i was just wondering what SW books everyone is reading. For instance im reading the first book in "The Joiner King" series. and i gotta say its very compelling.
Topic: Current SW books being read...by you
Note: this topic was started 15 years ago.
16 posts
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As long as everyone keeps this thread friendly for everyone and there are no spoilers posted, this is a great idea for a thread. ..as long as there are no spoilers!
I'm reading the books chronologically and have only skipped the Black Fleet Crises cause it's so boring I read the first three pages about five times and I still don't remember what happened that's just how boring it was. And I skipped the YJK and JJK but I do plan to go back to them at some point. I've made it up to Dark Journey, and I'm liking it a lot. I think it's one of my more favorite books of the NJO so far.
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Im re-reading the Bounty Hunter Wars series, along with the Legacy of the force series. Sorry, no NON-Star Wars books. :P
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so far i've read order 66, death star, tales and thats about it
Although I'm a huge reader (comes with the dork territory), at the moment, I'm not reading a thing.
Republic Commando: Hard Contact
just finished rereading the two darth bane novels, in preparing for part 3: dynasty of evil. also looking forward to reading death troopers next.

i also have read Heir to the Empire
The new Star Wars book Cross Current. Just started it
Just finished Order 66. Trying to decide if I want to see the series to the finish or try to dig into something new. I read the last two books of the Han Solo trilogy because I heard those were the only two Boba was in. Even though he always seemed to get the nasty end of the stick, he was still portrayed with a lot of respect by the author, and the story was in general really good; probably my favorite Star Wars novels I've read so far. Definately going to have to get the first one and complete that series
Oh, the Han Solo Trilogy is great. I highly recommend it!
I just started NJO: Traitor. It's interesting so far. Not bad. I'm not very far into it though I did the prologue and just started chapter 1.
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y'know, i wonder how the jedi academy trilogy would've gone if boba was in it.. perhaps as a part of the plot to kill mon mothma? i could definitely see him coming out of nowhere and trying to kill han and kyp as they escape the maw installation.
I just got 501st for my birthday. Slightly depressing that this one will be the last of the RC novels. I have been slightly starved of reading material and I mention that to two people and all of sudden I have over 10 different books to read. Now if only school would end faster so I could get to reading these series.
I have just finished reading the force unleased.
I think I will read one of the clone wars books next. I will have a look at the books that I have got and see which one I want to read.
anyone read deathtroopers?
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
Ale'ika: http://www.bobafettfanclub.com/boards/viewtopic.php?id=3236 We even have a thread for it.
I finished Traitor and I loved it. :) But I don't have the next one, Destiny's Way, so I'm sorta lost right now. I'm reading a non-SW book currently.
Devil Girl: I liked the Force Unleashed book, it was pretty good.
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