Featured Topic: Is Fett evil?

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Topic #43

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April 13, 2008 10:40 pm #
draco fett wrote:

Fett refused to work for them because they opposed the law.

Thats based on his character from sources like Tales of the BountyHunter isn't it?  Not sure that's an accurate portrayal of him after Ep. II and what we now know about his Mando roots.  I don't count it as such

If there's no known record of him working for the Rebels, I'd say it's either because they wouldn't shell out with the credits to hire him, or they don't want to 'lower' themselves by dealing with bounty hunters. 

Just mho

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
April 22, 2008 10:43 pm #

Fetts are not evil.

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]
April 23, 2008 9:12 am #

Evil is such a broad term anyway. What really is evil? Is it an action, a state of mind?

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
April 23, 2008 10:53 am #

NOPE!  Fett's not evil!  He's like his dad, 'just a simple man trying to make his way in the universe'    :D

If you run, I can track you. If you hide, I will find you. If you fight, I will watch you fall......
May 18, 2008 3:06 pm #

Boba and Jango are not evil.
they are just bunty hunters and often their bounties are bad people

"My luck ranges from barely tolerable to cataclysmic"
June 26, 2008 7:19 pm #
Si Titran wrote:

Evil is such a broad term anyway. What really is evil? Is it an action, a state of mind?

Fett defines his view of evil, you can find it here in the quotes section under the "Manual" drop down menu.

"Some soldiers say that to reach maximum combat efficiency, they need to be in the zone. Sir; I live in the zone." - RC 1207 'Sev' to RC 1138 'Boss'
July 5, 2008 5:31 pm #

Fett isn't evil, he is just a professional personal soldier.  He works for himself and is all about the mission's accomplishments.  Several instances point to this from Karen Traviss' work (large part for my fandom).  He doesn't approve of the slow kill of Admiral Palleon, and his work with Jania points to his "fluid morality". 

All of the books pertaining to his bounty hunting shows no malice intent.  He is methodical, and clearly recognizes the cancer of the Emperor and his power hunger ways. 

Boba Fett isn't a good guy or a bad guy, he just lives life by the code he adopted from his father and put together on his own, much like we all should.

"We do bad things to worse people"
July 13, 2008 1:21 pm #

I think that Boba Fett is just a bounty hunter doing his job.

July 13, 2008 7:06 pm #
GLOPINO wrote:

I think that Boba Fett is just a bounty hunter doing his job.

Agreed. The same applies to Jango. In a choice between good, evil, or neutral, I'd say neutral. They work for the highest bidder, no questions asked.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
October 4, 2008 1:06 pm #
Gustavo_Perez wrote:
GLOPINO wrote:

I think that Boba Fett is just a bounty hunter doing his job.

Agreed. The same applies to Jango. In a choice between good, evil, or neutral, I'd say neutral. They work for the highest bidder, no questions asked.

Well, that alone doesn't make him neutral.  The same could be said of real world assassins, gangsters, and thieves.

I Agree that's he's in that gray area between being evil and good, but because of his mind set rather then his actions.  I believe that he sees himself as a moral, Just *if brutally so*, and honorable in the same cast as Medieval knights and the like.  They weren't evil, and were doing good as they saw it, but then they weren't good either, as their brutal Code was in it's way outdated and usually VERY one sided.

And then you can throw in the Mando element.  By their standards, he's a VERY good man from their perspective.

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
October 12, 2008 8:28 am #
KudarMubat15 wrote:

And nothing in episode II has anything to do with Imperials and Rebels. For all he knew, the Jedi that killed his father were hired by the Empire, for the Republic later became the Empire. Revenge is definately not his style

i thought that fett had a personal grudge against solo, because of all the times han had got away from boba. and i also thought that for awhile after mace windu killed jango, boba thought he needed to get revenge on him. (i have no idea if this is true or not, ive only read this on wikipedia. i really need a more reliable source for boba fett information...)

the saddest double funeral after Boba Fett Vs. Batman.
October 12, 2008 10:23 am (Edited October 12, 2008 10:24 am) #
GLOPINO wrote:

I think that Boba Fett is just a bounty hunter doing his job.

Just because hes a bounty hunter doing his job doesnt make him a bad/good person. He could be killing good people simply because he ticked off the wrong people.

