July 15, 2010 7:57 pm (Edited July 15, 2010 07:59 pm) # Karson Fett wrote:Your Right, but I have ethic where it counts. But these avatar's are really cool, Terra.
Yeah. They are cool indeed. :)
"Where it counts"... illustrators work long hours to get to images like that, doesn't it count? Most good illustrations take a lot of time, patience, focus, delicate work.
To some artists it's a form of admiration to have their work spread all over, it's a way to have people know them for what they did. But for that their name has to be tied to their work somehow. :)
I suppose it's already good of you to credit the site where you found them. As I make images for a living myself, I rather tend to start from scratch or at least transform something enough to make it mine. I rather not walk on anyone's toes, you know? And it's great when you can really call some piece your own.
Cast iron and treadmills? Oh yes. Still sculpting me to what I really want to be, and I love it. :)
Terra wrote:Karson Fett wrote:Your Right, but I have ethic where it counts. But these avatar's are really cool, Terra.
Yeah. They are cool indeed. :)
"Where it counts"... illustrators work long hours to get to images like that, doesn't it count? Most good illustrations take a lot of time, patience, focus, delicate work.
To some artists it's a form of admiration to have their work spread all over, it's a way to have people know them for what they did. But for that their name has to be tied to their work somehow. :)
I suppose it's already good of you to credit the site where you found them. As I make images for a living myself, I rather tend to start from scratch or at least transform something enough to make it mine. I rather not walk on anyone's toes, you know? And it's great when you can really call some piece your own.
I never said that illustrators work didn't count. I just don't think that your so called "Graphic Ethic" isn't very important. But I always try to sight my sources though.
July 16, 2010 9:32 pm (Edited July 16, 2010 09:38 pm) # Karson Fett wrote:I never said that illustrators work didn't count. I just don't think that your so called "Graphic Ethic" isn't very important. But I always try to sight my sources though.
"So called" ? Not sure what you doubt of, exactly. Not surprised though. People tend to take images for granted on the internet. "It can't be that important, it's so all over, it's an ordinary thing."
It's with a mentality like this that artists have so much trouble getting paid for their hard work. Also the reason why I keep myself away from sites like Deviant Art. It's an open door to have anyone go away with artwork without any consideration for the artist, or the time they've put into it. It's too easy. You google something, and then think "hey I found it, so it's mine." Yeah right. You took a few minutes to find it, if that, while it took hours, maybe days, weeks, sometimes months, sometimes more to the artist on the other end to make it. It's a lot of time. You put alot of your time in videogames, the artist who made "your" image used their time in working hard at making one thing pretty/cool the best they could.
Graphic ethic is simple respect for the people behind the pretty/cool things. I do like to think it should be important, even though I don't think I can make you see it. Until you stop and put enough of your time into one same thing, something that didn't exist before you made it, you can't understand the precious of it.
You'll say, "but it's just an avatar Terra, come on". It's not "just an avatar" like the ones I simply crop and post here. It's a damn cool illustration made into a damn cool avatar, and someone else's work.
Cast iron and treadmills? Oh yes. Still sculpting me to what I really want to be, and I love it. :)
Terra wrote:Karson Fett wrote:I never said that illustrators work didn't count. I just don't think that your so called "Graphic Ethic" isn't very important. But I always try to sight my sources though.
"So called" ? Not sure what you doubt of, exactly. Not surprised though. People tend to take images for granted on the internet. "It can't be that important, it's so all over, it's an ordinary thing."
It's with a mentality like this that artists have so much trouble getting paid for their hard work. Also the reason why I keep myself away from sites like Deviant Art. It's an open door to have anyone go away with artwork without any consideration for the artist, or the time they've put into it. It's too easy. You google something, and then think "hey I found it, so it's mine." Yeah right. You took a few minutes to find it, if that, while it took hours, maybe days, weeks, sometimes months, sometimes more to the artist on the other end to make it. It's a lot of time. You put alot of your time in videogames, the artist who made "your" image used their time in working hard at making one thing pretty/cool the best they could.
Graphic ethic is simple respect for the people behind the pretty/cool things. I do like to think it should be important, even though I don't think I can make you see it. Until you stop and put enough of your time into one same thing, something that didn't exist before you made it, you can't understand the precious of it.
You'll say, "but it's just an avatar Terra, come on". It's not "just an avatar" like the ones I simply crop and post here. It's a damn cool illustration made into a damn cool avatar, and someone else's work.
