This bail is the start of many, next the airlines, then the big 3 ( and for you cheese balls that don't what the big 3 are, they're General Motors, Ford, And Dodge)....
Topic: The Failling US economy
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
9 posts
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Karson, this is conjecture, not fact.

But is problably gonna happen, sir. Ford, really is already Bank rupt, they just havn't relested it....and in Alabama, Jefferson County has gone bank rupt...
But is problably gonna happen, sir. Ford, really is already Bank rupt, they just havn't relested it....and in Alabama, Jefferson County has gone bank rupt...
Then we have some problems ahead of us, But I'm confident that whoever the next president will be *COUGHOBAMACOUGH* that they will do all they can to keep us out of this kind of stuff.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I don't think its failing per se. There is rough, there is trouble yes. But over all... its just a recession and people are afraid to say that. They are panic driven. And if the people in power and infulence can exploit things so that we aren't looking at other issures.... well then they will use the media and such to make sure of it. The presidential campaigns are now focused on this ( while it is an importaint thing..... don't get me wrong) instead of other things like the "war on terror" or civil liberties....
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Like Si said it's just a recession. It's the rise and fall of the economy. It will come back and bounce back just like it always does.
And another quick question, if the Stock market is based on assumptions why hasn't the stock market raised higher? The bailout was supposed to do that? Anyone know why? I'm don't really follow it so I'd like to know.

Si, when the stocks drop last week and drop yesterday and drop today, it's certainly the topic to discuss. After all, if the surge is working, and we have few civil liberties left, those conversations are secondary. /sarcasm
Sev, the $700,000,000,000 bailout wasn't a proposed as an end-all fix.
Si, when the stocks drop last week and drop yesterday and drop today, it's certainly the topic to discuss. After all, if the surge is working, and we have few civil liberties left, those conversations are secondary. /sarcasm
Sev, the $700,000,000,000 bailout wasn't a proposed as an end-all fix.
If I had $700,000,000,000 I think I could fix just about anything...
Hail to the King Baby!!
If I had $700,000,000,000 I would buy my own island not geographically located on the World Map in the United Nations, and claim it my own land.