Yup, but if your lucky it works out, it takes some strength, and you just have to try your best, if you dont, then it definitely wont work out, and sometimes its just to much stress
Topic: Bf/Gf
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
lol you could have a very good idea though.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Actual statistics from my school show that 99% of all relationships that began before one of the pair enrolled will fail while that person is here. It's showing its worth too; recruits have already begun losing girlfriends, and at the time when their men need 'em most. They're not making life any easier for them, it kinda pisses me off. Whatever, tough times don't last, tough men do, their loss.
No heartbreak for me though, sly bachelor that I am. Broke one off before heading up here and it looks apt to stay that way.
Im sorry if I am showing ignorance.....where are you SciFifreak? I wonder why that's the case? Did you feel the need to break it off because you were going to school or that it just didn't work? Are girls not that patient? I apparently one of little patience everywhere but with guys. Ive waited years for them. *makes face*
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Sorry, I can't believe I didn't even name the place. I'm a recruit at the Military College of Vermont.
Both, actually. Things weren't working out to begin with, and add not just college, but a military academy to the mix, and it was doomed to failure. I know how you feel though Si, I waited for her with more patience than I thought myself capable of.
Today I just broke it off with my boyfriend. It's one of those things where it's hard in the short run but better in the long run.
I hear that. As long as you know it was the right thing to do, you're good to go. Besides, falling for any guy when you're already obsessed with the Fett has to be hard.
It's always hard to get the ball rolling when I sit down for a nice dinner with a girl and open with "So, how would I benefit from seeing you as opposed to Boba Fett, the widely proclaimed most fearsome bounty hunter in the galaxy?"
The rest of the relationship generally depends on her response.
Sharra, I hope you're ok. Don't worry, you'll find someone wonderful soon enough. :)
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I hear that. As long as you know it was the right thing to do, you're good to go. Besides, falling for any guy when you're already obsessed with the Fett has to be hard.
It's always hard to get the ball rolling when I sit down for a nice dinner with a girl and open with "So, how would I benefit from seeing you as opposed to Boba Fett, the widely proclaimed most fearsome bounty hunter in the galaxy?"
The rest of the relationship generally depends on her response.
I think you should reconsider your opening line.
--Captain Dynamic--
SciFifreak90 wrote:I hear that. As long as you know it was the right thing to do, you're good to go. Besides, falling for any guy when you're already obsessed with the Fett has to be hard.
It's always hard to get the ball rolling when I sit down for a nice dinner with a girl and open with "So, how would I benefit from seeing you as opposed to Boba Fett, the widely proclaimed most fearsome bounty hunter in the galaxy?"
The rest of the relationship generally depends on her response.
I think you should reconsider your opening line.
Its just a limited interest opening like. The right girl will understand it and it will work.
I announce informally that I am single now. There is no BF anymore.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
SciFifreak90 wrote:I hear that. As long as you know it was the right thing to do, you're good to go. Besides, falling for any guy when you're already obsessed with the Fett has to be hard.
It's always hard to get the ball rolling when I sit down for a nice dinner with a girl and open with "So, how would I benefit from seeing you as opposed to Boba Fett, the widely proclaimed most fearsome bounty hunter in the galaxy?"
The rest of the relationship generally depends on her response.
I think you should reconsider your opening line.
I agree....
I hear that. As long as you know it was the right thing to do, you're good to go. Besides, falling for any guy when you're already obsessed with the Fett has to be hard.
It's always hard to get the ball rolling when I sit down for a nice dinner with a girl and open with "So, how would I benefit from seeing you as opposed to Boba Fett, the widely proclaimed most fearsome bounty hunter in the galaxy?"
The rest of the relationship generally depends on her response.
I tried that once, just to see how it went...she hated Star Wars.
―Boba Fett
Ouch, bad luck.
The last one didn't really have a choice in the matter - either she learned to like Star Wars or she'd go on thinking the 6-foot stand-up of Chewbacca in my room was a little weird. Come to think of it she also had to love the Matrix and Firefly as a prerequisite...maybe my standards are too high.
OoooOooo............Firefly be epic.
I wouldn't REQUIRE my GF love Star Wars or any other such entertainment field *even if it's more then simple entertainment to me now :P *, but I'd damn require she at least be able to put up with my love for it *and put up with my 5'10'' + antenna Boba Fett FatHead :D *, and I'd sure work to convert her :D
Its not a requirement of mine... but boy would it make a difference. Its nice to have a more deep conversation about SW stuff. ( Yeah deep = serious big time geeking).
I can only hope to find someone now that will accept that I am such a fan of SW Boba and Mando'ad. ( bonus points if he knows what that is!)
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Besides, falling for any guy when you're already obsessed with the Fett has to be hard.
I have a girlfriend. We've been together now for over a year. :-D
That's good long time you too seem very committed Beedo4bounty.
That's good long time you too seem very committed Beedo4bounty.
We are. =) She's a great girl, and pretty much my best friend, in addition to being my girlfriend.
Being best friends as well as being gf/bf or married is, I think, a definate must.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Being best friends as well as being gf/bf or married is, I think, a definate must.