Granted he does have a fairly resonable honor code, but that doesnt go that far. Often he just works for the highest bidder...How does that make him neutral?

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
October 12, 2008 11:04 am #


October 12, 2008 10:31 pm #
Noah_Fett wrote:
KudarMubat15 wrote:

And nothing in episode II has anything to do with Imperials and Rebels. For all he knew, the Jedi that killed his father were hired by the Empire, for the Republic later became the Empire. Revenge is definately not his style

i thought that fett had a personal grudge against solo, because of all the times han had got away from boba. and i also thought that for awhile after mace windu killed jango, boba thought he needed to get revenge on him. (i have no idea if this is true or not, ive only read this on wikipedia. i really need a more reliable source for boba fett information...)

Yes I believe that Boba did have a very strong sense of revenge for Jango towards Mace. This was in the young Boba Fett books. I am not sure which one it is specifically tonight ( I think it is the last one) where they actually fight and it is only Palpatine that breaks up this fight so that both parties are alive at the end. They aren't bad books, honestly.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
October 24, 2008 5:36 pm (Edited October 24, 2008 05:37 pm) #

Fett? Evil? No way man. Cold and a bit inhumain but not evil. Sure he is a little off about his ideas of the rebelion but he ain't evil. Don't make me bite you. :mad:

" Everyone dies, but since nobody's paid me to kill you...sleep well."
-Boba Fett-
January 9, 2009 5:31 pm #

fett aint evil, he may do evil things but he does for the credits. its all about the contract

i dont care if you kill me it'll just one more worthless person out of the world. J. fett
January 11, 2009 8:31 am #

I agree with J. fett.

February 6, 2009 7:48 am #

i don think anybody can be called good or evil as people are a mix of both.fett is pragmatical and has little ideology but i dont think that is evil

SF is what life is all about.
March 21, 2009 6:11 am #

He is not evil and that's all I have to say

Naastar Te Aru'e!!!!!!!!!!
April 5, 2009 12:46 pm #

He's Neutral..... Boba does what he wants - when he wants.

"No lower life-form is worth going hungry for." ―Boba Fett to Luke Skywalker
October 23, 2009 6:10 pm #

I'd say he's probably very cold and war beaten, but no evil.

February 18, 2010 8:29 pm #

My opinion is that Fett was about honor and abiding by the contract.  He was always out to finish the contracts and always delivered. He was never bribed out of a contract that I know of. Not that the bounties did not try. He was duty and honor bound. He was just a bounty hunter doing his job. To call him evil would be to call a solgier evil. Just because he was good at his job, he still had honor and respect. If he was evil I don't think he would have had the Rep he had.

EEB- toor JAHT-nay toor ASH-ahd-KEE-ram-oor - Today is a good day for someone else to die -
March 12, 2010 6:28 pm #

In my personal opinion, Boba Fett is not evil. He's just trying to a make his way living the only way he knows how. Also, I think that the term 'evil' is very loose and there isn't an accurate definition, because you see, evil is mostly perspective, its how you view the act that is perceived as evil and/or how your own morals and ethics view that act. Personally, I don't think Boba Fett is in any way shape or form evil. Survival is completely different than just a pure and outward act of genocide, or some horrendous and so-called 'evil' act. Maybe his actions are viewed as evil, but his actions are effected by his code, and his code is personal and its his own set of personal morals and ethics. This is something that can't be judged except in your own opinion, and so therefore I see Boba Fett as just a neutral man who only wishes to survive, and quite possibly, carry on the legacy his father left behind.

Even through death you cannot be killed. If you are a true Mandalorian you will live on and be remembered forever. -Kom'rk Vhett
March 31, 2010 9:49 pm #

I believe he was just an oportunist! Not evil.

EEB- toor JAHT-nay toor ASH-ahd-KEE-ram-oor - Today is a good day for someone else to die -
August 4, 2010 5:05 pm #

Fett actually aided the Jedi against darth caedus once

August 4, 2010 7:38 pm #

No Fett is evil, they are just mercs

August 4, 2010 11:50 pm #
Karson Fett wrote:

No Fett is evil, they are just mercs

boba fett is nowhere near evil. he's just trying to make a buck.

August 9, 2010 2:29 pm #
Boba_the_Fett wrote:

He's Neutral..... Boba does what he wants - when he wants.

