yeah i thought that jawa's were ghost's with a robe on, it kind of scared me at first but
Topic: What misconceptions of Star Wars did you have as a kid?
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
117 posts
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I thought the Jawas were a group of kids who'd all ran away from home. :P
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i had it for a loooooong time....honestly, i was like 8 when i finally learned that truth... That was a tough one for me....when i was little, i thought they were kinda scary looking.
{MW} MS9
lol yeah, especially when they made those stupid little noises. :lol:
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lol yeah, especially when they made those stupid little noises. :lol:
Dude, me and my friend in ohio, whenever we get together we go running around yelling "Mutini!!!!" for absolutley no pupose, just cause we think it sounds funny.("Mutini" is the sound the jawa's make which we think means come on or something like that.)
{MW} MS9
It's "ootini", and it means sorta the same thing as saying, "Go! Come on!"
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yep....same thing i said..... i guess it is spelled ootini....yeah that sounds right.
{MW} MS9
During Lukes training in ESB when he confronts the apiration of Darth Vader I thought he realy did decapitate him. But the whole Lukes face in the Helmet thing freaked me out as kid. I was propably 7 when I saw the trilogy. Oh yeh I saw all the movies back to front so I was realy confused.
During Lukes training in ESB when he confronts the apiration of Darth Vader I thought he realy did decapitate him. But the whole Lukes face in the Helmet thing freaked me out as kid. I was propably 7 when I saw the trilogy. Oh yeh I saw all the movies back to front so I was realy confused.
I didn't understand that scene for the longest took me awhile to understand that Yoda did the whole thing too.
{MW} MS9
It's "ootini", and it means sorta the same thing as saying, "Go! Come on!"
I thought it was "Ootady! Ootady!" and I do the same thing Spy does with his friend some times, just for no apperent reason. lol
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Miba wrote:It's "ootini", and it means sorta the same thing as saying, "Go! Come on!"
I thought it was "Ootady! Ootady!" and I do the same thing Spy does with his friend some times, just for no apperent reason. lol
Have you gotten the weird looks from the "sane" people around you...where ever you, it makes us guys crack up...especially if its an older lady....they make the funniest faces
{MW} MS9
I dont do it around a lot of poeple, most of the time. But yeah, they (ESPECIALLY the old lady's :lol:) just look at you like your turning inside out or soething. Yeah........we insane poeple are totally insane. lol
True Warrior {MW}
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Jodo Outkast wrote:During Lukes training in ESB when he confronts the apiration of Darth Vader I thought he realy did decapitate him. But the whole Lukes face in the Helmet thing freaked me out as kid. I was propably 7 when I saw the trilogy. Oh yeh I saw all the movies back to front so I was realy confused.
I didn't understand that scene for the longest took me awhile to understand that Yoda did the whole thing too.
{MW} MS9
And, again, with my, probably, annoying corrections: Yoda wasn't doing it, the cave was naturally. Cause a looooong time before the OT a Sith died in the cave, and that Sith had the ability to make people see things. Like the Jedi who killed him was being manipulated into seeing several images of the Sith all around himself, and didn't know which was real at first. And sometimes people leave echos in the Force. Like in KOTOR2 when you go in the same crystal cave on Dantooine as Revan had, you get a feel of Revan even though that was years before you go there in KOTOR2. There are other places like that too. Like there's one on Ilum and you see things when you go in. I think Anakin saw an image of Darth Maul, and one of his mom. And Obi saw Darth Maul and Qui-Gon. (Anakin's and Obi's visions were on Ilum, btw) And Luke goes back to the cave years after ROTJ and he sees another vision in the Dagobah cave.
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I thought that when Darth Vader said "get me that ship"i thought he wanted that ship cause it was cooler than his. And that when Oola got eatin i thought she turned into a frog and Jabba ate her
I thought that when Darth Vader said "get me that ship"i thought he wanted that ship cause it was cooler than his. And that when Oola got eatin i thought she turned into a frog and Jabba ate her
interresting......and pretty funny
{MW} MS9
I called a lightsaber a lifesaver cause it does save there life!!
[color=#FF0000]{MW}-"death and destruction to our enemies!"[/color]:cool:
me to.
I called a lightsaber a lifesaver cause it does save there life!!
Read the first sentance on this topic.
My Uncle told me the following Bullplop before I saw the films.
