Topic: RPG: Supernatural II: Rise of the Vampire Mage

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Topic #3487

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August 24, 2009 9:28 pm #

Emeline couldn’t believe it first one, now three vampires stood around her. At least two of them were intent on stealing the Amulet of Delkath. As for one with long hair who seemed to want to make friends, she didn’t really know his motivation.

“I believe first in, best dressed.” Emeline informed them all as she smashed the glass encasement with her bare hand. It bled temporarily before healing almost immediately. Her fingers closed around the Amulet of Delkath and she felt an almost overwhelming need to take it to Ansgar’s tomb.

She touched the Amulet of Delkath against her own amulet and felt the desire lessen. The action cost her as the new arrivals opened fire. Emeline took a bullet to the chest but remained standing. She slashed out with her sword and sliced into the nearest threat: the paler vampire. She knew that he would be on his feet in a few seconds.

Taking the opportunity to run, Emeline dashed out of the room and headed for the nearest exit. However she was shot again, this time in the back by one of the vampires. The impact made her fall to the ground and the Amulet of Delkath slipped from her grip as her fist hit the floor.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
August 24, 2009 10:01 pm #

“That noise sounds like gun shots,” Fen said as Dan took off at a run.

Avlynn looked a Fen, “I thought it was generally a good idea to run away from being shot.”

Fen shrugged, “Generally but then you don’t like spilling blood much these days.”

Before Avlynn could comment Fen was rushing after Dan. “Well what’s good for the goose...” Avlynn muttered and followed the two men.

The stench of vampires hit Avlynn’s nose and then she almost collided into a redheaded female vampire. However the vampire sprawled on the ground after seemingly being shot. The ruby amulet fell from her hands.

“Hey, that belongs to the museum.” Avlynn said as she reached to pick up the amulet. Before her fingers could touch the gold that cradled the red stone, Avlynn too was shot.

She hissed as the burning pain spread from the wound in her shoulder. “Silver,” she growled between clenched teeth. “Bloody vampires,” she snarled as she backed up against a wall and slid to the floor. She reached for her belt trying to find her swiss army knife.

Fen was suddenly at her side, “Silver bullet?”

“How’d you guess,” she snapped.

“Best I get you out of the line of fire,” Fen said as he dragged her away from the feuding vampires.

“Get the amulet, they’re trying to steal it,” Avlynn informed Fen as she finally flipped open the blade of the swiss army knife.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 24, 2009 11:23 pm (Edited September 3, 2009 10:47 pm) #

Fen nodded and was about to go gung ho into the fight but he hesitated.  It was time to even the odds a bit.  Fen allowed the beast to take over his mind as he made the transformation.  Fur grew over his body and his clothes shredded.  But his weapons were securely in place on the straps across his body.  He howled and charged out into the fray.  He quickly spotted the redheaded vampire scrambling for the Amulet away from the view of the vampires.

Fen took two strides and leapt across the hall towards her.  She looked up at the last instant and had she not had enhanced reflexes she would have been clawed to death but the vampire managed to dodge the claws but took the brunt of the force.  With unnatural strength she flung Fen off of her.  Fen skidded to a halt his claws scratching along the laminated floor.

"You do not know who you are dealing with wolf."  Emeline chuckled at him.  Fen only snarled in response.  Once again he leapt and charged but as she braced herself he altered the jump at the last moment.  He landed right near the Amulet and picked it up in his mouth.  The vampire blocked off his exit.

"Fool.  Hand the amulet over and I will let you live."  Fen saw her mouth move but didn't quite register.  His mind suddenly was focused on one thing.  Get the amulet to the tomb.  He wavered for a moment as the voice pounded inside his head.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 25, 2009 8:00 am #

** I have a confidant Idea for joining this Rpg.., but i Don't want to Post Opal  with out having Mel's approval, as I don't want to screw up her plans.... No matter what Opal will be a Blonde Vampire chick. Save a spot for me.:) THanks! **

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
August 25, 2009 10:13 am #

Just as he was reaching the other side of the street, and still shuffling his cards, Drogan heard gunshots. He came quite close to dropping his deck from supprise, but instead he gathered them up, put them in their box and returned it to his pocket, and drew his pistol and knife. Now he needed a way in.

This problem was solved by a service door which had been propped open, he slipped in, allowing the door to close behind him and moved into what shadows there were, not wanting to be caught in the middle of a knife, or gun for that matter, fight. He continued through the halls, drawing closer the the snarls of werewolves.

He came into a hall, on the right side it seemed as everyone was focused on a wolf holding something in its mouth. Drogan grinned, and aimed. "I dont know what's going on at the moment," He yelled, "But I was hoping one of you fine citizens would be able to clarify things for me. Im new in town."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 25, 2009 3:00 pm #

Dan was firing at two vampires (Ronsom and Iago) from behind a map display while Avlynn and Fen bickered with the red-head vampire over the amulet, he trusted them to aquire it. Fen turned into a were, which was unsettling.

"I dont know what's going on at the moment," A newcomer yelled, "But I was hoping one of you fine citizens would be able to clarify things for me. Im new in town."

Dan turned and watched as a guy in a suit and fedora leveled a gun at Fen, who was now trapped between the redheaded vamp and the newcomer. From the back entrance where teh newcomer arrived, he hadn't noticed Dan's position, so Dan took a step up to him and placed the G36c on the back of his neck.

"Welcome to Marley's Point." Dan said, making it known that he could blow him away at this point.

*Poof....poof poof poof poof poof-*

Within seconds, countless of the Brotherhood telepoarted into the museum, enough for everyone to have their hands full. They immediatly began casting spells and the museum filled with the stench of magic. Fen was the first hit, and he howled and an impact spell launched him into a Native American display.

The amulet clattered to the floor and the red-headed vamp made a dive for it, but a volley of magic missles hit her and burned her deeply, she yelled in pain.

Dan was blasting away as many as he could that werent protected by missle barriers. He watched as one casted a yellow serpent-like spell that swirled towards the amulet, and upon impact the red gem glowed for a moment fiercely, then returned to normal.

"What the hell was that!" Dan yelled to Avlynn, who was in shock at this point. She did not have time to answer.

The ground shook violently, and everyone stopped fighting. The Brotherhood were interrupted from their spells. From the main hall something came stomping quickly, and with purpose. It burst into their section.

(audio only )

"....Holy crap." Dan mumbled to himself as the battle now raged on with werewolves, vampires, Brotherhood mages and, now, undead dinosaurs.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 25, 2009 4:00 pm #

"Hmm, seems we've been outnumbered." Santiago pulled the trigger for the third time.
"I suppose..." Ronsom rolled to hide behind a display.
Reanimated dinosaurs. Just too much. He doubted you could kill it with a gun.
He placed the autorevolver back in his shoulder holster and removed the two butterfly swords.
He'd silvered part of the blade for wolves, had placed magic wards on them to cut better and stay sharp. Now it was a testament to crazyness. Ronsom ran headlong in the gaping jaws of the dinosaur and fell to the floor beneath. With one cut he splintered the bone, a second swipe another on the same leg.
Maybe he'd lost it, maybe it was the excess of blood.
"Idiot!" Iago shot toward the human one last time and ran. Iago wasn't as nimble, hadn't had as much need to fight one-on-one. He was caught between the monster's fangs.
Ronsom used the extra time to slide out of the way. Iago might survive, he didn't have high hopes.
It walked with a distinct limp now, slowly ebbing away as the bone repaired.
The newcomer mages were distracted. Ronsom dove for the amulet and caught it by the chain on his fingertips. He wanted to run, take it home, take it back. But the back stairway was out of reach.
Ronsom jumped into the window and kept going. If they wanted it, they'd have to follow him to the grounds below.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
August 25, 2009 11:43 pm #

**Of course you can join Si**

Avlynn had finally managed to dig out the bullet and flick it away as the dinosaur bones continued to ramaged through the museum. "This seems awfully like that movie with Ben Stiller," she commented by everyone was busy.

