I can't live witout it, every day i use google for almost 5 hours. Its become a part of my life. what you think.
Topic: Can you live without Google
Note: this topic was started 15 years ago.
37 posts
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What's the alternative? Remembering URLs? Bing? Yahoo? MSN?
What's the alternative? Remembering URLs? Bing? Yahoo? MSN?
Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes. Of course, they created "Favorites" or "Bookmarks" so you didn't have to remember the URL.

Until you use another computer. Then you'll be wishing you use Delicious.com.
I love google, I couldn't live without it either.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I boycott Google and if you like YouTube, so should you. Ever since Google bought YouTube it's gone down the drain. =/ I can, and do, live without Google.
I boycott Google and if you like YouTube, so should you. Ever since Google bought YouTube it's gone down the drain. =/ I can, and do, live without Google.
? I am confused by exactly what you are implying here. What has gone wrong since Google bought YouTube? I'm gonna guess you're talking about copyright infringements? Those are easy to bypass, just credit the owner.
I credit the owner of every video I make and yet I keep getting videos removed for copyright reasons. I didn't know google had bought them. But I also don't care enough, google's too useful to care that much. I'll just host my own videos, it's easy.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music

Fett_II, actually YouTube (bought by Google in 2006 for $1.65 billion) uses some audio matching technology to automatically remove content that uses copyrighted audio. The feature removes the audio from unofficially uploaded videos / fan made movies.
Related, there's Vevo, a music video site that doesn't contain user generated content. It's owned by Sony, Universal and Dhabi.
If youtube removes them using a program then why is it the song I used has 3 pages of search results when I use their search to find other videos with the exact same song? It's just something I've wondered. Why was my video in specific taken down when there's still a hundred more that are still up? Either the program is very inefficient or they just occasionally take a video down to make it look like they're doing something.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
they just occasionally take a video down to make it look like they're doing something.
This most likely.

