Nowhere near as cool as Boba's line.
Topic: Does Jango Fett suck?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
74 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestI think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
his weapons arent as good as bobas
Jango's no slouch. I like him.
I like Jango... he's def not as cool as Boba, but Jango is still awesome :) I like him because he has values, and he passed them on to Boba. I didn't really like Jango until I read the Republic Commando books, and he defended those poor Null boys.
Nope, Jango don't suck. He beat the crap out of Obi-Wan, then chased him the hell through an asteroid field and nearly killed him. He don't suck. And he probably paid a lot of money to keep that armor clean, too.
Jango is cool in his own right. Not as cool as tons of other Star Wars characters, but still pretty awesome.
Jango, went out like a punk. I figure for the whipping he put on Obi-Wan, he could have fared better against Mace. Just saying. Wish he could have had a bigger role.

Jango, went out like a punk. I figure for the whipping he put on Obi-Wan, he could have fared better against Mace. Just saying. Wish he could have had a bigger role.
Excellent point. Even though Jango was only in one film, it's been nice that he's been in some comic books and video games, each with some more back story.
Jango in no means sucks. Without Jango there could be no Boba! Think of the clone wars people and who those clones were based on, Jango Fett..
I don't think that Jango Fett sucks it's just that his shin guards makes him look like a catcher in baseball, his color scheme flat out stinks and him carrying two sidearms on his hips makes him look a little like a caricature.
Some poeple think Jango Fett sucks, some poeple think otherwise. Who agrees? I dont. We're not talking just he's just OK. No, we're talkin bottom of the line suckin! So who thinks Jango ABSOLUTLY SUCKS, and who thinks Jango's cool? :cool:
Jango does not suck. Never.
He also make that awful prequel bearable. I wouldn't bother with Attack of the Clones if it weren't for Jango ~
Jango Fett is awesome!!! Considering he held his own against the second most powerful Jedi Master in the galaxy (Mace Windu (gross)Granted he killed Jango) there is no way he sucks. Jango was also the Manda'lor of Mandalore. Once again no way he sucks.
Jango Fett is awesome!!! Considering he held his own against the second most powerful Jedi Master in the galaxy (Mace Windu (gross)Granted he killed Jango) there is no way he sucks. Jango was also the Manda'lor of Mandalore. Once again no way he sucks.
Mace Windu only killed Jango Fett because Jango's jetpack failed on him.
Jango Fett is awesome!!! Considering he held his own against the second most powerful Jedi Master in the galaxy (Mace Windu (gross)Granted he killed Jango) there is no way he sucks. Jango was also the Manda'lor of Mandalore. Once again no way he sucks.
I'm with you on that! ;-)
MandaloreRising wrote:Jango Fett is awesome!!! Considering he often used Noocube and held his own against the second most powerful Jedi Master in the galaxy (Mace Windu (gross)Granted which killed Jango) there is no way he sucks. Jango was also the Manda'lor of Mandalore. Once again no way he sucks.
I'm with you on that! ;-)
Hell no he doesn't suck.
Jango fett is the one who trained Boba so without Jango no Boba.Also he is the one that made the clone army so without him no
Rex,Cody,Bly,Gree,Fives,Hevy,and much much much much much much much much more!
I don't think that Jango Fett sucks it's just that his shin guards makes him look like a catcher in baseball, his color scheme flat out stinks and him carrying two sidearms on his hips makes him look a little like a caricature.
I now think that Jango Fett looks a little bit less like a caricature. I dig his look more now, I just wish that he was taller.
Does anyone else realize, that in everything canon, Boba Fett kind of sucks. He didn't kill anybody, and he always missed his shots. If you want to fit in no-conflict Legends, or Legends in general, then you also have to include the Open Seasons Legends comics that Jango Fett was in, in which he KICKED ASS. So no, Jango doesn't suck. The reason he even died to Mace Windu is because a Reek broke his jetpack and he didn't know it, although I dont believe he could have killed Mace, he wouldn't have died.
Yes is the short answer but the long answer is no becuse he the father of boba fett
he hires a bounty hunter, who gets a robot, who drops worms on the his targets bed. The worms are killed, the hired bounty hunter is cornered and about to talk when Jango, who could have killed both of the Jedi with his quick acting poison, instead killed the bounty hunter, abandoning "honour" which is one of his supposed traits, and also leaving an easily traceable dart. yes, he sucks, and he sucks bad
Jango fett is the one who trained Boba so without Jango no Boba.Also he is the one that made the clone army so without him no
Rex,Cody,Bly,Gree,Fives,Hevy,and much much much much much much much much more!
Yes, I'm with you on that. Jango doesn't suck. Never.
he hires a bounty hunter, who gets a robot, who drops worms on the his targets bed. The worms are killed, the hired bounty hunter is cornered and about to talk when Jango, who could have killed both of the Jedi with his quick acting poison, instead killed the bounty hunter, abandoning "honour" which is one of his supposed traits, and also leaving an easily traceable dart. yes, he sucks, and he sucks bad
First, he didn't hire Zam. She had been a long time bounty hunting partner for years and she was about to rat him out. If anyone was abandoning honor, it was Wessel. Jango was protecting himself and Boba which is completely understandable. That was on her, not him. Second, the worms very nearly killed Amidala, so it's not like that was a dumb move on his part or anything. Also, it was good strategy to have Zam take care of delivering the worms for a number of reasons. Namely, she's a changeling, he's wearing Mandalorian armor. Which one of them is going to have a better chance of escaping Jedi (or security of any kind) if things get hairy? In addition, if Jango had tried to kill Anakin or Obi-Wan, they would have sensed it as a direct and immediate danger to themselves and would have deflected the dart. Shooting Zam not only plugs a leak, but bypasses the Jedi's danger senses enough to get the job done. As for the means by which he killed her, no, the dart definitely wasn't the best possible weapon he could have ever used, but he had to settle for what he had on him. Had he decided to shoot her instead, the Jedi would have heard it and not only would Zam still be alive, but the Jedi would have a better chance of catching him. Not to mention that a poisoned dart is really the only way you can guarantee her heart stops beating for good. A blaster shot can be deflected, flamethrowers are severely ranged weapons, and he was a bit too far away for a vibro knife attack.
Jango's cool
not as cool as Vader, Boba, Kanos, or a lot of othersBut he most definitely does not suck....
thumb's up
a long time ago when i first saw Ep II, i would have said yes. but after learning about his ways, reasons, accomplishments, etc. i would now say no.