Isn't that evil though? That cliched quote by Edmund Burke is not far off: "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

Anyone committed to doing what they want when they want will foster evil in the long run, I think.

Boba helps Vader. This is why anarchy is a pipe dream. It always ends up giving in to tyranny.

The French Revolution leads to Napoleon.

A mercenary capitulates to The Man.

Rogues don't really exist in the long run. At some point, they must come into the orbit of some greater force: good or evil.

Han drifted towards good (Luke), and Boba Fett towards evil (Jabba).

August 24, 2010 2:33 pm #

Dont think fett is "evil". he does have more loyalty to jabba apparantly. But i even think, paid enough, he wouldve killed jabba himself. Money is the key to all

A Sword Wields No Strength Unless The Hand That Holds It Has Courage
May 19, 2011 4:04 pm #

Fett is not evil he is just an opportunist...

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May 26, 2011 2:42 pm #

That would about some it up for him.

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying
May 31, 2011 9:18 am #

I don't think he's evil. He had a rough life, and he had to do whatever he could to survive-at first. Then, later on, he obviously looked back at everything and wished it had been different. I think if he were evil, he would not have tried to help Jaina defeat Caedus, he would not have tried to make sure Sintas had money, and he would not have tried to take care of Mirta. Those are things that an evil man just would not care about. The only real reason he did things for Jabba was to earn money and gain a name for himself. He also had a strong desire to prove himself for his father's sake, which we all know was a moot point.

July 16, 2011 9:16 am #
Miba wrote:

He's not evil, he works for anyone who hires him (there is a comic where he works for the Rebels but I forget the name. Betrayal I think?), and I don't think he kills for the fun of it. I mean, compare Boba to Montross, you'll see a big difference.

i LOVE FETT and he is not evil

August 25, 2011 8:20 am #

No, just cold and ruthless.  Brilliant attributes for his chosen profession.

August 31, 2011 11:36 am #

I don't believe he is evil in tha that evil implies some emotional involvement or passion for the harm you do. Boba Fett just does what he believes is necessary and it is harsh because his life had been harsh.

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying
September 3, 2011 8:25 pm #
Rayek wrote:

This is my first serious post here and, as I'm sure this topic has come up over and over on the previous board, I think it should be here.

Okay. What worries me is how the prequels try to make Boba Fett a sort of evil, malicious, self-serving individual. In part that's true, bounty hunters are highly self-serving, and their methods of killing and capturing their quarry are sometimes quite malicious ("No disintegarations..."), but I never imagined it possible that Boba Fett, the quiet, unknown bounty hunter from Star Wars to lower himself in screaming, "Get im, Dad!"

Aside from his mannerisms, it seems that the prequels completely wax over the fact that all Boba Fett wanted from Vader and Jabba was the money. If the Rebels had enough money and the mind to do so, I beleive he would've fought for them. I definitely don't think that Imperialistic ideals were ingrained in Fett as a young boy, so he hunts Solo for 'the greater good of the galaxy', he wants his cash.

Any thoughts on this? There's a different side of Fett that I haven't seen as of yet, the side where he works for the good guys just because they pay him.

I'm thinking the amazing Samurai movie Yojimbo, but with Fett, the Rebels, and the Imperials.

I have the feeling Jango (& later Boba) aren't 'bad guys'. They had to be 'bad' in dealing with that element of numerous bounties which were some really mean hombres!

Won't See Me Comin' -It Will Be Done.
June 30, 2012 7:49 am #

Boba Fett is not 'evil,' per-say. He is mean, and he is cold, but he adheres strictly to his moral code. Fett would never take a contract his honor did not agree with, no matter how many credits he was offered.

A great example of this was when he and Leia had a bit of a political argument in Tales of the Bounty Hunters. He argues that the Empire is the legal governing force in the galaxy, and that the Rebellion is in the wrong, because of this. Leia offers him a LOT of credits to switch sides, but Fett refuses, because it's against his code of ethics. The Empire may not be a force for good, but they WERE the legal government at the time.

“What do you mean the Slave I took off with Master Fadir?!” - Luke Skywalker, Noncanon source.
February 4, 2013 9:29 pm #

"Evil" NO!  Definitely not.

Really not even Darth Vader was 100% evil... Vader was almost 100% but not quite.  Emperor Palpatine I would say is pure evil. That should give you an idea of (close to pure) *evil* in Star Wars terms.

