You know how Mando names usually mean something?
Well I was just wonder'n if the name "Boba" actually means someth'n or if it's just some random thing?
let me know if anyone knows...
Topic: Does the name "Boba" mean anything?
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
19 posts
Sorted by oldest to newest-Boba Fett-
Its the name of a sauce at a chinese resturaunt in Oklahoma...
―Boba Fett

Does the name "Boba Fett" mean anything in another language?
From Babel Fish
boba - foolish, stupid
From German Slang
Fett: cool, awesome
Submitted by Gerhard Brandt
In german slang "fett" is a synonym for cool, or voluminous. Normally applied especially to hip-hop beats but nowadays everything is "fett" if its not whack.
From Langensceidts German-English Dictionary (1970)
fett - [fet] 1. adj. fat; fleshy; voice; oily; land, etc.: rich; 2. fat; grease; drunk typ. m bold type; fleck m grease-spot;~ig adj. hair, skin, etc.: greasy, oily; fingers, etc.: greasy; substance: fatty.
In one piece of fan fiction I read a couple of years back "Boba" meant one who seeks justice.
Uhhh... cool thanks yal
-Boba Fett-
Does the name "Boba Fett" mean anything in another language?
From Babel Fish
boba - foolish, stupidGerman
From German Slang
Fett: cool, awesomeSubmitted by Gerhard Brandt
In german slang "fett" is a synonym for cool, or voluminous. Normally applied especially to hip-hop beats but nowadays everything is "fett" if its not whack.From Langensceidts German-English Dictionary (1970)
fett - [fet] 1. adj. fat; fleshy; voice; oily; land, etc.: rich; 2. fat; grease; drunk typ. m bold type; fleck m grease-spot;~ig adj. hair, skin, etc.: greasy, oily; fingers, etc.: greasy; substance: fatty.
In German, fett spelled with a lower-case "f" means fat.
―Boba Fett

BFFC Admin wrote:From Langensceidts German-English Dictionary (1970)
fett - [fet] 1. adj. fat; fleshy; voice; oily; land, etc.: rich; 2. fat; grease; drunk typ. m bold type; fleck m grease-spot;~ig adj. hair, skin, etc.: greasy, oily; fingers, etc.: greasy; substance: fatty.In German, fett spelled with a lower-case "f" means fat.
Yup. What I said. ;)
Also, in Portuguese, "Boba" means "silly."
None of these may be relevant or considered when the name Boba Fett was chosen.
As some of you know, Harrison "Han Solo" Ford's semi-mysterious character in George Lucas' 1973 (pre-Star Wars) film, American Graffiti, was "Officer Bob A. Falfa." Some quotes:
Also Fett could be short for fetter, which means a cage or restrainer.
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"Boba" in Asiatic culture refers to a tapioca pearl, usually found in a type of milky tea drink that originated in Taiwan (the original Taiwanese slang for "boba" referred to large breasts, so in Taiwan the drink is referred to as "zen zu" instead). I doubt that it has anything to do with Boba Fett, though. :P
It's also the name of a city in Hungary. I don't know what the Hungarian translation would be, since it's likely from the old language.
And like the others said, "boba" means "silly/stupid/dumb/idiot" in Spanish and Portuguese. It has the same meaning and use as the French word "bête".
"Boba" in Asiatic culture refers to a tapioca pearl, usually found in a type of milky tea drink that originated in Taiwan (the original Taiwanese slang for "boba" referred to large breasts, so in Taiwan the drink is referred to as "zen zu" instead). I doubt that it has anything to do with Boba Fett, though. :P
So Boba are the tapioca pearls in Bubble Tea? That's pretty cool. Bubble Tea seems to be the 'fad' drink at school. It's an acquired taste but I enjoy it.
And of course there's Fettuccine. ;)
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Boba I think did stand for justice. Which is why i wonder why he did not wear black Armor. Stands for Justice. But I guess the Green fits with the job he does. The Duty of it all.
To "Fetter" also means to shackle/imprison
Boba (pronounced "Vova") is a Russian boy's name.
Boba (pronounced "Vova") is a Russian boy's name.
Everything means something in someone's language.
I have such a warped sense of humour, I think it should mean "prepare to wet your pants" sorry I just had to say it :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
It's a good thing you did. It gave me a good laugh for the day, Mel.
Fetti is slang for money and
From firearms culture, to improvise a solution or modify a firearm using limited skills and/or bad taste, so that although the owner of the firearm may be satisfied with the results, the firearm's resale value, and sometimes aesthetic.