December 2, 2015 5:56 pm # super20580 wrote:Hey everybody i just joined, and this site is pretty cool.
I want everybody who plays goodgame empire to know my is the same as here: super20580
Join my alliance, or don't.
I don't care too much. Sorry the empire part is off topic, but you know there has been rumors that a Boba Fett movie will come out before like 2019, so thats cool. Can you have friends in this? Just asking.
Haven't played Goodgame Empire, but thanks for sharing!
We're definitely aware of all the rumors, while being cautious of what's serious versus what's gossip. See for more.
Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 2, 2015 5:58 pm # deathrovers666 wrote:Hi all new to site just wanted to introduce myself and say hello
I'm from England goes without saying big fett head and sw fan two tattoos of fett and big Lego nut
Welcome aboard! Glad to have you here!
Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 2, 2015 5:59 pm # BobaFett91 wrote:Greetings everyone, I´m also a newcomer and it´s cool to be a part of this. I´m from Germany and I just started to get more into Boba, gonna focus primarily on comics.
Welcome! Which are some of your favorite comics? (See for our database of them all.)
Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 5, 2015 12:32 pm # Been a fan since the late 1980s. Been visiting this site since the late 1990s.
December 11, 2015 11:20 pm # Jedi Hunter, fantastic! Glad to hear you're such a long time Boba Fett (and Boba Fett Fan Club) fan!
Founder/Editor, BFFC
January 9, 2016 2:47 pm # Hi, I just signed up. I'm not really sure what to say, but I did want to make myself known. It looks like such a nice community here and a super cool place to hang out.
Ask me about my trashy Star Wars opinions if you want to feel better about yourself.
January 10, 2016 5:49 pm # TheGreatAllie wrote:Hi, I just signed up. I'm not really sure what to say, but I did want to make myself known. It looks like such a nice community here and a super cool place to hang out.
Welcome, TheGreatAllie! Glad to have you here.
Founder/Editor, BFFC
January 13, 2016 7:57 am # Just joined a day ago. Happy to be party of this fan club and show off my personal collection.
January 18, 2016 10:52 pm # hello! i am new here and i need help. i am a SUPER BIG FAN of boba fett!
January 19, 2016 7:57 am # Bobafettfangirl101 wrote:hello! i am new here and i need help. i am a SUPER BIG FAN of boba fett!
Bobafettfangirl101, welcome! How can we help you?
Founder/Editor, BFFC
January 19, 2016 7:58 am # Kyrobyte wrote:Just joined a day ago. Happy to be party of this fan club and show off my personal collection.
Kyrobyte, glad you joined! Feel free to start a new topic in our Collectibles forum and post some photos!
Founder/Editor, BFFC
January 30, 2016 5:07 am # Hi Fetts! Just joined tonight (down under time). I seriously cannot believe how much Boba Fett related stuff there is for a character who didn't feature much. What an impact!! Here's to believing Boba Fett is still alive and that his original voice should never be replaced! This is awesome:D
February 8, 2016 7:09 pm # Does anyone know what SW book Boba Fett breaks former Chief of New Republic Daala out of prison?
“Whoever angers you, owns you.”
February 17, 2016 8:19 pm # Hey All,
Just registered and want to stop by and say "Hey!"
February 17, 2016 9:08 pm # GedtheRed wrote:Hi Fetts! Just joined tonight (down under time).
Welcome GettheRed! Couldn't agree with you more about the voice and hoping he's alive in the new canon!
MandaloreRising wrote:Does anyone...?
Welcome to BFFC, MandaloreRising! Glad to have you here. For broad questions like that, try creating a new topic instead of this one, which is just for welcomes. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a private message. :-)
briandteel wrote:Just registered and want to stop by and say "Hey!"
Hey briandteel! Thanks for posting!
Founder/Editor, BFFC
February 27, 2016 8:23 am # Boba fet has always been the first Star Wars character I thought was cool thus making him my eternal favorite
Hello, I joined around a month ago and forgot to stop by and say hi!
My name is Myles and have always been a huge fan of Star Wars. I am 47 years old and I am of Maori descent. The same cultural background as Temuera Morrison who played Jango Fett.
I have been living in Melbourne,Australia for the past 6 years and a proud father of 2 children who have autism (I have named them both after Star Trek characters but don't hold that against me lol). They have always looked up to their daddy as their protector and hero. What better way to enhance that mentoring as Boba Fett!
