Ok so this is the age old question of star wars vs. star trek, but I've decided to make it a little more specific. My friends and i have been arguing about which would win in a fight the enterprise or a super star destroyer. if you would so kindly help me prove that star wars would win in this fight it would be greatly appreciated. thank you :)
Topic: match up
Note: this topic was started 15 years ago.
27 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestThis depends on which Enterprise you're talking about. But either way, the Enterprise would likely win. Although the SSD is massive and has many weapons, the technology in the Star Trek universe is actually more advanced than in Star Wars. The shields in Star Trek are much, much more powerful. Especially the Enterprise's. The Enterprise's phaser banks are extremely accurate (they literally never miss) and very powerful, and the photon torpedoes decimate ship hulls.
I love both the Trek and Wars universes, and theyre always competing in my head, but if i had to choose one universe to go to and live my life...I think it would be Star Trek. If you need me to i could get into real detail about the two ships and nerd-it-out.
PS: This topic has been made like 3 times.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Promethious (Stargate Sg-1/Atlantis) Pwns both!
This depends on which Enterprise you're talking about. But either way, the Enterprise would likely win. Although the SSD is massive and has many weapons, the technology in the Star Trek universe is actually more advanced than in Star Wars. The shields in Star Trek are much, much more powerful. Especially the Enterprise's. The Enterprise's phaser banks are extremely accurate (they literally never miss) and very powerful, and the photon torpedoes decimate ship hulls.
I love both the Trek and Wars universes, and theyre always competing in my head, but if i had to choose one universe to go to and live my life...I think it would be Star Trek. If you need me to i could get into real detail about the two ships and nerd-it-out.
PS: This topic has been made like 3 times.
The Executer Super Star Destroyer shields were able to take a Imperial-class Star destroyer crashing into it at hyperspace speeds. Thats pretty tough shields.

This depends on which Enterprise you're talking about. But either way, the Enterprise would likely win. Although the SSD is massive and has many weapons, the technology in the Star Trek universe is actually more advanced than in Star Wars. The shields in Star Trek are much, much more powerful. Especially the Enterprise's. The Enterprise's phaser banks are extremely accurate (they literally never miss) and very powerful, and the photon torpedoes decimate ship hulls.
I love both the Trek and Wars universes, and theyre always competing in my head, but if i had to choose one universe to go to and live my life...I think it would be Star Trek. If you need me to i could get into real detail about the two ships and nerd-it-out.
PS: This topic has been made like 3 times.
i've always thought that the SSD would win due to its massive size and fire power. it has 50,000 turbo lasers, and if the enterprise gets caught in their tractor beam its only a matter of time until their shields give out and they're destroyed.
Accuracy is always a problem though. I would rather have a pistol that hit every time you pointed it at something then a high powered sniper rifle that didnt. All it takes is one good hit on the right spot (aka the bridge) and the ship is pretty much done. Another thing. The Enterprise could conceivably beam an away team directly onto the bridge of a ship and take the bridge crew hostage/eliminate them.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Accuracy is always a problem though. I would rather have a pistol that hit every time you pointed it at something then a high powered sniper rifle that didnt. All it takes is one good hit on the right spot (aka the bridge) and the ship is pretty much done. Another thing. The Enterprise could conceivably beam an away team directly onto the bridge of a ship and take the bridge crew hostage/eliminate them.
Exactly. The Phaser banks could target life support, the bridge, the engines, anything it pleased really. I forgot about the transporter too, thats serious. They could transport a massive bomb or sabatoge away team on board, nothing in the Star Wars universe has experienced that.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
i would have to agree, in this round the enterprise would win, its just more advanced.
i was skeptical but the transporter just has limitless possibilities, it could teleport a million tribbles into the bridge of the executor. game over.
You cant teleport enless the sheilds are down. And as Ive already stated, the Executers sheilds sustained a Star Destoryers crashing into it at hyperspace speeds with out flinching. Which obviously makes them very strong.
And yes turbolasers are in inaccurate, but only when there trying to hit somthing the size of the Millennium Falcon. Its like trying to hit a fly with an AK-47. Considering they DID hit the Millennium Falcon a couple of times, it means they must be pretty good. The Enterprise on the other hand is much bigger and Im willing to bet that they (the Executers turbolaser crew) would be able to hit the Enterprise 70 to 60 percent of the time (while Enterprise is doing evasive maneuvers of course)
Even if the Enterprise did teleported anyone aboard it would be what? Two security guys and Worf ? Thats all they ever send on away missions even in combat situations like these. So that versus a legion of Storm Troopers and possibly Darth Vader since this is the Executer Lord Vaders flag ship.
