Topic: my own film

Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.

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Topic #3189
December 16, 2008 7:23 am #

I am currently writing a star wars film about a couple of mandos who join the jedi so on and so forth. Iwas wondering i you guys had any suggestions for things i could put in the movie?

Aliit ori'shya tal'din - Family is more than bloodline
December 16, 2008 11:53 am #

You have armor? Have you seen the MandoMercs armor--I recommend armor of near that quality.

And do you mean fight with them, or as Force Sensitives who literally join the Jedi Order?

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
December 16, 2008 2:55 pm #

Yes, if you have any members of the Mandalorian Mercs near you, I bet they'd be thrilled to help and join in, so that's a possible rout unless you already have the armor and cast members you need. 

And not sure what you need with the info you gave; could we have like a quick overview of what you have in mind?  Would love to help if I can, but some more details will help the suggestion process and hopefully eliminate ideas that wouldn't work for you.

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
December 16, 2008 4:40 pm #

Yeah, the Mercs are everywhere (poised and ready to take over the world). And if there are any within a hour or two even, I bet they'd come. I'd recommend asking if any live near you in.....either Narcoleth Lounge or Keldabe Lounge. Not sure.

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
December 17, 2008 9:08 am #
Werda Verd wrote:

You have armor? Have you seen the MandoMercs armor--I recommend armor of near that quality.

And do you mean fight with them, or as Force Sensitives who literally join the Jedi Order?

im getting my own armor from over seas and as Force Sensitives who literally join the Jedi Order

Ralin Drakus wrote:

Yes, if you have any members of the Mandalorian Mercs near you, I bet they'd be thrilled to help and join in, so that's a possible rout unless you already have the armor and cast members you need. 

And not sure what you need with the info you gave; could we have like a quick overview of what you have in mind?  Would love to help if I can, but some more details will help the suggestion process and hopefully eliminate ideas that wouldn't work for you.

im not sure if there are any near me i'll have to look into that. And for details really i could use anything you think would be something a mando would do. oh and a discription of what mandalore looks like. that would be great

Aliit ori'shya tal'din - Family is more than bloodline
December 17, 2008 12:07 pm #

mandalorians would never join the jedi order

the thought of that makes me want to puke...

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."
December 17, 2008 6:25 pm #

Yeah, its VERY unlikely--Mando's may fight with the Jedi, and a Force-sensitive would possibly seek training, but I can't see man (or woman) raised as a Mando'ad joining the Jedi, especially not after Galidraan.

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
December 18, 2008 3:20 am #

Would depend on the age.  If they're VERY young Mando's who fall into the hands of the Jedi, say brother and sister *which would explain why they're both Force sensitives*, that's a possibility.  Maybe they're family/Clan was killed and they were the only survivors.....killed possibly by the Jedi?  There are a lot of options here where you could take that, but they'd have to be really young, but not so young that they know nothing of the Mando'ade *which would essentially make them NOT Mandalorians, as being Mando is a culture and not a race.* 

And as to a description of Mandalore, that would depend on your time-line and who/what you want to be Mandalore.  If you're talking pre-Mandalorian Wars, he'd probably be a Taung, and hard to pull off.  If it's after that or even post-Legacy era, they he'd probably be human *if not Boba Fett* and could look however you want him/her to look *I've never heard of one yet, but a Female Mandalore could be an interesting rout.*

Just thoughts, throw some specifics at me if you want me to clarify or expand on anything.

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
December 18, 2008 4:53 am #

If they were raised outside Mando culture, its possible, but they wouldn't be true Mandos, unless you reversed the order and had them Join the Order young, then leave to find out about their heritage.

Yeah, there's no "look" for a Mandalore--I'm presuming this is long after the Taung and you're using current-style Mandalorian armor, as there's almost no one who makes Neo-Crusader or KotOR era Supercommando armor.

I'd just do armor, and name him Mandalore--Mandalorians don't tie a lot of regality or formality to the role.

