What is your second favorite droid? Because everybody knows R2 is at the top of everybodys list
Topic: What Your Favorite Droid?
Note: this topic was started 14 years ago.
24 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestDoh, you got me with R2-D2.
IG-88 then. There's something really unnerving about him.
What is your second favorite droid? Because everybody knows HK is at the top of everybodys list
Karson Fett wrote:What is your second favorite droid? Because everybody knows HK is at the top of everybodys list
both R2 and HK are at my top.

I have to say that those little pit droids are pretty cool. They are my avatar on Starwars.com
http://www.bobafettfanclub.com/boards/topic/3314/what-is-your-favorite-droid/ We already have a thread for this.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Don't worry about it, we've all done it.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
In my opinion i like the superbattle droid,why you might wonder??? 1# they're called super for a reason, they take about 2 or 3 perfect shots to be killed by a shotgun 2# they have a fast weapon
I wasn't aware they had shotguns in the SW universe.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I wasn't aware they had shotguns in the SW universe.
play battlefront some time.
I play Battlefront II very often, I've never run into a shotgun.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
There are shotguns in Battlefront II. They're just not always the primary weapon. That or you don't play a class that uses them.
Most engineer classes carry shotguns.
this, all the engineer classes have shotguns (green or purple bits coming out with a POW! sound).
You mean the blast cannon that could be considered a shotgun equivalent? Because shotguns shoot "shot", a specific type of bullet, whereas blast cannons shoot lasers. I can see how it might be confusing, however, as even the game will occasionally call it a shotgun, so it might be two different people were working on the game at the same time and you can tell who wrote which sections by that.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
well, considering bullets don't exist in star wars, yes.
also, this
Oh, come on, we've been over this already. No one trusts Wookieepedia. ;)
I know the smilies are small right now so I'll clarify that that's a winking face, meaning I don't mean to come across badly there. But, seriously, someone needs to fix Wookieepedia.
"Shotguns come in a wide variety of forms, from very small up to massive punt guns, and in nearly every type of firearm operating mechanism. The common characteristics that make a shotgun unique center around the requirements of firing shot. These features are the features typical of a shotgun shell, namely a relatively short, wide cartridge, with straight walls, and operating at a relatively low pressure.
Ammunition for shotguns is referred to in the USA as shotgun shells, shotshells, or just shells (when it is not likely to be confused with artillery shells). The term cartridges is standard usage in the United Kingdom.
The shot is usually fired from a smoothbore barrel; another configuration is the rifled slug barrel, which fires more accurate solitary projectiles (though some slugs can also be fired from smoothbore weapons)."
From Wikipedia. You'd think people would pay more attention before they wrote these things, a little research goes a long way.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music

well, considering bullets don't exist in star wars, yes.
also, this
Ah but there are projectile weapons
Like what kind of projectile weapons? I seem to remember something called a slug thrower? Am I thinking of something else entirely or is that something real?
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Yeah there are the slug throwers, the Verpine SR and shatter guns are also projectile weapons and there are a few more iirc
Doh, you got me with R2-D2.
IG-88 then. There's something really unnerving about him.
IG-88 does look pretty damn cool! :-) I'm going to go ahead and say this, BB-8 is way cuter than R2-D2. So much so that I want to pet him.
I would say General Grievous, but he's not a droid.( If you didn't know, Grievous was a real human that got severely injured and turned into a cyborg.) I think besides main characters I'm gong to say Separatist battle droids. Main characters, defiantly BB-8,one of the reasons being I'm a huge Poe fan. Roger Roger.