalore, and held it out to the tall, intimidating warrior...with the lethal end facing him.

Shion's eyes went wide when she finally saw through the trickery and hit away the Jedi weapon as the girl activated it. The green blade slashed harmlessly across Mandalore's chestplate and left only a long black scar. Shion turned and kicked at the girl and sent her flying back to the dirt.

"Nice try." Shion stood over her threatningly.

The force-sensitive child looked up at her with laughing eyes.

Where the lightsaber had fallen harmlessly to the ground, it suddenly flew into the air and activated once more. Shion whirled around helplessly, knowing she could never reach it in time. Mandalore smoothly twisted to the side and slashed with one of his blades through the handle of the lightsaber and the weapon shattered in a burst of green flame and parts.

Mandalore looked down at the girl through the dark gaze of his T-shaped visor, "Faster next time."

Now on her hands and knees, Faux was unable to meet his gaze and looked away, seething in silent fury.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
January 25, 2007 7:17 pm #

Once Mandalore made for the base, Shion took her role once more. "Gather the survivors," she barked out to the rest of the Mandalorians. "Heal their wounded, make sure they're ready to move as quickly as possible."

She stepped sharply on Faux's hand as she scrambled for the shattered remains of her lightsaber, then grabbed her and hauled her along the trail by the collar of her robes. "We Mandalorians don't kill our prisoners," she said, the sentence more ominous to Jedi ears.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 25, 2007 7:48 pm #

Territ picked up his rifle and strung it on his back. He found a republic soldier that was alive but wounded beyond repair. Territ put a hand on the trooper's shoulder. "It wont hurt" Territ pulled out a needle and put a lethal ingection that's ment for Captured Mandolorian's into the republic trooper. The trooper drifted off into a forever sleep. He ran to catch up with Shion and the rest.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 25, 2007 8:42 pm (Edited February 28, 2007 01:58 pm) #

"Statment: HK-47 is ready to serve, master."
"What do you think, Malak?" Revan asked.
"Interesting." Malak replied.
"Wach this....What do you think of me, HK?" Revan asked .
"Answer: Oh master, you are the very reason for my existance, therefore, I shall serve you as you programmed me."
"Now you try." Revan told Malak.
"What do you think of me?" Malak asked HK.
"Answer: Hmm, I would classify you as a meatbag."
"Hm." Malak took it as an insult.
"You don't seem to impressed." Revan said.
"No." Malak replied as he walked away.
"I find it rather......amusing......HK, let me access your behavior core." Revan said.
"Statment: As you desire."
"There, done. Now, tell me you think of that trooper over there?" Revan asked.
"Statment: He is a meatbag, master."
"Hm, Perfect....HK, I have a new mission for you. The Mandalorians have captured a young Jedi padawan, along with a group of republic soldiers. I want you to kill their captors, just make sure the Jedi survives. I have plans for her."
"Statement: As you desire, master. I cannot wait to engage in some unadulterated violence."
"Yes, that is most amusing." Revan said.

"This IS my signature."
January 26, 2007 8:19 pm #

Faux tried to pull away from Shion, but the Mandalorian easily over powered her. The Padawan talked up at her, struggling to keep up with her quick pace to keep from being dragged, "Sure you don't kill prisoners, you try to keep it to just starting the wars."

The young force-sensitive had tried to grab at what was left of the green crystal of her lightsaber but the...Shion Demon had crushed her hand heartlessly, and now it bled freely from the shards of crystal stuck inside it. Faux couldn't feel the pain over her anger, and her extreme guilt from simply feeling that forbidden emotion.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
January 26, 2007 10:39 pm (Edited February 28, 2007 02:01 pm) #

HK-47 snuck into a troop dropship's cargo hold as Revan's capitol ship entered the Onderon system.
"Everyone get ready!" the pilot yelled, as they got closer to Dxun.
"Here we go!" He yelled as the shuttle took off. They were met by heavy ressistance, taking hit after hit.
They were in the atmosphere. POOM! The dropship's wing was blown off by a mando field gun.
"We're Goin' Down!" The pilot screamed in a panic. THOOM! the small ship slammed into the ground.
"Go! Out! Out! Out!" the pilot yelled. "They'll be here any second, lay low." The Republic Team leader said.
HK exited the smashed ship undetected, and examined the area.
"Observation: Hmm, It seems that I need to find an elevated position to set up a sharpshooting position to terminate these "Mando" meatbags. There, that spot is sufficient." HK ventured up a small rock outcropping, still avoiding the Republic troops, and set up a sniping position.
"Anticipation: Ooo, I cannot wait to blast the unaware meatbags that come to fight those poor troops. Pitty they won't be able to engage me in personal combat, I would most enjoy it." HK sat and waited for his Mando prey.

(The reasons HK cannot be seen is because he is highly illegal, and also, this is a covert op mission, the Republic is unaware that he even exists.)

"This IS my signature."
January 26, 2007 11:06 pm (Edited January 27, 2007 10:29 am) #

Territ pulled out a small kolto pack and put it on Faux's hand. "Keep it on there or your hand will only worsen." Territ followed them to the main base and he went threw the painful process of getting a new tank. He finally got one and he got in it. The Mandoliran army marched, many mandos sat on the flat parts of the tanks. Mandalore walked with Shoin and the jedi near him, Territ's tank was right behind them.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 27, 2007 6:30 am #

((They don't have bacta yet. They have kolto, from Manaan))

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 27, 2007 7:10 am #

Shion pulled off her helmet, face sweating slightly from the battle just before. She turned ot where the Jettise marched beside her, distrustful. The other Jedi wad been split up as well, though the common soldiers were allowed to march in a group. Their leaders were away, leaving them demoralized. "We don't kill our prisoners," she repeated. "They become Mandalorians. You were strong enough to fight us, strong enough to survive... we respect that. So we'll take care of you.

"Tell me," she continued. "How many of us did you kill?"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 27, 2007 10:14 am (Edited January 27, 2007 03:52 pm) #

(I changed my post above, It seemed to fit the storyline better.)

"This IS my signature."
January 27, 2007 10:42 am #

((Changed it to Kolto))
Territ always had one of his small guns on the jedi girl. The tank slowly moved with the large mandalorian army. They recived little trouble from any of the captives along the way, besides the one that tried to run. Territ took his eyes off the jedi girl and looked at Shion. He then remembered what they were doing and he turned his eyes back to the girl, making sure she didnt do anything funny.

((This is what my tank looks like: ))

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 27, 2007 11:27 am (Edited January 27, 2007 11:37 am) #

HK needs to get to the surface. Once all the players are in the same place we can drop the plot bomb. The intention is for this to turn into an adventure, with a main plot and the characters creating their own sub-plots and everything. But first I need all the people.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 27, 2007 1:56 pm #

"Not Enough." Faux commented quietly, still staring at the kolto patch on her injured hand that she held protectively to her chest.

The killing part of war had been strangely easy. The Mandalorians wore helmets. That helped. She didn't have to see their faces when they died. She might as well have been carving through training droids. The truly difficult part had been watching...when...the padawan cringed and watched the horrifying scenes as countless others fell...and simply...stopped moving...if they were lucky. Faux forced herself to exhale slowly.

"What are you going to do with us?" Faux tried to hide her plotting eyes from the Mandalorian next to her, and listened to the sound of the enormous tank following closely behind.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who

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