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
December 18, 2008 7:06 am #
Ralin Drakus wrote:

Would depend on the age.  If they're VERY young Mando's who fall into the hands of the Jedi, say brother and sister *which would explain why they're both Force sensitives*, that's a possibility.  Maybe they're family/Clan was killed and they were the only survivors.....killed possibly by the Jedi?  There are a lot of options here where you could take that, but they'd have to be really young, but not so young that they know nothing of the Mando'ade *which would essentially make them NOT Mandalorians, as being Mando is a culture and not a race.* 

And as to a description of Mandalore, that would depend on your time-line and who/what you want to be Mandalore.  If you're talking pre-Mandalorian Wars, he'd probably be a Taung, and hard to pull off.  If it's after that or even post-Legacy era, they he'd probably be human *if not Boba Fett* and could look however you want him/her to look *I've never heard of one yet, but a Female Mandalore could be an interesting rout.*

Just thoughts, throw some specifics at me if you want me to clarify or expand on anything.

when i said mandalore i meant the planet(my bad). but they would be joining around age 15-17, one from mandalore and the other from dxun(no relation to each other). A female mandalore is something i didnt consider but i will now.

the basic plot line is they both join, one leaves, the other stays,the one that left joins the dark side, the other becomes a jedi, the dark side mando goes to kill mandalore and his/her throne for himself but the light side mando kills him.thats pretty much it.

Aliit ori'shya tal'din - Family is more than bloodline
December 18, 2008 12:21 pm #


"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."
December 18, 2008 10:54 pm #

lol, I can see why some of the Diehard Mandos like the one that posted above me might have some issues with your idea.  However, I still feel your idea, if tweaked, could be something worthy of the Mando'ade.

Now, you'll have to understand that most traditional minded Mando fans you'll find ARE fans of them SPECIFICALLY because the Mandalorians are characterized has having no love for the Jedi whatsoever, and would never 'lower' themselves by joining the Order.  This is apparent in such fan clubs as the Mandalorian Mercs, where a Jedi or Sith Mando character concept is NOT allowed. 

With this in mind, bear with any critisizum for your idea and know that you'll need some very unique and plausible situations to draw or force these two young Mandos into joining the Order.

Now, I don't consider myself the typical Mando fan, as I entered the scene with some personally created notions about them, and I've not always seen eye to eye with KT's and other's interpretations of the Mando'ade.  One thing I Would agree with them on is that they have NO love at all for the Jedi.  HOWEVER, I say that knowing that nothing is impossible, especially in the SW universe, and something could be worked out to get your Mandos into the Order. 

So lets get to work and answer your questions.  All this and what I add is just and Only my personal and untrained opinion, so feel free to tell me to stuff it on any of my suggestions   


Johan Kordav wrote:

when i said mandalore i meant the planet(my bad).

ahhh, sorry about the mix up.  I have been led to belive that Mandalore, at least at the time of it's colonization by the Taungs and for many many generations after, was a jungle world.  However, it's status during and after the era of the Empire I'll have to leave to someone else, as I've heard rumors that Mandalore was strip mined by the Empire for it's rare and incredibly strong Mandalorian iron.  This may have left the terrain completely scared and possible barren.  Same for the Keldabe, the City of Bone.  It was created during the times of the Taung, and stood into the reign of the Empire, but I can't say for sure if it still stands.

Johan Kordav wrote:

but they would be joining around age 15-17, one from mandalore and the other from dxun(no relation to each other).

Ok, these two would have to be my biggest concerns with your plot ner vod.  At that age, these two are by Mandalorian law fully adult, and are well versed in the traditions and culture of the Mando'ade.  The odds of them joining the Order, the greatest traditional enemy of Mandalorian ambition would be pretty steep.  It MIGHT be possible with a Wookiee'esk form of Honor/Life debt to a Jedi, or a Jedi *Maybe a post-Ep. VI Skywalker who's forming his New Jedi Order?* saved their or their Clan/families lives.

However, these points bring up the question of their being from different locations.  I STRONGLY suggest that they be connected and make a joined decision to join the order, as the odds of them joining seperately and randomly meeting at the Order are friggin astronomical *although, SW IS the saga of literally astronomical coincidences...but that's another story   :P  .*  Sorry, I don't recall if you set down the genders or relationships between your two main characters, so I'll leave a couple suggestions. 