Yes, yes its always a big deal to the artist. But I am not selling it to anybody. Not everybody has the time, ability, or want to draw something. Not everybody has so much time one their hands and I am one of those people. I have to make newsletters for my JROTC unit. I have to do stuff. I never consider other art work as mine btw. I understand where you are coming from, but its not a big deal.
July 17, 2010 1:30 pm (Edited July 17, 2010 01:50 pm) # It's not just a question of money. Hey if you keep using other people's images, you don't have to be cheap, you could at least contact the artist and ask if it's ok to use their stuff on your newsletters. Or at the very least mention their name.
"It's not a big deal"... Yeah and the credits at the end of movies and games are the boring part. Indeed it is. Until you understand what it really means. "Oh, so that movie's been directed by Kubrick, I knew I had seen that style somewhere, hehe."
Ever thought to yourself "hell that actor was amazing. Who is it??" Then you find his name and can talk about what he did, and people can relate. Well, for art it's about the same.
When you look at Jim Davis' work, for example, you see Garfield. It's become big enough to be a commercial brand, and to stand alone. So you think, who cares who Jim Davis is??
But wait until that guy retires, and a new team do his stuff in his place. If you're one to observe a minimum, you'll say, "This is not the Garfield we all knew and loved anymore. Too different." So it's not just Garfield, and an artwork isn't just an image. There's a person behind it! Of course there's always gonna be people to not notice the difference and not care. But that's sad.
Not sure why I bother telling you all this though, don't think it'll make it through, and you just like to p* people off when you're bored. Doesn't matter, if there is ONE person who can understand what I mean here, I'll be happy.
Cast iron and treadmills? Oh yes. Still sculpting me to what I really want to be, and I love it. :)
Oh, I understand exactly what you mean. I am a fellow artist, after all. And any kind of art theft is uncool. Unless someone specifically says their art is free to use anywhere so long as you give credit, you MUST ask them for permission first. You MUST. You can't just say "oh, I'll just give them credit for the art and it'll be fine", because it's not fine. Especially if you use that art and make money off of it in some way.
Half Dragon, half human, 100% Fett!
Terra wrote:It's not just a question of money. Hey if you keep using other people's images, you don't have to be cheap, you could at least contact the artist and ask if it's ok to use their stuff on your newsletters. Or at the very least mention their name.
"It's not a big deal"... Yeah and the credits at the end of movies and games are the boring part. Indeed it is. Until you understand what it really means. "Oh, so that movie's been directed by Kubrick, I knew I had seen that style somewhere, hehe."
Ever thought to yourself "hell that actor was amazing. Who is it??" Then you find his name and can talk about what he did, and people can relate. Well, for art it's about the same.
When you look at Jim Davis' work, for example, you see Garfield. It's become big enough to be a commercial brand, and to stand alone. So you think, who cares who Jim Davis is??
But wait until that guy retires, and a new team do his stuff in his place. If you're one to observe a minimum, you'll say, "This is not the Garfield we all knew and loved anymore. Too different." So it's not just Garfield, and an artwork isn't just an image. There's a person behind it! Of course there's always gonna be people to not notice the difference and not care. But that's sad.
Not sure why I bother telling you all this though, don't think it'll make it through, and you just like to p* people off when you're bored. Doesn't matter, if there is ONE person who can understand what I mean here, I'll be happy.
Look, why would I like to piss folks off when I am bored?
Do you realized that I never put my name beside my writing? I have never seen anyone get so worked up over an image, that I have sited, that I haven't even claimed as mine! How stupid is that? I never even wanted to argue about stupid Bull Crap about a frickin' image, a picture. I write I take pictures I have drawn and created pictures. All I am saying is that USING someones image THAT THEY HAVE POSTED ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB, that is viewed by MILLIONS OF PEOPLE everyday, I think its okay that I use his/her image without their consent. Like I said, I always site my sources. Now if you have a problem with that something is wrong. I don't see what the big dang deal.
And what make you think I like to make people mad when I am bored, that makes no frickin' sense.
And your right the credit are the most boring part of the movie. Thats why people leave when they start to roll. Answer me this, when have you sat through the credits at the theater? Cause its easy to sit through the credits at home on your couch.
Again you have failed to tell me why its this big a deal.
