Looks cute Moss, but the scan quality could be better - 6/10 ;)
Topic: Avatar rating
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
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It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Blah, I know. My camera phone sucks at detail up close. x_x
I still haven't come up with something new. I just really haven't felt like drawing lately. @_@
Do you like my avatar? Yeah, it's my old avatar, the ODST marine from Halo, but I turned it to white colour. :cool:
i think its pretty cool
I finally saw the Dark Knight last Friday (yes it took me all that time to see it) and i loved it. I had to make an avatar for the joker...yes i am way behind in the times i know.
Doesnt mean I dont like it. I do :) 9.5/10 Joker rules!
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Mel was complaining about the scan quality (;3) so I fixed it since I acquired a scanner.
Wow mandogirl. 9/10.
Mel was complaining about the scan quality (;3) so I fixed it since I acquired a scanner.
I wasn't complaining :P Now the scan quality is better I upgrade it to an 8.5 ;)
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Thanks Si and you too -F3TT-!
I love your's -F3TT-! 8.5/10 :)
Oh, I forgot to add: I love your av, MandoGirl. Wow. Yours too, -F3TT-. Awesome.
I don't know, your avatar just looks cool, MossNoth. :P 8/10
Awesome Avs for both MandoGirl and -F3tt-; they're just bad shebs ;)
And yours gets cuteness points Moss ;)
new profile shot. quality is a bit fail because of resizing.
new av...the facial qualities a little off, but its based off a sketch function on a friend's computer cam...its me.
That looks cool, Virulent M. 7/10
Nice avatar, Fett_II. I like it...very contemplative.
Sweet Mando'ad portrait, v_m. That's a nice paint job on the bucket. I wouldn't mind examining the full-size picture up close. Props to whoever made that for you.
I'll have a new avatar soon. I drew the picture, and my boyfriend is doing the background. =3
Nice avatar, Fett_II. I like it...very contemplative.
Sweet Mando'ad portrait, v_m. That's a nice paint job on the bucket. I wouldn't mind examining the full-size picture up close. Props to whoever made that for you.
thanx...it started as a photograph of me with one of those effects that make it look like a sketch.
I cut the head off that image and then pasted it onto a body of an image i created in paint. So the armor and helmet were my own design. Then i just tweaked it so it looks the way it does now.
That's just in paint. I wish i had Photoshop...
new av...the facial qualities a little off, but its based off a sketch function on a friend's computer cam...its me.
Very nice. 9.5/10
--Captain Dynamic--
-F3TT-, your's is cool. ODSTs rock! 8/10
My new one is a comic cover of Nightwing #150. I think I like it, but it seems wierd for some reason... : /
This is a really hard topic because often picking an avatar comes down to just picking an image that someone else created either digitally or by hand. That's why I really, really like True Warrior's avatar. Because I think the illustration that it comes from is first class. Great illustration, great avatar.
My avatar also comes from an illustration I did. Overall, I am pretty pleased with it. I know it's not tough looking but I really dig the prototype image that the illustration is based on. It is one of my favorite images of BF.
[url=http://www.bobafettfanclub.com/multimedia/galleries/thumbnails.php?album=lastupby&uid=1624]My Fan Art[/url]
hey! i worked real hard on my avvie!
Tachyonblade made mine for me. Thanks again Tachyon! :)
tachyon I must say I love yours. 20/10
Anyone for a 2D videogame little sprite of a Slimy Ooze? I thought it was an interesting way of putting something that could be associated with toxic food (arsenic pudding again :P). I feel it's not food enough yet though. Should I put the little guy in a spoon? I felt with the size limit it would be hard to see enough of the spoon to understand well what it is.
I love your s tachyonblade! That's an awesome headshot of the Fett! 9/10!
V for Vendetta is the shit, good stuff man 9/10.
That's Cool, it's a really cool movie
I love yours Fett_II! I JUST saw that movie yesterday. It was awesome! 9.5/10
By the way...did my Avatar change? Cause on my end it keeps reverting back to my old Av
7/10... not the biggest MJ fan, but nice way to show your respect. ;)
Finally changed my avatar like I said I would. Yes, I made it. Hand drawn and coloured as well.
HAHAHAHAHA That wasn't what my Avatar was when I posted that last post.
HAHAHAHAHA That wasn't what my Avatar was when I posted that last post.
Ummm... nope. My eyes wouldn't deceive me!
Ummm... nope. My eyes wouldn't deceive me!
LOL I made that post back in April. Trust me....Michael Jackson was NOT my avatar back in april lol.
I think I'll be sticking with this one (kudos to the ones who can guess it at a first glimpse) for a while.
I like yours, Fett II. 8.5/10
Not fond of MJ, sorry MandoGirl. I'll still give you a 8/10 for aesthetic appreciation of your image.
Cecilia, too cute, 9/10
Manji, it's cool. Love the fact that it's b/w. 8/10 cause I can't read the small text.. :P
Anyone cares to rate mine?
Yours is pretty sweet, Cin. I like the Mythosaur skull's color and detail. I also like the faded eye in the background. 9/10
My avatar is the LTL Comics logo. (It's pretty simple. just two colors, but I thought that the high-contrast looked cool)
Manji, it's cool. Love the fact that it's b/w. 8/10 cause I can't read the small text.. :P
Anyone cares to rate mine?
You're not supposed to read the small text, it's just detail.
I'd give yours a 9/10, it's very unique and well made.
Jumpy... I'd say 8/10... looks good, kinda bland though, but nothing wrong with that.
Thanks, you two.
+1 Manji coz you stood for your small text/texture, so 9/10
Jumpy, 8.5/10, love the "back to MsPaint" style.
I like Cin's it's custom 9/10
thanks guys. I like yours, Droideka. cool font and color to go with a cool guy :D. 9/10
I like your Avatar Droidek a shows the true Boba Fett
I thought I'll changed my old Avatar must be sick of the Bat LOL!!!
I put on my Avatar ,,showing my Dream but I cut Bowie off for you all I especially love this
one Boba Fett the full photo is of him coming out of a Porthole all ready for action
Finding a picture of a Eurycea to fit the requirements was a pain, but this is Eurycea bislineata, the Two-Lined Salamander.
Great month to resurrect something (this thread)... so, people, what do you think of this little one I just made?
It's awesome!! It very season appropriate. Way to go Cin Vhentin!
I dont think Ive changed mine for months now...Consistency FTW!
Consistency is easy when you have a truely awesome Av - yours is said awesome Mandal, same for Cin and Droideka
10/10 to Fett_II for finding a freekin' awesome av of a childhood favorite character of mine. That was the first 'jet-pack wearin' man in a helmet' that I was really a fan of. I wanted to be that guy so damn bad.... and his girl was without doubt my first love :P
The Rocketeer for the Win!
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