I haven't seen it, is it on par with anything/everything else?
it's better than the movie, not as awesome as the older show, but better than the Holiday Special.
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
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I haven't seen it, is it on par with anything/everything else?
it's better than the movie, not as awesome as the older show, but better than the Holiday Special.
I lost interest after four weeks or so, to be honest, but I may go back and watch the others online sometime when I've got time to kill.
Plus TNT is going to start airing all of Season 1 later this month.
If you want to watch them online, check out this site:
I watched like the first 5 episodes, and then I got bored. The Jar-Jar episode ruined it all for me.
the new ryloth trilogy looks REALLY good
I watched the latest CW episodes, and i think they messed it up a little bit. This whole idea was from a issuie of a clone wars comic released awhile ago. Im not sure if was called 'the blue shadow virus' but it was supposed to happen on of naboos moon, it involved Durge, Ventress and was supposed to kill a bunch of gungan colonists.
Do you think they just wanted to rewrite the whole idea or am i wrong and this is a completly unrelated incident?
Its unrelated. The comics and TV show are both canon.
Personally, I don't think the series is all that bad so far. it isn't fantastic, but it is way better than the previous Clone Wars cartoon, with Jedi mowing down whole armies of droids. I haven't kept up to date with it though; no idea what's going on. (Plus, I hate the Azhoka idea...no more apprentices for Anakin please)
I think the episodes should be all clones. its the clone wars, duh, and I just think all of the focus on force-users is annoying. They aren't really that great. One of the first episodes, Rookies, was an all clone episode (mostly) and I thought it was pretty good. The Jar Jar episode was absoutely retarted.
I'll second that. From what I've seen and heard the clones are put in the background too much.
I still think they should have an episode with Delta Squad in it. That would be awesome. Or even just a random squad of Commandos. But no more Jar Jar. Ever. Ever. Again. *cringe*
And yeah, the clones episodes are the best ones. I even liked the fact that the clones used words like damn and hell in the "Rookies" episode. Made it feel more realistic.
I have never seen any clone wars episodes myself, but I have seen the clone wars last year with my friend and my stepdad
it was awesome!! :)
You mean the movie? That was terrible....
I am very disappointed with the new series, to be honest. How the clones are portrayed just annoys me to the point of not being able to watch such garbage (Rubbish, Sev.) I find KT's view much more realistic and in-depth, and they are portrayed as actual people instead of mindless droids.
Anakin...stupid and whiny...
And what bothers me just a little more is most of the dialogue seems too...rehearsed, fake. That's my opinion.
Although, I will say there were a few select episodes that were pretty good, but Jetiise = osik
KT's version of the clones is the best, no doubt about it.
Hey! I thought is was good
but I'm the same. It WAS VERY bad
Grey even thinks so. Though he's wise
What do I think?
BTW Revan07 is Grey
I watch this series for the fights and the colorful settings, they keep my attention. But were it dubbed in Russian or Vietnamese I would actually enjoy it more.
Agree with Lord Revan there, the way the clones are portrayed, completely regardless of all the work K. Traviss has done over the past 4 years, makes me all kinds of pissed. Once again on-screen Star Wars takes a step away from the EU.
However, I think Ahsoka is cute. You do not see teenage characters in the Star Wars (and rightfully so, Anakin in AOTC was about enough of whining), but a female, alien, and smart one is a concept I have to support, as a fan artist and writer. I hate her ambiguous relationship with Anakin though. In fact everything revolving around Anakin in this series is unbearable.
cool Daenna, but being an artist or writer has nothing to do with that she's smart.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Btw, Grey, you DO think that TCW is bad.
cool Daenna, but being an artist or writer has nothing to do with that she's smart.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Btw, Grey, you DO think that TCW is bad.
no, you're right. it's just that Daenna's post had nothing to do with being an artist or writer at all. she was voicing her opinion of Ahsoka's character and how she likes it.
oh. Okay. That makes sense.
Hmm. :)
Anyway, TCW was about 5/10 in my opinion. My favourites are the actual original that are not cartoons.
