
+ Member 37 (SciFifreak90) - Remove Filter

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Re: How old are you?

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Well as far as staying ..."
Added January 24, 2009
One of 786 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Choose

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Definitely ..."
Added January 24, 2009
One of 134 topic replies
Fans forum
Added January 22, 2009
One of 134 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Bf/Gf

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Congratulations on what I consider ..."
Added January 22, 2009
One of 1177 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: How old are you?

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... I guess I can get ..."
Added January 22, 2009
One of 786 topic replies
Fans forum
Added January 22, 2009
One of 134 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Choose

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Half life 2 fo ..."
Added January 22, 2009
One of 134 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Choose

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Snowy ..."
Added January 22, 2009
One of 134 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Bf/Gf

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Being a very ..."
Added January 20, 2009
One of 1177 topic replies
Fans forum
Added January 20, 2009
One of 363 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Do you believe in God or evolution?

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Always happens whenever anyone mentions ..."
Added January 20, 2009
One of 363 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Bf/Gf

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... You guys should hit the ..."
Added January 19, 2009
One of 1177 topic replies
Fans forum
Added January 19, 2009
One of 1177 topic replies
Fans forum
Added January 19, 2009
One of 34 topic replies
General forum
Re: What is your greatest accomplishment in a video game?

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... I beat both Halos on ..."
Added January 18, 2009
One of 48 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Bf/Gf

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Good for ..."
Added January 18, 2009
One of 1177 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Post a Picture of Yourself!

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... My friend is unfortunately moving ..."
Added January 17, 2009
One of 617 topic replies
Fans forum
Added January 17, 2009
One of 1177 topic replies
Fans forum
Added January 16, 2009
One of 134 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Do you believe in God or evolution?

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... I believe in ..."
Added January 15, 2009
One of 363 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: The Perfect actor for Boba Fett

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... A hispanic ..."
Added January 14, 2009
One of 70 topic replies
General forum
Re: Music That Makes You Happy

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... I have recently discovered the ..."
Added January 14, 2009
One of 33 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Which State/Province?

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Hell you could take some ..."
Added December 27, 2008
One of 123 topic replies
Fans forum
Added December 24, 2008
One of 50 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Most anticipated 2009 movie

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... One day the world will ..."
Added December 24, 2008
One of 16 topic replies
Fans forum
Added December 23, 2008
One of 478 topic replies
General forum
Re: Which State/Province?

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... One of my ..."
Added December 23, 2008
One of 123 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Which State/Province?

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Lower 5th ring of ..."
Added December 22, 2008
One of 123 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: What do you do when you're not on BFFC?

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Congratulations ..."
Added December 21, 2008
One of 198 topic replies
Fans forum
Added December 21, 2008
One of 1177 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Bf/Gf

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Well ..."
Added December 20, 2008
One of 1177 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Post a Picture of Yourself!

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Your hair is a ..."
Added December 18, 2008
One of 617 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Bf/Gf

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Kick him in the ..."
Added December 18, 2008
One of 1177 topic replies
Fans forum
Added December 15, 2008
One of 38 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Music That Makes You Happy

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... No Giving Up by ..."
Added December 12, 2008
One of 33 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Christmas 2008

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Oh my that was terribly ..."
Added December 11, 2008
One of 50 topic replies
Fans forum
Added December 11, 2008
One of 6 topic replies
Role Playing forum
Re: Bf/Gf

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Very ..."
Added December 11, 2008
One of 1177 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Christmas 2008

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... I had never been able ..."
Added December 10, 2008
One of 50 topic replies
Fans forum
Added December 9, 2008
One of 1177 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Bf/Gf

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Very ..."
Added December 9, 2008
One of 1177 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Christmas 2008

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... I prefer the Star Wars ..."
Added December 8, 2008
One of 50 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: RPG - Battledome II: The Cleansing

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... The mismatched pair straggled their ..."
Added December 7, 2008
One of 204 topic replies
Role Playing forum
Added December 4, 2008
One of 617 topic replies
Fans forum
Added December 3, 2008
One of 204 topic replies
Role Playing forum
Re: Christmas 2008

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... Winter break starts in two ..."
Added December 2, 2008
One of 50 topic replies
Fans forum
Re: Family Emergency

Post by AvatarSciFifreak90

Excerpt: "... I feel for you ..."
Added December 1, 2008
One of 45 topic replies
Fans forum
Added November 20, 2008
One of 617 topic replies
Fans forum
Added November 20, 2008
One of 1263 topic replies
General forum
Added November 18, 2008
One of 51 topic replies
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