Featured Topic: Star Wars Bounty Hunter 2 Petition.

Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.

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Topic #1145
November 13, 2009 3:00 pm (Edited November 13, 2009 03:08 pm) #

Netracinya, post spoiler warnings!!!!!! Not everyone has read that book and not everyone wants to know these things going into it! That is a BIG spoiler! If I hadn't already finished it you would have utterly destroyed it for me forever and I would have never read it based just on the fact that you gave me what's probably the biggest spoiler in that book.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
November 13, 2009 9:19 pm #

somebody needs to edit (lucky me i bought and read death troopers already, so i know).

November 14, 2009 4:35 pm #
Miba wrote:

Netracinya, post spoiler warnings!!!!!! Not everyone has read that book and not everyone wants to know these things going into it! That is a BIG spoiler! If I hadn't already finished it you would have utterly destroyed it for me forever and I would have never read it based just on the fact that you gave me what's probably the biggest spoiler in that book.

sorry i will next time,, thanks for telling me

,,Ca'nara ne gotal'u mirjahaal
shi gotal'u haastal,,
November 14, 2009 5:04 pm (Edited November 14, 2009 05:05 pm) #

It's ok, everyone learns. Thanks for the edit. :) Just remember, if you want people to experience the same joy/shock/wonder/excitement/amazement as you did when first reading/watching something, you have to keep quiet about it so they can enjoy it too. And I'm not perfect, sometimes I post things that should have warnings that don't. Everyone makes this mistake from time to time.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
November 15, 2009 8:05 am (Edited November 16, 2009 09:41 am) #

Once again I haven't read all the abouve posts but this has been on my mind a lot.
The best way to make a BH2 would be a open world free running game.
Planets like Coruscant,Tatooine, Bespin, Corellia...ect Would be great to run around in scanning people and finding out that someone in the streets is wanted alive for 10,000 creds'
, then running,climbing,jumping, and flying after them, taking them down and cashing in.
You could then use your credits to but guns or a better jet pack or what ever else you wanted!
(Sorry I just drooled on my keyboard.)


Yeah. It would be the best game ever.

...I live by one rule and it is this: Freedom. Enslave no one and be no ones slave. No more no less. I am a hunter and no one rules me. - Alo Fett
November 15, 2009 2:26 pm (Edited November 15, 2009 02:26 pm) #

Alo, that would be a lot of fun!!!

btw, it's spelled Tatooine, and Corellia.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
November 15, 2009 4:31 pm #

that's not the worst spelling of tatooine i've seen, my friend spelled it tatoonie in a video we did lol. unfortunately i didn't see the video until we presented it, but we got an A on it nonetheless.

November 15, 2009 10:47 pm (Edited November 16, 2009 01:35 pm) #
Fett_II wrote:

that's not the worst spelling of tatooine i've seen, my friend spelled it tatoonie in a video we did lol. unfortunately i didn't see the video until we presented it, but we got an A on it nonetheless.

Well, that's just a transposal of letters.  Common typo.  Ntohing wrong with that, eh?

Author of the Dog and Spider Private Investigations series NOT for kids!

November 16, 2009 9:40 am #

This is the interwebs don't expect proper anything.
Plus Tatooine is not in my spell check.

...I live by one rule and it is this: Freedom. Enslave no one and be no ones slave. No more no less. I am a hunter and no one rules me. - Alo Fett
November 16, 2009 1:34 pm #

I know, I have problems with SW words not being in spell check too. So once I'm sure I have the proper spelling of something I click the "add to dictionary" button so I don't have to worry about it again. Course I use Firefox, not sure if that might be different on other browsers.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
November 16, 2009 1:50 pm #
ZiviReywes wrote:
Fett_II wrote:

that's not the worst spelling of tatooine i've seen, my friend spelled it tatoonie in a video we did lol. unfortunately i didn't see the video until we presented it, but we got an A on it nonetheless.

Well, that's just a transposal of letters.  Common typo.  Ntohing wrong with that, eh?

the thing is he got it from an online document. all the typos he made were based off the document. instead of asking me, the star wars nerd in the group.

November 25, 2009 1:41 pm (Edited November 25, 2009 01:42 pm) #

I found a place to make an online petition. I don't know how legit it is but if you want to look into it here is the link.



February 21, 2010 7:23 pm #

I do miss the GUY my VOTE too

March 6, 2010 9:05 am #

stolley christianstolley@yahoo. im in!!!!!!

June 6, 2010 1:36 pm #

u got my vote

June 23, 2010 8:07 pm #

OH NO! MY LIFE IS RUINED!!! When did this happen?! Where can you buy it now?