Boba Fett -- no where near evil.  Money is what he wants. He's worse than Han Solo when it comes to money. lol.

Opportunist is what describes Boba best I think.

Boba is also GOOD at what he does - failure is NOT an option for him (not if he can help it). He will NOT give up.

I do agree that Boba is cold and harsh but NOT evil.

September 26, 2014 5:54 pm (Edited September 26, 2014 05:54 pm) #

He is nowhere close to evil. You can see that he is not evil in how he strictly upholds his moral code, no matter how twisted it might be. You don't rebel against the government, you don't kill for fun, you uphold justice.

Verd ori'shya Beskar'gam.
September 27, 2014 8:41 pm #
DarkOne wrote:

He is nowhere close to evil. You can see that he is not evil in how he strictly upholds his moral code, no matter how twisted it might be. You don't rebel against the government, you don't kill for fun, you uphold justice.

Great points! You're referencing to some of his characterization in the novels and/or comics?

Founder/Editor, BFFC
October 6, 2014 12:34 pm #

Yes. The Mandalorian Armor series and Tales of the Bounty Hunters do a great job of showing Fett's non evilness.

Verd ori'shya Beskar'gam.
October 10, 2014 12:19 am #
DarkOne wrote:

Yes. The Mandalorian Armor series and Tales of the Bounty Hunters do a great job of showing Fett's non evilness.

Very true, DarkOne. If you get the chance, would be curious to read some excerpts from the book that stood out to you as good quotes for this attribute.

Founder/Editor, BFFC
October 17, 2014 5:30 am #

"Everyone dies. It's the final and only lasting justice. Evil exists; it is intelligence in the service of entropy. When the side of a mountain slides down to kill a village, this is not evil, for evil requires intent. Should a sentient being cause that landslide, there is evil; and requires Justice as a consequence, so that civilization can exist... I bow to no one and I give service only for cause."- Boba Fett, "Tales of the Bounty Hunters"
"It's all the same to me. But what I do care about is staying alive."-Boba Fett, "The Bounty Hunter Wars" This quote doesn't exactly show that he isn't evil. But it does point out that he only cares about staying alive, not killing others for pleasure. There is not one really great quote in the books that I can point to, but the whole series is about paying back debts and holding up ideals. Evil people don't care about others, about debts, or about ideals.

Verd ori'shya Beskar'gam.
October 18, 2014 11:00 pm #
DarkOne wrote:

This quote doesn't exactly show that he isn't evil. But it does point out that he only cares about staying alive, not killing others for pleasure. There is not one really great quote in the books that I can point to, but the whole series is about paying back debts and holding up ideals. Evil people don't care about others, about debts, or about ideals.

Perfect examples. Thank you for sharing!

Do you think just those two books did a good job exemplifying your point? What about the prequels, e.g. "just a man trying to make his way in the universe" kind of mantras from Jango passed to Boba?

Founder/Editor, BFFC
October 19, 2014 6:45 pm #

I haven't read that particular book, "Just a Man Trying to make His Way in the Universe". But I think that the books about him in the series "Legacy of the Force" do a good job showing this, as well as the comic series "Blood Ties", and the children's series "Boba Fett". These are just to name a few. Pretty much every book I have read about him confirms that he has a sense of morality and  just wants to stay alive and make money.

Verd ori'shya Beskar'gam.
October 20, 2014 10:49 pm #
DarkOne wrote:

I haven't read that particular book, "Just a Man Trying to make His Way in the Universe".

Not a book. Just Jango Fett's line in "Attack of the Clones." ;-)

Founder/Editor, BFFC
October 21, 2014 7:09 am #

In that case, yes, I do believe he is just a man trying to make his way in the Universe. :)

Verd ori'shya Beskar'gam.
December 10, 2014 7:35 am #

People say fett is evil because he worked for vader but he really is not my grandpa played as Boba fett

December 10, 2014 7:37 am #

People say fett is evil because he worked for vader but he really is not my grandpa played as Boba fett

December 14, 2014 5:18 pm #
your moma wrote:

People say fett is evil because he worked for vader but he really is not

Welcome to the site, your moma! That's a very good point.

your moma wrote:

my grandpa played as Boba fett

You'll have to tell us more about that!

Founder/Editor, BFFC

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