Topic: Fett Bait

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Topic #2927

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August 21, 2008 3:52 pm (Edited August 23, 2008 12:58 pm) #

STORY: This RPG is set in the time of the Empire. Civil War against the Rebellion. The setting is on the planet Chandrilla. The Empire has a halfway installed garrison planetside, but recent Rebel sabatoge runs have crippled the supply link to the base, and the Rebellion has their most powerful Mon Calamari cruisers create a quaratine on the planet. The most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy is trapped on Chandrilla, as well as several Senators that are very close to Emperor Palpatine.

TIMELINE: Early days of the Galactic Civil War; the Empire is trying to run over the localized governments on more and more planets, Chandrilla is the birthplace of Rebellion Leader Mon Mothma, the local Rebels have destroyed main routes to the Imperial Fortress outside the city.

RULES: No killing other players.(Exception if you are affilliated as Unknown) You cannot enter the Imperial Fortress, unless you are directly affiliated with the Empire and a higher rank than Corporal. You can be affiliated with the Empire, Rebellion, Bounty Hunter, Civillian, or Unknown. (PERMISSION ONLY FOR UNKNOWN) You can enter Mon Mothma's appartment despite affiliation. You can be any species from the Star Wars movies, or the EU. List your weapon, if melee, what hand do you hold it in? If blaster or grenade launcher, be specific. You can have more than one weapon. You can talk to my character despite affiliation. (You can PM me if you want permission to be unknown. There can only be three other unknowns but as the game progresses, I will add to this number, and unlimited other affiliation.)

Character: Xeldor Vython

Age: 28
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Unknown
Weapon: E-11 blaster rifle, DC-17 blaster pistol, concealed vibro-blade
Appearance: Tall and Muscular, wears a mix of old Clone Trooper armor and Mandalorian Super Commando armor. Face is always concealed behind ancient Mandalorian helmet. Wears a torn black cape, carries his rifle at all times.


       Xeldor is a rogue to the Empire, and has an extreme bounty on his head for a failed assassination attempt on Palpatine. He has supplied the Rebellion with numerous details; but also secretly ships weapons to the Empire. His past is very dark, and there are more rumors of his past than Darth Vader's. Only one stands true. He is an experienced Jedi Killer. No one has seen his face, not even those killed by him.

Xeldor waited in the Cantina, for the Imperial contact to recieve the weapon cache. He would occasionally turn his head to see if a blaster was pointed at his head. He could feel his temperature rise in his helmet, and kept thinking Fett was behind him. The entire Bounty Hunter's Guild and Fett were after him.When he heard of the quarantine, he thought he was safe. Then he learned Boba Fett was trapped too. As he faced his table again, he noticed the bartender waiving him a warning for bounty hunter. As he turned to leave, someone had locked the rear exit.

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 21, 2008 5:39 pm #

Name: Boba Fett
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Himself (Bounty Hunter)
Weapon: You should all know :P

Boba Fett stood impassively with a brown robe concealing his form and a heavy cowl concealing his well known helmeted head. He was pondering his situation. He was supposedly trapped but Boba Fett was not perturbed.

He wasn’t ready to leave this planet yet. He had a bounty worth pursuing despite the bickering that was increasing between the Empire and the locals.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
August 21, 2008 6:46 pm #

Name: Zylus Kra'noh
Species: Human, although tortured and mutated by Sith Alchemy when tested on by the Prophets of the Dark Side
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Empire (Emperor Palpatine was in league with the PDS, so i guess it makes him in league with the Empire)
Weapon: [url==]Lightsaber, but the blade is red[/url]

Sitting by himself in the Cantina, and noticing a Bounty Hunter walking in, Zylus continued to drink his Jawa Juice. He also sensed that someone was trying to leave the Cantina in a hurry, as if they clearly didn't want to be there.

August 21, 2008 7:03 pm (Edited August 22, 2008 10:09 pm) #

Xeldor turned his head. He knew people would notice his fear. Seeing a cloaked figure move towards him, he recognized the gait. He checked the door again. He bribed the bartender regularily, 25,000 credits a week, to keep him safe. Only the bar tender knew the code to the door. And the only person richer than him that would bribe people, was Boba Fett. He had several tricks left to get out, and the last one was something never seen before. Not even Fett would know this one. And just in case he did figure it out, it would be too late.