She took the opportunity to run out back to her Ford pick up and retrieved her shotgun. She moved back inside and fired at one of the weird dudes who'd appeared. "I keep this for close encounters," she said as she blew away a raptor. It's bones scattered across the floor.

"Where's the amulet?" she shouted to Fen.

He barked and pointed his muzzle to the left.

Avlynn nodded as she saw the window and took up pursuit.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 26, 2009 8:24 am (Edited August 26, 2009 08:34 am) #

Name: Opal
Species: Elder Vampire ( Mage)

Sex: Female

Age: Unknown….. Born in Rome during the rule of Constantine.

Appearance: To most she appears almost like a ghost. Pale skin, pale green eyes, nearly white long blonde hair. Wearing mostly long gossamer dresses, regardless of the situations.
( Hoping to still find Image… or create one.) This is unless she is accessing the dark arts, then she swallows all light around her, and becomes a beacon of darkness.

Weapons: Small dagger, concealed in her sleeves of her dress. 

Personality: Normally Opal is on the quiet side, not speaking unless there is a true benefit or reasoning to do so.  Doesn’t usually get involved in close combat, unless absolutely necessary. She is like a wisp of air, but can change at will.  Is full of rage smoldering beneath her surface. Unstable.

Time had ceased to mean anything. Opal walked and hunted for so long, that she had no past. She barely remembered her first name, and only because she recited it to herself over and over again. The hunt, that she knew well. It was all she knew, as the blood lust consumed her very being. She hunted and fed with out remorse. During the day she hid, and longed for more blood. Time passed, but she didn’t notice. Opal forgot even how she became this creature of the night, feasting on the blood of the living.

Until he arrived.

He gave her purpose, focus, and taught her things she never thought she could do. And in return she gave him undying loyalty.

It had been a long time since they last had held each other, but she knew it was all for the purpose. And now he had awoken.

It was time for actions once again.

**if this doesn't work please let me know.... **

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
August 26, 2009 10:48 pm #

**Sounds great**

Ansgar was pleased, through his spell he could tell that the Amulet of Delkath had fallen into the hands of a possible fool who could release him. He just hoped the vampire held onto the amulet long enough for the spell to consume his mind into one single need: to release Ansgar from his prison.

Then he would punish the living, they all deserved to die. How dare the world forget his existence and leave him in exile. How dare they take away everything that ever meant anything to him. He would teach them all a lesson: a lesson in dying and then he'd rule them all!

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 27, 2009 7:57 pm #

Lev followed the GPS to the museum, where most of the lights were still on. There was a large advertising banner with the amulet pictured, along with other fine period and modern jewelery. He drove the Humvee through the parking, cutting the lights not to draw attention. He just about parked before he saw several figures running through the lobby, exchanging gunfire.

"I don't believe it Lev...Oh yes I do...frikkin luck..."

Lev checked the cylinder of his M29, and double checked the speedloaders. He drove though the truck entrance that led to the rear loading dock, there was no sense in barging though the front door. Lev had hoped Fortesque was the cautious type, but it seems that was only wishful thinking. Suddenly, a hail of shattered glass rained upon the hood of his Humvee, and then...


Lev hit the brakes hard, skidding across the pavement to a halt. He grabbed his .44 and got out. There was a dark figure moving on the ground just under the front brush guard, Lev walked to the front to investigate.

"Who are you?" Lev held the pistol at the ready. "Can you move?"

The figure mumbled something and tried crawling out from under the truck.
" to...the master..."

"What the hell are you talking about?" He raised the M29 cautiously.

Suddenly the thing hissed, and slid out from under the Humvee.

"It's his! The precious! I must return it!" He started running away, blindfiring.

"Jeez!" Lev hit the ground, firing a shot at the crazy person. There was blood in the air, but he just kept running. As if things couldn't get any worse, a large wolf-like dog and several others jumped down on the Hummer in pursuit of the man.

"Son of a bi-"

"This IS my signature."
August 27, 2009 11:19 pm #

Drogan was severely regretting not bringing the Thompson,and had been ever since someone put a gun to the back of his head. Then a giant set of bones came to life and a bunch of goons teleported in and next thing he knew he was chest deep in crap, and you cant tread that like you can water.

He fired off  another round, shooting one of those guys who teleported into here in the face. He turned his head in time to see someone jump out of the window, and that someone was a werewolf, so naturally, Drogan followed.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 28, 2009 12:48 am #

Avlynn hated displaying any of her werewolf talents in public, but now was not the time to be fussy. Both she and Fen were in pursuit of the vampire with the amulet. Fen was in his wolf form and would easily outrun the vampire.

Avlynn considered changing but knew that it would unleash her more base instincts. She didn’t want to act like an animal when she’d worked so hard to be human. So she remained as she was. She thanked her lucky stars that she’d worn flat shoes to work so she was able to run with relative ease.

The vampire had been hit by a car and was already on his feet babbling something about returning the amulet to the master. She would have asked Fen what was going on but it was too difficult while he was in wolf form.

Suddenly the weirdos puffed in from nowhere. Their green smoke and flame once again messed with her sense of smell. Avlynn lifted her shotgun and shot at the weirdos. Two went up in smoke but the last one had some sort of force-field around him.

Avlynn grabbed her shotgun by the butt and slammed it into the weirdo and watched as he was slammed into the wall of a nearby building. “Oops,” she muttered to herself, “forgot just how strong I am.”

He started chanting something, “Oh no, none of that mumbo jumbo around me fella,” she growled as she slammed him again with the shotgun.

The weirdo continued to chant. Suddenly Avlynn felt cold and her shotgun dissolved in her hands. She looked down to see that her clothes had also dissolved. “Oh no way, you pervert.” Avlynn grabbed the weirdo by the throat and snapped his neck with ease. She’d hoped to steal his clothes but they vanished in the puff of green smoke. “Dammit,” she muttered and quickly covered herself with her hands and arms.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 28, 2009 11:32 am (Edited August 28, 2009 12:29 pm) #

Dan had his hands full with the mages, their magic was stinking up the place and that dinosaur was even eating a few of them. He had blown away those that weren't protected with his G36c, and their numbers began to fall. Dan got the feeling that they were in this fight halfheartedly however, and that they were allowing this to occur.

As soon as that vampire had disappeared out the window, the bones of the reanimated T-rex clattered to the floor and the undead creature was no more. Everyone had run out the window to follow the amulet, and now Dan was last. He watched as the few remaining Brotherhood stopped casting spells, and poofed away in their green fire. Very, very odd.

