I knew what you meant, Si. It actually took me a moment to figure out what everyone was talking about. I find it kinda funny actually.
Topic: Anger management thread
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
562 posts
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[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I have never been to New Jersey so I cannot comment there ;)
You're welcome Terra :D we all need the power of the force, then all you would need to do would be wave your hand in front of her and say 'You will leave me alone and be a nice neighbor'
Today has not been good for things breaking. My daughter decided to put somethings in the back of the printer so last night when I tried to print something off the paper got jammed and no matter what I have done it keeps saying something is jammed :(
Then when I was out with my camera I switched it on to see big cracks down the viewfinder :( the camera works but not the viewfinder. I have no idea how it happened. I cannot see any evidence of any damage to it. I will check to see if thee is anything that can be done under warranty about it. The same goes for the printer as well. I wonder what the third thing will be to break.
Sorry to hear about your stuff breaking. Sucks when that happens.
Every bad thing happens in three's. never think that you're safe until the third thing happens.
―Boba Fett
Of course. There's also Jurassic Park I, II, and III, and last I checked a T-Rex is REALLY bad thing.
―Boba Fett
I hate cooking. And boiling water and a sink full of dishes. (The weather in Jersey was wonderful, not that I got to enjoy it)
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
See? What did I tell you about 3's?
―Boba Fett
Thanks Terra :D
Eek I dread to think what the third item will be.
Edited to add, Nope after reading something on another forum that I post on (a lovely lady who is really having a challenging time with her autistic son and not getting any help) I have nothing to moan about. I have even met her and her son, it is so sad as he was such a happy wee boy but then she said seemingly overnight he changed and now he is nothing like how he used to be.
It even makes it easier for me to deal with Devil Boys fowl mood that he has been in for the last week.
Thanks Terra :D
Eek I dread to think what the third item will be.
Edited to add, Nope after reading something on another forum that I post on (a lovely lady who is really having a challenging time with her autistic son and not getting any help) I have nothing to moan about. I have even met her and her son, it is so sad as he was such a happy wee boy but then she said seemingly overnight he changed and now he is nothing like how he used to be.
It even makes it easier for me to deal with Devil Boys fowl mood that he has been in for the last week.
oh my god...That makes me so sad. Its only after you hear something like THAT the you realize that your problems are insignificant. I know that my problems are meaningless now. Please tell this woman that she is in our thought and prayers.
i wanted to kill my boss the other night...........she was being a #@%*&!# %$@%&
i think that sums it up
Indeed Alor. I can help you if you want ;)
Today I hate COLLEGE and WPU ( meh school)! I know now that graduating is not in my plans this year.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Thank you Mando, I will do. That reminds me. I need to put a little something toward the collection that they are having to pay for her to have childcare so she can have a break.
Thank Terra :D
Oh dear Ralin (hugs) I hope she is better now.
My gripe is that Devil boy has spent too much money recently so that I will have to delay getting a new printer :( I really needed to print something out as well. Hopefully when I go to Homestart on Thursday I will be able to print it out there.
i HATE it when your school assigns you the worst teachers in the school and on the very first day of school you have 5 hours worth of homework. I also hate how the summer flies by and yet the school year lasts 2 eternities.
i HATE it when your school assigns you the worst teachers in the school and on the very first day of school you have 5 hours worth of homework. I also hate how the summer flies by and yet the school year lasts 2 eternities.
Ditto. one of my teachers is having us memorize 87 places, with a test on them 6 days after it was assigned.
ouch....that's gotta suck
i hate my homework....
Hey, be happy you guys get a summer. Cause some day you'll be adults and you won't GET a few months long break. The most you'll get is a week or two, or even three, but not all at once, every year. Like me, the last actual week-long vacation I've had was in February last year.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Rejection kills when it's from the one you love most...
MandoGirl0415 wrote:i HATE it when your school assigns you the worst teachers in the school and on the very first day of school you have 5 hours worth of homework. I also hate how the summer flies by and yet the school year lasts 2 eternities.
Ditto. one of my teachers is having us memorize 87 places, with a test on them 6 days after it was assigned.
I just took the test, and I got a 100! SWEET! Sorry for the bragging, but that was pretty coool.
Terra, are you ok? Just remember all of us here and here for you. :)
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
If I could do anything to help you Terra...just ask me...