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 23, 2008 5:44 am (Edited August 23, 2008 05:52 am) #

Name: Ferla Hutton
Age: 30
Affiliation: Bounty Hunter, part-time spice deliverer.
Gender: Male

Anartment: Blaster pistol, armour, concussion grenades, vibro-ax and a toxic dart launcher

Ferla looked around. he sensed the assassin behind him. He look smell his fear and anger just by smelling his foul, stench. Ferla was wearing his armour, Mark V. He would be safe..........for now.

The Cantina played colourful tunes as the barmembers danced and talked. Ferla didn't care much for these sad loners....

He emptied his cup of Ithorian Liquor and stood up, going outside. A blaster shot was heard. He unclipped his pistol and stood beside some wrechage.

The Assassin made no move to cloak himself. He came out, carrying a man's severed head.

Disgusting thought Ferla.

When the Assassin was a good distance away, Ferla aimed his toxic dart launcher at the Assassin's head.


The dart shot out and landed in his fat neck. He coughed and stuttered before collapsing.

Ferla didn't care about the mess. He was too busy to care. He had to meet up with his friend, Xeldor before more Thugs armed him down.

He walked back towards his EFAV -9009 starship............


Ferla looked around as some Sandtroopers asked him questions. He answered them quickly and got into the cockpit.

he switched on his voice-comm. " Hello? Who is this? "

" It's your old friend Ferla, Xeldor. I'm coming to talk to you. The Empire doesn't like old pirates like me.... "

he laughed. " Yeah, I have some spice for you. "

" Don't push your luck, Hunter! " Xeldor snapped.

" Haha! Okay, see you in a bit. " he replied

He switched it off and took the jump to hyperspace.............

You're foolish words can never hurt me
August 23, 2008 1:04 pm #

Xeldor noticed the cloaked figure coming closer. He pulled out a Flash Grenade, and used a magnetic lock to clip it to his forearm. Then he drew his DC-17 pistol, but kept it in the shadows of his cape. His helmet registered the weapons on Boba, and Fett was keeping it to a minimal. Xeldor had planted an electrical charge regulator on the bartender in case of betrayals. Besides, this would make a perfect distraction. Xeldor hit a button on his gauntlet, and 50,000 volts of electricity was sent through the bartender. Even Fett turned his head.

"Bad move..." Xeldor muttered to himself.

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 24, 2008 6:37 am #

Ferla got up. He put and set the course for Xeldor's planet by automatic pilot.

He pushed away his sleeping sack and duvet made from Jawa silk and made some food.

After he ate, he looked outside the cockpit window. YES! This was the correct way to Xeldor.

He checked his famous blaster pistol and it's blaster pack ammo. This pistol was from a Hunter he had killed years ago. It felt ancient in his hands as he twirled it around in his fingers. He was in for a surprise when he'd land.

A hell of a surprise.................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
August 24, 2008 9:10 am #

Xeldor threw down the flash grenade, and covered his eyes. Fett was thrown back from the explosion, and his rifle fell from his hands. Deciding not to attract more attention to himself than he already had, he did not shoot Fett, but ran outside into the crowded city and into shelter. Nobody could find him there, or so he thought.

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 24, 2008 11:59 am #

Ferla got out the Vessel and was to be met by a group of Bounty Hunter Guilds.

He was led towards Xeldor with blasters behind his back. Damn! he thought!

You're foolish words can never hurt me
August 24, 2008 12:09 pm #

On the street, he was captured by the Bounty Hunter's Guild. They knocked Xeldor unconscious, and carried him away. Later, Xeldor woke up, to see his old friend Ferla sitting across from him.

"How'd you get past the quarantine?" Xeldor asked.

"I have secret cloaking device on the ship."

"Wasn't good enough to get past these guys. Hold on. They didn't take off my armor. I have an ION charge in here. I think I can get us out of here."

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 24, 2008 12:37 pm #

" Why? Why should I trust you? You betrayed me in the past Xeldor. "

" I came to make things right..."

Ferla unfurled his blaster pistol and set it on stun. He was going to shoot Xeldor for all the years he'd betrayed him for...........