Dan now had to follow the rest, and he ran to the window to assess the fall. He would live. As he climbed onto the window sill, something caught his eye beside him: a feudal Japan exhibit. Nestled in the now shattered display case was a long katana, among other artifacts. Dan read the place card next to it:

Bushido Musashi: This elegant and deadly katana was the blade of a samurai bodyguard and was gifted to him by his master for loyalty. To provide an advantage for his legendary body guard, the feudal master requisitioned the blade to be several inches longer than normal, providing the great warrior with distance and intimidation. The blade has been passed down through various families, each noting that the blade had strange-

"Ok, got to go. But you're coming with." Dan said and snatched the blade through the broken glass, that oddly seemed perfect for the sword to be able to slip out of. With his new weapon preferred weapon, Dan had fresh instilled confidence and leapt out the window.


Dan stood and saw everyone chasing the vampire, and also a man holding an odd revolver who looked on in wonder. He was about to approach him when he noticed Avlynn behind him.

"...Well now, I didn't know you were that type of girl." Dan said with a smile. Avlynn's hands weren't big enough to cover her endowments...

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 28, 2009 2:40 pm #

Droideka, the mage 'class' isnt on Mel's starting post as a possible choice for character, any characters with magic ability were first put to Mel to see if she approved. You already have a character, whom you abandoned without a conclusion, and now you post this character out of no where. He is clearly overpowered and has conflicts, as the Freemasons were not around until around the year 1300, at the LEAST. Why does he need all that weaponry if hes a mage? How does he even know magic? Please consult Mel about this before continuing.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 28, 2009 2:56 pm #

Ronsom ran, scurried down an alleyway. But still knew the stench, the following animals behind him. It hurt, hurt to think. Like any thought other than move was being blocked out. But he'd just fed, was strong, and could keep a sliver of his mind.
He stopped, looked down the alleyway and then up it. Couldn't smell anything. His eyes hurt, his skin felt like it would fall off. Ronsom ran, the feeling went away. He stopped once more, the feeling returned.
The alleyways were a rather large square around the front of the museum. A boutique was between him and his endless goal. He went right through it.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
August 28, 2009 3:45 pm #

**Um yeah Droideka, this new guy is a bit irrelevant... we can't have too many powerful characters**

Avlynn glared at Dan, “Those weirdos with the green smoke and flame disintegrated my weapon and my clothing.” She had to stop herself from gesturing with her hands.

“A likely story,” Dan teased.

“A gentleman would lend me his jacket,” Avlynn hinted without much subtly.

“Perhaps, but this gentleman is a little busy.” He said as he ran on, “Besides the view is rather nice.”

Avlynn growled, she knew that if she turned into a wolf that nudity would not be a problem. But she was loath to do it. She was contemplating what to do when Dan threw something at her. “Can’t have you thinking me as less than gentlemanly,” he grinned as she caught the object and Avlynn realised why.

“Scoundrel!” she said as she quickly looked at the item. It was a small pouch with a dark green poncho inside. She grabbed it out of the packet and covered herself, thankfully the others had moved on.

She was still barefoot and Avlynn didn’t fancing running around the street with her current state of dress. So she made her way back to the museum. She made her way to the army section and found herself an appropriate outfit. “Even comes with a gun,” she grinned.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 28, 2009 4:47 pm #

ok guys the least i can do is delete it. and with the other character... i kinda didn't like him.

[b]Void fighter[/b]
August 28, 2009 5:15 pm (Edited August 29, 2009 05:53 am) #

**Tell me if this is ok**

Species:Human (low grade mage.)

Weapons:His powers are weak but he uses them as weapons of destruction.
History:His blood line is connected to the Freemasons giving him an enormous amount of wealth and knowledge but does not know it. But he works at the circus as a lowly fortune teller. Though he had years of training of magic he went to the rest of the humans to live his life.
"It seems like my time to step in." Enzo said while putting away the crystal ball. He walked out of his circus tent and closed the curtain. He turned to the sign and read it to himself for the twelfth time that day, "Marley's Point Circus." he hated the sound of him being a fortune teller at a circus. He sighed and turned to the direction of the museum, he focused hard on it. His eyes turned completely white and he saw through the eyes of somebody else in that location, but he wasn't sure who. Enzo sprang to action and began to run as hard as he could.

[b]Void fighter[/b]
August 29, 2009 12:52 pm (Edited September 2, 2009 03:23 pm) #

(The only possible problem I have with this is the silver bullets used for eight bullets.  Would proximity to the bullets, shielded by a gun’s magazine/chamber and a sheath cause harm, or would he be only harmed if the bullets were lodged in his body?  If this doesn’t make sense, just continue reading the post.  If there are any problems, let me know, and I will edit accordingly.)

Name: Morgan Black
Age: 113
Species: Regular Werewolf
Gender: Male
Weapons of Choice: He wields two of these, named Destiny and Fate:
(The gun’s barrel for mine is longer than the one in the pic, but the image is close enough.  It has eight shots  per gun)
  (He doesn’t wield the guns, but other than that, he’s identical, maybe with a black T-Shirt on under the coat, but not necessarily)
Mode of transportation:
Personality: Despises werewolves, and really dislikes vampires.  He’s a “lone wolf†, without a pack, and likes it that way.  He is incredibly bitter, and may be slightly psychotic, as he consistently hears the Voice in his mind, the aspect of his personality that nags at him to fully accept the powers of a werewolf.


Morgan Black stared out over the lengthy expanse of the highway.  He was miles away from everywhere, in the middle of nowhere, and all because of one man.  In truth, it wasn’t actually a man, but a monster, especially in Black’s mind.  This creature had killed his parents when he was 13, and cursed him with his life.    And he hated him for it.  Black had followed, no, hunted, this thing across the country for the better part of his life, always frustrated by the creatures ability to stay just one step ahead. 

As he kicked the cycle to life, and roared down the highway, trench coat flapping behind him in the wind, his mind wandered back to the early days, the days where he did not realize the true nature of his curse. 


His parents had taken Morgan on a little trip into the woods, for a family outing, the day had been crystal clear, sun high in the sky, but the forest had even then seemed dark and foreboding.  Nevertheless, his parents brought him into the forest.  They had had fun, with Morgan playing by the banks of a stream, watched by his loving parents, oblivious of the time.  When night fell, they remembered that they should have been on their way home hours ago.  They packed up their things, and made their way back through the forest, dry twigs snapping underfoot, and the wind whistling in the trees. The birds had gone silent, as the diurnal ones slept, and the birds of the night awoke.  Then they heard the howls.

His parents urged him to run faster, and he did so, motivated by a primal fear.  That was when the creature leapt out of the trees at them.  It was a wolf, but far bigger, and more menacing than anything they had ever heard of or seen.  The worst part of it was the cunning, almost sentient gleam in its eyes.  But there was little enough time to examine the beast. 

