Topic: darkside dance party

Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.

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Topic #3180
December 9, 2008 4:10 pm #

darth maul and sidious: SHAWTY GET LOOSE!

  * all start break dancing *

maul: hey darth this party was a great idea!

sidious: yeah great party.


sidious: saber battle?...

maul: saber battle

sidious: dardside smoothies?...

darth: darkside smoothies!!!

all: mmmmmmm smoothie

darth: ahhhhhh!!! oh god! oh lord! brainfreeze! ahhhhhhhh!

maul: here let me warm you up with my lightsaber!

darth: oh no you don't! i'm not falling for that trick again!

  * takes out uzi's  and shoots up maul *


* sidious slices up darth *


* dooku comes in and force lightnings sidious *


  * jango and boba come in and shoot dooku with their laser shooters *

jango: good job son. just like i taught ya

boba: yeah. but this is the boba fett fan club site. so u understand why i have to kill you right?


  * boba shoots jango and he falls dead *


* starts disco dancing *

* then the screen goes dark and a voice says *

viewer: man that was the suckiest episode of darkside alliance EVER!

viewer #2: i don't know. i thought it was funny in a dry sorta way

* viewer #1 takes out DESERT EAGLE and shoots viewer #2 *

viewer: hey i'm the last one left! i guess that means that i am the dominant species! HA HA HA HA HA! DISCO DISCO DANCE DANCE! DISCO! DISCO! DANCE! DANCE!

* then solid snake comes in and shoots the viewer with his mk.23 pistol *


viewer: * groaning * i'm not liquid

solid snake: oh! WELL WHO CARES! HA HA HA HA HA!

* screen flicks off and movie ends *

oh!why'd ya slice of mah hand?!
December 9, 2008 4:15 pm (Edited December 9, 2008 04:16 pm) #


im at a loss for words here...

nice try....?

Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.
December 9, 2008 5:48 pm #

...Dude, I swear that you are eating too much sugar, or something. xD

Mandalorians - very good at providing little deaths in large quantities.
December 9, 2008 6:50 pm #


please...we beg you...

stop the madness :(+

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 11, 2008 6:06 pm #
MossNoth wrote:

...Dude, I swear that you are eating too much sugar, or something. xD

duh how do you think i come up with some of my best ideas that a lot of people say they really liked

oh!why'd ya slice of mah hand?!
December 12, 2008 9:37 am #
The Chosen One wrote:
MossNoth wrote:

...Dude, I swear that you are eating too much sugar, or something. xD

duh how do you think i come up with some of my best ideas that a lot of people say they really liked

Yes, but you need to learn to distinguish between the ones that are good ideas, and the ones that are not-so-good...

"Ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya."--
Train your sons to be strong, and your daughters to be stronger.
December 12, 2008 3:51 pm #
Pheonix023 wrote:
The Chosen One wrote:
MossNoth wrote:

...Dude, I swear that you are eating too much sugar, or something. xD

duh how do you think i come up with some of my best ideas that a lot of people say they really liked

Yes, but you need to learn to distinguish between the ones that are good ideas, and the ones that are not-so-good...

well i suppose your right. but how do i distinguish if i don't try them out?

oh!why'd ya slice of mah hand?!
December 12, 2008 5:17 pm #
The Chosen One wrote:
Pheonix023 wrote:
The Chosen One wrote:

duh how do you think i come up with some of my best ideas that a lot of people say they really liked

Yes, but you need to learn to distinguish between the ones that are good ideas, and the ones that are not-so-good...

well i suppose your right. but how do i distinguish if i don't try them out?

Just...*sigh*  its ind of something they you have to develop for yourself.  if you were hanging out with a few other people your age, and you told them this...better yet, you e-mailed it to them, same format...would they laugh?  or if someone emailed it to you, would you laugh while not in a sugar induced high?  would it make sense?  or would you think, "gee that was totally random, it had no point, and no punchline."

"Ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya."--
Train your sons to be strong, and your daughters to be stronger.
December 15, 2008 5:18 pm #
Pheonix023 wrote:
The Chosen One wrote:
Pheonix023 wrote:

Yes, but you need to learn to distinguish between the ones that are good ideas, and the ones that are not-so-good...

well i suppose your right. but how do i distinguish if i don't try them out?

Just...*sigh*  its ind of something they you have to develop for yourself.  if you were hanging out with a few other people your age, and you told them this...better yet, you e-mailed it to them, same format...would they laugh?  or if someone emailed it to you, would you laugh while not in a sugar induced high?  would it make sense?  or would you think, "gee that was totally random, it had no point, and no punchline."

thanks for the tip

oh!why'd ya slice of mah hand?!

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