Topic: New Feature: Fettipedia
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
27 posts
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Looks good Aaron, might help to give us some example pages to get the ball rolling ;)
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Awesome, thank you! :D
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
LOVE IT!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you Aaron!!! Who came up with such a cool idea anyway?
BB* :cool:
Beskaryc, the moderators and I, along with several contributors to the entries currently on the site.
Like all Wiki systems, one can login and edit/add any pages.
Nice one, bub!
It's not full, I guess, but it will be one day..
William Shakespeare
Any questions, comments, concerns or ideas on Fettipedia?
I think its a great idea, it looks great. But, I think we definitely need to expand upon the exisiting pages. The entry for Boba Fett himself is not nearly as big and detailed enough as it should be. Especially since this is the Boba Fett Fan Club.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Anyone can create a Fettipedia account at:
This is going to be great!
can you check if I have an account there? and if so could you please send the password to I thought I made an account as Merciless Mandalore, and I can't remember the password. If not, then I'll make a new one, I just don't want a double profile. Thanks!
looks great so far. great work to everyone tying things together!
Fettipedia da bomb!! :)
-Boba Fett-
Calling all Fett geeks,
Here's a list of "wanted" pages on Fettipedia. With your BFFC account, login and add some Fett facts:
You can see, and search, all 60+ pages at:
Calling all Fett fans once again,
Please, more active assistance is needed on Fettipedia. There are many names that have yet to even be edited to obtain ANY piece of information. Us Fett fans need to collaborate as a close community and keep contributing to Fettipedia. ;) I have contributed an infinite amount of information simply from common knowledge. As well as I know, there are various Fett fans on this board that contain WAY more information on Star Wars in their brain than I do! So please, keep helpin us out! :D
By the way, while I was contributing to Fettipedia, I've actually learned many things surrounding Boba fett and the Star Wars universe myself! :)
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I can't seem to get the an image to show up...
Looks like you also deleted your work somehow. I got it back:
Here's a guide to the Wikipedia/Mediawiki/wiki format:
Thank you very much for setting up correctly.
IOU one
Looking for more contributions and on-going contributors. :)
Free to edit for all BFFC members, so make it count.

I haven't been able to get it to work on Firefox. It just comes up as a big white screen. Although, it works fine on IE.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Very odd. Hmm. Try it again:
I have firefox and it works fine for me.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music

Still not working for me. What version do you have, Miba?
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Firefox 2 is displaying a white screen, I see. They're up to Firefox 3.6 now...
But, for you buddy, I'll see what I can figure out.
Upgrading the wiki software right now. We'll see if that helps everything.
Update 2
New version of the Wikipedia-powered software... Will be working on it more later, but it's workin' for me again.
Update 3
Going to need to update the board's software to make this fully work, so Fettipedia will be temporarily uneditable.

Actually got version 3.0.11, so maybe that's what it is. I'll have to update it tomorrow and see if that fixes it. No biggie.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I have 3.5.7. But if we're up to 3.6 now I should probably go update as well.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music