Like everyone else I'm sure Boba has to do grocery shopping as well as shopping for his wears. But where exactly do you think he gets his supplies?
Topic: Where does Boba Shop?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Boba does his grocery shopping at the Whole Foods Market. "I do not indulge in preservatives or other chemical additives; they are an insult to the flesh." Plus, unlike me, he's rich enough to afford shopping there on a regular basis. ;)
BFFC Moderator
i dont really know......he might just live off the spoiles of the people he plunders...and lets them do all of his shopping...
I would think he shops at a natural foods store too. That would be so cool, just working along and suddenly, an icey voice behind me, "Excuse me, can I special order something? It's going to be a while before I'll be coming back again."
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Boba shops at Walmat!
There is every thing there
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.

i think you mean that he shops at Walmart SuperCenter, lol
yeah that would be freaky to hear Boba ask you if he could order something, i would crap my pants
I can just see it now......Boba waiting in line to pay for his stuff, while an old lady gets out her coin purse! :lol:
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He shops at Bounty Hunters R Us :) .
Boba would eat lots of fresh leafy vegetables like spinach, and he would be an intergalactic cheese connoisseur. And he loves to spread healthy cheese all over his Kashi Crackers. And straight oatmeal for breakfast, maybe some Special K on occasion (or would the dehydrated strawberries be over-indulgence?) In that case, Raisin Bran or straight Total.
BFFC Moderator
i think you mean that he shops at Walmart SuperCenter, lol
yeah that would be freaky to hear Boba ask you if he could order something, i would crap my pants
I think everyone would crap their pants.......if he just glanced at you.....much less spoke to
Maybe he orders thing through the internet, not sure what his email would be
(BFFC Moderator)
bobathekid. lol thats mine. he gos to the bx (base excange)
His e-mail would be:
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
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Maybe he orders thing through the internet, not sure what his email would be
how about: flippinawesome/ lol
Food:Walmart Super Center
Clothes:Hot Topic!Well....maybe not there
FireSpray parts:Eddie Harres(no idea how to spell that)
Travel needs:Expedia.COOMMMM!(imagine the little song thing at the end were they drag out the word com)
I can just see it now......Boba waiting in line to pay for his stuff, while an old lady gets out her coin purse! :lol:
One word: BLAM!
But seriously. Fett is TOO COOL to need food. He's just awesome.
bobathekid-You' my Vader and Fett Chibi post)
In all seriousness (what? seriousness? in a thread asking about Fett's groceries?), I'd think military rations would be good enough for Fett. Bland and pasty, sure, but all the nutrients a body needs. Cold and efficient, seems to fit well. I'm sure whatever company supplies the Empire makes's not like anyone else is going to buy any. Or maybe he just stocks up at docking bays? They've got to have places for spacers to resupply.
As for the weapons...the regular guns are available just about anywhere. Armor and armor-related weapons? I'm sure Fett's handled his share of antique dealers. Mandalorian battle armor must be popular with them.
I just wanted to say, welcome to the boards gunslinger! I can tell that you are going to be a valued part of 'the family' :)
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In all seriousness (what? seriousness? in a thread asking about Fett's groceries?), I'd think military rations would be good enough for Fett. Bland and pasty, sure, but all the nutrients a body needs. Cold and efficient, seems to fit well. I'm sure whatever company supplies the Empire makes's not like anyone else is going to buy any. Or maybe he just stocks up at docking bays? They've got to have places for spacers to resupply.
As for the weapons...the regular guns are available just about anywhere. Armor and armor-related weapons? I'm sure Fett's handled his share of antique dealers. Mandalorian battle armor must be popular with them.
I agree with apsolutly everything you said.
TheGunslinger wrote:In all seriousness (what? seriousness? in a thread asking about Fett's groceries?), I'd think military rations would be good enough for Fett. Bland and pasty, sure, but all the nutrients a body needs. Cold and efficient, seems to fit well. I'm sure whatever company supplies the Empire makes's not like anyone else is going to buy any. Or maybe he just stocks up at docking bays? They've got to have places for spacers to resupply.
As for the weapons...the regular guns are available just about anywhere. Armor and armor-related weapons? I'm sure Fett's handled his share of antique dealers. Mandalorian battle armor must be popular with them.
I agree with apsolutly everything you said. too i agree.... and welcome to the boards's nice to have you here.
