I've noticed that topics spanning many pages have three or four more blank pages tagged on to them before the last post. It's kind of a pain to get to the last post because of this. Just so you know.
Topic: Strange topic bug
Note: this topic was started 14 years ago.
9 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestSomething similar is happening to me. Threads with lots of pages the last few are all blank. I can't even find the last post.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
it seems that it's only happening to the bf/gf and avatar request threads for me at least.
Those are some of the most popular threads at this time

Just spotted the bug and saw this thread. I'm going to see what's going on here... May need to upgrade the board software. I'll post a scheduled time if and when I do that.

Should be fixed. Just upgraded the entire message board. Custom design returning shortly.
Ok cool. Now though, just so you know, when we finish writing a post, the engine seems to look for the latest (removed) extra page, doesn't find it, and we land on an error page.
it seems that it's only happening to the bf/gf and avatar request threads for me at least.
This is starting to make me think the bug might be bound with my account, as it's threads where I've been posting a lot lately.
i barely post in either thread now, so it's not tied to your account.
i barely post in either thread now, so it's not tied to your account.
You're probably right.
I know you have it too, but in my last few posts I used the "edit" button a lot, so I thought maybe by going back and forth with it, something didn't record well and then it made a glimpse.
I really don't know enough about forums to know for sure. I don't know what bugs can happen when posts don't save/refresh properly. Probably none, lol.