Topic: City of Bone

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Topic #3731
July 9, 2010 8:34 pm #

Can anyone tell me when the City of Bone was built? I know it was supposed to be an "amusement park" and then later became the Imperial stronghold, but how long has it been on Mandalore?

July 10, 2010 4:12 am (Edited July 10, 2010 04:13 am) #

A lot of that comic became obsolete when Boba's backstory was changed from being Jaster Mereel to cloned son of Jango.  The "amusement park" concept of the original comic is so corny and out of character for what we now know *or at least we hope we know; hard to be sure of anything as the Mandos are constantly being rewritten on what seems to be a daily basis* about the Mandalorian culture. 

I would personally like to continue believing that the City of Bone is an authentic remnent of the antient Taung/Crusader Mandalorians who lived thousands of years before the movies, built from the bones of the fallen Mythosarus who were exterminated by Mandalore the First and his followers.  'STAR WARS: The NEW Essential Chronology' book backs me up on page six, describing the events as I just did, so I've got some material supporting me.  But again, the comic was out first, and second Lucas doesn't give a crap about written material and maybe none of this applies anymore.

If I'm right, the City of Bone is *probably* the last of the ancient citadels erected by the first Mandalorians.  The Wiki pages for The Planet Mandalore and Mandalore the First both seem to be using the New Chronology as reference material, and both support my argument, but all three are equally vauge about when Mandalore we settled.  The Chronology says all this took place somewhere between 25,000 years before Ep. IV and 7,000 years BBY....  Not exactly a minute little gap.  I'd assume somewhere about 20,000 years, but that's a blatent guess.

If the amusement park idea stands for whatever reason, thats at least a little easier to figure.  According to the City of Bone Wiki Link, which sources the original comic, the park was built shortly after the end of the Clone Wars.  That obviously means that structure was about 15-18 years old more or less by the time Episode IV rolled around. 

That's all I got.  Again, not sure how much stock you can put into any of this anymore with new Mandalorian material being aired regularly that ignores established information.  Anybody who is keeping tabs on the new stuff might be able to fill you in if there have been any recent references to the City of Bone that I'm unaware of.

That being said, hope this helps   :)

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 10, 2010 8:46 am #

Thanks for all the info! I personally like the idea that the City of Bone was built by the early Mandos, because it just makes sense, especially with the Mythosaur skull being the symbol of the Mandalorian culture. The reason I asked the question is because I'm playing in a Star Wars role playing game, (Kotor era) and I remembered reading about the amusement park theory. Right now, the City of Bone is playing a huge role in our adventure, so I wanted to make sure I understood the history. I have a love/hate feeling for the way Lucas is always uprooting things that have been written. Part of me loves it because that means I can believe whatever I want, the other part hates it because I feel like I never really know what is true!
Anyway, I really appreciate the info!

July 10, 2010 9:31 am #

Him? He's a walking Mando encyclopedia. Soooo knowledgeable and helping. He's been the one introducing me to Fett, Mandos and all this, and heck, haven't been able to leave this place ever since.

Would love to know more about your game Ariana :)
sounds fun.

Cast iron and treadmills? Oh yes. Still sculpting me to what I really want to be, and I love it. :)
July 10, 2010 9:39 am #

Oh, that game is how I got obsessed with Mandos, Boba Fett, etc. :) Honestly, I liked Star Wars before, but I wasn't such a nerd about it. It's just like D&D, except it's SW. I started out playing a Mando (not really knowing much about them) because I didn't want to play a Jedi because EVERYONE wanted to play a Jedi. Then, I started reading all the SW books, and I made my own set of trashcan armor for halloween... oh the downward spiral into geekdom. ;)
And it only took me reading a few Fett comics before I was in love. hahaha

July 10, 2010 3:38 pm #

Are you talking about playing the original Knights of the Old Republic game? or you're involved in a D&D style game with friends?  Either way, fun stuff.

The KotOR video game is what got me addicted to the Mando'ade and Boba.  If you havn't played it, I really recomend it.  It's old, but it's the most epic story since the original trilogy.  I played a little D&D Star Wars once as well; really loved it, but couldn't hang in because of work and where I lived. 

And I totally agree about your outlook on "cannon" material.  I'm at the point where if Lucas doesn't feel the need to respect established cannon, why should I respect his new trash?  I've always had a semi-outside the box version of the Mando'ade that many fans of the Commando books would disagree with me about some points.  But with Lucas running wild the way he does, I feel even more empowered to maintian my own ideas.  Hell, maybe someday my ideas will steamroll somebody else's hard-won 'cannon' material   :P

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 10, 2010 4:16 pm #
Ariana wrote:

Oh, that game is how I got obsessed with Mandos, Boba Fett, etc. :) Honestly, I liked Star Wars before, but I wasn't such a nerd about it. It's just like D&D, except it's SW. I started out playing a Mando (not really knowing much about them) because I didn't want to play a Jedi because EVERYONE wanted to play a Jedi. Then, I started reading all the SW books, and I made my own set of trashcan armor for halloween... oh the downward spiral into geekdom. ;)
And it only took me reading a few Fett comics before I was in love. hahaha

Been like that for me too with a lot of things. I also tend to like to do stuff away from what most people do. Nothing wrong with being geeks, is there?

Cast iron and treadmills? Oh yes. Still sculpting me to what I really want to be, and I love it. :)
July 11, 2010 11:46 am #

We're playing Star Wars D&D, but I have played the KoToR game, and I thought it was awesome! I totally agree about the "cannon" stuff... Lucas changes his mind so many times, it's ridiculous, and then it screws people who have already written things.  I know a lot of people don't like Karen Traviss' books, but I loved them. I don't necessarily take everything she says as fact, but I enjoyed her books, I think that's all that really matters. I'm still mad that we won't be getting the next 501st book from her.
I just finished reading "Invincible" and I was really mad at Troy Denning because he finished the Jaina story, but never really finished the story with Mirta and Fett. I would hate to think that Mirta still believes that Fett purposefully sent her on a death mission. Are there any books past the Legacy series that address this? I'm dying to know. It's so irritating that there are soooo many books out there about the Jedi, and only a handful that deal with the Mandalorians!

July 11, 2010 11:48 am #

Oh yeah, and Terra, I completely agree with you... there's really nothing better than being a geek. We have the best imaginations! It makes dealing with boring real life much more fun!

July 14, 2010 12:05 pm #
Ariana wrote:

Oh yeah, and Terra, I completely agree with you... there's really nothing better than being a geek. We have the best imaginations! It makes dealing with boring real life much more fun!

You can say that again.

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