Topic: Pole boys

Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.

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Topic #2541
May 23, 2008 8:55 am #

this rpg take place in nazi occupied poland
we are a group of kids who fight the nazis through guerilla tactics so make a charactor sheet and show skill and start postin :)

how many babys have you eaten in the last 30 days? The correct answer is more then i can count so it must be more than four
May 23, 2008 9:01 am #

name:mike Checlovov
age: 17
skills: good sniper and leader of pole boys
history: he was 14 when nazis invaded he has fought them since he was 15
weapons: a german mp40 and 98k infantry rifle

how many babys have you eaten in the last 30 days? The correct answer is more then i can count so it must be more than four
May 23, 2008 9:53 am (Edited May 31, 2008 10:29 am) #

Name: Zank Offiuon
Age: 13
Power: 20
Skills: 19/50
Weapon: Grenade, pistol.
history: he was found, lying in a smoking house that the Nazis set fire to.
Nationality: Scottish

Zank looked around. It was everywhere! the Nazis camp was only 18 metres away from where he was standing.

Bullets whirred and screams echoed the sky. He stuck close to his friend, Mike Checlovov, a 17 year old spy of the Kid System Group. Also known as the KSG.

Zank reloaded his 0.53ZX german pistol and they set off. The other 10 members of the group would come soon.

He stopped a German. " hide! " he whispered in Mike's ear. The German cursed in German and spat. he loaded his rifle and looked around for intruders.


Zank shot the German right in the chest. He cursed and looked round. He raised his rifle at the two boys. Zank shot him again, this time in the shoulder. The german shrieked and fell over.

This was going to be hard,  thought Zank, as they trudged on to the base.

You're foolish words can never hurt me
May 23, 2008 10:52 am #

Name: Edward Florian
Age: 14
Weapon: Whiskey Bomb, Home made sticky bomb, stick grenade,
M1942 Beretta SMG, "Bouncing Betty" Mines, and Tellermine.
Skills: Demo, and weapon, and infiltration specialists and stratigest.
History: Parent were kill when he was five {theres more but I have to go}

May 23, 2008 11:00 am #

Zank and Mike were followed closely then by their other friend member, Edward.

He carried a stick grenade. He nodded to Zank and Mike and threw it. There were three guards out on patrol beside the gate. The grenade exploded and the German Patrol's fell over dead. 

Edward then unfurled his M1942 Beretta SMG. That was his 2nd favourite weapon.

Zank got out his map of the German base and pointed the next direction of which to take.

Damn! Thought, Zank. There were were six Germans who  had spotted the team and they shouted at them and unfurled their Machine-Guns..............

You're foolish words can never hurt me
May 23, 2008 11:20 am #

Name:Chad Hill
Weapon(s):Karabiner 98k,M1911 pistol,MP5,AK-47,Flash Grenade,Grenade
Skills:35/60 Good with computer

Chad ran into German base,there he picked up his Karabiner 98k and shot two german guards.German guards spotted him and ran after him.

Chad ran,ran and ran.After 15 minutes he spotted Zank,Mike and Edward...

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]
May 24, 2008 10:14 am #

Zank then saw a burst of machine gun fire. Two of the German Patrol went down. The four remaining turned round and sped after a boy......

A boy............ That was part of Edwards's KSG. It was Chad Hill! A large teenage boy that was the most Trustworthy and careful. He was aware too.......

Zank cursed and beckoned to Edward.

" Come on! " He shouted. " Chad needs our help! We can't just let him die for Two ( censored ) German's!!  "

" Move out! "

He unfurled his German revolver and shot at a German. He went down, smoke shooting out of his Back.

Three left. Zank thought.

Would they be able to save Chad in time from The Patrol?


You're foolish words can never hurt me
May 24, 2008 10:17 am #
-F3TT- wrote:

Skills:35/60 Good with computer

except for there were no computers back during world war two....

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
May 24, 2008 10:21 am #

( I think he means " good with machinery and engineering , AA. ;) Give him a chance. He is Finnish you know. )

You're foolish words can never hurt me
May 24, 2008 2:46 pm #
Karson Fett wrote:

Name: Edward Florian
Age: 14
Weapon: Whiskey Bomb, Home made sticky bomb, stick grenade,
M1942 Beretta SMG, "Bouncing Betty" Mines, and Tellermine.
Skills: Demo, and weapon, and infiltration specialists and stratigest. and suprot men
History: Parent were kill when he was five {theres more but I have to go}

He lived on the streets till the invasion of Poland where he has used his knowledge of the back streets and ally against the german war machine.   