( just say he's betrayed Ferla before )

You're foolish words can never hurt me
August 24, 2008 1:20 pm #

Xeldor noticed Ferla's blaster. Before he could shoot, Xeldor jumped underneath his chair, and kicked out his legs to trip Ferla. Once Ferla was on the ground, Xeldor picked him up, and broke his shooting hand's wrist.

"Never pull a gun on me..." Xeldor growled. The guards ran into the cell, but Xeldor threw Ferla into them. "Its a bad move to leave the door open." Xeldor turned, and locked the door on Ferla and the guards. No Hunter would catch him, not this time.

Outside of the prison, Xeldor's helmet registered a sniper locked on to him. "Fett never gives up," thought Xeldor. Xeldor pulled out his E-11.

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 24, 2008 1:24 pm #

Ferla cursed. Damn it! he thought. I knew Xeldor would betray me again!

Ferla got his other hand and shot down seven guards running in. They coughed and fell over. Then he noticed Xeldor with a sniper E-11.

Ferla blasted Xeldor three times in the armour. He was enjoying a fight. He had been itching for one!


You're foolish words can never hurt me
August 24, 2008 1:35 pm #

"Ah.." Xeldor noticed Ferla behind him. Xeldor shot his ION charge at Ferla, and fried his blaster. Xeldor noticed that the sniper wasn't Fett, but Ferla's blaster setting. Xeldor pulled out his vibro blade, and threw it at Ferla. It pierced his stomach, and Xeldor activated the automatic retrieval. "I told you not to pull a gun on me! I'll let you live, just because you are the only one who ever followed me, but if you do this again, I WILL kill you without second thought!"

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 24, 2008 1:39 pm #

" Haha! Sure you will Xel! "

" I will. I mean it Ferla. No matter how friendly we are with each other! "

Ferla snorted and Xel ( can I call you Xel? ) shot him with a stun blaster bolt.

" Arrgh! " Ferla shouted. " Stop it Xel! "

" Not until you join my band of rebels and mercenaries! "

" No, not yet. I don't trust you! You betrayed me and killed my father! "

You're foolish words can never hurt me
August 24, 2008 1:44 pm #

Xeldor was tired of talking to Ferla.

"You don't understand. I WANT the Empire to win this war. The Rebellion will die, but I want them to feel good about themselves first. To make their downfall more painful." Xeldor punched Ferla in the face, and Ferla fell down, unconscious. "And I told you NOT to call me Xel!" Xeldor threw Ferla in the street, and left him there.

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 25, 2008 12:54 am #

( sheesh, take it easy. What is wrong with Xeldor. He is in a bad mood. He punches again and again and not normally.... :/ :P )

Ferla got thrown in the street. He coughed and spat. Stuff Xeldor. He would find his own ship again and travel back to Tatooine.....

He saw his ship still there. Then suddenly, a few Assault vessel's swooped towards it and fired a few rounds of plasma fire.


It exploded!

damn! thought Ferla. That treacherous slime ball betrayed me once more. He smiled then. It looks like I'll have to kill my way through and steal me a ship.

He loaded his blaster pistol and walked towards some skiff guards. " There he is! Kill him! " They advanced on him with Vibro-ax's and swung through the air at him.

BoOlM! BoOim!! BOOIiiMMm!

He fired three shots at one of the four skiff guards. " Argh! " he choked, falling..........

BOIM! BOIM! BOIM! BOOOIII!!!! Another fell. He then switched to his throwing knives. He swung one at a skiff guard in the neck.

He screamed and fell.........


One left..........

Ferla got out his vibro-ax and swung it at the guard. There was a ledge which dropped to a bottomless death of gas and cloud.

SwiPe! sWiPe! he swung it at the remaining skiff. He tottered and fell backwards.

A scream echoed through the cold, sharp air like ice. Then, nothing....

Ferla got a second blaster pistol and took a few concussion grenades and ammo pouches..........

I'm ready to take you on Xeldor!

He loaded and continued through the dangerous path of scummy water and slime dripping from pipes.


Ferla saw him. The Bounty Hunter. He had a white cloth over his head and metal chest armour. " Dengar..... " muttered Ferla. " Hello old friend. " my said, creasing up behind his cloth meaning a smile. He had redish eyes and a metal arm.

" What have they done to you!!? " shouted Ferla.

" They have so-to-say, Upgraded me..... I have become stronger than you, my friend. Back off. I need to get to my bounty.......... " said Dengar.