Again, unless you have the artists permission, it is NOT Ok! You have to get permission from the original artist! Otherwise it's theft, just like in the real world. And it's completely unfair to the original artist. THAT'S why it's a big deal.
Half Dragon, half human, 100% Fett!
July 17, 2010 11:07 pm (Edited July 20, 2010 12:07 am) # Thanks Cecilia, glad to see at least one person understands.
Karson, your writing, pictures, drawings... Did you ever put weeks of hard work into something? You should put your name besides each creative piece of yours, that you feel is worth keeping. It's your own work.
When you're a pro, it's a nightmare to protect your work if you want to publish anywhere. People can just go away with your stuff and think it's in their right.
As Cecilia probably knows, artists don't always know that their work is all over the WWW. You post stuff in a site where people can upload their images "for free", you think it's alright, then first thing, your stuff is all over Google without you knowing. Then, as you say Karson, people think it's free, and free of rights, and usable at will, while it's never been. And while the artist probably has no clue his/her work is there all over, and they probably never consented to any of that.
Karson, I apologize if I made you upset, but I gotta say it makes me bitter that I couldn't get it through to you. I guess I did fail indeed. It doesn't invalidate my point, just my ability to explain it.
Intellectual property is something very abstract. You probably see warnings about it all over the internet and never even read them. It's too much text and no one wants to read them. I don't know what method would work to make people understand but that's indeed a wrong one.
And yes, most people leave when we hit the credits at the movies. Except the few freaks interested in who did what (like I am). I tend to forget this is not the majority of people.
Cast iron and treadmills? Oh yes. Still sculpting me to what I really want to be, and I love it. :)
I have read everyone your posts, Terra. I just simply don't agree.
August 24, 2010 8:30 pm (Edited August 24, 2010 09:48 pm) # I made a new avatar, but now I can't get it to upload, it's the right size and filesize, it just keeps reverting back to my old avatar
*Edit* Disregard that, it's up XD
Don't regret the mistakes you made, if people can't forgive you for them, they hold the problem, while you are free of it :P
August 24, 2010 10:45 pm # Excail, sorry about the refresh issue. Sometime it's just in your browser cache and needs a hard reload. Glad it's working now. Looks great!
Founder/Editor, BFFC
August 24, 2010 11:07 pm # Not a problem, I understand, it works now, and that's what counts XD
Don't regret the mistakes you made, if people can't forgive you for them, they hold the problem, while you are free of it :P
August 25, 2010 11:12 am # i saw one of those Avatars from the SWTOR site that Karson Fett listed....is it alright if I used one of them.....?
lol , i know i sound like a Noob..... :D
Verd ori'shya beskar'gam. - "A warrior is more than his armor"
October 24, 2010 2:56 pm # Hi I'm Bobafan26. I'm new here nothing else to say
October 25, 2010 11:39 am # I have the old Lego boba fett mini fig. I'm getting the new slave 1 in december!
October 25, 2010 12:03 pm # How do I make an Avatar, in fact how come no one is answering?
I need help
October 28, 2010 2:44 pm # When is the chat room going to start up again? Well anyways I started a book on boba and i draw pictures of him
November 2, 2010 4:30 pm # hello boba fan 26 the way to make an avatar is to go on your profile and
go on avatar then just upload a picture smaller than 100x100 :D
crocodiles cry when they eat they're prey
How do I go about this? I have an idea of what I want. I'm am not sure who would take this on.
4th BEST BOUNTY HUNTER wrote:How do I go about this? I have an idea of what I want. I'm am not sure who would take this on.
Just post here what you want and someone might make it for you. :)
Founder/Editor, BFFC
could you make me a really cool boba fett avatar please?
matthew, what's your favorite image of Boba Fett?
Founder/Editor, BFFC
My image of the avatar I wish to see, if possible amongst the creative crowd, a close-up of Boba Fett's helmet. The red striped shapes can be seen in its entirety. However, the paint of the red striped areas should have battle scars upon the helmet, the paint ravaged by time itself. Inside the visor their would be the reflection of Han Solo frozen. The position of Han Solo is either left to right horizontally or right to left horizontally, with a slight tilt.
Strike hard, strike fast, strike first.
Would it be possible to get one with a portrait of Boba kind of to the left of the image and the 'Slave I' on the other side but a bit smaller than Boba himself so the eye focuses more on him...?