It snarled, and leapt at his father, tearing into his chest and throat, spraying Morgan’s mother with blood, unheeding of her screams as she ran for her life.  After making certain the Morgan’s father was dead, the creature attacked his mother, easily closing the distance between the two, and tearing into her back and neck.  It then gorged itself on the two corpses, while Morgan watched, traumatized.  His breath came fast, his heart racing enough to shatter his rib cage, but he couldn’t move out of fear.  The creature stiffened, and saw him.  It leapt upon him, powerful jaws biting hard on his shoulder, just as a revolver sounded in the woods.  The creature let go of Morgan, and fled into the night, sated by its meal.  Morgan thought he had been lucky to survive when the game hunters found him.  He hadn’t known then what he would become.


Black blinked back the memories, fighting against the tears of rage and sorrow that trickled down his face.  He was closing the distance between him and the creature.  Whatever happened tonight, this nightmarish chase would finally be at an end.


When he first changed it was when he was alone, visiting the very woods where his parents died, on a night of the full moon.  He was terrified at first, but slowly became entranced by the ability.  He was a smart child, and soon realized the change coincided with the full moon after three months.  So he went out of his way to avoid human companionship on those nights, running free in the woods, hunting deer or other game to satisfy his hunger.  He thought he had his gift under control.  He was wrong.

He was in his 20’s now, old enough to attend university.  He went into zoology, hoping to learn of what sort of creature had attacked and killed his parents.  He was not prepared for the realization that the information about the creature came not from scientific books, but books of myth.  Everything he already knew was confirmed when he read the legends of the werewolf.  It also explained how he could change into a wolf under the full moon.  He was confident though, that he could keep the beast under control.

It was in his fifth year of university, and he was out with some friends, having finally allowed himself to socialize with others, now certain he could prevent himself from hurting them.  They wanted to explore the woods out by where mysterious disappearances had been happening, out of curiosity.  He knew it would be a full moon tonight, but he was confident that he could get his friends back home, and away from him in time.  He also held hopes that he could hold off the transformation if worst came to worst. 

He didn’t get into the exploration as much, as he was reminded of the night his parents died, despite the requests of his friends.  And that was when it all went out of control.  His friends had gone down to a stream, entranced by the possibility that the kidnapper (what they thought caused the disappearances) used the stream to hide the scent of the victims.  Then Morgan felt the change coming on.  He was scared, so he ran as far as he could from his friends not wanting to hurt them.  But they, loyal to the end, went after him, trying to figure out what was wrong. 

The next ten minutes were a blur, coming into clarity as Morgan came under control, and saw the mangled corpses of his closest friends, his hands stained with their blood.  That was the exact moment he knew that his abilities were not a gift, but a curse.  He changed his name that night to Morgan Black, Morgan meaning terror, nightmarishness, or monstrousness, and Black for the colour of the night.  His new life began that night.

For the next few decades of his life, he honed his tracking and fighting skills, doing research to find the areas with the highest werewolf concentrations.  When he felt he was ready, he began his hunt for the creature that ended his old life, and began his cursed one.  He had managed to get his gunswords custom made by an old blacksmith/gunsmith, using .44 caliber rounds.  Because of his werewolf given strength, the additional weight of the blade was not a significant factor to his aiming and shooting.  With the weapons in hand, and inner resolve he began to seek out the creature that had turned his life into a walking nightmare.


He saw the exit sign to his right, and left the highway in a roar, not wanting to slow down now that he was so close, but not wanting to draw the attention of the police.  He saw the forests to his right, and could practically smell the wolves inside.  He slowed down, and brought his bike to a stop.  Morgan used nearby foliage to conceal the vehicle, and drew his gunswords and their sheaths from their saddlebags on the bike, strapping them on his back.  With the sheaths in place, he drew both blades, and entered the gloomy woods.

This one is older than you, and more experienced, Gre– Morgan.  Eight silver bullets in one gunsword wont be enough to deal with him and his guards.  If you want to truly end him, you have to embrace the powers within you.

“NO!  Once he’s dead, I will have no more use for this curse.â€Â

Curse?  This GIFT gives you the strength to avenge the deaths of your family.

“But it was I who killed my friends.  With this curse.  No.  I will use it to kill him, and then I will find a cure.  Even using it now disgusts me.â€Â

You are blinded by your rage, Morgan.  When he is dead, the cloud will be lifted, and you will see this gift for what it truly is.

“I just want my life back.â€Â

Morgan shut out the Voice’s complaints, and scented the air.  He could smell the creature; the scent was unmistakable, even after all these years.  There were others like him, cursed, but they actually reveled in it.  He didn’t have enough silver to kill them all.  But he didn’t need to.  If he injured them enough, they would not be of any significant threat or hindrance. 

Remember use, all eight bullets.  You know how much they burn, even from here.  You don’t want this pain any longer than you need.

He began to jog, using the creature’s scent as a beacon.  He could feel his senses pick up what normal humans could not, and could feel the exhilaration of  the hunt course through his veins.  His prey was close, and he would bring him down and devour –

No, he had to keep control; he couldn’t let the monster out now, not so close.  His legs pumped, and he ran through the woods, the wind in his face, and his mind focused on what he had to do.  Already he could hear the creature’s gravelly voice.  And then he entered the clearing, and saw the wolf before him.  The creature shifted, standing upright and becoming a half human, half wolf monster.  He was surprised.  He had not run into any guards, nor were there any in the immediate area.  That made things easier.

“I was wondering if you’d ever make it.† It snarled.

“You should not have used such useless underlings.  They’re dead now, in case you’re curious.â€Â

“I can’t say I’m not surprised.  Like father, like son.â€Â

“You are NOT my father!â€Â

“Oh, but I am.  I brought you into this world, and I gave you true life.â€Â

“You cursed me!  Because of you, my family is dead, and my friends are gone.â€Â

“And I’m supposed to feel sorry for your little sob story?  Please.  We are hunters.  I hunted.  I have no regrets.â€Â

“Then you won’t mind dying.â€Â

“You?  Against me?  You should be asking yourself the same question.â€Â

“Oh, I am perfectly ready to die.  Are you?â€Â

Black leaped at the wolf-man, swiping his blades down before him.  The wolf-man hopped back, and slashed at Black’s face as he landed.  Black backflipped away, and kicked the creature in the snout.  He followed up with a quick thrust of one blade, while sweeping the other one across from the left.  The creature twisted to the side, the thrust grazing his fur, but meeting the slash full-on.  Its hide was thick, and the blade bit hard, but did not score a fatal blow.  Black pulled his blades back, and prepared for another attack.

The wolf-man was faster than he thought, and sprung, knocking Black down, and landed a powerful punch to his gut.  Black danced back, and fired the gun loaded with the silver bullets.  The bullet grazed the diving wolf-man, and vanished into the trees.  The creature’s momentum threw it at Black, the collision smashing both of them into a tree.

The wolf-man’s claws left deep cuts on Black’s chest before he managed to kick it off of him.  It handsprung away, landed, and jumped at him once more, jaws agape, and claws ready to rend.  Black didn’t try to dodge the attack.  Rather he lunged to meet him, both blades extended.  The wolf-man didn’t have time to alter its trajectory.  Black’s blades impaled the creature, up to the gun’s barrel.  Black swung the skewered beast into a tree, and grimaced at the pain in his chest from the creature’s frantic clawing.