" No! I shall take you on, Dengar! I know you will blab me out and then hunt me down! "

" Yes.... I shall....... " he said, raising his blaster rifle. A few quick zam shots flew out. They increased and turned a greenish purple.

A Plasma cannon!

ZaM! zAm! ZAM! zam!

Ferla dodged them and threw a knife at Dengar. He dodged it and blasted Ferla a couple of times in the arm and the knee.

Pain inflicted on Ferla. He cursed and sat there, pain paralyzing his ankles and elbows.

" Why Dengar? Why!!? What did I do to deserve this? "

" You deserve it, my friend.."  my smiled with evilness.

Ferla got his blaster out and shot Dengar in the back. A few more should to it! Dengar punched Ferla and took his blaster pistols.

Ferla spat at him and said he'd regret it.

Someday though, he'd save Boba Fett's life.......................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
August 25, 2008 1:50 am (Edited August 30, 2008 10:41 pm) #

*anybody mind if I join the madness?  Can’t promise many posts, starting school again and all, but I’ll try to add to the mix from time to time*

Name: Ralin Drakus

Age: 24

Affiliation: 'Unknown'

Species: Born and Raised Mandalorian

Occupation: Freelance mercenary, also does some bounty hunting from time to time; Follows a strict Honor code and will only accept missions that fit it

Loyalties: To his Clan and Clan Vode, but Honors his contracts

Weapons: Custom long barrel, slug throwing, sniper rifle; Matching Mandalorian heavy blaster pistols(strapped to legs Jango Fett style, but a little higher);Jet-pack mounted rocket, usually a high explosive warhead; and a repeater carbine *carried into situations the sniper rifle isn’t suited for; only one is carried usually, the other is stored on his ship*
Gauntlet mounted weapons/gadgets include: Dart/Rocket launcher; A micro-grenade launcher; two wrist lasers; A fiber-cord line with grappling hook for scaling/descending obstacles ; A two-prong retractable18 inch blades in right gauntlet (like those used in the Predator movies);And a personal cloaking device recovered from ancient weapons cache on Duxn; Strength enhanced gloves

Armor: His Father’s black Mandalorian armor over gray flight-suite; features black, heat and energy resistant Kama; Jet-pack with light armor plating, making it heavier but much harder to damage or accidentally start

Appearance: 5' 10’’; Strong, stout build but still fast and agile; Brown hair is ‘buzz-cut’ high on the sides and back in a military fashion, but the top is rather long; Usually has a short growth of beard as well; Low, menacing brow with dark eyes

Personality: Calm under pressure; Very blunt and to the point with outsiders, but easygoing and cheerful with Clanmates and friends; Extremely protective of those close to him

Ship: Blood Hawk Modified StarViper Assault fighter; upgraded Hyperdrive, Laser cannons replaced with six long barrel Mass driver cannons (which fire a energized projectiles that pass through shields unhindered)

This Rebel blockade is getting annoying… thought Ralin as he sat in the darkness of the ‘Hawk’s’ cockpit observing the ship’s sensor readings. 

He’d been planet side to interview for a MercOp for the Imperials…but the officer who’d requested him here got vaped by a precision orbital strike from one of the MonCal cruisers in atmo.  Seemed like a perfect place to earn some credits from the Imperials, but most of the officers he’d had a chance to talk to were far more interested in turning the property they’d ‘acquired’ during the occupation into credits… and then escape.  Although patrols and order was still being maintained on the streets by the Stormtroopers on the ground, the higher level officer corps was in total disarray.

Some heads will roll when the Imperial fleet arrives to clear this mess up Ralin mussed passively.

Rumor had it that Boba Fett was here as well; though not ‘stuck’ here as most others were.  As nearly always, he was in pursuit of a bounty.  Even this hole in the galaxy wasn’t a place to hide from that one.  That strill would hunt a bounty into the Emperor’s bed chamber if he had to.  That visual image brought a slight grin to Drakus’s lips.  He’d only met the famed hunter once before; on Mandalore before Ralin had earned his Father’s armor years ago.     

Time to stretch my legs I suppose… maybe I should look Boba up.  Would be interesting to see if he recognized me after all this time, and for him to see how his guidance worked out..