You cant teleport enless the sheilds are down. And as Ive already stated, the Executers sheilds sustained a Star Destoryers crashing into it at hyperspace speeds with out flinching. Which obviously makes them very strong.
And yes turbolasers are in inaccurate, but only when there trying to hit somthing the size of the Millennium Falcon. Its like trying to hit a fly with an AK-47. Considering they DID hit the Millennium Falcon a couple of times, it means they must be pretty good. The Enterprise on the other hand is much bigger and Im willing to bet that they (the Executers turbolaser crew) would be able to hit the Enterprise 70 to 60 percent of the time (while Enterprise is doing evasive maneuvers of course)
Even if the Enterprise did teleported anyone aboard it would be what? Two security guys and Worf ? Thats all they ever send on away missions even in combat situations like these. So that versus a legion of Storm Troopers and possibly Darth Vader since this is the Executer Lord Vaders flag ship.
No, they dont send like 2 ppl and Worf. They send a team of like 6 ppl. If they can navigate through a Borg cube then Stormtroopers should be no problem. Remember that only 5 ppl navigated through the DEATH STAR and escaped with only one person dying.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
They navigated through the Borg cube because all the drones were programed to ignore things that didnt concern them, and for some movie plot that I forget, the away team didnt. So the Storm Troopers would be a bit of a problem.
Those five people werent trying to capture the bridge of the Death Star either. Plus they had help from a Jedi Master. So that may have had somthing to do with the odds.
Ok, so your telling me, that in the middle of an orbital engagement theres going to be more then a squad of stormtroopers on the bridge? and their not going to be stunned when five or six guys just pop out of nowhere and start shooting the officers?
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
i think phasers would have little affect on armor tho, even stormie armor
theyd have to use different weapons
Ok, so your telling me, that in the middle of an orbital engagement theres going to be more then a squad of stormtroopers on the bridge? and their not going to be stunned when five or six guys just pop out of nowhere and start shooting the officers?
That and all the officers have side arms, and Darth Vader would be there.
i think phasers would have little affect on armor tho, even stormie armor
theyd have to use different weapons
You dont think 200,000,000,000+ gigawatts of energy isint enough to burn through plastic??
i think phasers would have little affect on armor tho, even stormie armor
theyd have to use different weapons
Yeah in that you are very wrong. Those phasers, the ones that look like TV remotes, vaporize anything they hit. Ever wonder why no one in the Trek universe wears armor? Because it makes no difference.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
BFFC therealmccoy wrote:i think phasers would have little affect on armor tho, even stormie armor
theyd have to use different weaponsYeah in that you are very wrong. Those phasers, the ones that look like TV remotes, vaporize anything they hit. Ever wonder why no one in the Trek universe wears armor? Because it makes no difference.
That and it would cover up their snazy jump-suits :P
Valthonin wrote:BFFC therealmccoy wrote:i think phasers would have little affect on armor tho, even stormie armor
theyd have to use different weaponsYeah in that you are very wrong. Those phasers, the ones that look like TV remotes, vaporize anything they hit. Ever wonder why no one in the Trek universe wears armor? Because it makes no difference.
That and it would cover up their snazy jump-suits :P
It would certainly do that. Another burning question I have is how well would the Enterprise do if her shields were down/never existed? It fascinates me though that the technology is actually more advanced in Star Trek vs. Star Wars especially when I saw a chart once that showed how much of our galaxy was explored in Star Trek and it's only about a tenth. That's with warp speed. In Star Wars, however, the whole galaxy is governed by either the Republic or the Empire. Surely Star Wars ships are faster or better at pinpointing worm holes or the Star Wars galaxy is MUCH smaller than ours even if the weapons are less advanced.
Or it just makes for better fiction that way, and civilization is probably like 10 times older in SW then in Star Trek.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Warp speed is faster than Light speed, so the Trek ships are faster. The SW ships travel slightly faster than the speed of light while the Trek ships warp space around them...its no contest in the speed category.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
And its more accurate, isnt it? is there as much risk of say hitting an asteroid or something?
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
it sure ain't ludicrous speed for that matter...
What if they hit some weird intergalactic beam or something and go plaid for some reason?
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

i gotta say this has just been so much fun to listen to
Actually, that would be pretty tight.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Depends if their is a sith master or Jedi master helping out with a Battle meld. If a battle Meld is going on there is no hope for a Starfleet ship.
Also it would matter what color of uniforms the Trek guys wore. If they did not think and wore red than They are goners. Everybody knows the red shirts are cursed. LOL