Topic: Waves from Europe!

Note: this topic was started 9 years ago.

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Topic #4333
AvatarLoki OP
January 29, 2016 4:03 pm (Edited January 29, 2016 04:04 pm) #

Heylo ; I'm new to this site! =] I do love this character Boba ~
I will try to figure this place out . . but in advance apology if I am a bit lost at first.

Well, a little about me~:
I go by the name Loki, I'm living & workin' in London ; My passions is to travel. I love film, music, languages, playing Battlefront ** I am nearly rank 50, yeahh ; which I am pretty impress consider this is my first computer game ever ; I hope to play more of Star Wars games . . like, this Bounty Hunter game I keep hear about **, shopping, going to the pub, addiction to Starbucks, and obsessing over the things I love ; oh yas ~
I love me some Darth Vader and Boba Fett; I grew up with the Star Wars and this is something will never go; =3

The image of my Boba top from Forbidden Planet ; It's pretty nice, no?
I have some bits and bobs of things ; Boba-related and Star Wars-related in general.
It's nice to have some trinket ! !
Glad to be here ; Let's bountyy <3

January 29, 2016 4:22 pm #

Loki, very cool! Thanks for the intro -- glad to have you here!

Founder/Editor, BFFC
AvatarLoki OP
January 29, 2016 5:55 pm #
BFFC Admin wrote:

Loki, very cool! Thanks for the intro -- glad to have you here!

Cheers ;
I'm glad to be here . . I didn't even know of this site until recently D=

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