Vader. Revan isn't powerful enough. Vader was the Chosen One of Jedi prophecy, and Sith'Ari of the Sith. Revan was just...there. Besides, Vader is more into the SW galaxy. Revan was a shadow in the entire saga. (that includes EU)
Topic: Choose
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
135 posts
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―Boba Fett
Yeah I'd probably go with Vader because he is an awesome baddie, hard choice though as Revan is cool too. But Vader just has an awesome presence.
X-wings or TIE Fighters?
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
X-Wings, they have a cool colour. :P No, seriously, I think they are faster than TIE fighters.
Alien or Predator? ( if you want to answer to previous question, go ahead )
X WIngs... Wedge Antillies flies one :P
Side note... I was under the impression that the sith'ari was Darth Bane, as he brought about the Rule of Two thus preserving the Sith for centuries.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Not sure about Bane being Sith'ari, perhaps...
As for Alien or Predator I'd have to say Alien, if nothing more because I love the second film. Plus anything that bleeds acid is going to be nasty. The Predators are cool though, maybe they should bleed alkali :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Yeah, X-wings....but a TIE Defender is pretty good, too.
And I love Wedge. He's an awesome character.
--Captain Dynamic--
I'd say predator, because it sounds cooler :P
British English or American English?
British English! Not just because i'm biased lol but also because its the original English.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
American English! Because Cheerios are meant to be eaten not used as a salutation! :P This could go back and forth with funny synonyms.
LCD TV or Plasma?
LCD. picture quality i like better. plus i have one.
X WIngs... Wedge Antillies flies one :P
Side note... I was under the impression that the sith'ari was Darth Bane, as he brought about the Rule of Two thus preserving the Sith for centuries.
No, the Sith'Ari was said to be the perfect Sith, but would come close to killing them. Bane did that too, but Vader had turned back to Jedi AND killed Palpatine. If Palpatine didn't have those Adepts, the Sith would have died then.
―Boba Fett
Bane and Revan were much closer to being Sith'Ari than Vader.
I like LCDs better.
Bears or wolves?
Bears. They are too cool. :D
sit on a roof top a mile away and snipe?
run in with a grenade in each hand and a rocket launcher?
im definitely the grenades kinda guy :D
I'm grenade guy too :D
Porche or Aston Martin?
sit on a roof top a mile away and snipe?
run in with a grenade in each hand and a rocket launcher?
im definitely the grenades kinda guy :D
I'm definitely sniper guy.
And of course, Porche. Aston Martins are UUUUGLY!!!!
No they are not. They are cool! Ahh, Aston Martin DB9. How beutiful!
American English. British people sound too proper when they talk.
I'd say Aston Martins
And I'm DEFINITELY a sniper, although blowing stuff up is still awesome.
American English because that is what comes naturally to me. I have no comment on Porsches versus Astons.
Finally I would say sniper because I tend to be a quiet person and like the sneaking up aspect.
Jack O'laterns or haunted houses?
Those never get old! :D
GRENADES! As Im a fan of blowing osik to sky high. Sniping requires patience. I have none.
ASTON MARTINS. The simply look cooler to me. As I hate tiny cars.
Jack o lanterns... I LOVE pumpkins ( have two on my dining room table right now). And there is an art to carving a pumpkin well. Haunted houses.... aren't scary and to me that makes them lame. Besides that I do celebrate Halloween.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Sniping definatly. I always said that if for some reason I had to join the military I would be a sniper.
Eh..I don;t like either car so I can't really say.
Jack O'Lantern...I get scared SO easily it isn't even funny. I would most likely end up wetting my pants if a friend of mine snuck up behind me when in a dark room...let alone someone dressed up as some deformed creature in a haunted house :P
The point is you have to pick one choice or the other. And make up some silly reason why you picked what you did.
Would you rather eat dog food or bird seed?
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Bird seed. Dog food smells like a #¤&%!! I've even tasted bird seed. I wasn't so bad ;)
WTF? DOGFOOD?? You must crazy! :o :o :mad:
Back on topic...
Sport car or motorbike?
Motorbike. They are cooler. ;)
Sport car. They are way cooler :) !!!!
Motorcycle!!! All the badboys ride them...I love bad boys :P They also look awesome.
Needz to start ridin' my own ;)
Motorcycle (better for the environment as well)
Graphic novel or novel?
Graphic Novel. They are just better. :D
hard to say, depends on the novel.
Novel. I prefer to make the pictures in my own head. It's like my own little movie :D
(better for the environment as well)
I disagree. With motorcycle can travel only two persons, but with car there's enough room for five persons. Now say, which is better for environment, three motorcycles or a car?
In car, novel. As Appo said it's nicer to make the picture's in my own head.
A normal computer or a laptop?
Novel. I prefer to make the pictures in my own head. It's like my own little movie :D
yeah, i do that too. but with a graphic novel, since you have a clear picture of the characters, it gives you a better idea of how their voices would be like.
and computers, although laptops own for wireless.
IT depends on what you need to do... for like most every day stuff I LOVE my laptop. But if i had to do photoshop or Illustrator work.... where its super heavy on the memory, i'd prefer to use a desktop. But i have to pick ONE so i choose Laptop.
Piercing or tattoo?
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Neither. Or maybe tattoo or... I DO NOT KNOW!!! :mad:
Tatto althought piercings can be cool too :).
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I have piercings now. And I plan for more. But I plan for a tattoo too..... Officially its piercings. More jewelry!
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
As far as I'm concerned, peircing are for chicks. Just mho on the subject, and I don't care that lots of guys have them.
So tats 100% for me. Can't wait to settle on a Mando skull image so I can get one :D :D :D
Can't wait to settle on a Mando skull image so I can get one :D :D :D
LOL That's cool! :)
BOT: The 1st Death Star or the 2nd Death Star?
1st death Star...the second one wasn't even done yet lol
second, it was A) bigger by like 28 times B) had a more powerful superlaser C) could recharge super laser faster.
the second death star. that thing looks cool
I like both of the Death Stars. Why? They were both dark, huge, and imposing as all haran, they both shot laser beams of DEATH, and they both made quite a spectacular show when they exploded. But I guess, overall, I'm going to have to side with Fett_II on this one and say the second one because its weapons systems were better. (lol I love how you said "bigger by like 28 times" Fett_II, nice on picking the number 28 out of a hat)
Choice: Weather - hot and dry, or cold and wet?
cold and wet. i LOVE the cold
UGH! I'd say hot and dry.
Penguin or ostrich?
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