Exactly like the title says. I'm writing a story and have a lot of characters that are about to join. And I have absolutely no names for them. I cannot work around it, I need a lot of names. So, if you can think of stuff that's sci fi sounding/suitable for a dragon, please post them here. It would be most appreciated.
Topic: I need names
Note: this topic was started 15 years ago.
38 posts
Sorted by oldest to newesthttp://www.rinkworks.com/namegen/
A quick google search came up with those as the first three results. ;)
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
No offense, but I don't want to use name generators. To me, the names they put out are just so...artificial (if that makes sense). I wanted to have the creativity of many people come up with many unique names I could use. But a name generator would only be the creativity of a few people, with just a lot of combined results.
Oh, that's fine. I never use name generators properly anyway, I usually take a first name I like and pair it to a last name I like. Or take half of one name and combine it with another. Or drop a letter or add a letter. etc.
I can't really help you then, I'm terrible at choosing names. Only real advice I can give is that sometimes I take the character and see who they are, like, their personality. And then I choose a name that means something like that. For example, my name fits me fairly well, my name means "stranger", and I've moved here, there, and all over so that usually means I'm a stranger wherever I go.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I have always just written down the first name that comes to my head and edit it to make it right.
For example: I could start out with a name like Joseph Aaron Brown and it end up being James Crockett Boone (which is a mixture of Jame Bond, Davy Crockett, and Daniel Boone)
How about Crimson Wing. A cool dragon name.
Yeah now that you mention it it does sond more like a ship.
Oh, that's fine. I never use name generators properly anyway, I usually take a first name I like and pair it to a last name I like. Or take half of one name and combine it with another. Or drop a letter or add a letter. etc.
This would be my best suggestion. You get a generator to throw random, 'artificial' as you put it names at you, and then just take first, last, or altered names that it gives you and combine them to your own personal taste. If you really do need lots of names I can't think of a better suggestion. The generators will always throw you something interesting if you cycle through it enough.
What's your story? Star Wars? If so maybe some of us here on the boards could contribute our own personalities. Just a thought
Yeah it's Star Wars related. I didn't mention it in the first post because I was a little shy/embaressed to. It's the sequel to a completed story that's not well known/doesn't appear to be popular, so I don't feel like explaining all the details if I don't have to. Yeah I'm lazy.
Your more that welcome to my user name. I think a basic translation would be "Vengeful soul" At least the people who helped me said thats what it means.
You could always try researching different SW languages and make peoples names based on the roots of the words (basicly what I did) If any of your characters are from the outer rim the basic train in sur names seems to be two totally contradictory words while the first names are just simple. For instance "sky-walker", "dark-lighter".
I seem to be making people on here mad so I will try not to push my opinion or input too hard.
I can help you with names but it would be best if I knew a general background of the character.
Let me know if I can help
―Boba Fett
For my stories I often look at books and check out authors names or names from myths and legends etc.
I like Gaelic names and you can often use 'baby names' websites if you're not sure but you have an origin in mind: http://www.babyhold.com/list/Gaelic_Baby_Names/
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
When I'm feeling REALLY lazy I'll just park it on the couch with a notebook and copy names I like from the end credits of movies that are ending. If you've got cable/satilite and a few half decent movie channels, you'll have an endless supply of random names every half hour or so :P
Oh, that is a good way to find random names...I never thought of that
me to i never though of that to
when im have nothing to do i all ways leave the house well some times.
nooooooooooooo i have to get off now by every one.
i want my cousin to sleep over because it is the holidays.
no need to.. quadruple post, there is an edit button
also, your posts are super off-topic.
what do you mean.
look at other people like Ralin dracula.he mentioned when he is really lazy
he writes names down on a pad ha.
really ! off topic
now who is off topic
....Do you even know what the topic of this thread is?
Your more that welcome to my user name. I think a basic translation would be "Vengeful soul" At least the people who helped me said thats what it means.
You could always try researching different SW languages and make peoples names based on the roots of the words (basicly what I did) If any of your characters are from the outer rim the basic train in sur names seems to be two totally contradictory words while the first names are just simple. For instance "sky-walker", "dark-lighter".
I seem to be making people on here mad so I will try not to push my opinion or input too hard.
I can help you with names but it would be best if I knew a general background of the character.
Let me know if I can help
It's very generous of you to offer your username to me, but, no offense, it's not very fitting for the story. The dragons (and half dragons. And humans too) aren't skilled warriors or mercs. The setting is/was a peaceful forgotten planet at the edge of the outer rim. They're basically ordinary citizens who suddenly have to fight if they want to live to see another day.
I prolly made it sound more dull then it really is, but thats the very basic plot in a nutshell. If this helps at all.
yea but is it your bisnes ! you know that you have nothing to do with this .
Dude, your making more spam than Hormel Foods.
Don't post twice in a row. if you feel the need to add something to your post(s), hit the Edit button. It should be at the top right hand corner of your post(s). It should look like a pencil.
yea but is it your bisnes ! you know that you have nothing to do with this .
....I MADE this topic which, by the way, is about usable names for my story. This is not some chatroom where the discussion changes all the time. Nor was this topic evolving into something else, as threads sometimes do. You're just doing some serious, aggrivating, spamming. Not to mention you're being rude as well.
I'm going to ask nicely now, so please, stop. Before I get really angry.
FAT GUY wrote:yea but is it your bisnes ! you know that you have nothing to do with this .
....I MADE this topic which, by the way, is about usable names for my story. This is not some chatroom where the discussion changes all the time. Nor was this topic evolving into something else, as threads sometimes do. You're just doing some serious, aggrivating, spamming. Not to mention you're being rude as well.
I'm going to ask nicely now, so please, stop. Before I get really angry.
Calm down, he is a new guy...he doesn't know the rules yet
He's either a kid (10-12 years) or a spammer. Either way I'm ignoring him for now, and until he starts doing it right I don't think anyone should really take him seriously. Or if he turns out to be a kid we should help him learn how to post right.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
noooooooooooooooooooooooo someone wright to me!
Look dude, you have to post on the topic name.
Spamming here is:
1) Posting twice in a row
2) Posting a message completely off topic
You need to contact me, or one of the other members if you need any help. My e-mail can be found in my signature. Dude, you really need to shoot me an e-mail, man.
Now, everyone needs to get back on topic...
lol imagine if it was SOS haruhi or green on another account. i'm seriously considering the second, but let's hope i'm wrong.
Ever tried spelling names backwards like Dragon ...Nogard ,,celtic names
the same ...
strong names are,, good
Mothtic,Freefall,Mus,Batabs,Tast,just a few
I think names with the first name having two syllables first and then the second name having one syllable work the best i.e. Boba Fett
things like
lila tan
ranto fill
tyulim far
pomto rall
are a good way to start the process.
Give that a try.
[url=http://www.bobafettfanclub.com/multimedia/galleries/thumbnails.php?album=lastupby&uid=1624]My Fan Art[/url]