The AK-47 was not invented in the world war 2, trust me I know a lot about ww2, or flash grenades.

{hey can we have two characters?}

"Grenade going in!" said Edward.

Boom 2 went down.

Edward quickly mowed down the other one.

"I'll bet the hole set up knows we are here!" Whispard Edward. "I told you to take the other way," said Edward.

May 26, 2008 4:22 pm #

"god damnit edward i already know that" sadi mike as he shot a german with his 98k
then he swithced to his mp4o to give the group covering fire
"move damnit, now Zank i said move it!!"

they all ran for the trees as mike got to the place where the det for the tnt was he slamed the lever was and watched with pide as the whole base blew
"good job guys all of u i mean it"

karson yea what the hell why not i guess u can have two

but i was thinking we need a girl to be like a spy

how many babys have you eaten in the last 30 days? The correct answer is more then i can count so it must be more than four
May 27, 2008 6:36 pm (Edited May 28, 2008 06:59 am) #

"We got the depot to deal with next," Said Edward.  "What?" asked Mike. "I we got to help the germans out some how," said Zack  sarcastically. Mike looked completely surprised. "He means we need to cripple the tank's supply of fuel," said Edward.

{Any body that wants to know about the weapons and what weapons where used in World War 2}
{Ha I am watching a program about World War 2, when the Nazi forces invaded Poland!}

May 28, 2008 8:46 am #

"good idea Ed, if we take out the fuel supplies then we should be able to 'borrow' a car from the germans" said mike

they alll started running for the fuel depot to demo it when all of a suden it blew up

"down everyone"said Ed as he tackled mike

"thanks ed"

"no problem mike, hard for u to shoot Krauts if your dead'

good point he thought

"ok guys time to get a ride, ed any ideas? i was thinking of a halftrack"

"yea that sounds good"

they all got on an abandoned half track and mike got in the drivers seat turned it on and they started back to what the called the pole boys hq...

it was just a old cabin in the woods acssesable only by foot
then they started the long process of figuring out what in the hell they destroyed...

how many babys have you eaten in the last 30 days? The correct answer is more then i can count so it must be more than four
May 28, 2008 9:30 am #

Name: Ted Bridge
Age: 13
Weapons: Karabiner 98k, M1911 pistol, grenades
Skills: 20/50, good with stealing and spying
History: Nazis took him from England and bring him to poland. Escaped from them and joined KSG.

Pole boys were just starting make a plan, when they heard a tank noise coming out. They all run out. The tank stopped but didn't shoot them. Then Ted Bridge came out from. "Look what I stealed from Nazis!!" he shouted. "Holy, Ted!!" other Pole boys answered.

May 28, 2008 9:35 am (Edited May 28, 2008 09:37 am) #

As the boy neared the cabin, Edward saw the sight he saw all to often; a cabin armed to the teeth with Anti tank weapon that the boys had Borrowed from the Germans, Some MG 34s and 42s, witch the boys had also borrowed from the Germans. And about 10000 meters from the cabin booby traps, A.T. mines, and spike strips. The cabin was fortified with sand bags, large rocks and dikes (large, long mounds of dirt) . Only the Bots knew  where the Mines and traps where.
    The cabin was a ammo, food, shelter house for the boys. The cabin had been reinforced from the inside with
steel and large rocks. Making the once peaceful cabin, and woods,  a treacherous place to tred and a oh, so safe bomb shelter .
      "Ahh, it so good to be home!"said Zack.
      "It is,"Said Mike
      "Aye,"said Edward

May 31, 2008 10:27 am #


Zank rested himself in the abandoned camp and flopped on the bunk. He started reading his novel and sipping an orange squash that was left by the last KSG that went missing three months ago.

Zank reloaded his smuggled German assault rifle. He fitted 25 rounds into it and got up to slot four anti-tank mines outside the base. He placed them 20 metres away so if a tank did come out , the base would'nt explode with them inside. He flopped on the bunk and continued to read his novel..............

You're foolish words can never hurt me
May 31, 2008 11:08 am #

{WELL EXCUUUUSE  ME FOR LIVIN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}
Edward, after he rested a little, walked back to the blow German base to salvage what he could  from the base.