Luke Skywalker could walk in the sky
Han Solo is Jabba The Hutt's son
Chewbacca was Han Solo's pet dog until he drank some concentrated Prune Juice causing him to have to stand on his hind legs
There is no stories between Emipire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi, Shadows was a Star Trek book/game/action figure series with a mass of spelling errors
Chewbacca has a lightsaber
Obi-Wan has a brother called Obi-Two
Darth Vader is an Alien who was born in the armor, which is really his skin.
Jabba The Hutt gets money from his Pizza Chain (Pizza Hutt)
Chewbacca is R2-D2's Father and Chewie wanted them to rule the Galaxy as Father and Droid...
Sorry I couldn't help myself
My Uncle didn't really say all of those things...
He just said 3 of them....
try not to post twice in a row....its alot like spamming, which is discouraged on here....thanx..
{MW} MS9
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I called a lightsaber a lifesaver cause it does save there life!!
Yeah, me too! I got confused sometimes though. With the candy, and the lightsabers. :D
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MandalorianSpy9 wrote:Jodo Outkast wrote:During Lukes training in ESB when he confronts the apiration of Darth Vader I thought he realy did decapitate him. But the whole Lukes face in the Helmet thing freaked me out as kid. I was propably 7 when I saw the trilogy. Oh yeh I saw all the movies back to front so I was realy confused.
I didn't understand that scene for the longest took me awhile to understand that Yoda did the whole thing too.
{MW} MS9
And, again, with my, probably, annoying corrections: Yoda wasn't doing it, the cave was naturally. Cause a looooong time before the OT a Sith died in the cave, and that Sith had the ability to make people see things. Like the Jedi who killed him was being manipulated into seeing several images of the Sith all around himself, and didn't know which was real at first. And sometimes people leave echos in the Force. Like in KOTOR2 when you go in the same crystal cave on Dantooine as Revan had, you get a feel of Revan even though that was years before you go there in KOTOR2. There are other places like that too. Like there's one on Ilum and you see things when you go in. I think Anakin saw an image of Darth Maul, and one of his mom. And Obi saw Darth Maul and Qui-Gon. (Anakin's and Obi's visions were on Ilum, btw) And Luke goes back to the cave years after ROTJ and he sees another vision in the Dagobah cave.
Yeah, in Star Wars Tales Volume 4 a person called "Minch" who looks exactly like Yoda killed the ancient sith Bfhassi (something like that) master in that cave and he is tormented by this vision until he swings and luckily gets the sith in the gut and as he is leaving he says something like "this place will be cursed forever" and his comlink is going something like "dammit Minch! why didn't you stay with us you could have gotten killed!""Ah, but I didn't"
By the way, humorbot, which three did he say
Minch Yoda is Yoda's full name in the original scripts
and he said
Luke Skywalker could walk in the sky
Chewbacca has a lightsaber
There is no stories between Emipire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi,
(The stuff about spelling errors after that was untrue too....)
I saw the OT for the first time when they rereleased them and I thought that Darth Vader was Dart Vader, of course the lifesavers thing, and i thought that Luke didnt destroy all of the Death Star and that the second Death star was what was left of the original.
as a kid watching it i always thought Darth Vader was a machine and i watched them at night so i would usually not see the end, so how was i supposed to know Vader demasks at the end lol. i always called it a Bright Saber, dont know why but thats what my parents say i said.
―Peter Griffin
Like many kids, I thought Darth Vader was a robot (it was actually my mom, who had sat through the movie many, many times with her young son, who surmised that his breathing sound was the result of some type of "iron lung" apparatus). I also thought Darth was in charge of the Empire, even over the Emperor in his appearance in Empire Strikes Back.
I didn't like that Han Solo was trying to steal Princess Leia away from Luke... little did I realize that Luke and Leia would have had some funny lookin' kids.
But the biggest let-down was when I finally admitted to myself the Lightsaber WASN'T real.
Actually, at 4 years old, I had no concept that a movie could be fiction. I thought everything really went down that way in some other galaxy, and I got gypped by being born in the Milky Way.
By the way, I remember the rumour that was spread before Attack of the Clones came out, that Boba Fett was going to be revealed as a woman. And Qui-Gonn Jinn was actually a Sith, because his body didn't dissapear when Darth Maul killed him. Never assume with Lucas.
I used to think that the wrappings Sand people wore was their actual faces. I also thought Princess Leia had no ears, and that's why she wore her hair in that "Cinnabon" style.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
I was 100% certain that Jawas were some species of mouse.
In fact, I still do think they might be rodents... eek eek.
I think that I thought that Jawas were Ewoks with hoods.
