Topic: Happy new year: 2010- The Year We Make Contact

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Topic #3584
December 31, 2009 4:18 pm (Edited December 31, 2009 04:19 pm) #

Happy new Year to everyone.

In Australia we hit 2010 11 hours ago in an absolutly amazing fireworks show.

And London just hit 2010 about 20 minutes ago.

Here are some pictures of the Sydney fire works

And of coarse let us welcome

"My luck ranges from barely tolerable to cataclysmic"
December 31, 2009 5:11 pm #

Dec, 31 2009-
in the south everybody is thinking about the Bowl games. In the deep south, the New Years celebration is you favorite BCS football team winning their respective bowl game.

December 31, 2009 5:28 pm #

Meh. Just another day, really. I'll be heading to bed in about five minutes here, 6:30 my time. I don't really want to think about all the time I wasted this year. All the time I'll never get back. Time I could have spent bettering my future. And instead I wasted it. Not all of it, I did some things this year I'm happy about. But a lot of it was just a waste. When I'm old how will I explain this year to my grandkids? Just another year, one among several, no real way to differentiate between them. Just a blur in the big scheme of life. I guess some things were memorable, but I have barely anything to show for a year's worth of living.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
December 31, 2009 5:30 pm #

With the Zentradi?  I know, we don't even have the fortress built yet.

We're screwed.

Author of the Dog and Spider Private Investigations series NOT for kids!
December 31, 2009 5:50 pm #
Karson Fett wrote:

Dec, 31 2009-
in the south everybody is thinking about the Bowl games. In the deep south, the New Years celebration is you favorite BCS football team winning their respective bowl game.

WOAH!!! Dude you need to get in touch!!! New Years is a day all of us Jonny Rebs Look forward too.  Its a chance to drink ALL the moonshine so next year it will all be fresh. Its a chance (if your not married like me) to kiss a bunch of pretty girls, and start a fight with the one person you can't stand then have a drink with him later.  New Years is like that thing they have in New Orlans but for non-cajuns. This is the time of year we get to cut loose and have fun and do all the things we meant to get done during the year.
Tell you what Karson... Your young... I want you to do something for me that I never did... You grab the purtiest girl you can find, and tell her that you have waited for the whole year for this opportunity then give her a big wet smooch, and grin like Davey Crockett tryin to get a racoon out of a tree.
Have fun dude. and remember something my sister told me when I was a kid that changed my life.
"Life is like a rollercoaster, so throw your hands in the air and scream all the way down"
Have fun buddy, cause you wont ever be this young ever again. (Don't do stupid things, I am not condoning drugs or any other life destroying habit, but enjoy life and LIVE it)
This is a life lesson for you from a soldier that has had to do things he hated so you could really live.

"Everyone dies. It is the final and only lasting justice."
―Boba Fett
December 31, 2009 6:26 pm (Edited December 31, 2009 06:27 pm) #

lol I live in not a very big city so we don't really have big fireworks or celebrations. ;_; Technically, fireworks are illegal in Arizona unless you're a big resort and can therefore get the firemen to give you a permit. Granted everyone smuggles them in from New Mexico anyways so in the end it doesn't matter except that our state loses money. Cause really if people didn't smuggle them in New Years would be VERY dull.

Something I never got is why do all the parties end at 12:30. We make a big fuss about New Years and then its the NEW YEAR time for bed. Nu-uh. After midnight is when the party should REALLY get started.

Anyways I stay up well past 5 am every night anyways. XD New Years is no prob.

Me wrote:

Anyways I stay up well past 5 am every night anyways.


Half Dragon, half human, 100% Fett!
December 31, 2009 7:01 pm #

Lampy? Who is lampy?

"Everyone dies. It is the final and only lasting justice."
―Boba Fett
December 31, 2009 7:12 pm #
Je'karta Ka'rta wrote:

Uphill both ways in the snow 6 miles a day.

I'll second that.  Let the old farts worry about watching guys on TV screens do things we're no longer capable of doing.  You should be out DOING those things, not worrying about what some football team is doing.  You can watch football any day of the year.  By the time you are even 32, my age, you'll have seen so many football and hockey games you'll have no chance of counting how many are bouncing around in your memory.

New Year's Eves?  You bet your butt I can count how many of THOSE I have had.  I wasted more then a few of those on treating it like just another day, and now that I'm a married man, I have no CHOICE but to treat it like just another day.

Football can wait, man.  Go out and take a chance on life.

Author of the Dog and Spider Private Investigations series NOT for kids!
December 31, 2009 9:39 pm #

Never saw The Brave Little Toaster eh? The desk lamp character, Lampy, sometimes repeats himself at the end of a sentence as I did in my post (I said anyways at the begining and at the end of a single sentence). It's something I notice I do sometimes.

And oy is my city boring. The biggest New Years celebration is aimed at families. No interisting music or activities at all. Everything is kid friendly. @_@

Half Dragon, half human, 100% Fett!
January 1, 2010 2:28 pm #
ZiviReywes wrote:
Je'karta Ka'rta wrote:

Uphill both ways in the snow 6 miles a day.