"I'm just a simple girl trying to make my way in the universe."
June 23, 2010 8:46 pm #

it didn't. this is just a petition to get it made.

June 24, 2010 6:53 am #

They should. I Loved that game! I lost it somewhere in my room and i wish i could find it so i can play it again. If they make a second, I know what I'm game I'm getting next :)

"I'm just a simple girl trying to make my way in the universe."
June 29, 2010 5:42 pm #

ive got an idea if they get this game made what if its based on the adventures he had after he got rescued from the sarlacc

July 1, 2010 6:43 am #
mandalorian2269 wrote:

ive got an idea if they get this game made what if its based on the adventures he had after he got rescued from the sarlacc

Sounds cool to me!

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying
July 2, 2010 5:10 am (Edited July 2, 2010 05:11 am) #


"I'm just a simple girl trying to make my way in the universe."
July 2, 2010 10:30 am #

anyone remember this? a little nostalgia ftw


July 16, 2010 5:56 pm #

What is it? My com wont load it...

"I'm just a simple girl trying to make my way in the universe."
July 16, 2010 7:31 pm #
mandolover<3 wrote:

What is it? My com wont load it...

a bounty hunter trailer

July 17, 2010 9:27 am #

Okay. Thanks.

"I'm just a simple girl trying to make my way in the universe."
August 16, 2010 10:27 pm #

count me in !

they realy need to give Boba his own game.... :D

Verd ori'shya beskar'gam. - "A warrior is more than his armor"
August 17, 2010 6:04 pm #

I'm for it under the condition that they actually put some effort into it instead of pulling it out of their rears. They've proven that they can make good games but they're not the most consistent bunch and I'm sick of seeing Boba's cult fallowing used to make a quick buck.

"Next time I'll just reach over and pull somebody's head off."
August 17, 2010 6:06 pm #

This topic is dead

August 17, 2010 8:31 pm #

Maybe it won't be if the Force Unleashed II fans realize that Boba Fett being added to the story makes it more interesting and thus finally spin off into Bounty Hunter II

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."
August 18, 2010 2:34 am #

Here's hoping...  I never had the chance to play the first Bounty Hunter game, but I remember the original advertising and wanted to play soooooooo badly....  Would love to get a second chance with a new addition.

But more importantly, I don't want them to touch Boba unless they take the time to get a couple of really damn good authors and script writers.  As fairyblood said, they've pawned off a lot of crap on us Fett fans just to turn a profit for a while, especially recently.  If they don't want to take the time to put a real effort into his story, I'd prefer they leave the game dead..

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
August 19, 2010 12:15 am #

^ Yeah I'm thinking of buying Bounty Hunter off amazon or something now since I never got a chance to play it either but I agree with your second point too - I'd much rather take nothing over a second rate story. Same goes for the upcoming appearance in The Force Unleashed 2 I'm hoping that it's not just some cheap way to try and draw in fans.

August 19, 2010 8:50 am #

I saw a pretty good trailer where the creators were talking about the project, and looking at what they had in mind I'm pretty excited about Force Unleashed II.  If only the same team was given an equally large budget and a good team of writers to work on Bounty Hunter, or maybe even better a return to Republic Commando under KT's rein.  Perhaps a return of the Commando game would hasten in the over-due death blows we're going to need to take apart the cartoon era storylines that have been added to Star Wars...  We know it's going to happen eventually; almost every other EU plot out there has been stepped on one way or another

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 18, 2012 3:15 am #

Im in!!! Sone Wesell cmdranna@gmail.com :D

My father was Mandalorian. So I can fight AND cook.
March 9, 2012 11:09 am #

Yes! I will sign for sure :) I LOVE Boba Fett.

March 9, 2012 2:08 pm #

If I haven't signed before I'll sign again.

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying
March 22, 2012 8:47 pm #

I'm both surprised, and quite honored, that people have still supported this thread. I posted this years ago. Wow....amazing

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
March 23, 2012 6:46 pm #

That's great, Gustavo! We're always here for 'ya if you have any more replies or new topics.

Founder/Editor, BFFC
February 4, 2013 9:32 pm #

Hey is it too late? If not count my vote/me in!

Add Vheh to that list!

February 12, 2016 3:03 am #

Who knows?

January 9, 2018 6:45 pm (Edited January 9, 2018 06:46 pm) #

I’ll gladly 100% that game! Just please make sure it’s not developed by EA. :)

100+. HunterOfTheWeb064

"This IS my face" -Boba Fett, Twin Engines of Destruction (Page 15)
March 24, 2022 7:27 am #

This should have happened years ago. Count me in.

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