yes jango, could fight off a rancor with his bare hands
Topic: Jango: Worthy to be a Fett?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
399 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestyes jango, could fight off a rancor with his bare hands
I'm not so sure. After his fight with Obi Wan on Kamino (in which he lost one of his pistols) SURELY he had a spare laying around Slave I. A GOOD bounty hunter always has backup weapons. He's obviously just been followed by ONE Jedi to Mustafar that he thinks he killed. A GOOD bounty hunter would never assume that others aren't going to come after the first one. He'd make sure he didn't step foot outside of his ship unless he was operating at 100% per usual, especially with his son to protect at his side at the Confederate meeting planet there. It just seems foolhardy that he'd go launching into the middle of the Geonosis Arena with only one dinky little pistol, when EVERYONE knows Jango's gimmick was overwhelming jetii with a a barrage of blaster bolts because even a lightsaber can't be everywhere at all times. Eventually their defenses will leave a weakness expose. He finished off Coleman Trebor by, I won't say luck, but clearly caught him off guard because he was going to attack Dooku.
I just think watching Mandalore Jango Fett do something so foolish like that almost makes me want to say "well, serves you right."
I think that he made the stupidest move ever by diving to try and get Mace's lightsaber, when he could have just shot him. Mace was defenseless. Duh. A stupid end to a great bounty hunter.
I think that he made the stupidest move ever by diving to try and get Mace's lightsaber, when he could have just shot him. Mace was defenseless. Duh. A stupid end to a great bounty hunter.
True, a lot of his moves do not make sense.
It's not his fault, it's just that Mr. Lucas can never think of good ways for great characters to die.
Vader/Emperor had great Deaths, as did Piett, Grand Moff Tarkin, Jabba the Hutt
Yup, George made the call that only his favorite characters should get epic send-offs... His choice, but sucks for us
Yes, he was the perfekt Bounty Hunter... After his death, Boba Fett became a great Bounty Hunter, just like Jango Fett... but a little bit more...
Kinda, 1 reason yea is because he created the clone army. Then we wouldn't have Capt. Rex. He's kinda a girly, girl because he doesen't take care of his kid. If I were Boba I would check his drivers perement and TAZZER his skinny butt. Where's Mandalore when you need him.
uuuummmmmmmmm.......... jango kinda was the last Mandalore before the Legacy era if memory serves.
*snip* as did Piett, *snip*
I spit out my coffee as I read that. are you serious?
―Goran Beviin
uuuummmmmmmmm.......... jango kinda was the last Mandalore before the Legacy era if memory serves.
Boba Fett and Fenn Shysa are both Mandalore after Jango
BFFC therealmccoy wrote:*snip* as did Piett, *snip*
I spit out my coffee as I read that. are you serious?
I would consider an A-Wing careening into the bridge of a Super-class Star Destroyer capitol ship and it slamming into the surface of the Death Star in a MASSIVE explosion a cool death, especially compared to all of the crappy deaths in the rest of the movies.
Another good death = Qui Gon Jinn
went out fighting like a champ
Only because he was Liam Neeson.
at least i cant think of the top of my head anyone who went the cheap, crappy way- getting shot in the back when they went paying attention. stormtroopers don't count
―Goran Beviin
Ralin Drakus wrote:uuuummmmmmmmm.......... jango kinda was the last Mandalore before the Legacy era if memory serves.
Boba Fett and Fenn Shysa are both Mandalore after Jango
Fenn never took that level of control as I understood it. He was A leader, but not THE leader I thought; maybe I misheard. And true that on Boba, I remembered him but I was thinking he Was in the Legacy Era; forgot that he's prior. What 'Era' is that part of his EU considered part of anyway?
BFFC therealmccoy wrote:Ralin Drakus wrote:uuuummmmmmmmm.......... jango kinda was the last Mandalore before the Legacy era if memory serves.
Boba Fett and Fenn Shysa are both Mandalore after Jango
Fenn never took that level of control as I understood it. He was A leader, but not THE leader I thought; maybe I misheard. And true that on Boba, I remembered him but I was thinking he Was in the Legacy Era; forgot that he's prior. What 'Era' is that part of his EU considered part of anyway?
Fenn was Mandalore (a lot of it was retconned recently, so he basically took over after Jango until his death when Boba took over). It is referenced in Order 66 as well as later in the Legacy of the Force novels.
as far as what era of the EU we're at currently in the NJO and LOTF novels, I'm not sure, new jedi order maybe?
Ahhh, I see. Makes sense.
The older info that I'd heard was that he shyed away from taking that level of responcibility; he didn't see himself as big enough to fill the role, and that the Mandalorians were pretty much leaderless between Jango and Boba *not counting the clone that led Fenn and the others against the Republic during the Clone Wars - and it's actually after Him that Fenn would have taken over right? or has that piece of the EU been thrown out now as well? I've honestly lost all track of where most of this stuff now stands...*sigh**
I still hold true to my first story of Boba Fett that I read, in which Jango was never mentioned. I think it was Tales of the Bounty Hunters??
