For those older fans you may remember the Ewok cartoons. Did you watch them and if so did you enjoy them? I loved them. Of course this was before I was old enough to realise that the chances of an ewok beating a stormtrooper were slim to none. So my taste may have been lacking...
Topic: Ewoks Cartoons
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
10 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestI have seen a bit of it but not all of it.
I love them! I'm 12,but I watched them yesterday I have watched them,when I was younger,but I didn't know that it was Star Wars. Wicket and Teebo are my favourites. :D
1985 intro:
1986 intro:
I love them. :)
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music

Yub, Yub!!
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
that ewok would be so cool, why dosent star wars make one?
i can imagine now, no one wants to shoot him cause hes so cute, and then he shoots them right in the face.
to bad they dont make these anymore :(
What do you mean? They've just made SW The Clone Wars.
The Ewoks focuses on the adventures of Wicket W. Warrick and his friends on the forest moon of Endor during the years before the events in Star Wars.I also remember The Ewoks cartoon.I always sang the intro song for it when I was a kid.The Ewoks series being the basis of an RP I had last year, I'd like to see more of it.