OK I'll take a look at it later.
Topic: Avatar Requests
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
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"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
here is a new one. it's a gif. what is the file size limit?
I looked at the size requirements. You had it correctly sized, and its only 34.8 kb, so I really dont understand the problem. maybe you do.
It was about 10240 (I dont clearly remember) but it works now. Thanks, this really is awesome.
―Boba Fett
Looks good to me lol.
thanks. it looks really cool. can i repay the favor in any way?
―Boba Fett
I don't have the software yet. I have a new computer. It only really lets me get on the internet
―Boba Fett
Nope. I do this all the time. I love it! But if you have any cookies....
Chocolate chip! :P
Alo does things, but big things he needs cookie :P ;)
Hey can someone make me an avatar of this picture right here
i would like the full picture : http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f360/jimpop69/BobaFett.jpg
but if that is not the right size can you just resize to show his face and halkf of his upper body??
thanks i would greatly aprreciate
can someone do this please?
Thanks. It is my new signature on my site too ;) :)
" The waterer " An Assassin of gardens. :P
Some one resize this please
I tried to; but couldn't without cutting some of the picture. Want the point, Sarge?
―Boba Fett
Could someone please resize this pic for me?
The whole thing or can I crop it? it might be a little small if I don't crop because of how skinny it is.
made a bunch of avatars over in this thread if anyone is interested
I know I just asked for one thing, but could you resize it into one of the corners in my avatar right now, I am a wee bit attacted to it. Thanks
Karson Fett wrote:http://www.tombguard.org/sgm.gif
Some one resize this pleaseHello?
Demanding much?
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I hardly ever come here! What do you mean I am demanding?!
Karson, there are better ways to remind someone that you want an avatar than "Hello?"
For example. "Hey everyone, I put in a request awhile ago and it seems no one resized the image. Could anyone please get this resized? Thanks."
Not perfect but much better than "Hello?"
Sorry I've been sick for the last week and haven't been on that much. I try and get it done soon.
Oh okay, sorry.
I wasn't in the best mood at the time of that post Sev.
How's that? If you need anything changed just ask. As I said before It only takes a sec but making av's is not the highest thing on my priority list. ;)
I was inspired by Karson's avatar that Alo made for him, and I would like one similar if that is OK.
http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc51/martingila/price.jpg If someone could resize this please and crop it to whatever you think looks best
http://78thtroop.com/221stmi/LRS/Images/Captain_insignia.JPG With this in the corner.
I have become a Call of Duty 4 addict.....lol
Thanks Alo!
―Boba Fett
Thanks Terra! :D
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Thanks Terra! :D
Welcome. Good choice.
Wow! Great new avatar Mel!
Can anyone make me this avatar of Rahm Kota? He's awesome.
Wow! Great new avatar Mel!
Can anyone make me this avatar of Rahm Kota? He's awesome.
mug shot or whole thing?
Whole thing please, unless it looks too small. then you can crop it a bit.
Hi, I'm a new member~My name is jimifett and Iwould appreciate anyone who is willing to create an avatar for me. It's a treat to be here and enjoy some fett..
Do you like this one, jimi?
Here you go man.
Tell me if that is too small.
Hey is that Kota? Or is that a guy i don't know? :P
-Boba Fett-
Yes, it is Kota. :D
Cool, but it was fun throwing him out the window. :D
-Boba Fett-
Here is my r[img]http//.img393.imageshack.us/img393/1101/150pxmandaloriansymbolyk6.jpg[/img]equested avatar. Thanks in advance.[img]null[/img][img]null[/img]
Link is broken.
Avatar Request here... something similar to Mandalorian Soldier's avatar.. need browns and greens :D
I'm not a art talent.
BTW Hello to all here from the newbie
Hello yourself newbie!
Introduce yourself Yeah, click the link.
Would someone mind makingthis into an avatar for me?
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