Grabbing his carbine from the weapons rack on the starboard-side bulkhead, Ralin walked out the loading hatch and started for the city.

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
August 25, 2008 5:59 am #

Xeldor walked through the crowded city, trying to avoid attention. It was a little hard, since he was wearing Clone and Mando armor, but Fett would probably not be around this part of the city. Xeldor was in the area that held the higher class, such as Mon Mothma, and the regional Governor. Xeldor turned his head, and saw Mandalorian armor.
"Not Fett..." Closer inspection showed that it wasn't Fett, but instead, another Mando trapped planet side. "Better hope he's friendly to vode..." One shout could either get Xeldor caught by Boba, or help to get away. "Black armor means justice, and there is no justice served when one Mando captures another...Ner vod!" The figure turned, and the way his blasters were holstered, reminded him of Jango Fett.

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 25, 2008 6:24 am #

Ferla saw more skiff guards and fired. They then fell and died.

" Easy Peazy! " said Ferla, holstering it.

He continued to find a vessel.....................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
August 26, 2008 1:22 am #

“Ner Vod!” came a voice over the crowded intersection. 

Ralin’s head jerked left in the direction of the sound, his right hand hidden from view and firmly gripping his heavy blaster.  The stranger was clad in a mix of Republic clone armor and Mandalorian Beskar’gam.  Despite the yell in the crowded place, Ralin noticed the man made his way carefully closer, sticking to crowds and walking in a distracted way that indicated he was watching much more then just where he was going.  And who might be hunting you?……I wonder

“Good to see a vod on this backwater world” the man said when he finally came close.  He cradled an E-11 in his both arms, finger caressing the trigger guard somewhat nervously.  His Mandalorian helm was old and scared; it had been passed down many generations…or had been claimed from a forgotten battlefield and sold to the highest bidder…

“You called me ‘ner vod,’” Ralin nearly growled.  “Are you Mando’ade?”

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
August 26, 2008 6:01 am (Edited August 26, 2008 06:10 am) #

"Yes...I am Mandalorian. My helmet was passed down from family generations, and it once belonged to Mandalore the Ultimate. The Rebellion found me on Mandalore, and wiped my memory, and stole my armor. I recovered my memory when I found my helmet, but I never recovered the rest of my armor. As you'll notice this new set..." The stranger was deffinitely not a Fett, but he did seem familiar.

"Anybody can lie about stolen armor..." the Mando snarled.

"Candosii, vod. If I am not Mando'ade, then how would I know the language? My father taught it to me, before he was killed. Your armor means justice. Wouldn't you find it an injustice not to help a fellow vod?"

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 26, 2008 6:11 am (Edited September 4, 2008 11:22 am) #

Name: Uriel Kreigan (Yeah yeah stole the 1st name from WH40k, and oblivion but whatever.))
Species:Firrerreo/human hybrid. Has the eyelids and canines.
Affiliation: Unknown

Weapons:Double bladed vibrostaff, force pike, Heavily modified HK-5897 Terentarek Disruptor pistol Shot capacity, 16 per clip (High power) 30 per clip (med power) 50 per clip. (stun) Many concealed vibroblades. Two low powered stun-only blasters on wrist mounted consoles, wristblades on each. Grapling hook on left wrist, datapad on right console (think predator for design)

Appearance: Tall, muscular with short blond hair and grey eyes. Wears Black and red Emperor's royal Guard armor, with a kama type thing. The jumpsuit kama and cape are red, armor is black, with an old republic emblem in silver on chest plate. Helmet: but black metal tubes are silver and so is visor.

History:Uriel Was a former guard, but defected and is being pursued by the empire, when he isn't hired by them as a bounty hunter and mercenary.

Personality: Uriel is usually silent, leading many to believe that his throat was cut by another bounty hunter who pursued him for the empire. This is true, however there was little damage to the vocal cords and they were repaired. When he does speak his voice sounds similar to that of Jango Fett, however harsher and more raspy. He is quick to act. He tries to be prepared for a fight all the  time, and rarely lets his guard down.