I thought Storm Troopers were robots, and i thought the millenium falcon was called the billidien falcon. In a new hope in the tie fighter versus x-wing scenes it shows a tie pilote i thought that it was vader in his pilote suit. I also thought Commander Cody was Boba Fett just working with papltine to control the clone troopers and kill the jedi...i wasnt a big star wars fan back then so i didnt really know much.
When I was a kid I thought that the Imperial troops were the good guys.
In a manner of speaking, they were.
True the troops themselves were probably good but the Empire as a whole was evil and corrupt.
Well as Obi-wan would say
"It was true, from a certain point of view"
If you believed in the empire adn followed it, the Storm troopers are the good guys. like when I played galaxies, I was on the empire and so the storm troopers were my buddies.
Hail to the King Baby!!
I thought that when Obi-Wan was killed, that was what happened when you were hit with lightsabers. So the next time someone was hit by a lightsaber, I was like hey he didn't disappear!

Heheh, these are good. I'm glad that are fresh ones still coming in! ;)
Oh! I thought of one. It's not really from when I was a good though.
Like, you know how Han smuggled Spice? Well, I always thought it was just regular old cooking spice, such as nutmeg, until I read Tales of the Bounty Hunters and there was some sort of a Spice deal going on... lol!
But before I found out it was actually a drug, I'd be like: "What's so horrible about spice??"
It still think it's kinda weird that it's a drug... XD
Heheh, these are good. I'm glad that are fresh ones still coming in! ;)
Oh! I thought of one. It's not really from when I was a good though.
Like, you know how Han smuggled Spice? Well, I always thought it was just regular old cooking spice, such as nutmeg, until I read Tales of the Bounty Hunters and there was some sort of a Spice deal going on... lol!
But before I found out it was actually a drug, I'd be like: "What's so horrible about spice??"
It still think it's kinda weird that it's a drug... XD
LOL! I thought the same thing growing up. I'd hear Threepio say "We'll be sent to the spice mines of Kessel" and I'd think to myself "Why would they make someone mine for cinammon? Can't they just pick some up at the store?"
Oh! I thought of one. It's not really from when I was a good though.
Like, you know how Han smuggled Spice? Well, I always thought it was just regular old cooking spice, such as nutmeg, until I read Tales of the Bounty Hunters and there was some sort of a Spice deal going on... lol!
But before I found out it was actually a drug, I'd be like: "What's so horrible about spice??"
It still think it's kinda weird that it's a drug... XD
For a while I thought that it was a type of ordinary spice aswell, but was illegal for some reason. It may have been called spice because the term "drug" may have been too raw at the time.
When Han Solo was on the skiff and Boba Fett was coming, I thought that Han was saying:
"Boomerang? Where?" and then I saw Boba I was thinking, that guy isn't a boomerang!
When Han Solo was on the skiff and Boba Fett was coming, I thought that Han was saying:
"Boomerang? Where?" and then I saw Boba I was thinking, that guy isn't a boomerang!
Well he sure flew like one.
Lol I used to call Light sabers... Life Savers like the candy lol..
When I was a little girl, my father took me to a mall that had a man in a Vader suit walking around for the kids. Vader also had a few Jawas tagging along. My father and I stopped for lunch (pizza I remember) and when we went back to where Vader was, the Jawas were gone. I remember chewing on my finger and asking sadly, "Where'd the Jawas go?" And Vader replied: "I ate them for lunch..." After that, I was convinced Vader was some kind of cannibal. ROTFL!!!
That's a riot, and yet.....hmmmmmmmmm......*wonders what happens to all those dead Imperial officers*
I also remember that I started to cry. My father picked me up, gave Vader a NASTY glare for making his little girl cry, then carried me out to the car.
I was impressed, my Daddy stood up to Vader. :P
Wow, Vader just got pwn't.
Oh boy. I saw ANH when i was 4. Soo many mistakes. I dont even remember back to my first reaction. All i know is, it was good. After seeing ESB and Jedi, i thought i knew all about star wars there was to know. When episode 1 came out, i thought that the trade federation was the empire in the early stages, so this is the way i figured it.
Battle Droids= newb stormtroopers
Those huge-o landing ships that went to naboo, i figured they were star destroyers from the stone age.
And the trade federation ships were early versions of the death star.
that was what was in my book.
And then, attack of the clones came out. So then i figured it out the right way.
clone trooper= stormtrooper
republic star cruiser= stardestroyer
no death star, but its a WIP at that time.
Fettish that has to be the best one so far :) lol.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
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