I still hold true to my first story of Boba Fett that I read, in which Jango was never mentioned. I think it was Tales of the Bounty Hunters??
ya...cept that's not correct anymore heh
plus it was just a 'tales' and those aren't really regarded as canon, just short stories
I guess the Bounty Hunter Wars series doesn't have that much backstory in it either, at least from what I remember...
So is what Lucas says 'true' now? Or is there something better?
The 'What is Canon' tree for Star Wars, as I've followed it, flows like this:
There are the Movies: What happens in them is utterly, unquestionably true
Then, there is the EU, which includes cartoons, novels, comics, TV specials, games, and probably a half dozen other elements that I can't think of off the top of my head. Their canon status is supposed to be fairly solid, but Lucas himself steps all over them from time to time as the urge pleases him. So that being said, NONE of it is 100% set in stone.
However, I personally choose to label the EU from most canon to least in this order:
Starting with Most Canon -
1. The novels
then several levels down -
2. The comcis
3. Material shown on TV like the Clone Wars cartoons etc.
4. Games
And all of it is viewed with a critical eye. That's just how I've followed it
If you do a search on wookiepedia for 'canon' there's a really good article on George Lucas canon and the order of things.
Jango's totally worthy hes alot better. If he had a giant scratchthrough the middle of his armor.
Well, quite honestly I think that Jango was a great man. The way that he cared after his son, and taught him how to succeed in life, while at the same time only giving him enough so that he had to work for things and figure out by experience, to me, that is the best teaching. Although I am not in entire agreement with Jango's decision to let Count Dooku use his genes to create the Clone Army, I can see where he is coming from. Count Dooku told him that these clones would end up being instrumental in the destruction and annihilation of the Jedi, and since Jango hated them so much for the death of his parents and the wiping out of the Mandalorian culture, I can sympathize with him. I think that Jango deserves more respect than he gets, and that he is quite worthy of being Boba's father. But then again, that is just my humble opinion.
I say yea. Jango is totally worthy. He's different than the others, but he's worthy of being a Fett. He did all kinds of stuff.
... Sorry... I do tend to over react... lol.
Ahhh, I see. Makes sense.
The older info that I'd heard was that he shyed away from taking that level of responcibility; he didn't see himself as big enough to fill the role, and that the Mandalorians were pretty much leaderless between Jango and Boba *not counting the clone that led Fenn and the others against the Republic during the Clone Wars - and it's actually after Him that Fenn would have taken over right? or has that piece of the EU been thrown out now as well? I've honestly lost all track of where most of this stuff now stands...*sigh**
Yeah after Spar gives up the position Fenn tries to convince Fi, and Sull to fill the role but they refuse so Fenn takes the role temporarily until Boba is older or something
and to answer the topic I'd say for sure he's worthy, aside from the dumb death in the movie he still had some impressive accomplishments
As for answering the topic, I would first like to say that I have not read all of the responses because I'm just too damn busy, so if someone already said this, then sorry!
I think if there were as many stories/books/comics about Jango as there are about Boba, we would feel like he's more "worthy" of the Fett name. How would you feel if you discovered that Jango actually survived Geonosis (like Boba survived the sarlacc?)
And as for the shiny armor, I think that his armor was shiny because he was like the poster boy for the clone army... I dunno.
But, that said, I still think Boba is much MUCH more awesome. Boba would not have gotten himself offed at Geonosis. He is much more cunning than Jango.
Why does boba fett have to die it sucks. Havent you noticed both fetts die because of their jetpacks. I'm not a fan of jango imean he's ok but boba is freakin amazing :cool:
actually, boba doesn't officially die. GL even confirmed the sarlacc escape.
It's clear by now that not everyone has the fondest feelings towards Jango Fett. If you're one of those who hates him, explain why. Or, if you think he's great, tell us why he's worthy to be Boba's father.
Jango was what he was; Check out that old Gamecube video game "Bounty Hunter" and it really filled in the 'gaps' of his history pre-"Attack Of The Clones" era.
You had typed: 'worthy to be Boba's father'? -Being a clone, Boba Fett in essence was Jango Fett (other than having an individual mind set) and everyone that knows Star Wars knows that!
As for answering the topic, I would first like to say that I have not read all of the responses because I'm just too damn busy, so if someone already said this, then sorry!
I think if there were as many stories/books/comics about Jango as there are about Boba, we would feel like he's more "worthy" of the Fett name. How would you feel if you discovered that Jango actually survived Geonosis (like Boba survived the sarlacc?)
And as for the shiny armor, I think that his armor was shiny because he was like the poster boy for the clone army... I dunno.
But, that said, I still think Boba is much MUCH more awesome. Boba would not have gotten himself offed at Geonosis. He is much more cunning than Jango.