Uriel walked through the streets of the city, the crowd eying him uneasily. They perhaps believed him to be a servant of the emperor, which he was not. he despised the emperor, believing him to be a horrid example of a leader, even for a sith, which he knew him to be. He did, however, hate the rebels even more. The Empire may be bad, killing entire worlds and species, but they were strong, perhaps if the current emperor was killed, it could be better. If the rebellion won the war and a new enemy emerged, they would not have the military might to defend their people.  At least the Empire could do that. He shrugged, and continued on. He was here on a bounty. One that Boba Fett was looking into, unlike Boba however his employer was not from the Empire. It was a man who had seemed to wish to speak with his target, rather then kill him. Odd.

After a while of pushing through the crowd, he saw something. His target perhaps? Speaking to another mandalorian warrior. No matter. He saw the target, and he approached. At a suitable range he put his blaster on stun and shot into the air, causing the civilians to panic. He aimed his gun towards the target. "Well I was under the assumption that you would be hard to catch. Remove all weapons from your person and come quietly. My client wants you alive."

"You mean the Empire?"

"No not at all Vython. If I was here for the Empire I would have shot you already. Now get to it."

The other mandalorian reached for something and Uriel raised the power to 'high', switching hands and pointing one of his wrist stunners at Xeldor. "Do you want to die Mando?" he hissed. " Live to fight another day and stay out of this."

((I have a bit of a plan for making this relevant to the plot, you may have to go with Uriel though...))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 26, 2008 6:22 am #

"Yes, I suppose I will follow you. I need some entertainment. Pull a gun on me again, though, I will give you a horrific death. Ner vod, stay in comm." Xeldor passed the Mando a short range comm., and left with the Hunter.

"If you serve the Empire, they kill you. The Rebellion will kill you. Pick one side, or my side."

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 26, 2008 6:33 am (Edited August 26, 2008 06:36 am) #

"Well I dont think your in the position to be making demands of me." Uriel rasped. "And as of now you will not speak, or I will shot you and make the trip to where were going as uncomfortable as possible." A speeder with a man in it sat near by, and Uriel shoved Xeldor into it, pointing his gun at the driver. "Get out." The driver fearfully obeyed, and Uriel drove away, eventually pulling up at a rather nice house. He dragged Xeldor out, shoving him through the door. They were greeted by an older man, who quickly stopped yelling when he saw Xeldor. "Ah, it seems you found my guest, Kreigan. "Guest?" Xeldor asked.  "All will be explained in time, sir. Let me ask. Are you comfortable with assassinations? I serve the Alliance to restore the republic and there are high ranking imperial personnel here. We would pay you a good amount of money to help us be rid of them. It could help us remove the garrison from the planet. We do not want them here. The same offer goes to you Kreigan and anyone else who will help."

Uriel spoke quickly "How much are you paying." He may have hated the Rebelion but if they payed him he would work with them.

((is this acceptable if not, i'm sure I can think of something.))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 26, 2008 3:57 pm #

"The Rebellion? I like money, sure, but I haven't picked a side yet in this war. The Rebellion has stolen alot from me, and I'm not sure if I want to give them forgiveness." The man looked at Xeldor, and the Uriel and back again.

"Are you sure? 35,000 credits is alot to waste."

"Wasting it is one thing...this is morals we're talking about now. As for assassinations; it doesn't bother me. I'll work for you, for a time. I will betray you in the future, it's just my nature. And I want half the money before an assassination, half afterwards. The same for my friend here."

"It doesn't bother me that you'll betray me later. The Empire will lose valuable assets. Very well, you and your partner get half now half later. The target is Regional Governor, Moff Relias. Good luck getting in his appartment."

"That will be easy..." retorted Uriel. Uriel and Xeldor left, and walked into the street. "!" He shouted. Xeldor looked at him, and turned his head, and picked up a comm. "What are you doing?"

"Asking if someone else wants a job. I wasn't referring to you as my partner. You can take my creds if you want. I'm after taking out big political figures on both sides. Like I said, you can join my side, where it's easier. Kill off both sides, until one remains. The one left will be weak, and someone with a good sense of leadership can take over. A better Sith than Palpatine..."

