howdy there. i think CV is in like august
Topic: An Introduction to Our Message Boards
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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Hey there, I know I've been a member for a while now, but I'm back after 2 years of not logging in. Figured I should say hi ;)
hi i'm new here. i'm thirteen. and i absolutely adore boba fett. i'm also on highlander-community. :)
Welcome crazyloop.Have a nice time here. ;)
Welcome fellow teenager! have fun and enjoy the boards!
took me awhile.....but the shadow hunter has now arrived
Boubikha and mandalorian2269, welcome to the boards. Enjoy your time here. :)
Huge huge huge boba fett fan.. Soo happy to be here. online pokies
I'm so glad you could join us. You're in the right place!!
Yeah, welcome jamesturner125, glad to have you on board! :)
If you need an avatar feel free to ask me.
Sorry this wasn't my first post, and hopefully not my last :D
My name is Excail, and I was introduced by Terra, as a referral, I became a fan of Star Wars while playing the Masters of Teras Kasi and Dark Forces games, and I still play Masters of Teras Kasi and Dark Forces today...
My favorite Character's on Teras Kasi were Boba Fett and Arden Lin (Don't know if I spelled her name right) and I only barely know about the movies because I didn't get to watch them all til late in my years, and I watched other stuff since...
I have always been a fan of the Ewoks, Chewbacca, and Boba Fett since I saw them in their original movies long ago
I hope that I can maybe get to know this community, and I will work hard to try and keep up even though I'm busy lol
K, so since I introduced ya apparently, I don't have to say "welcome", do I ? :P
And I guess for avatars I'll have to try again with you. I am one of the designers here but apparently you're already content for that too.

Welcome to the Fan Club, Excail. You're more than welcome here and we always enjoy new friends on the boards. Feel free to ask anyone if you need help with anyone and as always have a great time while you're here.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Welcome Excail!!
Hello all. Big fan of Fett and Vader. The Dark Side rules.
Thank you all for the welcome, and I've recently come across some things that caused me to spiritually go back about 15-16 years, so sorry if I seem either too calm or too wild lol
As for Slash, Welcome to the board
Hello all. Big fan of Fett and Vader. The Dark Side rules.
As long as the pay is good, who cares.
SlashandBurn wrote:Hello all. Big fan of Fett and Vader. The Dark Side rules.
As long as the pay is good, who cares.
LOL. Money isn't everything. Far from that.
Karson Fett wrote:SlashandBurn wrote:Hello all. Big fan of Fett and Vader. The Dark Side rules.
As long as the pay is good, who cares.
LOL. Money isn't everything. Far from that.
Money = Greed Nuff said'
Terra wrote:Karson Fett wrote:As long as the pay is good, who cares.
LOL. Money isn't everything. Far from that.
Money = Greed Nuff said'
I think Karson was just making a typical statement though. Although I don't think Boba's only about the money.
I cant wait for celebration V in Orlando so psyched!!
Boba was only a bounty hunter because it was suited to him, but he did his job well, and always tried to be prepared
Money was the least of his worries til the job was done, it was about staying alive
Hey everyone what's up
Just created my account after lurking for a while lol. I've always been a huge fan of the movies (and Boba of course) and I remember I came to this site many years ago when I first started to read the Bounty Hunter Wars. I never went much further than that but now I'm getting into a lot more of the books, starting with the Republic Commando series so I came back to this site again to maybe get some recs for some other good reading material and discuss the coolest group of characters in the series!
Hey Fettmatic, welcome to the boards! :)
lol Karson, you're a welcome wagon just you alone :P
Welcome Fettamatic, and I don't know, don't you need more than one person for a wagon? :P
Nope just four wheels, two axles, a few horses, and a driver. Then blam a welcome wagon.
lol, you guys are funny. :)
I thought a wagon was for supplies or transport of multiple people, but I guess I could be wrong...
Maybe it's for shipping goods over the desert?
Alright folks, just thought I'd give the message I'm back, it's been two years but I'm back ;)
Hope you've all been well and hey to the new people and hey again to those who can remember me.
Hope to speak to you all soon!
Good to see you again Nigzy, what all have you been up to?
Hi i'm CapitlPC nice to meet you all :lol:
Nice to have you Capitl!
And glad to have you back Nigzy! Not sure if you remember that RPG AoS, but I'm hoping to beat it back to life. Loved your posts, and if you're down you should rejoin! As long as I've got SOMEBODY to bounce off of in that aged monster I'll post :P
hello im fercho98 im for mexico, glad to be here
Hey there Fercho, welcome to the boards! :)
Hey guys! New to the forum. Thanks for having us.
Us? But still welcome to the forums
Thats what I asked! Maybe there a group he did say they were working on the Boba Fett Movie.
Im Logan Rax :)
im a huge Fett and Mando fan
*salutes* -For Mandalore- :D
Hiii, Logan.
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