I have recently joined 501st Legion in Australia and plan to do a Boba Fett ROTJ build.I am hoping with my cultural background, I might be able to add authenticity to the Boba Fett character. Besides I have Temuera's kiwi accent. I do hope I don't offend anyone because I know that many like the original Boba Fett voice. I do too.
Check out this youtube video:
I have subscribed to the dented helmet which is rich with information on how to build Boba's costume. I even emailed Lucas Films and asked if they could help me fund my project. Crazy right? Yes crazy is right because as predicted "no reply" lol
Anyway, love to hear from anyone.
As you wish
KiwiFett, welcome to BFFC! Great intro and thanks for sharing your video! Nicely done.
Nycho, welcome! Glad to have you here.
Elstrophaun, hello! Thanks for the post!
Founder/Editor, BFFC
Thank you Aaron, its great to be here
BFFC Admin wrote:KiwiFett, welcome to BFFC! Great intro and thanks for sharing your video! Nicely done.
Nycho, welcome! Glad to have you here.
Elstrophaun, hello! Thanks for the post!
Greetings fellow Fett Fans. Always happy to chat about Fett stuff. I am a collector of all things Fett (Mostly ships and figures) and a massive Star Wars fan in general. I love gaming, comics, books and all sorts of other crap but I always come back to Fett.
The first time I met Jeremy which was July 2014 in London. What a great guy.
I cannot figure it out so I need some help on this one. I'm sorry for posting it on someone's topic but I can't figure out any other way. How do I start a topic?
“Whoever angers you, owns you.”
Well hey there, this is where I was sent for an introduction.
My names Kayla, and I got interested in Star Wars when my mom married my stepdad(big Star Wars fan) and then it spiraled out of control.
Boba Fett has been my favorite character for years, and I would go far enough to say that I'm in love with the man. I write fan fiction and attempt to draw but I'm not good.
Anyway, thats it.
April 12, 2016 10:33 pm # FettsJetts, very cool! Great intro and avatar. Welcome to the club!
Founder/Editor, BFFC
Can somebody please tell me how to START a topic. I'm not exactly an expert with stuff like this so I need a lot of help.
“Whoever angers you, owns you.”
April 17, 2016 10:46 pm # MandaloreRising, once logged in, when you're on any forum (e.g. General at, Fans at, etc.), there's a link that says "Post New Topic."
Founder/Editor, BFFC
Thx a lot. I've never seen that before now. Sorry. Now I feel a little dense. At least it's nothing I'm not used to. Lol
“Whoever angers you, owns you.”
MandaloreRising, no problem! Made it brighter and bolder. :-)
Founder/Editor, BFFC
Uh. I just noticed that in the list of Boba Fett books I don't think you have Star Wars Fate of the Jedi Conviction. I'm reading the book and he appeared in the middle to rescue former Chief of State Daala. Thought you should know
“Whoever angers you, owns you.”
HI !! I m Kitana Ronin former T,ora Ronin as my Mandalorian babe character concept design
Im new here and I m eager to learn from all this creative community of artist who love this wonderful world of cosplay
I wld luv hear from your opinions about my humble costume ;made out of foam ,pvc, recyclable stuffs ,paper mache,and even the guns were made out od compressed cardboard .
I hv been wearing my costume proudly those last 3 years in my secrets halloween sexcapades to Lincoln Rd lolololo and yet my Armor catch many eyes!!;););););) and tons of people want to Snap wt me. I wld like to improve my skills to work a new PROJECT ARMOR with better materials with more high performance ,longlasting and a very accurate professional finish
I m all open ears !!!
And THANK U VER MUCH you guys from BFFC for accepting me as new member
Hello fans! - Yep, I'm a real live person, who is just recovering my identity and memory, (in the last 3.5 years, more each day), after a lifetime of severe dissociative amnesia. This was due to excessive trauma, from growing up, and serving in Special Forces. I learned this by having my DNA tested and my ancestry traced, to confirm all I had written down. Then, I discover that 4 foundations were started in my real name, so that I can use the processes that healed me, to help other trauma survivors / veterans, which is truly critical work. Most of all, the way you fans are SOOOOO passionate about Star Wars, (based on our real story!), makes me want to be alive, in all of our worlds, no matter what I have to remember. And, THANK YOU, EVERYONE, SO VERY MUCH! HUGS to you, from Princess Leia Lucas, (* right here on planet earth, in CA).
hi. i am new around here.
hey guys. just joined. this is already awesome
August 2, 2016 11:32 pm # MandaloreRising, thanks! Adding the book now. Much appreciated!
