Mine is Bon Jovi!!! ....Wells kinda obvious isn't it...;)
Topic: Favorite band?
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
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Mine is Bon Jovi!!! ....Wells kinda obvious isn't it...;)
Yeah. They're cool. Ever seen them in concert?
MandoGirl0415 wrote:Mine is Bon Jovi!!! ....Wells kinda obvious isn't it...;)
Yeah. They're cool. Ever seen them in concert?
Yes very recently actually. I saw them on July 14th at Madison Square Garden for the 2nd to last concert of their Lost Highway tour...they were AMAZING! It was probably one of the best nights of my life. Have you ever seen them in concert?
terra wrote:MandoGirl0415 wrote:Mine is Bon Jovi!!! ....Wells kinda obvious isn't it...;)
Yeah. They're cool. Ever seen them in concert?
Yes very recently actually. I saw them on July 14th at Madison Square Garden for the 2nd to last concert of their Lost Highway tour...they were AMAZING! It was probably one of the best nights of my life. Have you ever seen them in concert?
Yeah a few times. They rock! Seen any other bands too?
Yeah a few times. They rock! Seen any other bands too?
Well I saw All American Rejects. And a non-band concert I went to was Josh Groban (my first concert). I am young...I have plenty of time to see more concerts (hopefully more Bon Jovi concerts ;))
Speaking of bands... I know some of y'alls are Skillet fans. and they are comming to play a show in NJ at the end of August. I am sooo thinking of going, just because shows are fun!
(wow sorry i sounded what five there :P )
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
From what I've heard Skillet doesn't sound the best Live. But go see them and tell me what you think. :P
I was almost able to see 4 of my favorite bands; Motorhead, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, and Testament. All great live bands.
I cant relay say I have a favorite band. I like to many different songs to judge
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Man, that's a tough question. I don't think I have a favorite actually, but I do have a few that are above and beyond every else.
At The Drive-In and The Mars Volta
Alkaline Trio
Bouncing Souls
Smashing Pumpkins

I'm a metal head like Draco, but I like newer metal, not old school metal
As I lay dying
Killswitch Engage
August Burns Red
She wants Revenge
Linkin park
Oy, you guys just opened a Pandora's Box of music:
Guns N Roses
Def Leppard
Cheap Trick
Deep Purple
Lynyrd Skynyrd
The Eagles
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
The Who
Black Sabbath
This concludes your classic rock history lesson for the day. :D
I just started listening to GWAR, and they seriously rock.
But the real reason I brought this back was for braging rights on my favorite band. Alice Cooper resently played for 450,000 people, which I think might be a world record.
The Rolling Stones have played for over a million people one night I think. It was Florida, two miles of the beach was crowded, and people were in boats to try to see it.
The Guess Who
Steve Miller Band
Led Zeppelin
The Beatles
The Who
Def Leppard
Elvis Presley
Bon Jovi
Lynyrd Skynyrd
―Boba Fett
In no order
The Who
Talking Heads
Rob Zombie
John Mayer
Black Sabath
Many others that i no think of now...
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Red Hot Chilli Peppers/ or Dragon Force :P
-Boba Fett-
Not another Dragonforce fan. you need to learn the truth...
I'm really into Stained lately. I haven't heard a whole lot of their work, but 'It's Been a While' and 'Outside' are a couple of my favorites right now. Three Doors Down are really good, especially their 'Get Out Alive'
I just gotta say, even though I already said this on the other topic, the first one as the Metal God Mod and his amazing list of bands pointed out, Foo Fighters are awesome.
Metal lol.
Iron Maiden
Bullet For My Valentine
Gamma Ray
Judas Priest
Children Of Bodom
etc etc
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I don't preticularly care who sings the songs. I just like listening to the music. :|
-Boba Fett-
Guns N Roses
Steve Miller Band
Jet Black Stare
Iron Maiden
Queens of the Stoneage
Tenacious D
Bullet for my Valentine
Black Sabbath
Not in any particular order.
Guns N Roses
Steve Miller Band
Jet Black Stare
Iron Maiden
Queens of the Stoneage
Tenacious D
Bullet for my Valentine
Black Sabbath
Not in any particular order.
Ohh I love Aerosmith!! Infact my first attempt at becoming a member of BFFC my name was "AeroSITH" but my password never worked :(
-Boba Fett-
Not another Dragonforce fan. you need to learn the truth...
A friend of mine would share your sentiments. He thinks Dragonforce and Jonas brothers fall into the same category, suckish.
Dragonforce are just terribly overrated in my oppinion.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I personally find Dragonforce both epic and oddly badass, but to each his own, right?
Favorite band....that's a hard one, picking favorites just isn't nice.
Overall I think I'd have to say Rise Against, but if I could I'd have an enormous tie along with:
Disturbed (Mayhem Festival was insane, by the end of the mosh pit I was pretty bloodied up - I mean really, why is it always enormous guys with at least like 75 lbs on me?)
Bon Jovi
Foo Fighters
3 Doors Down
Breaking Benjamin
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
and probably a few more that don't come to mind....like Nightwish, might as well throw them in too.
I Hate The Jonas Brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Boba Fett-
Disturbed (Mayhem Festival was insane, by the end of the mosh pit I was pretty bloodied up - I mean really, why is it always enormous guys with at least like 75 lbs on me?)
