Topic: Male or Female?
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
399 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestGlad you made that clear. The underline and bolded seems to clear up ny confusion. :P
Glad you made that clear. The underline and bolded seems to clear up ny confusion. :P
Sometimes I wish I wasn't female. Life seems easier for guys.
Well besides childbirth I am slightly inclined to agree with you there. Society has definetly made it easier for men to succeed. But slowly it is progressing towards a culture where both can do well.
Male the last time I checked
im pretty sure im a guy but some days im just not sure
im pretty sure im a guy but some days im just not sure
Uh Oh! Are we feeling a little confused or do we just don't feel we fit the gender stereotype 100%?
alittle bit of both i'd have to say
I am female and I guess I am one of the few who prefer deadly Boba Fett over this good looking boy named Anakin Skywalker. =P
im pretty sure im a guy but some days im just not sure
Just look down next time you take a shower. lol.
I am female and I guess I am one of the few who prefer deadly Boba Fett over this good looking boy named Anakin Skywalker. =P
Welcome to the club Mared, and welcome the Boba Fett Fan Club as well.
I am female and I guess I am one of the few who prefer deadly Boba Fett over this good looking boy named Anakin Skywalker. =P
i much preffer Boba over Anakin... i'm a sucker for guys in full body armor :P
and i am a female, but only technically. if you went by attitude, and likes ,, most would probly think i was male,,
shi gotal'u haastal,,
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I am as manly and macho as it gets.
and Anakin is yucky. ICK!
and Anakin is yucky. ICK!
I am not a big fan of him either and welcome to the site Mayda.
I also am a sucker for guys in full body armor. I have a list, Boba's number 1 on that list.
Boba's number 1 on my list too, actually, and has been for nearly 10 years.
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Gotta say Boba catches the eye indeed, with his armor and all. About two years ago I didn't even know who he was. And then I saw him on some guy's avatar, and thought he looked so cool.
(I'm female)
He caught my eye also. I didn't pay to much attention to Star Wars until I picked up Bloodlines. I had nothing to read so I went to the bookstore and was looking for a book and saw Boba looking back. I picked up Bloodlines and have been hooked ever since.
It's funny that you mention Bloodlines. That cover is one of the coolest pics of him, I think.
It's a great cover. I don't think I would have started reading the books if I hadn't seen it. I did go back and read the books that came before Bloodlines. :)
You know, it was a book cover that got me into Boba, pretty much. I already knew who he was basically, from the movies, but it wasn't till I saw him on the cover of BHW that I read about him.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I also knew who he was and of course was curious. We are Star Wars fans and have watched the movies plenty of times. I love to read and once I started on the Legacy books, I had to read every book and comic with Boba in it. I like the reading better than watching movies you get so much more out of books. I also like the Republic Commandos books. I like Boba, the Clones and Mandos better than the Jedi. :)
I am a Guy! I for one like that this board is a great mixture of both genders. I love the opinions from both. They tend to give more insight from both genders. If that makes sense?
50% female 50% male 100% alien ... JK! I mean 100% femaleXD
I am better looking than Anakin Skywalker
im 98% male, but i have that 2% female part i just cant quite shake
im 98% male, but i have that 2% female part i just cant quite shake
That's refreshingly honest, based on that I am 95% female with that % 5
male part I can't quite shake (not that I'm really trying.)
i am completely a chick with a boba fetish
John Lennon
You too are not alone.
You are so not alone. ;)
I think I've had my Fettish since I was about 14. Since I first started liking Boba I've also noticed I have a high attraction to other characters without a visible face (e.g. wearing masks, helmets, coverings, etc.). That's probably a fetish in of itself, hahaha. xD
How insightful! How do you feel about Darth Vader? Of course, we have seen his face before he got burned as Anakin Skywalker.
Hey just thought every1 might think this was cool! I was on ebay and some1 is selling their KINDLE that has BOBA, AWESOME! EPIC! :D P.S. I'm a girl lol
I'm a chick, in case you couldn't tell! ;-)
Female, but I've got nothing against guys. I like guns, violence, and Mandalorians, and my brother is the second-closest person in the world to me.
female, although there is a small, teensy percentage of male in me when I speak or write, lol. i like to think of myself as a masculine girl (in theory with how i dress, anyway) :/