Topic: If Star Trek can do it !!!

Note: this topic was started 15 years ago.

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Topic #3492
Avatarbats OP
September 3, 2009 11:21 pm #

Yer!! if Star T  ,,when Capt Kirk was young and etc and go back to the early days
Well surely Mr Lucas can do the same and make sure this time ,,we'll see
Boba Fett growning up to the Bounty Hunter,,would  really fill in the Gaps,of
the saga,,is there HOPE !!!

September 4, 2009 3:59 am #

Yes, because that is totally what SW wants to become. The way it's going it'll be just like ST, bazillions of different "versions" with stupid half hour stories that aren't canon because the people making them don't care enough to do any research and they just create anything they want to to make their story. Why use existing planets when there's new ones to be made? Why use existing species when we can make any other species we want? Why do research to make it canon, not like anyone besides little kids will be vaguely interested in it. Why bother giving it real art when we can take 20-year-old animation and call it new. Fans like bounty hunters and Boba Fett? Sure, let's throw them in too, they can be bad guys where at the end of each episode their plot is foiled and they sit there and go, "Curse you, Jedi, I'll get you next time!"

Oh, wait, they already did that. Go watch CW and after you're done crying for what SW is becoming we'll be here to comfort you.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
September 4, 2009 4:49 am #

It depends on how they did it.

With their current track record, they'd screw it up royally...  However, Star Trek's off-shoot TV series had a lot of sucess, and in all honesty I was a little bit of a fan back in the day.  A Star Wars TV series with a level of writting and acting as Next Generation and Voyager could work well.  But again, only if they're able to keep the old fans happy by not stepping on the toes of the original movies and EU, AND if it's well scripted/acted.  Half-Assing it like CW will just add a few more kiddies and piss off the rest of the loyal fan-base

And Miba, I agree with a lot of what you say, however, I don't see a problem with adding a lot of the content you mention.  Why not add new worlds, new civilizations, new characters?  Hell, if they do that it'll keep them from jacking up the good stuff that already exists.  And besides, it IS a whole galaxy.  I've often thought that the hand full of worlds and species that you consistantly see or hear mentioned were way Over used.  Star Wars is far too big for the small scope of scenery and characters we're typically exposed to, or at least that's my thought.  New locations and species should be created with realizem and creativity in mind, but adding flavor to the mix doesn't hurt anything in my book.

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
September 4, 2009 10:54 am #

It depends on how well it was done. If everything was accurate, the actors were good, and the script was well done, then go ahead. But if they would make up crap as they went along, hired the kind of actors who are so bad they normally appear in cheesy straight to video B-movies, and wrote a horrible script that insults a 3 year olds intelligence then, um, NO.

Half Dragon, half human, 100% Fett!
September 4, 2009 2:55 pm #

Sorry, wrote that early in the morning. I don't mind new stuff sometimes as long as it's good, not just something they make up on the spot that they throw away when they're done. That was what I meant.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
September 6, 2009 7:02 pm #
Miba wrote:

Yes, because that is totally what SW wants to become. The way it's going it'll be just like ST, bazillions of different "versions" with stupid half hour stories that aren't canon because the people making them don't care enough to do any research and they just create anything they want to to make their story. Why use existing planets when there's new ones to be made? Why use existing species when we can make any other species we want? Why do research to make it canon, not like anyone besides little kids will be vaguely interested in it. Why bother giving it real art when we can take 20-year-old animation and call it new. Fans like bounty hunters and Boba Fett? Sure, let's throw them in too, they can be bad guys where at the end of each episode their plot is foiled and they sit there and go, "Curse you, Jedi, I'll get you next time!"

Oh, wait, they already did that. Go watch CW and after you're done crying for what SW is becoming we'll be here to comfort you.

and i would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling droids!

Avatarbats OP
September 6, 2009 9:42 pm #

Bats was more a Babylon Fan but for Star Trek  in it's time was good and there never
has been such a Alien Star as Spock
I think Mr Lucas can really do another  Star wars and call it The Missing Chronicles
that could show Boba Fett growning up and how he survived and became the Bounty Hunter
and I think his Dad Jango had a plan ,,remember he was there from the start,,

November 13, 2009 12:20 pm (Edited November 13, 2009 12:59 pm) #
Miba wrote:

Yes, because that is totally what SW wants to become. The way it's going it'll be just like ST, bazillions of different "versions" with stupid half hour stories that aren't canon because the people making them don't care enough to do any research and they just create anything they want to to make their story. Why use existing planets when there's new ones to be made? Why use existing species when we can make any other species we want? Why do research to make it canon, not like anyone besides little kids will be vaguely interested in it. Why bother giving it real art when we can take 20-year-old animation and call it new. Fans like bounty hunters and Boba Fett? Sure, let's throw them in too, they can be bad guys where at the end of each episode their plot is foiled and they sit there and go, "Curse you, Jedi, I'll get you next time!"