September 12, 2011 7:27 pm # CeciliaCrimsondragonFett wrote:If people like hand-drawn avatars I could help...
would it be possible if you could makeme an avitar??
if so could you doo one of my fan-onical mandaorian Raydin Fentous
he is justthe same as boba but has the gray armor and has got green around the eye area on the helm and if posible could yu have him stood at the window of an imerial stardestroyer you know like at the bridge.
September 13, 2011 12:57 am # Gi day ner vode can u get me a image of Sev clone commando
October 14, 2011 3:39 pm # how do i make a boba fett suit
October 14, 2011 3:52 pm # someone give me a phto pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssss
October 15, 2011 6:50 pm # son of boba, welcome to the message boards!
Step-by-step guide on how to make a Boba Fett costume:
Thousands of great Boba Fett pictures:
Founder/Editor, BFFC
November 4, 2011 7:56 am # can you just make me something awesome?!! i have faith!!
December 2, 2011 10:42 am # i am new to the site and i can't figure out how to get an avatar if someone could assist i would be greatfull.
December 2, 2011 10:58 am # Welcome, b-f-a-f! Once you have a 100x100 graphic, visit your own "avatar" page at http://www.bobafettfanclub.com/boards/user/5145/avatar/ and upload.
Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 6, 2011 1:22 pm # KudarMubat15 wrote:Is this good for you?

thats awsome!!!!! can i yse it to??????
January 9, 2012 4:01 pm # Hi guys, I love Boba Fett very much obviously but I seem to take a particular liking to Jango a little bit more, it may be blasphemy to some but I feel if it wasn't for Jango there would be no Boba Fett to worship and fear.
I am requesting something of a collaboration of maybe the two in one avatar if not that is perfectly fine with me haha.
January 9, 2012 6:02 pm # b-f-a-f, I added the avatar for you that KudarMubat15 posted.
Tim, any specific image? Check http://bobafettfanclub.com/multimedia/galleries/ for ideas.
Founder/Editor, BFFC
January 12, 2012 9:35 am # I like the one were Jango is taking off from the Kamino escape when he opens fire on Obi-wan. Maybe something with that image?
January 26, 2012 2:08 am # KudarMubat15 wrote:Do you want to have your very own avatar to distinguish yourself around the forums, but don't have the innovation or software to make one yourself? Don't worry! You can request one here from one of our very talented members. Just post here requesting your image. Try to include a good description in your post with things such as colors, style, borders, text, and the character you want in it or a specific image.
If you feel you are a talented graphic artist and want to help fill these requests, go for it!
Hi. Name's Chris. Was hoping I could get a red Mandalorian symbol for an avatar. Would be very grateful. Thanks. :-)
January 26, 2012 2:09 am # Hi all. Just found this site by accident when I was looking for Fett hoodies. Lol
January 28, 2012 6:34 pm # Welcome to the site, Strider! Did you find the hoodies over in http://bobafett.com/bounty/apparel/?
Also, added a red Mandalorian logo as your avatar. Let me know if that works out for 'ya!
Founder/Editor, BFFC
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey i wanted a avatar with boba's face (Helmet on) with lots of smily faces around him and he's holding a beer bottle (I want whole body) and as a backround i want just everything in flames
TimReaper87 wrote:Hi guys, I love Boba Fett very much obviously but I seem to take a particular liking to Jango a little bit more, it may be blasphemy to some but I feel if it wasn't for Jango there would be no Boba Fett to worship and fear.
I am requesting something of a collaboration of maybe the two in one avatar if not that is perfectly fine with me haha.

I know it's just their helmets, but I hope it suits your needs. :)
“What do you mean the Slave I took off with Master Fadir?!” - Luke Skywalker, Noncanon source.
I was thinking to changing my avatar to something with a more mandalorian or fett theme to it. Cecilia Crimson Dragon posted that she could help with hand drawn ones. Is she still on the message boards? I had not heard from her in a while.
A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying
Maybe I could do one for you. Kinda depends on what you want, exactly. =3
“What do you mean the Slave I took off with Master Fadir?!” - Luke Skywalker, Noncanon source.
“What do you mean the Slave I took off with Master Fadir?!” - Luke Skywalker, Noncanon source.
November 4, 2012 4:11 am # Wow this is awesome!!!!!! :D
November 5, 2012 2:45 pm # Glad you like it, Bobafett01fan!
Founder/Editor, BFFC