Indeed, but where to wear it? :P
Topic: eBay Bounty
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
80 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestIt was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...

Here's something EVERY guy SW fan wants to give to his girl friend ;)
Here's something EVERY guy SW fan wants to give to his girl friend ;)
meh, not for $500. she can wait.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That was funny! Wow I am still picking my self up off the ground!

Wouldn't mind finding this under the Christmas tree with my name on it ;)

Thought this was pretty neat. Haven't seen one of these Fett tournament boxes in years on eBay. Not bad for three of them.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Nothing to do with Star Wars...but just wanted to show you guys what im getting to sup up my Indy costume.
The jacket is a great find, and very cheap for what they usually sell for. It ends soon, so im going to have to sneak it out from under someone else. Same situation with the boots, the Alden 405's are ultra rare, if you get them straight from Alden theyre around $700. THats why theres so many bids on the boots already. Im definitely going to have to stay on top of the auction and put my bid with seconds left. The shirt speaks for itself. Getting the right one that Indy uses is difficult, so im glad i found this one. The whip is probably not a REAL whip, but it looks pretty good. An actual whip would be amazing, but is also in the $500 to $700 range. Maybe later...
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Great finds Val!! Those will make a NICE Indy outfit!!!
I wish I had his hat, that's my favorite! :D
Well....some jerk snuck the jacket out from under me. Auction ended a little while ago. Im so damn mad right now...perfect jacket, resonable price. Damn.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

Here's an oddity I've never seen before.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."

Cool costumes!!! But yah I at the moment have 0 dollars and 0 cents. It stinks being broke. :mad:
-Boba Fett-

Thanks ee --- yeah, i wish I had even a fraction of the awesome stuff posted here
Speaking of which, I'd kill to own this: A Master Replica's AT-AT model
Maybe I'm just way behind the times, but I had no idea MR was creating models. They've apparently been doing it for a while to, because I think it says on that link that the AT-AT's like that have been killed from production for some time *not that they would have been on the line for all that long, with only 1000 being made.*
Price is already sky high, but thought I'd post due to the awesomeness of the piece and just to share my pain of not being able to own it :P
Found this through MandoMercs, but for all of you looking to make your armor, several affordable parts are being sold by cyanide Full Body Plates, everything but Guants and Bucket For $85, Buy it now paypal only.
Chest, Shoulders, COD, knees, back and lower back plates $45, Buy it now paypal only.
A recommendation for anyone looking at a custom Mando--either gives you almost everything you need to join the MandoMercs as a full member--just add gloves/gaunts and a helmet, and you're set. I'm looking into a separate set of plates (metal) or else I'd buy these.
--Captain Dynamic--

Been a while since anybody posted any good finds. Thought this looked fun :D

Found this the other day. Pretty neat She-Fett statue that this guy is making, from Spectre Studios. He also has some female Master Chief and Hellgirl statues.
He's doing one with black hair and brown hair. Nice touch with the tattoo.
Looks like he's also doing a helmeted version, as well.
I think I personally like the unhelmeted version better. Her face and hair remind me a little of Aeon Flux.
Here's his actual website if you're interested in his other products.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."

I never thought I'd see the day that one of these bad boys would show up on eBay.
[img][/img]'s only going for the price of a new car.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."

Another neat little find. One of the scaled replica blaster variants. I heard there were three types. The normal version, an all matte black version, and this one with the gold plated scope.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I never thought I'd see the day that one of these bad boys would show up on eBay.'s only going for the price of a new car.
I cant believe another one popped up...that is like the ultimate Fett statue.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Found this the other day. Pretty neat She-Fett statue that this guy is making. He also has some female Master Chief and Hellgirl statues.
Looks like he's also doing a helmeted version, as well.
I think I personally like the unhelmeted version better. Her face and hair remind me a little of Aeon Flux.
I actually thought she looked more like Christina Ricci
Honestly all you'd have to do is shoot her in the stomach :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...

Here's another neat little find you don't see on eBay that much. The Shadows of the Empire game promo poster with Fett on it. It's from inside one of the gaming magazines.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
That poster looks sweet. Here's a great link, $85 bucks for some unpainted "Jango Fett" costume armor, in pieces, great for people who want to make their own armor.|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:0|293:1|294:50
Wow. Okay, I just made an Ebay account because of all the awesome Fett stuff! I'm the first bidder on the Shadow of Empire poster, I'm krakenkiller.
OH, and here's another Revan costume, only $600.|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:0|293:1|294:50
4th edit: Here's a Republic Commando Omega Squad Matte Black wearable helmet, with light up visor and flashlight on side. I WANT MONEY SO BAD!!!1 Here's the link ($180)|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:1|293:1|294:50

Nice. The RC helmet looks pretty sweet.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
the revan costume is almost a jip, it's $400 for the armor parts alone, and $160 for the cloth to the highest bidder.

I never thought I'd see the day that one of these bad boys would show up on eBay.'s only going for the price of a new car.
Wow, neat find Sadriel! I'd never even heard of that statue before.. What makes it so special/valuable? First think I noticed about it was that the proportions didn't seem 100% right and the friggin antenna was bent in too much :P
Interesting note for anybody who's got an extra 16 Grand kicking around, the same dude is either selling the same statue again or he had another one: Uber Expensive Boba Statue
Here's another neat little find you don't see on eBay that much. The Shadows of the Empire game promo poster with Fett on it. It's from inside one of the gaming magazines.
Thanks for the link Sadriel, I just bought that for around $3! Awesome deal. Cant wait to get it.
I just came across this really cool piece of Boba Fett art on ebay. I know what I'm asking for for my birthday. :)
Uckma Borten
that is is sick. too bad i don't have any money.
yeah i do the same, if any of you like auctions... this one is apparently holding biggest Star Wars sale?? I think im going to rock up there coz its only about 40 mins away from me, if anyone is local should come meet me there!! :) x