“You have got to die.â€Â

He then pulled the trigger of both guns, again, and again, and again, until each gun’s eight-round chamber was emptied into its belly.  Black yanked the blades out of its stomach, and let the creature slump to the ground.  Seven silver bullets was plenty enough to kill him.  And without their presence gnawing at him, even from within the gun’s chambers, he felt stronger than he did coming in.  His chest burned like fire, and he knew he was bleeding badly. 

Black cleaned his blades quickly, and sheathed them.  He sprinted back to his bike, hoping he got to the bandages fast enough.  He got to the bike, removed his coat, and whipped open the saddlebags, snatching the bandages, and wrapping them tightly around his chest.  He popped a pain-pill, and put the coat back on.  This took about four minutes.  Black placed the gunswords and their sheaths in the saddlebags, and fastened them.  He then took off, the motorcycle’s engine roaring in the evening air.

A left turn, followed by a right took him to the highway.  The creature responsible for his curse was dead, and his unnatural life stretched before him like a shadow.  He would find a cure for his condition, and preferably sooner than late.  So wrapped up in was he in his thoughts, that he did not notice the sign to his right, informing him that he was 52 miles from Marley’s Point. Had he known, he would have turned around, and never looked back.  He was 52 miles from where his life had changed forever.  With any luck, it would be where his life changed again, for the better…

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
August 29, 2009 3:00 pm (Edited August 29, 2009 03:21 pm) #

(To answer your question, I think its actual contact with the silver that affects the werewolf. So touching it burns them, but i dont think the presence makes a difference. Its not like kryptonite.)

Dan watched Avlynn run into the museum, maybe to change. Turning, he saw the man with the revolver walking towards him. His appearance was oddly familiar.

"...They sent you didn't they?" Dan asked. Only one of the Knights would approach him so easily while he had a huge sword on his back, a machine gun in one hand and a long katana in the other.

"Yes. Lev Pliskin, call my Jimbo." Lev extended his hand and Dan took it after tucking the katana in his belt. "Knight of the Halo."

"So they sent a Halo Knight after me? Why?"

"You took too long. Now we know why. And your brother wants his sword back."

"I'll leave it in your car for now. Take me to my bike, we gotta go after that amulet before these undead go nuts."

"Right...why didnt you waste that wolf who ran into the museum?"

"She's...with me."

"With you? What the hell does that mean? Shes a damn werewolf, split her frikking head open."

"Look shes helped me so far, just leave her alone for now and we'll deal with her after this is over. Same with her friend, I'll point him out later."

"Just debrief me while we're in the car."

Dan and Lev got into the Hummer and Dan placed Nasher in the back seat. Lev was pulling out of the alley when Avlynn landed on the hood of the car with supernatural prowess.

"Taxi!" She said as she leapt off and walked to the back door. She wore combat dress and had a massive gun. Lev turned to Dan.

"...are you kidding me, squire?"

"Bear with me." Dan said as Avlynn got into the back seat.

"Jeez, I nearly sat on your sword and cut my a-" Avlynn was cut off

"Just sit tight were and you may come out of this alive." Lev said as he turned and faced her. Avlynn shot a look at Dan.

"Your friend's a little quick to kill here. I guess not every Knight is like you, Dan." Avlynn said

"Not every Knight is a Fortesque." He replied as Lev burst into the street.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 29, 2009 8:05 pm #

(Posting again out of boredom)

The black hummer crashed into the street and far down the street the party could see the red and blue lights speeding towards them.

"Here comes the calvary..." Dan said

"We're not supposed to get wrapped up with them now, we gotta get outta here and find whoever has the amulet." Lev said and sped in the other direction. After a few turns, Dan motioned for Lev to stop. He ran out and got on his bike. He strapped the katana to his back for comfort and the engine roared to life.

"How do we find this guy?" Dan called to Lev, Avlynn spoke up.

"Over there!" She said, pointing out the window and down the street. Fen could be seen, bolting down the sidewalk like the beast he was and flinging himself across the street on a lamp post, ducking into an alley. Fen was the last in the convoy chasing the amulet, but he was gaining fast.

Dan's bike screeched down the street and the hummer roared behind it. Dan turned into the dark alley, nimbly navigating through the debri and trash. The hummer plowed through it, sending boxes, trash cans and other things flying away from the massive vehicle.

Fen could be seen disappearing into the smoke of the alley, and the team accelerated after him.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 29, 2009 9:17 pm #

"What's the price of eternal life?" Ronsom threw a trash can in the direction of the voice.
"Every day living in fear of what lies beyond the veil of your own pitiful existence."
He'd slid down to the grime covered alley, arms draped over his knees.
"I eat to survive, and survive to eat. Is that your point?" Ronsom lifted the autorevolver toward the blackness, the origin of that new voice, escaped from the confines of the amulet. He fired the last shot and dropped the gun.
"So this is where it ends? Another restless night at the whim of the universe?" It prevailed. Probably above his head then.
"I just wanted to get paid." Ronsom looked to the forgotten gun and changed his mind, once more holstering it.
"That's just what I wanted to hear. You can start immediately." His voice ecstatic, a man in a three-piece suit made his inevitable appearance. He held a club in the off hand, every strike of the ground sending out sparks.
Ronsom pushed the allusion away and ran once more. He could still feel the amulet, hungered for it even.
As he rounded the corner the figure of a man supposedly projected by the amulet, an allusion, smiled and walked off in the other direction.
Ronsom fortunately missed the werwolf, and unfortunately was caught in the hummer's headlights. Struck but not unaware he struggled on, claws ripping into the hood. Climbing toward the driver's side.
The man's voice nestled in his head, he kept on. If only to have his mind to himself.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
August 29, 2009 9:37 pm #

Black roared into town, glad to finally have put the horrors of his past behind him, and to have the future before him.  It was a relief to put the whole werewolf problem behind him. He had just finished the thought, when two things happened.  The first was the smell of werewolves and blood.  the second was a peculiar tickling in his head.  It was almost primal in its nature, a sudden desire to return to his master's resting place and let him- No.  That wasn't right.  Black had no master...

He heard the roar of the Hummer's engines just before it barreled  around the corner.  He pulled hard to the left, narrowly missing the side of the vehicle.  Morgan wheeled the bike around, and shot off in pursuit.  He didn't know what was going on, but he did see the vampire imbedded in the Hummer's hood, clawing towards the driver.  If the creature got to the innocents inside the vehicle while Black went about his business, he'd never forgive himself.  He gunned the engine and accelerated after the fleeing car.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
August 30, 2009 9:18 am #

((Sorry about that, deleted post, was confused. this should go before post #66))

Drogan was still chasing after the runner, and had managed to get ahead of the others somewhere along the line. The man they were chasing was just ahead, and he darted into a store. Drogan followed, close on his tail.

Judging distance was something Drogan was good at, but considering that he was sprinting as fast as he could he wasn't exactly sure of the distance. Nevertheless he dived, and he managed to catch the runners ankle, and trip him up. He rolled with the runner, pinned him, and began to pry the amulet that seemed so important out of his hands. The moment his fingers touched it his mind was filled with a dull buzzing, and the runner snarled something about releasing the master. Drogan disregarded this as a mental attack and pulled the amulet free of the runners hands.


