Topic: [NEWS] Lawrence Kasdan "Scoop" Alongside Rumored Boba Fett Film Hits Blogosphere Again

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Topic #4179
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June 12, 2014 7:48 am #

Here's another recap of the latest from the rumor mill. Take one movie blog called Schmoes Know. Add one anonymous and seemingly random informant. Mix with thousands of followers on social media to re-tweet and re-post. And, without a doubt, you'll have a boatload of hits for your website's advertisers -- and enjoy the buzz when picked up by Nerdist, Indie Wire, Screen Rant, MovieWeb, Comic Universe, et cetera...

Now, we love discussing rumors but we won't pretend they are facts until we have confirmation. We here at the Boba Fett Fan Club -- established online in 1996 -- believe in journalistic integrity and point out facts from fiction. When we broke news of the cinematographer who is shooting Episode 7, we informed many other websites (not one like their alleged informant), we stood by our headline 100%, and we provided a whole lot of follow-up facts to our article. It's unclear why there are so many rumors lately that skip over this key part of quality journalism: the definition of the word confirmation.

The site in question's hot scoop addresses most of the well-known confirmations and rumors (which we independently document at the bottom of this article). But this blog buries their own informant's actual information amid their own theories, such as the story may follow novels from the 1990's, Tales of the Bounty Hunters, specifically the short story The Last One Standing written by Daniel Keys Moran. Now, we've done this (see here, here, here, here, and here), but clearly under the framework of theories and ideas.

Along with their headline ending in literally the punctuation ??!!, this tells us there's less credibility for this rumor, even though it follows up two rumors we heard in January 2014. Maybe they're spot-on and this is accurate, but we're not convinced by their reportage. There also isn't anything new in the article, but just touting that they believe (via an unnamed informant) that Kasdan is indeed the writer of the still rumored, stand-alone Boba Fett film.

Kasdan, who penned both Empire and replaced the initial writer for Star Wars Episode 7, was first mentioned twice by separate places back in January 2014 -- and nothing has come up since then. First, it was a director mentioning him on a webcast that he knew for certain that Kasdan was writing a script. Then, another site said they knew what the script was about: revising the whole Episode 2 storyline and pushing a Western themed storyline. Here in this latest scoop, there's no new information at all -- it's literally an affirmation piece, although void of any authoritative or tangible evidence.

Still to this day, there is still zero official confirmation of a Boba Fett film.


Here is our own recap of what Boba Fett-specific <span style=background:green; color:#fff;]confirmations</span> and rumors have come at what time and from where:

[*]February 5, 2013:<br/>Less than a week after announcing Episode 7, the official Star Wars website <span style=background:green; color:#fff;]confirmed</span> there will be two spin-off films. No mention of Boba Fett. Here is their announcement.[/*]
[*]February 6, 2013:<br/>In an Entertainment Weekly post by senior writer Anthony Breznican -- headlined as an exclusive -- the article confidently opened about learning that one spin-off film is about Boba Fett. We reported this in Boba Fett Feature Film Update. Later in the same article, they postulate if these films will happen. No follow-up information was given to further confirm that Entertainment Weekly had a legitimate exclusive scoop.[/*]
[*]September 12, 2013:<br/>Variety reports that Disney CFO Jay Rasul <span style=background:green; color:#fff;]confirmed</span> on an investor conference call that we'll see origin stories in these spin-off films. We reported this in Would Boba Fett’s Origin Story Make a Great Feature Film? No mention of Boba Fett.[/*]
[*]September 16, 2013:<br/>Nuke The Fridge posted that the origin films would be about Han Solo and Boba Fett. But they cited a February 2013 article on MovieWeb, which was also missing any evidence. We reported this in Origin Fett Film Still Not Confirmed, Despite 'Nuke' Post. Nuke The Fridge later retracted on their use of the word confirmed.[/*]
[*]January 2, 2014:<br/>Filmmaker Jon Schnepp spoke during a marathon YouTube event that Lawrence Kasdan is for a fact writing a Boba Fett spin-off film. We reported this in AMC Movie Talk Guest Jon Schnepp 'Knows For a Fact' Boba Fett Spin-Off Is Happening. Despite multiple follow-ups for more information, Jon Schnepp did not get back to us.[/*]
[*]January 16, 2014:<br/>An unnamed informant tells Latino Review that not only is Joe Johnston on the top of the list to direct a Boba Fett spin-off film, but Lawrence Kasdan has a script idea, which would veto the whole Episode 2 storyline. We reported this in Joe Johnston 'Tops' List To Direct and Lawrence Kasdan’s Western 'Pitch' for Boba Fett 2018 Film, says Latino Review. No follow-up was provided by Latino Review.[/*]
[*]April 24, 2014:<br/>An unnamed informant tells Jedi News UK that during a Disney-hosted executive breakfast that a Boba Fett spin-off film was mentioned. No photos, no names, and no direct quotes were provided. We reported this in Disney May Not Make Rumored Boba Fett Spin-Off Film Because He’s No Hero. No follow-up was provided by JediNews. The story seemed unusual since Maleficent, a Disney movie about a villain, is all over billboards / commercials at this time.[/*]
[*]May 6, 2014<br/>Disney CEO Bob Iger <span style=background:green; color:#fff;]confirmed</span> on an investor conference call that at least three spin-off films are being targeted by 2020. In other words, we're to expect one saga film (e.g. Episode 7), then one off-saga film (e.g. spin-off) every year. No further details were mentioned. The audio of this call is saved online.[/*]
[*]May 15, 2014<br/>German fan site receives a tip from an unnamed informant, suggesting a training event at Hasbro has revealed the subjects of all the upcoming Star Wars films. We reported this in Rumored Boba Fett Spin-Off Film Reportedly Name-Dropped at Hasbro Training Event. While the rumor spread like wildfire, only some sites receive notice from Hasbro PR to take down the news, although it's unclear why (e.g. misinformation or just negative press).[/*]
[*]May 22, 2014<br/>Lucasfilm <span style=background:green; color:#fff;]confirmed</span> Gareth Edwards is the director of a stand-alone Star Wars film. No title was mentioned. We reported this in Is Gareth Edwards (Monsters, Godzilla) to Direct the Rumored Boba Fett Film?.[/*]
[*]June 4, 2014<br/>Lucasfilm <span style=background:green; color:#fff;]confirmed</span> John Trank is the director of a second stand-along Star Wars film. No title or screenwriter is mentioned. We reported this in Is Josh Trank (Chronicle, Fantastic Four) to Direct the Rumored Boba Fett Film?.[/*]
[*]June 11, 2014<br/>See the top of this article for the latest rumor.[/*]

What do you think of this latest confirmation?

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Founder/Editor, BFFC
March 1, 2016 7:16 pm (Edited March 1, 2016 07:19 pm) #

I heard online that in the Boba Fett stand-alone film there's going to be somebody kill Boba and take his armor. That is of course the lamest damn thing that I've ever heard! Even in his own movie Boba can't catch a break!

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