KitanaRonin69, welcome! Please share your progress in a thread in the "Creative" forum! Looking forward to it!
PrincessLeia, glad to have you here! Thanks for the introduction!
zielo, hello! Welcome aboard!
mando27, woo-hoo! Awesome avatar!
Founder/Editor, BFFC
Hey just joined super stoked to be here!!!!
August 17, 2016 10:12 pm # germeny wrote:Hey just joined super stoked to be here!!!!
germeny, welcome!
Founder/Editor, BFFC
October 17, 2016 12:34 am # What's up everyone just join today and excited to be a part of something so cool. I also wanted to thank BFFC again for posting my mythosaur skull mask I made. I've gotten a awesome response from everyone. Thank you
rosyprop77 (Instagram)
ROSY PROPS and cosplay (Facebook)
December 27, 2016 7:07 am # Hey guys I am new just saying BOBA FETT IS BAD ASS MAN!
January 1, 2017 5:27 am # Hello. Boba fett has been my all time favorite Star wars charectar since 1980 with the empire strikes back film. With the return of Star Wars films and the new Han Solo movie I anticipate we will once again see Boba Fett on screen. Aside from being a Star Wars collector I paint acrylics and wall murals and have some Fett paintings in my archives I hope to share. Thank you.
January 13, 2017 4:59 pm # Hi,
I have a Casio MQ 1 for sale on Ebay, item nr. 132060745702
Regards, Giuseppe.
January 14, 2017 10:14 pm # This website is so awesome and Boba Fett definitely deserves to be featured more in the new Star Wars films... no Sarlacc Pit can keep a hunter like Boba down... he is blue and grey like a one man civil war.
Check out my art work here - inspired by our favourite hunter.

January 14, 2017 10:56 pm # RosyProps77, welcome! Glad you're here after we featured 'ya on social media!
TheprimeWolf09, agreed! Thanks for joining!
Clarkart, awesome! Please share your paintings on either the Fans forum or the Creative forum here!
zappaglione, very nice. Thanks for the heads up!
Whitehawk, sweet! Great artwork! Thanks for being here!
Founder/Editor, BFFC
January 14, 2017 11:22 pm # No problem :D I've been coming here for 6 months so thought I might join up. Keep up the great work man. Love the music - my favs are "I AM BOBA FETT" by Rocket Romano, "Bad,Bad Boba Fett" and "Ballad of Boba Fett".
January 22, 2017 6:10 pm # Hello There!
My name is Dino (Dee-no).
Many great friends on this board may know me by the name....True Warrior or TW, from my old profile on this forum board many many years ago.
I love this site so much along with all of the awesome nerds I've met on here along the way. I'm also glad more and more people join this amazing group every day.
Thanks for having me. ;)
January 22, 2017 6:10 pm # Hello There!
My name is Dino (Dee-no).
Many great friends on this board may know me by the name....True Warrior or TW, from my old profile on this forum board many many years ago.
I love this site so much along with all of the awesome nerds I've met on here along the way. I'm also glad more and more people join this amazing group every day.
Thanks for having me. ;)
January 23, 2017 5:57 pm # 
Just something for Valentine's Day since that's the next holiday. Except with our boy in it. lol But anyway...Hi everyone! Delaware checking in here! I was very happy to see there's a Boba Fett fan club out there. I love Boba! :o) I'm looking fwd to catching up!
February 8, 2017 8:54 pm # I cannot figure out how to pull up all my other posts. it has been forever since I have been on here and I used to be able to do that but now I've totally forgotten. Sorry to bother you, can you help?
“Whoever angers you, owns you.”
Hello :)
I'm Mahiyana from Poland and I'm really happy to be here :D I hope that I'll learn a lot about Boba Fett and meet amazing people!
I draw Boba Fett from time to time. You can see my doodles on my deviantArt if you want ;)
If you have any tips on how to use this board I'd be happy to read them. For example is there an easy way to fing out whether someone replied to my post?
Find my art on :)
Mahiyana wrote:If you have any tips on how to use this board I'd be happy to read them. For example is there an easy way to fing out whether someone replied to my post?
Mahiyana, welcome! Love your Easter Eggs. We've featured them on the site before!
Great question about replies. The only built-in tool we have is to subscribe to a topic. So if you create a new topic all about your work, then subscribing to it would give you e-mails whenever someone adds to it.
Founder/Editor, BFFC