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 27, 2008 12:44 am #

"Good luck with that. All the sith are dead or in hiding, those remaining are not even sith, they are just sycophants, vying for power and quarreling against themselves. Like dogs fighting for a scrap from their master. "  Uriel said. "If you weaken both you might as well let the rebelion win the war. The galaxy will be weak if your philosophy is followed. But no bother, I can only hope you don't succeed. Or I can kill you now and be done with it." Uriel said, reaching for his gun. Xeldor jumped, pulling his weapon first. Uriel laughed, spreading his arms wide, making himself a better target. "Your too jumpy. Boba Fett is doing his job well. Now if you excuse me..." Uriel trailed off, quickly jumping onto a passing speeder bike, knocking the former driver off, and speeding away.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 27, 2008 1:39 am #

Ferla saw his new vessel. It was a transport ship with a heavy ion cannon attached to the main hull. He smiled and sighed. " This looks like the one for me, I suppose " he said.

Luckily, there where only two skiff guards guarding it. " Xeldor is making this TOO easy... " he said, laughing.

He headed towards the docking bay...............

You're foolish words can never hurt me
August 27, 2008 5:56 am #

"Just the impression I was trying to give..." Xeldor laughed. He turned to the former owner of the speeder bike. "What's the code to that bike?"

"Why? Its gone now!"

"I'm going to track that man. He has something valuable to me."

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 27, 2008 10:28 am #

Ferla flew into hyperspace. He then stayed a few nights on Tatooine and hired some Bounty Hunters to kill Xeldor for him. Xeldor deserved it anyway. The scum.....

How dare he! Ferla was trying to negiosate with him and he threw him in the street.


Ferla saw him at once! Xeldor was talking to some Senators and Governors.

Ferla landed his Ship and he and the Bounty Hunters disembarked.................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
August 27, 2008 4:20 pm #

Xeldor had successfully tracked Uriel to the cantina where he was earlier; very far from the Governor's household. Uriel was sitting at a table by himself, with a holo image of the Governor's home, and was apparently studying a successful route to enter.

"You could enter through the front," Xeldor startled Uriel. "The Moff kept everything else under lockdown, but never suspected someone to enter the front door..."

"The door needs a code, you..."

"And I know it. You didn't listen to me. The Rebellion doesn't want the Empire to know who it's contacting. They WILL kill you after you kill the three targets."

"He never mentioned three targets."

"But there are only three high-ranking Imperial Officers on the planet." Xeldor glanced over his shoulder. The new bartender looked nervous; probably because the former one had died of no apparent reason. Xeldor pulled out his DC-17, and shot him. "He was a Rebel spy; and no Imps are here. Guess who he was looking at."

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 28, 2008 1:06 am #

"I dont care. It doesnt matter what he would expect, because anyone with an ounce of sense would have a turret here." Uriel said pointing at the door. Before you got here I was having partial success. Your causing more attention to come to me because you shot the fool. And I am apparently under employment from the rebellion so it doesnt matter if they know what i'm doing and when i'm going to do it, it actually helps. Now leave." After a moment Uriel looked back up, seeing that Xeldor hadnt left yet, and grabbed him by the neck and threw him out the door.  By the time Xeldor had gotten back up, Uriel was gone.

((Green, pay attention to the plot, were not on tattooine. MH, please stop following me.))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 28, 2008 2:29 am #

(( Sorry AA )) (( lol, start again ;) ))

Ferla noticed Ferla was not on the planet anymore. " Damn! " he said. He signalled the Hunters to go to the planet where Xeldor was most common in. He spied on his datapad and saw he was going to negotiate with Uriel Kreigan.

He sailed towards the planet.


When Ferla came out there was a guide. " Hello there! How can I guide you around the planet today? "

" Sorry, I'm in a hurry. " Ferla replied hastily..........


Ferla saw Xeldor. The treacherous slime who hired mercenaries to blow his ship up, throw him out on the street and spit at him.

This was it. " Hello there Xel! " Ferla said cheerfully.

" What are you doing here?! " Xeldor shouted.

" I've come to vengeance my ship, old friend. The one you destroyed, or should I say, hired men to. "

" Guards! Kill him! I have enough problems to worry about until him coming!! "

Three skiff guards rushed up with vibro-ax's. They swiped in Ferla's direction. " DIE PIRATE! " they shouted, swiping.

Ferla unfurled his blaster to find it wasn't there, he turned round to see it lying beside the exit to his ship. He must've dropped it by accident. He needed a new holster.......

Never Mind, he swipped out his own vibro-ax and clashed blades with the skiffs. He clashed with one, several times and managed to knock him over. He struggled to get up and then got shot by an unknown figure. He shot at them all, with a strange looking rifle. He wore a black enviro suit and an odd looking breather helmet. He then ran away again through the shadows..........