Bon Jovi
Foo Fighters
3 Doors Down
Breaking Benjamin
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Mudvayneand probably a few more that don't come to mind....like Nightwish, might as well throw them in too.
Pillar is very good. You liked For the Love of the Game? I hadn't really been in to them before but the new CD got me really started on them.
A band I really like is Disciple. Good hard driving songs.
Well most of the time I dont follow bands, I just find songs I like and get them off of iTunes. But recently ive taken an liking to Linkin Park. So we'll se where that goes.
Linkin Park is great. I saw Project Revolution with Gunslinger and a couple of his friends, and I have to say they were amazing. On a separate note I never liked Chris Cornell before that concert, but there was just something about him live.
Hmmm never heard of 'um. :cool:
-Boba Fett-
Linkin Park made bleed it out, and what I've doe; which are popular songs.
―Boba Fett
hmmmm....Skillets really good. Don't listen to Linkin Park though.
--Captain Dynamic--
I don't preticularly care who sings the songs. I just like listening to the music. :|
EXACTLY! There's VERY few artists out there, especially in fields other then country *but lately even there...* that have more then a couple songs I really like. I love songs, Not singers
ee-3 wrote:I don't preticularly care who sings the songs. I just like listening to the music. :|
EXACTLY! There's VERY few artists out there, especially in fields other then country *but lately even there...* that have more then a couple songs I really like. I love songs, Not singers
GAH! you are not a singer then i take it. the voice is just another instrument if used well can be great. its those that have perverted the art, like Britney Spears, that have led to song sounding like osik.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Why is Britney Spears so popular? Oh and I just finished writing my latest song. :P
-Boba Fett-
ee-3 wrote:I don't preticularly care who sings the songs. I just like listening to the music. :|
EXACTLY! There's VERY few artists out there, especially in fields other then country *but lately even there...* that have more then a couple songs I really like. I love songs, Not singers
Pretty good point, but I like some songs from the way that the voice sounds. I don't care who sings it, as long as it sounds good to me. I'm no singer either, but you have to know something about it to know what's Osik, and whats truly good.
―Boba Fett
I can't particularly sing well either. But I try, most of the time. :P
-Boba Fett-
GAH! you are not a singer then i take it. the voice is just another instrument if used well can be great. its those that have perverted the art, like Britney Spears, that have led to song sounding like osik.
I'm not sure what your point is. If ANY insturment is off sounding to me, whether it be a guitar, drums, the style used, or Voice, I'm not going to waste my time listening to it.
I'm not artistically minded, in that I don't listen to music because of what the singer claims he is revealing about his/her soul or whatever. I listen to music that is pleasing to my ear and personal tastes in music, and that includes a LOT of work with no vocals at all.
I like a lot of bands but the first band that I thought of when I opened this was Marillion (when Fish was with them) I have not heard much of their recent stuff) and it is not that I do not like the present singer but the songs that I know and think are great was when Fish was their singer :D
I'm really getting into Godsmack. All I had from them was 'I Stand Alone' when I bought the track to 'The Scorpion King,' which I LOVE!
Now I have their album 'Awake;' tis' good stuff :D
Yes, good old Godsmack...I've been listening to a lot of their stuff again recently...Reminds me of the "good" old days. and by "good" I mean "bad".
I like Faith No More best at the moment, but Alice In Chains, Megadeth, Godsmack, Rush and Faith No More are my main favourites.
ah, man, haven't listened to Godsmack recently.
been pouring over Muse lately.
Led Zepplin is by far my fave band. They can do any type of music
Muse and Led Zeppelin are good.
Hey Jaerog, what do you prefer early Zeppelin (I-IV) or later Zeppelin (Houses of the Holy and onwards)?
I've got I-IV and Houses of teh Holy, I was wondering whether I should continue and get Physical Graffiti or whether it's radically different.
I love Kanjani8! They're so cool!
Skillet, Rascal Flatts. I like others, but those are two of very few bands that have put out a TON of good songs.
--Captain Dynamic--
I listen to a lot of industrial music. My number one favorite band by far is called Skinny Puppy. I really dig the Vancouver electronic music scene. Not a lot of people know the bands I am into though so it's not often that i can share my musical interests.
[url=http://www.bobafettfanclub.com/multimedia/galleries/thumbnails.php?album=lastupby&uid=1624]My Fan Art[/url]
I've actually been listening to a LOT of 3 Doors Down lately..... I think my favorite genre would have to be alternative rock right now, mostly because 3DD and Stained are thrown into that field.
3 Doors down is good; Kryptonite was my favorite song until the latest album came out, then "It's Not My Time" took the title - that's some epic shit right there.
Staind is pretty good too. I usually listen to them when I'm not feeling so hot; they just seem to have a darker mood to most of their songs.
Right on SciFi
Both those 3DD songs are in my top list from them, and I feel the exact same way about Stained. 'Outside' and 'It's been a While' are my top 2 from them.
I also just discovered Kerli's song 'Love is Dead'. Kinda random throwing it in with the other stuff mentioned, but I love it to death. Except for 'Bullet Proof', which is pretty good, the rest of the album falls to ok or average. Also listening to some Three Days Grace lately.....
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