Topic: Aliit Forum

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Topic #2196
September 25, 2008 10:38 pm #

As the resident force lover..... I am open to say.. CO modding....

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
October 5, 2008 2:42 pm (Edited October 5, 2008 02:43 pm) #
Werda Verd wrote:

Whoever does it, lets not do it too soon. We've got two semi-active RPG's going, and I don't want them to just die. Lets wait until they die down, hopefully a few weeks from now.

We have one semi active RPG going right now I say. N6 looks just about dead to me

Anyways I was thinking of making a sort of post apocalyptic western RPG, anyone interested?

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
October 5, 2008 2:47 pm #

Nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Well if you would just let me let the calvery come intest of Lord Raven. It would be alive. We can still revive it!

October 5, 2008 2:50 pm #

Gah....why does everyone always try to revive stuff.......You can post whatever you want, but I think I'm out of it

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
October 5, 2008 2:52 pm #

So I can Kill your characer?

October 5, 2008 2:53 pm (Edited October 5, 2008 02:53 pm) #

Id rather you didnt....that would set every single clone in the area on you. And the RPG might kick back up when rev gets back

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
October 5, 2008 3:58 pm #

it was obvious for me that i was helpless in that one.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
February 6, 2009 6:09 pm (Edited February 6, 2009 06:10 pm) #

sorry i been MIA for so long, ner vode.
Been so busy with work and stuff lately...thankfully Im also writing my novel. Im glad to be doing something at least. sorry that the BFFC has had to take such a back seat. I do pop in once in a while...even if i may not post.

Take it easy, guys.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 6, 2009 12:08 pm #

Lets not consider this a double post, ner vode. Its a very wide

Anyway, Ive been real busy as of late. Mainly Ive been writing three different works and painting my shebs off. My art was recently shown in a local show, and Ive been inspired to continue on...

As for ner cyar'ika...we got engaged earlier this October. We're hoping if all goes smoothly on the financial front (still looking for work in this difficult job market), for a Fall 2k11 wedding. The engagement ring was a total custom job by Shihoko Hirata @ greenlake jewelry works in Seattle. I even had it engraved with "mhi me'dinui an" in the inside. Shes not a Mando fan, but she loves the ring.

Anyway. that's whats going on with me. How about you guys report in and update...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 6, 2009 1:06 pm (Edited December 6, 2009 01:09 pm) #

I'm still come here (the BFFC) just about everyday for a few minutes, but its been slow. I'm not sure what caused the sudden lack of posts, but I'll bet you anything it had something to do with A_As disappearance.

Back in the real world Ive been doing school mostly and when I'm not doing that I'm usually on the Xbox. But occasionally Ive been able to practice my animating and drawing skills so maybe sometime I'll have to post a few things that are worth while. 

Anyway it great to see you here again V_M, real happy to see your doing well, and I hope things go your way with the marriage.


[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 7, 2009 10:16 am #

Sure. Blame me for everything :P

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 7, 2009 12:07 pm #

You know it. :P

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 13, 2009 11:50 am (Edited February 28, 2010 11:17 am) #
Mandal_ShadowWarrior wrote:

Anyway it great to see you here again V_M, real happy to see your doing well, and I hope things go your way with the marriage.

Vor'e Mandal.

were enjoying ourselves a nice little 2 year engagement. no

Hope all is well...

Thought I'd update by asking how everyone else is?

Sound off like you got a pair!!! :P

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."

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