{MW} MS9
More's nice to have you back from the old boards.
(BFFC Moderator)
Hehe yeah, I was around with the old boards...joined up here, too, as soon as they were up. Just...kind of drifted away for a bit. Too much stuff going on. Back now, hopefully for good. At least until next spring when things get all crazy again.
Glad you remember, Kentaiba; I had an awesome time doing Imperial Garrison. Kentaiba versus The Butcher...that was amazing.
It was fun but I didn't do that well, hoping to do better at Stolen Bride
(BFFC Moderator)
Let's try to keep it on subject, i think i would see him in a local comic store buying electra comics and thinking about how hot she jk or he would be trying to make a "Hero-click" of himself with like 1000000 damage ability...
{MW} MS9 :cool:
lol :lol: .........*ehem*........yeah,........
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lol :lol: .........*ehem*........yeah,........
WHAT!?!?!?!? i can seriously see him doing that....he he he... i would if i were
{MW} MS9
Wait. The electra comics or carmen electra? (how ever you spell that.)
The girl in red....what other electa is there? i'm not following you...
{MW} MS9
One has sais and happens to be a comic book character while the other I can never really remember but I think a model.
(BFFC Moderator)
the other is a antress she is in the frist scary movie
I wouldn't have known anyway, I'm still watching Tom and Jerry reruns instead of paying attention to the rest of the world
(BFFC Moderator)
Oh, Carmen Electra's a model all right. I just can't say what she models. And who she models for.
Or maybe he pays someone to shop for him...
Or maybe he doesn't pay them, he makes them...
Boba doesn't shop anywhere he just kills people
and takes there bling bling.
Just imagine BOBA FETT standing in line at a Super Wal-Mart while some old grandma is trying to find her purse............lololololol!!!
Just picture that!lololol {MW} JH3
Last Edited by JEDIHUNTER3 (Tuesday May 16, 2006 5:45 pm)
[color=#FF0000]{MW}-"death and destruction to our enemies!"[/color]:cool:
JEDIHUNTER3, use the edit button. What you did is spam.
yeah just try not to post more than once in a row....spamming isn't allowed on here.... thanx dude..
{MW} MS9
Just imagine BOBA FETT standing in line at a Super Wal-Mart while some old grandma is trying to find her purse............lololololol!!!
Just picture that!lololol
{MW} JH3
lol....If you read the posts before, I already said the exact same thing! :lol: lol
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I get the impression Boba's a big ebay / net kind of shopper. If he does direct commerce, I imagine it at some kind of open market like in Cairo, or, a dark alley. And as always, he gets the best deal going. Or else....
Yup...i do think he gets alot of his stuff...through someone or some org. that isn't quite legal...and he get's it for real cheap as you said.
{MW} MS9
I get the impression Boba's a big ebay / net kind of shopper. If he does direct commerce, I imagine it at some kind of open market like in Cairo, or, a dark alley. And as always, he gets the best deal going. Or else....
yea that makes sence. he dosent seam like a sunday mall trip kinda guy.
I get the impression Boba's a big ebay / net kind of shopper.
Do they have E-bay in the Star Wars universe? Or better yet, do they have any kind of mail delivery service? Or would he just tell them to drop it off at such and such a space station, and then go get it?
BFFC Moderator
I'd imagine you'd pick it up at an intergalactic petrol station or something... or maybe it gets teleported...
I'm quite certain that Fett sends Dengar to do his shopping though. I mean, the guy hangs around Fett's ship so much they're practically room mates. Now that would make a good reality tv show... :/
Ooh, do you think Fett gets mad every time Dengar buys the wrong brand of cottage cheese?
Welcome to the BFFC, Riya, and hope you enjoy it here! If you have any questions feel free to private message me or one of the other moderators.
BFFC Moderator
yes welcome and anyways,
Food-chipoltle (Lots of Salsa)
Clothes-antique road show
weapons-Big Bob's Full Body Massage, Mini Golf, Car Rental and Missle shop
I get the impression Boba's a big ebay / net kind of shopper. If he does direct commerce, I imagine it at some kind of open market like in Cairo, or, a dark alley. And as always, he gets the best deal going. Or else....
"Yes I just won the Mandalorian Butt Scratcher... And I beat Baileyboy021 as well!!!!"
Whats a Mandalorian Butt Scratcher?!? Sounds lazy....:/
{MW} TW :cool:
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