I've been kind of remiss in posting some of the neat Fett items I've been finding on the internet that are coming out this Fall. I blame it on work and the Star Trek Online game that one of my buddies got me addicted to playing. I've never been a big PC gamer, always preferred the console stuff, but this has actually got me looking forward to when the Old Republic game comes out next year.
Anyway, on to the Bounty for this Fall.
We obviously have the Addidas shoes coming out that were on the main page news.
Something I hadn't seen advertised before was a new leather Boba Fett wallet that Star Wars Shop is putting out later this month.
[img]http://www.entertainmentearth.com/images/%5CAUTOIMAGES%5CAMSWTLTD100Alg.jpg" alt="" style="max-width:100%;" />
The second is called "Carbonite is Forever" by Cliff Chiang. These came out and were being sold at Celebration 5, earlier this year.
Then there's "Mr. Fett" by John Alvin
One I really like is called "Fett's Prize" by William Silvers
Another neat little item is a set of coasters that uses some previously released art use for the Force Unleashed series of figures.
We saw some images of an unpainted version of Kotobukiya's new ART FX Boba Fett figure earlier this year at Comic Con. Looks like this also has an expected October shipping date.
I actually found this new t-shirt design at the Base Exchange (BX) out here on the Air Force base I'm at in Korea. I couldn't believe they actually sold some cool clothes there. Haven't found it for sale on any websites yet, but since the BX is kind of like a military version of a Wal-Mart or Target, I'm guessing you might be able to find one of these at one of those stores, or maybe a JC Penny's or the like.
[img]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm72/Sadriel_Fett_Collection/Fett%20Collection%202/DSC02922.jpg" alt="" style="max-width:100%;" />
A new snap-tite model of the Slave 1. I'm pretty sure this is just a re-release of the older Slave 1 model they had out in the mid 90's.
An honorable mention. I'm not sure if this poster is actually available for sale, or if it was just done as a gift by artist Spencer Brinkerhoff III for the guys at the Mint in Box seller table at this year's Celebration V. I actually found this by accident, linked to someone's Facebook page. But it's still pretty cool. The fact it's signed by both Fett's is even better. If anyone can find out if these prints are for sale, please post it on here.
It's titled "The Collector."
[img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs353.ash2/63313_10150092704594676_735914675_7381072_7383687_n.jpg" alt="" style="max-width:100%;" />
The Mint in Box website :
Anyone here speak French? Becauase I don't see an English translated version of the website on there.
Enjoy and good luck hunting.