I turned 17 several weeks ago.
Topic: How old are you?
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
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I am 22 as of 5 minutes ago. And yes, I have nother better to do then sitting up at midnight typing this in, hahaha.
Happy birthday! I used to stay up till midnight for my birthday too, but since my job requires I get up between 3-6AM (depending on when I have to go in, usually I have to get up at 5) I never stay up that late anymore.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I'm 16.
I'm so old, I can't believe I'll be 30 this year... thank goodness my birthday ain't until October...
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Thats ok BFFC-Mel
I am 37. I am already 1 foot in the grave. But they will not get me without a fight.
Ah it's been awhile once again since I have perused the boards. But I turned 18 on March 18. In BC, Canada, age of majority is 19. So it really didn't mean much for me. Besdies university next year.
Belated Happy Birthday to you Sev, it's interesting how your country has a different age of majority. Welcome back and good luck with college.
LOL yeah Sev, come to Australia... you're legally an adult at 18 ;)
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
LOL yeah Sev, come to Australia... you're legally an adult at 18 ;)
there and in most of the modern world.
Turning 25 in a couple weeks... I feel old now :P
Way too late,I'm 15.....
Friday, June 16, 2006 2:55 pm <-------
Saturday, June 5 2010. I'm 19 now!
I mean come on! It is seriously disturbing... :P
Sorry if I'm off topic, but I was browsing this thread and I came by my very very old response...
and I kinda flipped. Next thing I know, I will retire and never use my lightsaber again. =/
DMC, time has passed!!! I didn't know you'd gotten so old!!! :P lol
And welcome to Mandalorian2269, I like your avatar. Nice to see younger people here keeping the fandom moving along.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
DMC, time has passed!!! I didn't know you'd gotten so old!!! :P lol
And welcome to Mandalorian2269, I like your avatar. Nice to see younger people here keeping the fandom moving along.
When I wrote that I'm 15, YOU were 19.And now I'm too. I really should change my avatar. lolz
alright, 19 on the 25th. 2 weeks from this friday :P
Happy Birthday in advance, Fett_II!
I'd like to wish Aaron (BFFC Admin) a Happy 27th Birthday!
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Happy birthday, Aaron!
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
a happy B-day to those who turned one year older lately. :)
happy 27 Admin, always thought you were older (coz of your great wisdom, lol)
Next thing I know, I will retire and never use my lightsaber again. =/
LOL Wouldn't that be sad?
I'm 33.5 now. Doesn't matter, I feel younger than ever. ;)
15... sadly... All you adults know how bad it feels to become a year younger... I'm not another kid saying, all it is, is another year closer to death.
That's cool...your only a couple of weeks older then me.
Yeah, but I already feel old... It's not right...
15... sadly... All you adults know how bad it feels to become a year younger... I'm not another kid saying, all it is, is another year closer to death.
LOL, love how you put it. So I'm already slowly dying huh? :P
Even babies are slowly dying... I just feel like I'm dying WAY too fast cuz, by the way I'm posting you can tell I'm sick, and if I'm sick... Well... I just feel bad and post random crap... Did I just see the screen move? :/
Happy Birthday in advance Karson and Jumpy!!
Happy b-day Fett II
18 gonna be 19 in October...but I gotta say I still feel pretty immature for my age lol
I still feel pretty immature for my age lol
You too? :P
Fettmatic wrote:I still feel pretty immature for my age lol
You too? :P
i second that notion. btw i'm gonna be 14 on the 19th
I am a staff officer...I can't be immatrue
I can't be immatrue either. just a little immature at times.
Hey guys found this and decided to tell I'm 13 but I don't want to be treated like I'm to young to understand.
Hey guys found this and decided to tell I'm 13 but I don't want to be treated like I'm to young to understand.
No one treated you like anything, hon. We have people of all ages here. Don't worry. :)
(said the terrible witch with odd eyes)
Happy B-day?
Well, happy b-day in late then. :P
Tonight be my last night of 29... tomorrow I turn 30.
Wow third decade :) (Remember I'm a day ahead, so B'day be 2nd October).
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Tonight be my last night of 29... tomorrow I turn 30.
Wow third decade :) (Remember I'm a day ahead, so B'day be 2nd October).
Those were the days when I thought of entering my third decade now I'm going well in to my fourth!
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