―Boba Fett
(hugs) for you Terra (hugs)
BFFC-Draco wrote:MandoGirl0415 wrote:i HATE it when your school assigns you the worst teachers in the school and on the very first day of school you have 5 hours worth of homework. I also hate how the summer flies by and yet the school year lasts 2 eternities.
Ditto. one of my teachers is having us memorize 87 places, with a test on them 6 days after it was assigned.
I just took the test, and I got a 100! SWEET! Sorry for the bragging, but that was pretty coool.
Math is starting to bog me down. We just got thrown into linear equations with 4 variables. It took much frustration but eventually I got the concept. Too bad it was the day the homework was due...
I'd say the teacher can really make or break a class. He gives us stuff but doesn't really explain it.
hugs to those that need them!
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Then put me first on the list...I'm taking a test every two days and my teacher hates me...so much...
―Boba Fett
I second that motion! Yea I have a math test on monday that i am most likely not gonna do well in cause my teacher kinda sucks. If you don;t get what she is explaining she just goes "I don't understand what the problem is, it can't be any simpler than this"...so yea great help that was.
aww sorry MH. Thats not nice.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I know what you mean I had a math teacher a couple years ago who spent the first 15 minuits of 1 class yelling (and I mean yelling)at us because we didn't understand a concept. Then, at the end of class, she yelled at us because "we" wasted time.
I don't really hate math. I rather enjoy it. The joy when you finally realized you have found x... I'll stop there. But like I said the teacher can change how you look at a class.
I hate it too...sometimes...
―Boba Fett
I hate math as well. It's evil.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Ugh....algebra hurts my brain. I have a headache because I just did Algebra homework....
I don't really hate math. I rather enjoy it. The joy when you finally realized you have found x... I'll stop there. But like I said the teacher can change how you look at a class.
Or having a COMPLETE inability to do the math or see the importance or value of said math....
The teacher thing is true.... that's one of the reasons Ive perused teaching.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Math is fine as long as I dont have a hard time doing it.
Math is fine as long as I dont have a hard time doing it.
Good luck with that...
―Boba Fett
Yeah... unfortantly it almost never is for me.
*Sad Face*
here are my thoughts on math: we don't need all that fancy crap. just PEMDAS (Percent, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction). imaginary numbers are the stupidest thing to be created, if you can do whatever you want with them, then technically none of those problems they give you are correct, as it is imaginary, and does not exist, and you can make it be whatever you want it to be. calculus can shoot itself in the head.
Its paranthesis Fett...
―Boba Fett
Alice Cooper still isn't in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, despite being one of the all time most influential musician, near universal respect in the rock world, and numerous petitions. David Bowie, the Sex Pistols, Van Halen, Iggy Pop, Ozzy Osbourne, etc. are there, and Alice was extremely influential to them.
Its paranthesis Fett...
whatever, parenthesis, percent, same shpiel, it still starts with P.
Good answer. I have it ingrained in my head though....
―Boba Fett
I wish the force unleashed was released on the same day in the UK than it is in the US. I do not understand why we have to wait an extra two days. It seems pointless. LOL in the words of angry Anakin 'It's not fair' ;)
I'm pissed because the Hardcover cover of "Order 66" sucks. The paperback, released in a month, is much better. But I didn't want to wait a month, and didn't even know it would be so soon. >:( Very angry!
--Captain Dynamic--
Yea...I hate my math teacher...in HER class (not my school in her CLASS) she thinks anything below a 95 is failing. I am lucky if I get an 80 let alone PASS math. So yea this is going to be an extremely miserable year for me :(
Oh dear that is not good WV :(
I have ordered the paperback just because I think it will look more ordered on the bookshelf.
Oh dear MandoGirl :( that is not good at all. It is not right that she should put on such high expectations. Good luck getting through the year.
Lol.....yeah, but the book will be good. I know. I just was dieing to read it. Maybe I'll get the paperback too, and give this to a friend. I don't know.
--Captain Dynamic--
That would be a good idea :D at least you will get to read it soon. I am really looking forward to the last book in the Coruscant nights trilogy to come out :D
Lol.....yeah, but the book will be good. I know. I just was dieing to read it. Maybe I'll get the paperback too, and give this to a friend. I don't know.
What's wrong with the hardback?
I'm getting TFU and Order 66 on Sunday for my 13th birthday....yay!
But I'm mad at my Science teacher because she's from India and has an accent. She's mean and you can't nderstand what she's saying half the time, and I've already gotten a detention in her class. He name is Mrs. Alukal and my friends and I started to call her Mrs. "Al-Asad" :P
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