That's what the day is for right?
Same here.
Topic: Nov. 11 Vet.s day
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
4 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestUp here instead of veteran's Day we have Remembrance Day. I don't know if the Americans do but we wear poppies as it was originally a Canadian poet and soldier, John McCrae, who composed "In Flander's Fields". So we had the whole ceremony on Monday at school with a piper and a colour party and a laying of the wreaths. I was supposed to play The Last Post but I wheedled my way out of it because I have a problem with trumpet solos in front of crowds.
So then on Tuesday we observed a moment of silence at 11 am. But other than that Tuesday was a busy day for me.
Yeah Sev it's Rememberence Day over here in Australia too, we also have the poppies as a symbol of respect. We don't get a public holiday though. We only stop at the 11th hour of the 11 day for a minutes silence.
ANZAC Day however is a public holiday but it accounts for all Australian and New Zealand soldiers alive or deceased.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...

You know what gets me....Why did they wait til the 11th hour to stop the war?