I'll second that.  Let the old farts worry about watching guys on TV screens do things we're no longer capable of doing.  You should be out DOING those things, not worrying about what some football team is doing.  You can watch football any day of the year.  By the time you are even 32, my age, you'll have seen so many football and hockey games you'll have no chance of counting how many are bouncing around in your memory.

New Year's Eves?  You bet your butt I can count how many of THOSE I have had.  I wasted more then a few of those on treating it like just another day, and now that I'm a married man, I have no CHOICE but to treat it like just another day.

Football can wait, man.  Go out and take a chance on life.

I disagree. There's no reason to waste your life on stupid stuff like throwing yourself at anyone who comes near you. That's wasting yourself. You are special and should reserve that sorta thing for someone else special, not just "the prettiest girl in the room". What good will that give you? Save it for when it matters and you'll appreciate it more. Don't destroy your life by just going out and partying or like I said, throwing yourself on anyone/everyone you see. That's NOT living, that's destroying yourself and everything that might one day matter. Regret is a powerful feeling, don't do anything stupid and you won't regret. What if the right girl for you is in a corner and watches you being all flirty and stupid and you totally miss her and lose her because of that. And it's your own stupid fault for being out *cough*living*cough*.

Stay home, watch the stars, enjoy the beauty of nature. Be calm and content with what you have. You don't need to be out being stupid and silly and idiotic and ruining yourself and your life.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
January 1, 2010 5:16 pm (Edited January 1, 2010 05:22 pm) #

Life IS risk. I wish I had taken a few more. I am not saying to do stupid things I am saying to take risks and grab life by the horns. If that girl in the corner took a risk then she would have what she was intended to have. I tried to be conservative in too many ways for too long and wish I hadnt been the person sitting in the corner more than once. I think we all have. I am not saying to blow your life savings on a stupid idea or marry the next pretty girl you see, I am saying to reach out and grab life so it doesnt pass you by.

If you dont reach out and grab it it will skip you for someone who will. "Fortune favors the bold"
I took a risk and jumped, and now I AM married to the girl of y dreams. I am married to the person god intended and I love every minute of it. I love being the person who took a risk and jumped at something I sho0uld never have had. I love the fact that I finaly stepped out and grabbed life by the horns and accepted the fact that I was ready to get into something I didnt deserve.
I say dont live life by the book, all you will get is mediocre and what I have is SO much more than that because I reached for the stars... And now I am married to one and she is carrying my child.

"Everyone dies. It is the final and only lasting justice."
―Boba Fett
January 1, 2010 9:01 pm #

Well here in civilization, we just party with our family and friends. Although I kind of wanted to spend it more with friends than family, considering I've already spent most of the few days I've been home with them.

January 2, 2010 5:12 am (Edited January 2, 2010 05:13 am) #

Is it really civilized to party? I thought to be civilized was to be reserved. It's barbarism that makes people go wild and do stupid stuff. I mean, I suppose little things, like having a friend over, or going to your mom's house, those aren't bad, not what I meant. I meant with you start drinking and stuff that's when it turns bad.

And I guess there is a fine line between taking chances and being stupid. My first kiss was at 18 and only with two guys, one who ended up being my husband. And my biggest regret? The first guy. When I was a kid I was a kid. I knew being a kid didn't mean having bfs and gfs, I knew there was no way to marry at 14. And I knew that by time I was an adult and could marry I wouldn't be interested in the guys I was at 14. Sure I had crushes, but I didn't do anything about them. I saw all my friends being stupid and worrying about boys and I didn't care. I had fun, I did kid things, I played kid games, I read kid books, I tried to better my future life, I tried to work towards my future as an adult. I knew if I was patient and waited and plotted and schemed I would get my idea of the perfect guy and anything less didn't deserve my attentions. My husband had to work at it for five months before I finally started talking with him and realized he was an ok guy and decided, sure, why not. So, some chances I guess ARE good.

But I also suppose this isn't really the thread for that...

For New Years I wrote something very out of character and optimistic. (gracious, I almost didn't remember how to spell that word...) I'm not posting it cause I'm shy about it though. This year in review was very boring. Almost nothing worth noting happened. And, yes, I slept through midnight. No need to start off a fresh new year with no sleep. Besides, I always work New Years Day. Holiday pay, you know. :D

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
January 7, 2010 5:25 pm #

A belated Happy New Year to everyone! I love those fireworks photos Revan07. Thanks!

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying
January 10, 2010 12:44 pm #

Welp, everybody's happy in Alabama, National Championship number 13 for the University of Alabama. Auburn beat Northwestern. 4-strait National Championships for the SEC. Now that proves that the SEC is the best in BCS.

January 18, 2010 3:14 pm #

Great photos of our Bridge but I bet the Poor Old Bridge thinks
''O!! No not the Fireworks again''
Doesn't the Habour look great,,
I make my feeble Yearly , must do ,,as in the Past they seem to fade away
so this year more  Postive
Be a Better Person
Eat to my Age
Get a Basenji dog
Stop rushing though my Emails
Not very  exciting

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