I think the story is most emotionally appealing with a tale of Brother and Sister.  VERY close as children, they get split apart and take different paths in the Order, and one eventually is forced to kill the other.  Very tear jerking stuff, to me anyway.  Some form of very close knit bond would help I feel, especially with the tragic ending, whether it be Bro vs. Sis, BF vs. GF, Uber-Friend vs. Uber friend, or however you want to work it.  But again, this would kill your idea of having them come from seperate locations.  If that is an essential part of your plot, then never mind all this.     

Johan Kordav wrote:

the basic plot line is they both join, one leaves, the other stays,the one that left joins the dark side, the other becomes a jedi, the dark side mando goes to kill mandalore and his/her throne for himself but the light side mando kills him.thats pretty much it.

Very doable.  I don't see anything specific to point to and say it concerns me, you're just left with the job of adding a LOT of filler for that long timeline. 

Sorry if you mentioned it and I missed it, but what's the timeline for you movie again?  Empire?  Clone Wars?  Just curious. 

Hope something in all this helped,


"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
December 19, 2008 7:30 am #

Ralin you made some great points i probably would have never thought of the gender of the characters are both male so im considering making them brothers, both from mandalore. also i like the idea of a life debt, i'll have to put that in the script. The filler will be needed and there will be quite a bit of it, but it will be mildly relavent to the story. as for the time i was thinking about 3000 years after KOTOR but then you mentioned the neo-crusader armor so now im not sure.

Aliit ori'shya tal'din - Family is more than bloodline
December 19, 2008 2:42 pm #

Hey, glad if that rant was of some help.  Just ask if I need to clarify or expand on anything.

And timeline is very important for the look and atmosphere of your story.  if we're talking Neo-Crusaders, I THINK their armor was still dominante for the Mandalorians up until about 1,000 BBY *I heard someplace that the Boba armor was first becoming popular around 1,000 BBY - could be wrong on that, and even if I'm not maybe the Mandalorians were using a totally different style at that point....maybe Death Watch style?*

Here would be my pros and cons for that more defined timelines:

#1 - Before-right after Mandalorian Wars

This timeline is ripe for FanFiction.  Very little is known of the era and the Mandalorians at that time other then what is taken from the KotOR series of games and comics *maybe more will come out of the KotOR MMO... we'll see*

HOWEVER, you'd have the physical trouble of getting yourself some convincing Neo-Crusader armor for the film.  Masks and the chest pieces are sold from time to time on ebay for not very much $$$, but their quality might be suspect *I've never seen/handled one* and just the mask and chest piece is a long way from a full Crusader armor.

You're also dealing with a Mandalorian people who were just defeated by the Mandalorians *if you do it after the Mandalorian Wars*, or are gearing for war *if you do it before,* so again, you'd have to create some serious complications in their lives to get them to join the Order.

#2.   1,000-100 years BBY

Again, another era ripe for Mandalorian FanFiction.  The ONLY thing I've ever heard about them in this era was that a piece from the Star Wars: New Essential Chronology, which states:

The Mandalorian warrior clans committed the greatest crime of this era.  Having defeated the Ithullans in a war over a narcolethe distillery in 200 BBY, the Mandalorians then went on to exterminate the entire Ithullan species.  Unfortunately, the Jedi Council did nothing in response to the genocide, and several rouge Jedi allied themselves with the Bounty Hunters' Guild to take down the ruling Mandalore.

The book doesn't sourse this info, so I have no idea where they got it.  If anybody knows, please enlighten me as I'd love to find it.  It also doesn't go on to say what if anything happened about those rouge Jedi and if they had any sucess against the Mandalorians.

That aside, this is a great era *500-100 BBY; not suggesting you have to use the same years as the quoted pieces talks about* for your story.  It's dealing with an active generation of Mandalorians, the pre-Sith Wars Jedi Order, which is dominant and has the freedom to take chances with it's recruiting if you've got a Master with the stones to try, and you can stick with the Boba style of Mando armor.

Clone Wars and beyond would have more pros and cons to count, and I'm sure you're familiar with them.  Most of the Mandos in the Clone Wars sided with the Seperatists, although many continued to serve the Republic.  A chancy business of taking on a couple Mandos could be done out of desperation during a time like the Clone wars, but you'd have almost no time to train them, and we all know what happens at the end of Ep. III.  You don't have a Jedi Order after that, and after Ep. VI you're dealing with not only a very small Order under Luke's leadership, but also a very beat down Mandalorians until the rise of Mandalore Fett.  So in general, yeah, this era is a mess...  Too much material written already.  Not saying it couldn't be done, but you'd have to do your homework if you want it to have a chance to stand alone in the EU.  If you don't care about the EU and would be happy with this as an alternate fiction, go for it.