Good point.
SciFifreak90 wrote:Besides, falling for any guy when you're already obsessed with the Fett has to be hard.
Yep, that's right, I said it.
I can understand what you mean, scifi. For a long time there my only "BF" was Boba.
...but that might be being a bit over obsessive. :P
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I feel you miba, my only boyfriend for awhile was Boba too, then I found The Yautja, and my life was complete.
((In a college like mine humor gets a little twisted, and if anyone is offended by a couple gay jokes just tell me now, PM me if you find it too personal to put up on the boards.))
Relationships are horrible. Does good come out of them?? Right now i just feel that I wasted so much energy and the best parts of me only to end up with more emotional baggage.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Sweet jebus that was pretty depressing.
Don't be so absolute Si. Relationships in and of themselves aren't horrible - some are and some aren't, but every one isn't doomed to failure.
I can relate to wasting time and energy Si, believe me. I spent the better parts of two years with one girl, and it still didn't work out. Finding out what does and doesn't work for you isn't a mistake or a failure; and yes, something good does come out of them. Narrowing down the right girl or guy by even just one more would-be Mr./Mrs. Perfect turns out to be worth it in the end.
There's a saying we have over here that was meant to describe slightly different circumstances, but I think its message still applies pretty well here. "Sometimes you have to slay a few dragons before you find your princess."
I won't go into the military interpretation of the phrase, but it's straight forward enough isn't it? Nothing good comes without effort, and some people just have to put out a lot more than others. It's not fair how the dice falls that way, but that's how it is, and some of us have to deal with it. Don't give up on yourself Si, and use this to make yourself stronger, because it sure as hell didn't kill you.
"Tough times don't last, tough men (women) do."
- Golf Co. motto
Just because one relationship (or more) didn't work out doesn't mean theres no point to it. With the right person, and enough effort, any trouble is worth it. There is no perfect relationship either. Not everyone gets along perfectly. There are fights, and other times of agreement. But what you do agree on, that makes it come together.
Derailed thread is derailed.
To answer the question on the first page: I am one of the females of the BFFC that has a boyfriend.
Since we're talking about relationships and whether they work, etc., I will mention that I have been dating mine for nearly 5 years. It has been very tough to maintain a relationship for this long, what with all the differences and such, but I've stuck with it because I love him and wouldn't trade him for anything else in the world.
We meet a few wrong people for us so that when the right one comes along, we truly know how to be grateful. That's how I see it.
At the moment yes i have a girlfriend
I have a new boyfriend now and feel pretty optimistic about it.

Ok, so here is whats going on right now, so the girl that I liked, emma, does not like me. she just wants to be friends. Ok. BUT there is this girl at work that keeps hitting on me, like all the time. So i'm friday i'm going to ask for her number =]
Man, don't you hope they don't see this page.
lol, good point
HA! I don't see whats so bad.....
Thanks. Im so less stressed with out that Ex of mine. I'm thinking i was in love with a toxic person.
So , (raises champagne flute) Here's to a fresh start with someone new!
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Hear, hear, Si. *clinks champagne flute filled with cider (I hate champagne xD)* Good luck to you on your road of relationships. May your destination be bliss.
Agreed and to all who seek love as well
Why is it called a champagne flute???
And i'm taken.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
It's called a champagne flute because it's traditionally used only for drinking champagne. There are different types of flute glasses used for different types of liquer. Wine flutes look different than champagne flutes. *shrugs* I mean, champagne is just sparkling wine that comes from the Champagne region of France, so I don't see why wine flutes should be different from champagne flutes, but there it is. Personally, I like brandy snifters. They look cooler. :D
Did any of that make sense?
......just gimme a beer and I'm good to go, to hell with this fancy stuff. HOWEVER, this can only lead to evil and...evil things if it turns into an alcohol thread....my bad.
......just gimme a beer and I'm good to go, to hell with this fancy stuff. HOWEVER, this can only lead to evil and...evil things if it turns into an alcohol thread....my bad.
You are far too evil SciFi...Even Sidious would be impressed...
―Boba Fett
i think he's just evil enough for me
Beer, wine, champaign, it's all evil.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Not to everyone Miba. Its a personal choice and preference.
Some good tihaar anyone ? ;)
I feel optimistic about something in this area ( thus making this an on topic post). Im too scared to say more for fear i will jinx it. But I might be happy.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Very well, good luck snagging whichever poor, unprepared soul has caught your eye.
*laughs* Well said, SciFi. Anyone would be unprepared for Si's awesomeness. :D
Some good tihaar anyone ? ;)
Oya! I'm surprised no one brought that up sooner, or commented on it.
I feel optimistic about something in this area ( thus making this an on topic post). Im too scared to say more for fear i will jinx it. But I might be happy.
Well good luck--and yeah, don't say anymore. Even on a forum, it could jinx it. :P
Beer, wine, champaign, it's all evil.
It certainly can be. My Bible teacher had a friend come in and talk about how much its screwed up their life.
Its all unnecessary. Can be fine, but only if you're careful.
--Captain Dynamic--

Man, don't you hope they don't see this page.
haha they wont.
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