Oh, wait, they already did that. Go watch CW and after you're done crying for what SW is becoming we'll be here to comfort you.

You don't watch enough TV, honey.  The bad guys shake their fists and say, "Curses!  Foiled again!  But I'll be back, and then you'll PAAAAYYYY!!!"

And then they generally trip and fall while comical music plays and the good guys all have a hearty laugh; fade to theme song.  In all seriousness, she's correct.  The new Star Trek movie.... destroys all canon, and just makes it an alternate dimension story.

Plus their Kirk wears EYESHADOW.  The Kirk I know rips his shirt off, beats people up, bangs hot (and often not hot) alien girls, loses red-shirted ensigns by the dozen, and would beat the living hell out of any man wearing eyeshadow simply for looking like a pantywaist.

Jokes aside, Kirk is actually up there in my top ranking of manly MEN in entertainment.  A man is rock solid, does what's right (to his ethical code) BECAUSE it's right, and saves his insecurities and fears for later; because it's time to do what has to be DONE and NOW.  A man, taken for all he is worth and showing all he has.

Indiana Jones - hides behind an excuse of Fortune and Glory but you bet your ass he turned back to save those slaves.

Solid (and Naked) Snake - Though melancholy soldiers, doing their duty to their fullest without reservation.

James T. Kirk, simply oozes machismo and has what it takes to survive the wild frontier of space.

James Bond (prior to 1996), the only man who has a Walther PPK in one hand, the bad guy's woman in the other arm, and saves the world all with a cocky smirk.  Never doubting himself for a moment, and he's right not to.  For King and Country!

Snake Plissken, holds to his code of ethics in face of all odds, and understand that there's no such thing as "cheating" in battle.

Rad Spencer, so incredibly principled and loyal to the people (though not his government per se) he's willing to save his country from certain doom... despite it having thrown him in jail for 7 years on a trumped up charge because they're afraid of him.

Obi-Wan Kenobi, effete, proper, clean and meticulous... and fully willing to run headfirst into an entire army just because a Jedi MUST do everything in their power to save the innocents and get the job done.

Buck Rogers, the first man to dive his fighter screaming at the enemy capital ship and the last man to dock in home base on a retreat.  Buck's mere presence on a battlefield is enough to raise the fighting morale of NEO troops to a heroic fury despite any odds.

...what happened to MEN, anyway?  Compare any of these men to Edward Cullen... who sparkles in the sunlight, understands your problems, and takes weeks and weeks to get "angry" enough to fight a fight that needed doing immediately.

Author of the Dog and Spider Private Investigations series NOT for kids!
November 13, 2009 12:25 pm (Edited November 13, 2009 01:03 pm) #
Fett_II wrote:

and i would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling droids!

Thank you, I forgot that part.  I always hated it when the "cute mascot" saves the day.  It's fine once in a while.. but ugh.  It starts to feel like those episodes where by the end the police are holding a doll up to a family friend asking them where the nasty bike shop owner put his mouth. 

Sadly, CW, being more serious in tone, has a slightly WORSE version of the cutesy mascot saving the day.... the cutesy mascot first getting people KILLED because he is an idiot.

Case in point: Clone pilots are trying to outmaneuver missiles.  Jar-Jar bumble****s his way over to the control panel and rips the pilot away from his controls, thus ensuring the missiles hit and a Senator and several clones die.  Somehow after the crash, Jar-Jar is then PUT IN CHARGE instead of executed on the spot.  Later, when Jar-Jar's clumsiness enables them to escape a situation that they would never have been in IF Jar-Jar weren't so useless, they cheer for him.

Other then Jar-Jar, the show's been playing it pretty straight, though, so I'm appreciating it so far.  People die, the good guys lose, not bad at all.  Even if they did apply modern bloom and lighting effects to graphics that are straight out of the Playstation One era.

...did this just become a threadjack?