Miba -- according to http://www.youtube.com/t/fact_sheet -- every minute there are 20 videos uploaded to YouTube. That's 28,800 per day. The latency for stripping copyrighted audio is, I think, a combination of aural-recognition processing time, flagging, and the aggressiveness of the music label.
Wow, I had no idea there were that many videos a day. That's a lot! I can see how that could be hard to take care of.
Like I said it doesn't really bother me, because I can host my own no problem, I've already mostly figured it out.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Live with out Google? Maybe. Imagining what my life was or would've been like without Goolgle. Another story.
I boycott Google and if you like YouTube, so should you. Ever since Google bought YouTube it's gone down the drain. =/ I can, and do, live without Google.
I have only used it once or twice in my life. I think the search returns it gives are a lot of fluff. I mean cross-reference "hamster" a million ways and you are still going to get a bunch of crap about fuzzy critters that may, or may not be what you are looking for...just because the cross-referencing is so extensive does not mean that you always get what you are looking for.
Furthermore, there is in fact, such a thing as too much information. A lot of Google returns are irrelevant.
In my opinion...
And Youtube does not seem to have the zazz that it did before, I agree there too.
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Well you (not you specifically, but you in general) need to learn HOW to google. There is such a thing as being bad at it. You have to learn what kind of wording to use, how to scroll past the irrelevant things. You can use the advanced search to edit out certain words or to specify that you want a certain series of words. Just typing in "hamster" without any other reference for the search to go on is just asking for a bunch of stupid things. But typing in, "hamster threw up" or "hamster toys" or "ways to play with your hamster" or "hamster food" would get better results.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
also, searching anything with quotations will give you more direct results.
It's still not fool proof though. Sometimes adding more words to a search can narrow down results, and sometimes it can make it all the wrose. Because instead of getting items related to the search you'll get everything related to the first half and everything related to the second half. But yeah, the only way you'll get me to use Google is if every, and I do mean EVERY, other search engine died and went to Internet Hell.
That's exactly what me and Fett_II explained. If you use advanced search or put your words in quotation marks you will get results about both words, not results about one word or the other. That's still not going to make it magically know what you're looking for exactly, but you learn to scroll past the useless stuff, and if I can't find what I want within 5-10 pages I type in my search with a different wording.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
indeed. i usually find whatever i need within the first three pages, most of the time it is on the first page, usually in one of the top 5 links even.
also, searching anything with quotations will give you more direct results.
But that is true of any of the search engines...and knowing "how" to search is equally important regardless of what engine you use so I don't really buy that argument Miba.
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It's still not fool proof though. Sometimes adding more words to a search can narrow down results, and sometimes it can make it all the wrose. Because instead of getting items related to the search you'll get everything related to the first half and everything related to the second half. But yeah, the only way you'll get me to use Google is if every, and I do mean EVERY, other search engine died and went to Internet Hell.
I'm with you all the way,
Punk rock!
Subvert the dominate paradigm!
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Quite right you are, Fett_II.
Tachyon, my argument could stand for any search engine. But if you specifically single out Google and say "it doesn't give me what I want" when that's the only search where you don't use correct searching methods, then you're setting this test up to fail.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Quite right you are, Fett_II.
Tachyon, my argument could stand for any search engine. But if you specifically single out Google and say "it doesn't give me what I want" when that's the only search where you don't use correct searching methods, then you're setting this test up to fail.
Well, I never said that Google specifically doesn't give me what I want. I said that it doesn't do it BETTER than any other engine out there if you know HOW to search for what your looking for. I have never NOT been able to find exactly what I was looking for using Yahoo and I recently ran a test and got exactly the same returns for the first "10,234,345" sites. Most humans are going to stop looking after the first five to ten sites or until they find the info they are looking for.
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Im parcial to bing. I seem to find what I want without to much trouble.
I have things I like about Google and I have somethings I like about Bing.
My SAI (Senior Army Instructor) or JROTC supervisor's son works at Google.
I think one of the biggest reasons why I prefer Yahoo is, well, it was all there was when I joined the internet (that I was aware of) and have just used it for so long. Google just doesn't seem to do the job any better that I have noticed, but I still don't know why everyone abandoned Yahoo for Google as soon as it came out. But I didn't really hold a grudge against them until they bought out YouTube.
What's bing?
And I can understand using something that you've used since you started out. In 2002 I got a LiveJournal and that's just what I've always used. I didn't get in on the myspace or facebook or anything. I don't need to cause I use LJ and always have and the others just aren't appealing, nor have I tried them. So that's a very acceptable and understandable reason for not using google, is cause you've always just used yahoo.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I prefer Google myself, but I also use all the other search engine when I cant find something with Google. Which is rare.
Miba Bing is a decision engine from microsoft. It is really great. I love it. Yeah they call it a decision engine instead of a search engine. depending on what you look for it narrows things extensively
What's bing?
On further reflection I realize I could have just googled that..... :D :P
I shall have to test it out sometime.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Lol !!!!!
What's bing?
And I can understand using something that you've used since you started out. In 2002 I got a LiveJournal and that's just what I've always used. I didn't get in on the myspace or facebook or anything. I don't need to cause I use LJ and always have and the others just aren't appealing, nor have I tried them. So that's a very acceptable and understandable reason for not using google, is cause you've always just used yahoo.
And there's that too!
[url=http://www.bobafettfanclub.com/multimedia/galleries/thumbnails.php?album=lastupby&uid=1624]My Fan Art[/url]
I used to have a LiveJournal way back when, but it's been long abandoned. I can never keep up with writing in journals once a day, or even every other day. I only use the journal that comes with my DeviantArt account every once in a while (mostly for rants, lawlz). Anyways I'm not a very interisting person. If I wrote in the thing every day nearly every entry would be along the lines of "Well after classes today I studied for another 6 hours for my classes. Looked over my math stuff, my reading book, and did my writing homework. Then I played <insert name of game here> for 6 hours. Dinner was <insert food here>. Tomarrow I have writing class. I hope the teacher will like my essay!" Yeah, thats some real exciting stuff there.
And I'm uneasy to use FaceBook or MySpace because I don't want the people I went to high school with to find me.
That's one of the biggest reasons I don't use places like Facebook. I don't want people like my mom snooping through my journal. I'm a big journal writer. Before I got married I used to write pages and pages every day. Now I only manage it two or three times a week. It's a good way to unwind, to sort things out in your head, to just let things out. It's like a friend you can tell anything without any fear of reaction. And one of my motivators is this: I would love to read a journal my grandma wrote when she was younger. And I love reading my mom's old journals from when I was first born and stuff. And I hope one day I have a child or grandchild who will sit down and read my little piece of history. When I think of it I try to include things like what I ate or wore, occasionally I say how much stuff is. I mostly just rant about work though.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
You can customize your privacy settings so that pretty much nobody can find you.
Oh, that's right, I forgot about that. Another friend just told me that a few weeks ago too.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music