The voice roared, coming from nowhere and everywhere at once, and the buzzing in his head grew to a roar he was lost in. His preception narrowed and he seemed to rise and fly forward untill a large rock in the forest came into view. A voice called out from that rock, and he was helpless to resist.

Drogan rolled and stood up of the ground, and began to sprint.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 30, 2009 10:05 am #

(pulling a val)


These words tore through Drogans mind at a hundred miles per hour, looping and repeating in every language spoken by man, past and present, and some which the human mind would never be able to comprehend and the human tongue was incapable of pronouncing.

His perception was both narrow and wide at the same time, drawing him towards the amulets single destination and moving him through the side streets, over fences and through buildings in what seemed to be a futile attempt to lose his followers. The call of the amulet over-rid these impulses to lose his followers, which at the moment were all that Walter Drogan's mind was capable of manifesting. The rest of his mind was telling him to run fast, lauf schnell.

And run Drogan did.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 30, 2009 2:24 pm #

"What is the deal with that amulet?" Avlynn said as she watched the vampire claw its way up the hood of the Hummer.

"It's a bad amulet," Dan's friend replied.

Avlynn shook her head, "I can see that." She was just getting ready to leap out of the Hummer to clobber the vampire when another vampire beat her to it. "Man, they're coming out of the woodwork tonight."

She aimed her gun at the new vampire that looked like a gangster but the thing was lacking ammo. "Dammit," she muttered.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 30, 2009 4:03 pm #
BFFC-Mel wrote:

She was just getting ready to leap out of the Hummer to clobber the vampire when another vampire beat her to it.

What other vampire?

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 30, 2009 4:27 pm #

**Didn't Adeptus's character just steal the amulet or has he turned back into a werewolf?

Re-reading what I wrote, it isn't very clear... will fix it later.**

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 30, 2009 4:45 pm #

A_A's char is a werewolf, and hes had the amulet for a while now

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 30, 2009 5:37 pm #

hi im new here and i wanna join is that ok

August 30, 2009 6:35 pm #

((Adeptus actually retconned and made his character a vampire.))

Fen lept from obstacle to obstacle finally catching up with the humvee that held Dan, Avlynn and the new Slayer.  This didn't bode well.  every primal bone in his body told him to tear out the throats of these two slayers.  One was bad enough.  But two?  And Avlynn had put her full trust in these two, at least enough to ride with them in their vehicle.

Up ahead Fen saw the vampire turn down an alley.  He vaulted onto a street lamp and launched himself down the alley.  Fen couldn't see past the mist as he jumped through and just missed the vampire running through the smoke.  But apparently Avlynn and her company didn't.  Fen turned as he heard the sound of the impact and then the scraping metal as the vampire began attempting to climb up the car.  Fen had to dive out of the way to avoid the Hummer.  He turned to run after them once again but another noise reached his ears.  The whine of a motorcycle.  Fen scurried up the side of the building hoping he wasn't seen but eager to find out who the newcomer was.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 30, 2009 11:05 pm #

Lev navigated the Humvee through the alley, dodging large trash bins and parked cars. The vampire grasping the hood skidded across to the passenger side in an attempt to kick in the windscreen.

"Wolfie, you best be buckled in," Lev fired a shot through through the glass from his .44, hitting the vile creature in his shoulder. "-because this is gonna be rough!" He smashed the Humvee against the brick alley building wall, knocking paint and truck parts off in an attempt to rid the vehicle of it's unwanted passenger.

"You're just plain crazy." Avlynn said dryly.

"You ain't seen nothin' yet."

Lev jerked the wheel of his Humvee hard to the left, cutting across traffic out of the alleyway, tires screeching on the damp road surface. Lev floored the pedal in an attempt to follow Dan through an intersection, running a red light. Next thing he knew, the Humvee was upside down inside a building. A garbage truck had clipped the rear end of the Humvee, forcing it to spiral and flip into one unlucky corner Chinese curio shop.

" get out" Lev frantically unbuckled his seat belt, and tried crawling out of the broken driver's side window. Everything was blurry, and his ears were ringing. A figure grabbed his forearm a hauled him out of the wreck.

"...get you.......of here..." Lev tried shaking his head to clear the image, but no to avail. "...Daniel Fortes..."

He was propped up against a broken china cabinet, continually wiping his eyes with his forearm. Suddenly the ringing stopped and Lev could hear. "Slow down...I can't see..."

"You have oil or something in your eyes, Jimbo. Can you stand up?"

It was Dan he heard. ...oh shit... "Yeah I think so."

"Easy there..." Dan helped him up. "You know, It's a funny thing..."

"Don't start with me Squire..."

"This IS my signature."
September 2, 2009 3:38 pm #

Black was having a very difficult time trying to keep pace with the Hummer, which was weaving sporadically and at breakneck speeds through the streets.  He hadn't had this much actual fun in... a very long time.  Up ahead, the Hummer slammed into a a roadside store, Chinese, from the look of it.  Black braked and swung the bike around, tires screaming in protest at the shift of direction and momentum.  He propped the cycle on its kickstand, and withdrew Fate from its saddlebag, checking to make sure that it was loaded with eight bullets.  Black stalked toward the overturned Hummer cautiously, muscles tensed and alert.

He could see a couple figures struggling out of the wreckage, grumbling to themselves, one of them calling another one Squire.  He supposed that that was his name.  Keeping Fate casually at his side, but in a way that would be easy for him to draw it up in case of an attack, he advanced.

"Hey," he called, "is everyone OK over here?"

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
September 3, 2009 6:23 am #

**Okay my previous post is null and void... here’s the update**

Avlynn had blacked out for a moment as the Hummer had come to a messy stop. The roof had been crushed so that she couldn’t open the rear doors. Wiping a hand under her nose, Avlynn realised she was bleeding. “I ain’t got time to bleed,” she muttered as she kicked the door off the Hummer to crawl out.

Someone at that moment asked, “Is everyone okay over here?”

“Just peachy,” Avlynn growled as she pulled her gun from the wreckage. “So where’d the psycho leach with the amulet go?”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
September 3, 2009 7:13 pm #

Emeline was glad she’d finally been left alone, problem was it was due to the loss of the amulet. She struggled to her feet with multiple wounds and cursed herself for not feeding for the last few nights. With such damage to her body the thirst was upon her with an urgency that would not be denied.

Like the slayers, Emeline carried a magic stone of her own. This one however identified dark souls. Emeline was selective when it came to victims. She had decided that if she had to kill she’d rid the world of the scum. Fortunately there was one such person in the museum grounds.

Emeline stalked with practiced prowess. She saw the two bulky men who worked as the museum’s muscle. They were drinking beers. To a human they seemed like nice enough guys. But the one on the left had a darker nature. The bastard hit his wife and belittled their children. Emeline could tell this from touching the stone.

With a kick she knocked out the bulk on the right, his beer bottle smashing on the ground beside him. Immediately the bulk on the left took a swing at her. Emeline grabbed his fist and twisted his arm behind his back. “There’ll be no more hitting of women for you, scumbag.” With that Emeline let her fangs extend and sunk them into the man’s neck. She drank deeply and felt the struggle drain out of the bulk, in turn she felt her wounds heal and her full strength return.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
September 3, 2009 8:23 pm (Edited September 3, 2009 08:23 pm) #

"Dont start with me Squire..." Lev said as Dan helped him up. He was getting tired of his title..

