Look I am done with it.
Topic: Anger management thread
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
562 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestDUDE, the drama up in this place lately. What the heck happened while I was gone???
@ Karson
Yeah that's some BS right there, so did he coach any other teams or just football? And what's gonna happen with your team are they gonna try and find a temporary replacement or anything for now?
He coached track.
@ F-blood miba left and told what she really thought about us...
Yeah, I saw that but it seemed like something that had been building since before I became active again a few weeks ago.
Ah well. Stuff happens. Let's have fun. <3
Arghhh my back aches. Nearly three days ago I slipped on the ice when I was taking the wee ones to school (I landed badly) and my back is still hurting (I could barely move this morning)
Awe, get some rest and some icy hot
Thank you :) when I woke this morning it was aching really badly, but it has got better throughout the day. I think I must be sleeping badly. I will be happy when it stops aching though (it has now ached for nearly four days)
My Heart wants to complain about the last attempt for something decent, men-wise. It hasn't been satisfying in the least and Heart did not see the point to stress It out for something (someone?) so loveless and shallow. And to think I had already covered the subject of Narcissism Disorder over 10 years ago. And at age 27, it is NOT normal to have an imaginary friend... especially when said imaginary friend exists as a person and you could speak to HER instead.
...and Batman underwear is for kids.

My Heart wants to complain about the last attempt for something decent, men-wise.
Thanks for reaching out to all of us here. Tomorrow is a new day. You are wonderful, Terra! Anyone should be so lucky to get to know you.
Thanks for reaching out to all of us here. Tomorrow is a new day. You are wonderful, Terra! Anyone should be so lucky to get to know you.
Hey, glad to be back, Aaron. This is sweet of you to say. Missed you.
I'll try to not "quit for good" too many times, lol. Yesteday was already a new day, but thanks. :P