June 7, 2008 9:14 am #

Edward returned after 30 minutes with 5 boxes of ammo for pistols and Assault rifle's and ordinary rifle's, two bags of fresh fruit, meat, potatoes and vegetables and some german armour. It was too big for them, but Ted could mow it down and turn it into the right sizes for all of the KSG........................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 7, 2008 1:11 pm (Edited June 7, 2008 01:11 pm) #
Adeptus_Astartes wrote:
-F3TT- wrote:

Skills:35/60 Good with computer

except for there were no computers back during world war two....

Sorry.LOLZ. Then Good with engineering as Green said. :)

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]
June 9, 2008 3:42 am #


I like it when you use the colour " Green " for my name.

It's Class! :D

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 9, 2008 9:11 am #

"so guys i was thinking we try a different way tobring down the krauts"said mike
"what"said ed
"well i was thinking we try to infiltrate the germans here"
"what"said zank as orange juice went everywhere
"well it might work only two or three would go"

how many babys have you eaten in the last 30 days? The correct answer is more then i can count so it must be more than four
June 10, 2008 10:08 am #

Zank spilled his Orange Juice everywhere!

" What?! " Zank said, upright, choking on the orange liquid in his throat.....

" Well it might work if only two or three would go...."

" Okay, then, I'll go. I'll take Edward and Chad with me." He said, gripping them tightly round the arms and shoving them outside.

" What the hell--? " Chad muttered, who was half-asleep, due to lack of strength and courage.

" Hmmmmmm! I'm not sure.....the German's could be armed with boms and missiles...." Edward stated.

" Come on! " Zank shouted. " Do you want to spend the rest of your life inside a stinking shelter that drips soil and grass everywhere!!?? "

" Ummmm, not exactly, no. " edward replied.

" Well, then let's go! I'll pack us food , water and ammo... "

" but their armed with missiles! " edward whined. " We only have guns, armour and grenades! We-- "

He stopped whining as Zank pushed him and Chad out of the shelter............

" Move out! " Zank ordered. Then they went towards the german base................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 19, 2008 5:53 am (Edited June 19, 2008 05:56 am) #
Masterchief wrote:

Edward returned after 30 minutes with 5 boxes of ammo for pistols and Assault rifle's and ordinary rifle's, two bags of fresh fruit, meat, potatoes and vegetables and some german armour. It was too big for them, but Ted could mow it down and turn it into the right sizes for all of the KSG........................

(Germans had no armor!)
This is 1944 for petes sake!

June 22, 2008 3:56 am #

Sheesh! I don't know if they did!

I'm not such a nerd of WWI and WWII.

Please don't crap at me.

( It means getting on at if ya don't know )

You're foolish words can never hurt me
September 12, 2008 9:05 am #

guys i menat that me would infiltrate their ranks like spys

how many babys have you eaten in the last 30 days? The correct answer is more then i can count so it must be more than four
September 12, 2008 1:36 pm #
Masterchief wrote:

Sheesh! I don't know if they did!

I'm not such a nerd of WWI and WWII.

Please don't crap at me.

( It means getting on at if ya don't know )

Well please brush up.
The russains where in the area also

September 15, 2008 8:51 am #

guys holy shit please lets get back to the rpg and stop yelling at people
ok thank you

how many babys have you eaten in the last 30 days? The correct answer is more then i can count so it must be more than four
September 15, 2008 1:36 pm #

Man your the one Cursing!

September 22, 2008 9:12 am #

guys please lets get back to the rpg

how many babys have you eaten in the last 30 days? The correct answer is more then i can count so it must be more than four
September 22, 2008 2:20 pm #


September 24, 2008 9:01 am #


how many babys have you eaten in the last 30 days? The correct answer is more then i can count so it must be more than four
September 29, 2008 3:14 pm #

Edward slung his rifle oveer his back.
"If you are so intent on going you lead!" said Edward as he grabbed Zank and pulled him up frount.

October 1, 2008 9:15 am #

"lets move the less shots the better ok?" said mkie from the half track

"pretty nifty uniforms" said edd

"yea i didint think the dead germans i took them from really minded" said Zank

how many babys have you eaten in the last 30 days? The correct answer is more then i can count so it must be more than four
March 21, 2009 7:35 am #


\this Is Dead!!!!!!

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 22, 2010 6:41 pm #

Man  i really liked this thread too..... *secretly cries*

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