Adeptus, I'm very impressed. It looks like you've not only heard of but love both The Dark Tower and LFG, fantastic.
Topic: Signature Rating Thread
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
314 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestHA This little comic thing is really funny. After a horrible day yesterday (and today) it cheered me up quite a bit :)
I have a new quote, one from the one and only Boba Fett.
HAHAHAHAHA! I like that one...i think I shall use it in everyday life.
New one for me.
Gotta love Captain Dynamic.
--Captain Dynamic--
Ha that video was so funny.
Touch my awesome
Did you watch after the Credits? Gets REALLY funny.
Before that, "So you've got this lap thing? Its cool right?"
--Captain Dynamic--
ha ya lol.
i read the looking for group thing from aa's sig and i thought it was hilarious....
For those of you who like WoW-related humor, Ive recently been introduced to a D&D-based web comic that is absolutely ROFLMAO-worthy hilarious. I experimented with a little dungeons and dragons back in the day, but anyone who hasn't might not get some of the finer humor, either way, clicky da linky:
Appo, I give yours an 8.5/10... Funny, and wierd. Always a good combination :)
Made a new signature... I've seen a lot of Rorschach quotes lately, so let me know if it's taken...
This is probably my favourite line from Watchmen...
For those of you who like WoW-related humor, Ive recently been introduced to a D&D-based web comic that is absolutely ROFLMAO-worthy hilarious. I experimented with a little dungeons and dragons back in the day, but anyone who hasn't might not get some of the finer humor, either way, clicky da linky:
Dude that comic you linked...omg, hilarious.
"Wait...I think I just failed a spot check." (Ninjas everywhere) LOL
Really helps if youve played some D&D, just as funny as the LFG comics tho.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
HAHAHAHA I love your's Appo! 10/10 one of my favorite lines from Search for Group :D
I really like Jumpy's new one. I could see a single Mando saying that to a whole army of dudes all locked in a hanger or somethin' :D
In other news, Im a sexy shoeless god of war.