"Hey, is everyone ok over here?" An unknown voice called. Dan instinctively whipped out his pistol and threw his aim back to the voice. It was a man with long hair wearing a trenchcoat, he could see a weapon behind his back.

"Just peachy. So where'd the psycho leach with the amulet go?" Avlynn rose from the wreckage and answered.

"I don't know. But...identify yourself." Dan said to the stranger.

(sorry, tiny post, but idk what to do)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
September 3, 2009 8:36 pm #

Ronsom picked himself up, dusted himself off, and took a good look at the wolves thankfully ignoring him. That being said, he turned starting back down the road. A tap to the shoulder spooked him, he whirled around swords out.
"Calm down. And head the other way." That man again...
"I'd rather not die. Thanks anyway." Ronsom walked on.
But he walked toward the wolves, and couldn't stop.
When he regained will over his legs, he was standing ever so near to them. Visible behind the biker. Unarmed.
His lightning man no where to be seen.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
September 3, 2009 10:01 pm #

Opal glanced at the moonlight spilling languidly in through the old windows. In the ash and pale  light, the man on the other side of the room hadn't conceived of what was about to befall him. Opal had work to be done, and she needed all the strength and power she could muster. She would allow herself to feed again.

Alex couldn't believe his luck. A beautiful woman hitting on him? Sure he had flirted with many women in his time circling the bars in town, hoping one would actually take him up on his offer to his place. But this one, oh she was different. And a blonde at that. Oh did Alex have a weakness for the blondes. He couldn't believe his luck when she lightly moved up next to him standing at the bar, glancing around the room for girls. His housemate, Pat had already found one and was talking to her over in a booth on the other side.

"I'm Opal, can I buy you a drink?" she had said in quality that was unmistakable. He'd used it before. She wanted him bad. She played the game better than he did, and soon she was floating out the door and into the night with him, heading to his house.

Now in the dark and moonlight, he wasn't sure if he saw her at all. He looked over at her, and she seemed like a wisp of air and silver. "shake out of it Alex" he thought. " that's the Jack and coke talking." He smiled as she brought her pale face towards his.

Alex's smile drained away from his face, in shock and horror. She didn't kiss him as he thought she would. The pain was acute, swift and before his sex addled brain could register what was happening, it all went dark. The light was replaced by the safety and warmth of a swift death.

Opal stood tall as the body fell, drained of all blood. She felt stronger now. Strong enough to start down the only path she knew how to tread. Oh her love would have what he needed. She could feel the power of the amulet, even at this distance. It was calling to her, pulling her towards it. She reasoned on it. If she was feeling its pull, others would have to know of its importance by now. Secrets never stay as they should.

So Opal left the emaciated and lifeless body where it landed and she headed out into the moonlight. Heading the call of her master, in his service. Towards the amulet.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
September 3, 2009 11:20 pm #

((Alright I edited so that Fen had his weapons attached to him as a werewolf, I had no clue how else I was going to get them back.))

Fen leapt from rooftop to rooftop keeping pace with the Humvee and the man on the bike.  He watched, horrified even as a wolf as he saw the humvee get smacked at an intersection careening into a store front.  Fen immediately thought of Avlynn.  But he once again held back from charging down.  He saw the man on the bike come up and check up on everyone.  Fen slowly calmed himself and changed back into human form.  Fortunately his pants had remained for the most part intact.  Investing in the slightly more stretchy material had its benefits.

Fen was once again about to leap down when he saw a man wander to the back of the group.  His stink gave him away.  Vampire.  Fen pulled a scimitar and jumped down landing right behind him sword drawn.  Fen raised the sword to the vampire's neck.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't take off your sorry head and be done with another of your wretched kind."

Everyone else jerked noticing Fen and the vampire.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
September 4, 2009 8:37 am #

One of the figures had a gun.  Figured.  Morgan brought his gunsword to rest beside him, in the other person's view.  it wasn't a threatening gesture, but it showed that he didn't have any surprises up his sleeve.

"My name is Gre-- Morgan Black.  I just got into town.  What is going on over here?"

As he said that, someone growled behind him, snarling, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't take off your sorry head and be done with another of your wretched kind."

Morgan turned to look, immediately cursing himself for turning his back on the jumpy guys with guns.  There was a man in tattered pants holding a scimitar to another figure's neck.  The hostage appeared pale and kind of twitchy.  The swordsman appeared... feral.  Wait.  He smelled like a werewolf, musky and animalistic, with a barely checked rage.  Black's grip tightened on Fate but he would rather he find out what was going on in this messed up town before he started firing blindly.  So he slipped to the side, in such a way as to keep the Hummer crew and the newcomers in his field of view.  And that was when he realized it; there were two werewolf scents...and one of them female.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
September 4, 2009 12:29 pm #

((Sorry probably some bad timing for that post on my part as I am not going to be here until Monday evening.  So you can do what you wish with Fen for now.))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
September 6, 2009 5:35 pm #

**My apologies guys, my brain is rather frazzled due to the latest events... allow me to fix**

Avlynn snorted, "Great I run into Fen and now everyone wants to kill one another."

Suddenly the weirdos with the green smoke puffed in.

"I should not have opened my mouth," Avlynn muttered as she lifted her gun. As her finger pulled the trigger to shoot the nearest weirdo, the gun clicked empty. "No ammo, you've got to be kidding me."

"None shall stop the amulet from reaching the master," one of the weirdos claimed and then they began to chant.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
September 7, 2009 12:02 am (Edited September 7, 2009 12:10 am) #

"Not again..." Fort raised his Desert Eagle, capping the Minion closest to him. "Formulate a plan yet 'master' Jimbo?!"

Lev drew his M29 and emptied the chambers on four of the mysterious poofing beings. "I'm workin' on it..."

Fort grabbed Lev's arm and pulled him behind the cover of a large china cabinet. "I thought you were blind?"

"I was." He promptly reloaded his .44 and clicked the cylinder shut. "Past tense."

Dan smirked. "Cheeky bastard." He one-handed the G36c in full auto mode, hosing the minions with bullets. Suddenly, 10 more poofed into existence around the storefront.

"As defacto leader, I say we get the hell out of here." Lev pointed to the side display window.

"I've got my bike, seats only one."

"I'll just have to make a field acquisition then." Lev grinned and chucked a stone buddha he found in the cabinet at the window, shattering it to pieces. "Go!"

Fort, Desert Eagle in one hand, G36 in the other, went out first guns blazing. Lev followed, diving out of the shop before taking cover behind a pickup truck. "Spellcasters?"

Dan crouched beside him, reloading his weapons. "Yeah, I ran into them earlier. Didn't get to tell you the whole story."

"Too bad." Lev eyed a black Peterbilt 379 custom semi idling down the street. "I like stories..."

"...but this is as far as my plan goes."

"This IS my signature."
September 8, 2009 3:36 pm #

Fen had the life of this vampire in his hands.  It would be so easy to separate the head from the shoulders and be done with it.  He pulled the sword back but didn't notice the mages once again materialize.  He was clipped by an impact spell that sent him spinning.  He managed to swing his sword and gash the vampires arm.  But he was immediately assailed by one of the mages.

