I am waiting for this MMO I think since Bioware made it it will be better than the sucky Starwars galaxy game. Thats the game where anyone can be a Jedi.
Topic: The Old Republic
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
63 posts
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Can't believe this topic is dead. So, is anyone playing this awesome game?
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."

So, how many of you put in a help ticket when you went to go speak to Mandalore the Vindicated and realized they misspelled his name?
Come on....I know some of you did.
And just when you thought there might not be a Fett in the game....just go to Taris.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."

Haha, nice commentary Sadriel. And this second screenshot is a TOR Fett, huh?
Very Nice! I'm bumming a character slot from my roomie (I'm considering it part of his rent :P ), and absolutely love it!
This has finally come out in Australia. I just need a faster internet connection now...
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I know its been almost three years, but I want to revive this topic for a couple of reasons.
1. I know that the game is still being played and has recently received some rather massive updates and changes.
2. I feel like this thread would be a great place to share the names of characters other BFFC members have if they wish to work together in-game. I know that I have PLENTY of trouble defeating bosses.

What server are you on? My guild is currently on the Jedi Covenant server (East Coast-PVE). We have our main guild (The Widowmakers) and then another that I run with (Meatshield) on there.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I play on the server Ebon Hawk, I believe its a RP server. I do not currently have any bounty hunter class characters though. I have a Imperial Agent and a Soldier.

Karson, while Sadriel is still an active member, know that his last reply there is from last year. He might respond, but he might not. Maybe Sadriel is still playing the game and you can find him given the info he left?
Really? On my screen the date says 2015 next to his message. I normally don't reply to anything that old...

Really? On my screen the date says 2015 next to his message. I normally don't reply to anything that old...
Oops! My mistake. You are completely right.