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
December 19, 2008 3:11 pm #

You might be better off doing an annimated film, those allow alot more creativity. Can you draw? you have photobucket?  Those would be essentials of course.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 19, 2008 3:32 pm #

Good suggestion if it's possible.  Much less $$$ required, and there's not nearly the time limit you'd have to place on yourself if you're planning on, say, a YouTube type of vid

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
December 19, 2008 4:10 pm #

3,000 years after KOTOR was right after the reign of darth bane in what was considered the republic dark age

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."
December 19, 2008 4:32 pm #
Ralin Drakus wrote:

If you don't care about the EU and would be happy with this as an alternate fiction, go for it.

i would like to stick with the events of EU in the sense of not disrupting them.

BFFC therealmccoy wrote:

3,000 years after KOTOR was right after the reign of darth bane in what was considered the republic dark age.

what did the republic dark age consist of

Aliit ori'shya tal'din - Family is more than bloodline
December 19, 2008 10:42 pm #

was supposedly the first time the senate was controlled by a non-jedi chancellor
you can actually find a lot of information on it in the wookiepedia

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."
December 20, 2008 5:25 am #

well i think im going to avoid that area of time now since i realized i would need neo-crusader armor

Aliit ori'shya tal'din - Family is more than bloodline
December 20, 2008 9:45 am #

i hope you are ready to make a fan film,

i plan on making a gears of war fan film, but we plan on taking 2 to 3 years to get the armor right and amass

enough money to buy things for special effects, for us it will take a year of armor building, with 2 people building

the armor and 1 financing it. then another year to practice with blood and gore effects, and to find a location.

(we may shoot in a quarry, lots of rubble and rusty machinery)

so make sure you don't rush into anything, take your time, set realistic goals, and do your research

if you do that, it should turn out great :D

Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.
December 21, 2008 3:27 pm #

let me kno if you need any help with that and i'll see what i can do

Aliit ori'shya tal'din - Family is more than bloodline
January 3, 2009 1:21 am (Edited January 3, 2009 02:16 am) #

alright so i considered a few things you guys said and I've decided to start from scratch and scrap the last idea. so this is what I've got so far for the new film, time period: roughly a month after order 66 is given. plot: there are 2 mando brothers, orphans, 1 older than the other, the older decided they should hunt down Jedi for bounty. the younger goes along with it cause he pretty much does whatever his brother tells him. they hunt a Jedi, take him/her out collect the light saber as proof of death, and collects the creds. after killing a few more Jedi they run into another group of mandos going after they same Jedi. they fight the brothers win but the Jedi gets away. they track him/her to a Jedi enclave and decide to take the enclave, with some help. their help get killed in the assault and the older brother gets held back for some reason, and he tells the younger brother to go after the last Jedi and that he'll catch up. he corners the Jedi who talks him out of killing him/her. the older brother gets there and tells the younger brother to kill the Jedi. the younger brother refuses and wont let the older brother kill the Jedi. they fight the younger brother kills the older brother and takes him back to Mandalore to be buried.

Aliit ori'shya tal'din - Family is more than bloodline
January 5, 2009 1:59 am #

If you need actors....Here's one! :D

January 18, 2009 4:24 pm #

where do live

Aliit ori'shya tal'din - Family is more than bloodline
January 19, 2009 5:27 am #

OK, I know I can't get to your film even if I wanted because I live in Finland... :(

January 21, 2009 4:55 pm #

oh well that would be a bit of a drive for you.

Aliit ori'shya tal'din - Family is more than bloodline
January 21, 2009 5:20 pm #

I'd pay to see someone drive that.


"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."
January 22, 2009 5:03 am (Edited January 22, 2009 05:03 am) #

Okay, it's a deal, you pay the flights ;)

March 31, 2010 9:56 pm #

Best of luck to you. I hope the Movie works out.

EEB- toor JAHT-nay toor ASH-ahd-KEE-ram-oor - Today is a good day for someone else to die -

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