Fen ducked and rolled as spells came flying in.  He zeroed in on the one mage who was focusing on him.  Fen ran to the wall and leapt off, scimitar slicing through the mage before he had a chance to create a shield.  Fen eyed the new Slayer and Dan diving behind a truck.  He quickly sprinted over taking cover with them. 

"Listen.  As much as I want to splay open your throats where you stand, I believe it would be beneficial for all of us to help one another out.  Alright slayers?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
September 8, 2009 4:47 pm #

Dan and Lev looked at one another. They had been hoping to rid themselves of this mess. But Fen seemed skilled and truthful. It was odd for him to be acting this way with them, but the presence of foul magic was always a problem for everyone.

Dan held Nasher by the scabbard, he had pulled it out of the wreckage. "Alright, but we're having a transportation issue. I've got my bike, but you guys are going to have to find something else." Dan said, taking his keys out of his pocket so he could run to his bike and start it quickly.

"What's your name, lycan?" Lev asked the newest addition to their assault party.

"Call me Fen."

"Call me Lev." The two left the handshake out of the greeting. "It's going to be tough to catch up with the vamp who ran off with the amulet."

"I can sniff him out, but we've got to get going now." Fen said. Dan pulled up on his bike discreetly, they hadn't noticed he had hopped on and come back. The sound of the battle within the shop covered the rumbling of his bike.

"He went off in that direction," Dan said, pointing down the street "we should go before the cops show up."

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
September 8, 2009 5:22 pm #

Well, having strange creatures pop out of thin air hadn't been high on Black's "this is what I expect to happen tonight" plans.  Then again, those plans rarely went down smoothly.  He fired a round at one of the creatures, missing, but causing it to jump away from him, giving him time to sweep Fate around, and remove its head.  Apparently, the vampire-threatening werewolf had decided to join up with the occupants of the Hummer.  In the current situation, Black didn't blame them.  He killed another minion that had tried to 'port in behind him, and growled low in his throat.

Go on, do it.  Embrace the change.  Become what you need to so that you can kill these pests.  Show them true power!

"NO!"  Black leaped over the hummer, and killed two more of the creatures, fighting not only against them, but against himself, and the monster beneath his skin.  It was then that he heard the sirens approaching.  They would ask too many questions that he did not want to answer; he had to get out of there.  The Hummer crew was crowded behind a pickup truck, one of them on a motorcycle.  So far, everything seemed to be hinging on them, for what reasons, Black didn't know.  Whatever the reason, these magical creeps made this personal... and the hummer crew were in the best position to give him an explanation.

He sprinted the distance to his bike, and revved the engines, just in time to narrowly avoid getting hit by a Peterbilt truck.  This just wasn't his night for riding...

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
September 8, 2009 11:21 pm (Edited September 8, 2009 11:43 pm) #

"Well, I think I've found a mode of transportation." Lev stood up, just noticing Dan had retrieved his bike.

"He went off in that direction," Dan said, pointing down the street "we should go before the cops show up."

"Right." Lev unwrapped yet another cherry flavoured blow-pop, sticking it in his mouth. "Fen, would you kindly follow me."

The two jogged about 35 feet to the 379 Custom idling on the roadside. Lev motioned Fen to the passenger side. "The driver is most likely asleep, let's make it quick." He checked the driver door, which was unlocked. Lev opened the door, staring down the barrel of a Springfield .45.

"Awlrite boy, Ima gonna tell ya one time. Git the hell away from MY truck." The trucker had his finger on the trigger, and meant business.

*Ahem* "I'm sorry, I should have knocked. I'm Agent Smith from the Department of-"


"-Transportation... Damnit I wanted to lead him on a bit."

"No time for that, we need to get moving." Fen casually removed the man's plaid red flannel shirt and put it on, then was about to break his neck when Lev interrupted.

"No! I WILL HAVE NONE OF THAT!" Lev jabbed the barrel of his M29 into Fen's forehead. "I can understand collateral damage but this is unnecessary! Especially- no, never mind. Just drop the man now."

Fen's blood boiled, it showed in his eyes. Pliskin was unsure if he would have to shoot the Lycan or not; although it was his job, after all. He reluctantly let the driver fall limp over the seat, whom Lev hefted out of the truck and propped up against a parking meter. He climbed back in the truck, scooping up the 1911 that had fallen on the floorboard.

"I don't trust you Fen, and it's out of character for me to show this much mercy on a were' such as yourself. I would have put a bullet in your skull without a second thought, but something inside me said no. I pray it wasn't a mistake on my part." With that said, Lev sat the handgun on the dashboard for him to take. He glanced over at Fen before shifting the truck in gear, pedal to the metal. The massive truck lurched out of the parking lane, thick black smoke pouring from the chrome stacks.

"For cinematic effect."

"This IS my signature."
September 9, 2009 6:11 pm (Edited September 11, 2009 08:23 pm) #

Name:Chaos king of the four faces.
Species:Elder Vampire (Rouge)

Weapons:Johan soul stealer

, his physical power, his knowledge and the power to morph.
History:Leader of the local clan he once ruled a clan in Ireland and grew it hear to America, now the father of seven sons and the husband of twelve wives he rules all werewolves in the area of Jason Swamp. He is also aware of his enemies return.
Personality:Mood swings left and right hens giving him his name king of the four faces.
Chaos came off of his throne and watched outside of abandon mansion, he had herd about the amulet and prepared for the danger coming to Marley Point. He counted the seconds, but backwards he was counting down to the exact time. Chaos sat back down and called upon one of his many followers.

[color=orange]Give me my [b]Crowbar!!![/b][/color]
September 9, 2009 6:36 pm (Edited September 9, 2009 06:41 pm) #

**Actually Half-Life 2, it's been established that there's no pack at Marley's Point, but you could say there's a pack from another area wanting to extend into the area...**

With the sound of police sirens, Avlynn did as all the others: fled. Unfortunately she'd lost Fen and her lead on the amulet's location. The gangster vampire had gotten away.

However Avlynn suspected that there was another who might know where the amulet was being taken. Running as fast as she could, Avlynn made her way back to the museum. She was just in time to see the female vampire draining Dwight.

"Hey stop that, now!" Avlynn demanded.

The redheaded vampire dropped the body, "He had it coming."

Avlynn had known of Dwight's violent tendencies so didn't say anything in that regard. "Why did you try to steal the amulet?"

The vampire flicked a fingernail between her teeth, "Same reason as always. To guard it from awakening the Destroyer."

"The Destroyer? Um... elaborate." Avlynn said not liking the sound of this.

"Centuries ago, Ansgar the Destroyer was captured and bound for all time in his underground netherworld prison. The only way he can get out is if some fool takes the amulet to the setting stone of his prison. That happens to be here at Marley's Point." She informed Avlynn,

"How can we stop this?" Avlynn asked.

"I must find who stole it and get it as far away from here and the Destroyers minions." The vampire told.

"Is there no way to destroy it?" Avlynn asked.

The vampire shook her head, "To destroy it now would also release the Destroyer."

"Crap," Avlynn hissed.

"Indeed," the vampire replied."Now I need to track the fool who currently has the amulet before it's too late."

"Can I help?" Avlynn asked.

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It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...

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