Why did George let us down? he coulda make episode VII or something.... :P
although, all the actors are waaaay too old now! :o
I hate her ambiguous relationship with Anakin though. In fact everything revolving around Anakin in this series is unbearable.
Pretty much what I was referring to, yeah.
oh. Okay. That makes sense.
Hmm. :)
Anyway, TCW was about 5/10 in my opinion. My favourites are the actual original that are not cartoons.
Why did George let us down? he coulda make episode VII or something.... :P
although, all the actors are waaaay too old now! :o
The new TV show of Clone Wars is great but the Clone Wars movie sucks.
i think the clones should have more of a role than they do.from clips ive seen they will have more to say
Looks like we'll finally get to see some good old fashioned Bounty Hunters in the next episode. Aurra Sing finally makes an appearance. And is that IG-88 with her, or maybe IG-72, or just another random IG-86 model?
IG-72 was around in the galactic civil war, first starring in the SW novel: Tales of the Bounty Hunters
IG-86 was in the CW and 88 was obviously in Episode V :)
it's either IG-88 (or any of his three copies), or an early prototype.
possibly, yes. They were making the IG-88 then, like actually creating the droid.
I've never wanted to se The clone wars...
You should.
' Aye!
It's good, but not AS good as the real stuff
Finally saw the Clone Wars movie. I actually didn't think it was too bad, but then I suppose my expectations weren't very high...
Mel, you have every right to criticize it. I didn't like it that much... I'd give it 5/10 or 6/10
I think the real movies are SO much better. :P
It sounds very predictable from what I've heard about it.
I'd give it a 6.5/10
Just because the clones had a more important role than in the prequel trilogy
I want to see more of the clone culture. If RC's were in this I would freak out over watching it.
Recon Clones? :/
The clones were cool in the film though. Like when Rex pretended to be dead, and shot that BD, then at AV
Republic Commandos. The cool clones. The clones that started off the fascination of the entire mandalorian culture for me.
You are decived young person...So very decived...
So far the show kinda stinks, but Rex rules. Bring in the Fetts.
I first saw the movie a couple of months ago...to me it was too short...but I am used to live action Star Wars films. It had a good story line...but the story was too short...I liked the new characters and ships it brings in. The voices were very well match to the characters.
The fighting seen (spelling) between Obi-Wan and Ventress was too jumpy. When Obi-Wan scales the columns he looks like a grass hopper. It made me think of Tigger.
It had the classic Star Wars ending though. I give it a 7/10. For effort, story line, new characters, the voices, and the animation...it was better than that cartoon crap that used to come on, that for sure!
I still don't like the animation... everyone looks like they were beaten with an ugly stick.
I might buy the show on DVD when it comes out just for some Clone action... I stopped watching it back in like November and haven't felt the urge to start watching again...
New trailer for season 2
As you can see from the main page, Mandalorians will be invading the Clone Wars cartoon show in season 2!
I'm gonna go ahead and change the name of this thread so we can use it as our generic "Clone Wars" discussion hub!
...And we’ll also be seeing Mandalore… but Dave (Sansweet) couldn’t go into any further detail.
...This led to the new trailer for Season Two which will officially debut online tomorrow: Featured were all the returning favorites, along with appearances by Poggle the Lesser, Ki-Adi-Mundi and several helmeted Mandalorian warriors (one with an oddly familiar voice) whose agenda remains mysterious...
So, since they're saying that this is supposed to be Mandalore (on the Examiner and BigShinyRobot sites), I wonder if this is supposed to be Fenn Shysa, or actually, probably Spar? Unless they're deciding to screw up the continuity in regards to that. And where are the range finders on their helmets? Still looks pretty cool, though.
Well they say he has a familiar voice, so it could be spar, or any number of the Nulls. Those would be the only clones of Jango that *wouldnt* be actually fighting as clones in the Clone Wars right now. Other clones didn't leave the army till after the Empire formed.
Couldn't be Fenn tho I don't think, he'd be pretty young.
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