Author of the Dog and Spider Private Investigations series NOT for kids!
November 13, 2009 3:06 pm #

Jar Jar was perfectly fine, he's just clumsy, just like me. And btw, you forgot spoiler warnings. ;)

Oh, and you forgot one of the men on that list up there, Zivi, you forgot Mr. Darcy.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
November 13, 2009 4:42 pm #
ZiviReywes wrote:

"Curses!  Foiled again!  But I'll be back, and then you'll PAAAAYYYY!!!"

I'll get you next time, Gadget! NEXT TIME!!

Sorry, I couldn't resist. Anyways, I don't get what the appeal is behind pretty boys. I mean, they look nice...but what can they do besides stand there and look better then the girl? I want my men to be handsome AND kick all sorts of ass.

Half Dragon, half human, 100% Fett!
November 13, 2009 6:06 pm (Edited November 13, 2009 06:16 pm) #
Miba wrote:

Jar Jar was perfectly fine, he's just clumsy, just like me. And btw, you forgot spoiler warnings. ;)

Oh, and you forgot one of the men on that list up there, Zivi, you forgot Mr. Darcy.

Ahhh yes.  How could I forget Fitzwilliam Darcy?  He's my answer to women who whine "My husband/boyfriend/live in sin partner just doesn't understand me!"

Yes and no.  He does not understand why you do many things.  Think of the part where Elizabeth was crying over her sister's shame.  If Darcy were oh say.. Edward Cullen, to use the same example, he would have stayed to tenderly stroke her hair and let her pour her heart out and.. frankly, take advantage of her weakness.  Mr. Darcy, on the other hand, saw that there was a problem that needed to be solved. 

The woman he loved was crying her heart out, and that broke his.  We don;t get why women like to have "A good cry".  It doesn't make sense to us to wallow in bad emotions.  no matter how many times Miba tries to explain it to me, it just sounds STUPID.  How can wallowing in and prolonging your problem help it?  Apparently it does so I accept it.. but it doesn't make sense to me. 

Even though he knew for a fact she would not love him ever; for she told him so (see?  There's another thing.  What you tell a man STICKS, and you also have to TELL him things) he loved her anyway.  So what did he do?  He learned what was wrong, calmly took his leave, went home, had a shower, and then went out to move mountains for the woman he loved.

Elizabeth, unfortunately, though Mr. Darcy was gone for good, due to her "shame".  Would it have been better for Darcy to tell her what he was doing?  NO.  She would have insisted he not do it, and perhaps even forbid him from doing it... or perhaps even delayed him further.  A man sees a situation, and thinks of the most efficient way to fix it.. and then does so.  Miss Bennet clearly does not understand men; just as much as men do not understand women.  If she had, she'd have known the real reason he left was to fix it.

Men and women do NOT understand each other.  they never will.  To even ATTEMPT to fully understand a woman is to give up your manhood, and for a woman to attempt to completely understand men is to give up womanhood.

Tell me ladies.. who would you, personally, rather have?  The mincing prettyboy who lets you cry out in his arms until dawn... or the real man who leaves as soon as he understands the problem, and then is back in your arms by the next dawn, with news of having solved the problem.

Be honest. 

It doesn't make you weak to want a man.  Here's the secret: men want and even need women as well.  A man is strong where a woman is weak and vice versa.  We are made that way.  Women emote and feel better, and gosh darn it often see things that should BE common sense that a purpose-driven man could miss entirely.  Men are wired better with logic, reactions, and a drive to accomplish.  Women civilize men, there's a reason married men live longer then unmarried.  It takes a man and a woman to do things right... that's why we HAVE two genders.

It's also general advice to.. well everyone.  If you're a male and always seem to be a girl's "best friend"... the reason why is because you are emulating a woman, you just happen to have a penis.  I know, I used to be one as well.  Being a man does not mean shoving a stick up your ass and being callous to all things.... but it sure means growing a spine.  Women don't dig jerks... they dig MEN.  The reason why you may think women dig "jerks" is, frankly, because you see people more assertive then you and refuse to see them as anything but abusive twits.  Don't try to emulate what you think they are... you'll just become a jerk.  Become what the really are.... men.  Spine, not a stick up the ass.  :)

As for advice to women.... heck I'll leave that to Miba.  I don't understand women.

I'm not one.

Author of the Dog and Spider Private Investigations series NOT for kids!

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