With respect, I believe the last sentence is an oversimplification. There are uncontrollable factors in combat- that's why, in real life, even the deadliest Special Forces soldiers get killed. Secondly, for someone "much more cunning" than Jango, Boba gets offed pretty shamefully in ROTJ.
I love Jango Fett. I really do. I even resurrect him in more than one of my RP plots, and have him as a spirit in some of my fanfics. x3
My boyfriend and I have a running joke where one of my characters refers to Jango Fett as 'Shiny.' He actually refuses to call him Jango, and it's hilarious.
As for if he is worthy to be Boba's father? That, my friends, is something only Boba Fett himself should be allowed to state for certain, one way or another. Boba held his father in high esteem, according to the comics. I believe he would say that Jango was worthy, and thus, shall defend his point of view on the man.
Jango is more then worthy to be Boba's father. Without him Boba wouldn't be half as good of a bounty hunter as he was. Jango also fathered and help instruct the best army in the galaxy. He was the best bounty hunter of his time.
It's clear by now that not everyone has the fondest feelings towards Jango Fett. If you're one of those who hates him, explain why. Or, if you think he's great, tell us why he's worthy to be Boba's father.
proboly cuz if wazent 4 him boba would not hav armour training anything.
My grandfather Jango Fett taught my Father everything he needed to know to make it in the galaxy, as the best bounty hunter ever. Even I today am still being taught by my Father Boba Fett the special techniques of being a bounty and mandalorian, I am truly grateful to be a Fett.

My grandfather Jango Fett taught my Father everything he needed to know to make it in the galaxy, as the best bounty hunter ever. Even I today am still being taught by my Father Boba Fett the special techniques of being a bounty and mandalorian, I am truly grateful to be a Fett.
Welcome to the boards, Tetris Fett! You may especially enjoy posting/reading/replying on our "Role Playing" forum.
Is it bad that I like them both the same? I'm really into the whole Mandalorian fandom. I really like the culture, people, customs, and their battles. And the fact that Jango Fett was once one of these warriors before he became a bounty hunter is so cool to me. I'm not downplaying Boba Fett's part in the galaxy however, I enjoy reading about him in the comics like Star Wars Tales and Twin Engines of Destruction, not to mention books like the Bounty Hunter Wars. They are both really cool characters (hands down my favorites in all of the star wars fandom) and I like them about the same. Okay, maybe I like Boba a little more... :P

Welcome to BFFC, Ridyx_Ordo! Very cool avatar you added there.
Love your rationale for Boba being up there or better than Jango -- great examples! -- but this topic is just about Jango being worthy. What are your thoughts on that?
Well even though it is Expanded Universe, I still think it holds true, in the Open Seasons comics the writers show how Jango survived after being captured and traded off to slavers when the Jedi killed his Mandalorian brothers. The whole ordeal is a testament to Jango's worthiness.
There's also a more canon example with his fight with Obi-Wan-Kenobi. I am willing to call that fight a draw, though it could have gone much differently had Jango possessed the element of surprise. The fact that Jango was able to go toe to toe with a powerful Jedi Knight such as Obi-Wan further adds to his worthiness.
Still though, I wish Lucas hadn't killed him off like he did. It was such a cheap way to go, after all of the comics I've read and the games I've played such as Bounty Hunter for Playstation 2
jango is a fett. FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gang is half of the reason the empire is so strong. ( If you didn't know, after the clone wars the clones of Jango followed orders of Sidious to become troops of the Galactic Empire.) All Though, he practically let Mace Windu kill him. I mean don't just stand there! USE YOUR JETPACK!
Funny thing about Jango here i was watching my father play the Witcher and he helped a bounty hunter name "Danjo Frett"
Jango is definitely worthy to be a Fett but I of course don't like him near as much as I like Boba. I still think that Jango could've had a better look like with the all-white armor.
It's clear by now that not everyone has the fondest feelings towards Jango Fett. If you're one of those who hates him, explain why. Or, if you think he's great, tell us why he's worthy to be Boba's father.
I'm a agreeing
Hell yeah!!! Of course he is!! What kind of question is that? (A SILLY one!) ;-)
(Sighs fondly) I could go on about this ALL day! ;-) He's a badass. (I DON'T care what the canon says about him.) He was a very complicated man. He was one of Mandalore's greatest leaders. His backstory always gets me in the feels. I've always found him intriguing since I first saw him in Attack of the Clones. And his DNA created the most badass Clone army and the future badass No. 1 bounty hunter in the galaxy. His relationship with his son (sighs fondly) always gets me in the feels too. And might I say, Jango was not just Boba's buir (Mando'a for "father), he was his jatne'buir ("best father). For all these reasons, Boba should be both honored and proud of his heritage. ;-)
It's clear by now that not everyone has the fondest feelings towards Jango Fett. If you're one of those who hates him, explain why. Or, if you think he's great, tell us why he's worthy to be Boba's father.