Who cared? No-one! He pressed a few buttons on his wrist gauntlet and the Bounty Hunters came out and aimed at Xeldor's head.

Xeldor smiled and pulled out two large blasters and fired ten times at them. Two out of three fell. The other shot Xeldor in the arm. Xeldor coughed and fell over, stunned. Ferla indicated for the Hunter to clear away the two other Hunters bodies. He dragged them to a ridge and threw them over.

Ferla then paid the Hunter and said he could leave now.


" So, old friend. " Ferla said. " I presume you're defeated? "

" Never! " spat Xeldor.

" But I was the one who injured you..... " Ferla said, truthfully, as he had.

" So? " said Xeldor. " It doesn't mean I'm defeated! " he said. Then he beamed himself towards a tower miles away, because Ferla saw the light.

" Damn! " Ferla swore. He was tired of injuring Xeldor. He wanted to kill him then collect his head as a prize and sell it to the highest bidder.

Ferla decided to rent a small flat nearby and he set off, not knowing what he was about to run into...................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
August 28, 2008 3:21 am #

((Well this is random. Ah well whatever i'm going to assume thats not happening....))

Uriel spent a while in a bar, going over his plans in his head. Breaching charges at the front and back doors, set them off and at the same time blow a hole in the east wall, and the ceiling. Enter though the west, using second floor windows. Find and execute target. Maybe. But first he had an issue to take care of. Xeldor. Perhaps he could aid a certain bounty hunter. He assumed he would be eventually betrayed by Xeldor, so he might as well beat him to the punch and place a vibroblade or three in his back before hand. It wouldn't be to hard. As anyone who had even had a chance at becoming one of the Emporer's Royal Guard, let alone succeeded he had a bit of force sensitivity. He felt no danger currently, which was good. He went to find Boba Fett. He had a proposition for him.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 28, 2008 6:04 am #

Xeldor looked at the Governor's building. One way to take out the Governor was simple. The Governor's chamber's were on the second floor; when the Moff goes to sleep, simply throw a grenade in. He noticed how others tend to stay away from this building, so it would be apparent that either he or Uriel had killed the Moff. Another successful way to kill him off is to snipe. Xeldor had finally turned away from the Moff's estate, and headed over to the cantina, where he spent his nights, simply to be rested before the night.

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 30, 2008 4:45 pm (Edited August 30, 2008 06:31 pm) #

I'm guess I'll join up now.

Name: Stormtrooper Sergeant Sarin Zahgis
Speices: Human
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Imperial Army

Weapon: Standard E-11 blaster rifle, command pistol, thermal detonator.
Armor: Standard Imperial Stormtrooper armor with sergeant's pauldren.
Appearence: Brown hair, blue eyes, small scar accross left cheek.

Desription: Born in Cloud City, Bespin, he loved to learn about history and millitary stuff. At the age of 22 he left for the Imperial Acadamey, studying hard and later being accepted into the Stormtrooper Corps. He understands the faults with the Empire and hopes to help correct them.

Situation: Posted on Chandrille(sp?) before the Rebel blockade began, he is now in charge of patrolling the city next to the Imperial installation. Under his command are 9 stormtroopers.

Sarin and his troops were making the rounds. He looked up as they passed  Moff Relias's estate.

Suddenly a man on a speeder bike flew by them, firering like crazy with a DC-17 blaster pistol. Several civilians screamed as he tore through.

"FIRE!!!" Sarin yelled. His men fired their rifles as the rebel flew away. "After him!" he ordered. He and his men followed as fast as they could, but he was soon gone from sight. "Halt." he said.

They were now at the door of a cantina. "You four stay out here," he guestured,"the rest of you come with me."

He walked in, ordered two of his men to wait just inside the door, then walked up to the bar. "Give me a glass of water." he said, after removing his helmet. He then survayed the place before turning to take his water. He noticed one man in armor that was looking around at his soldiers.

Some may run a short while, but none of them would bide.
August 30, 2008 5:06 pm #

Xeldor noticed the stormtroopers. Not very rare on Chandrilla these days. He walked over to the counter, where one was drinking some water, and no helmet on.

"Its dangerous to take off your helmet when a whole planet hates you."

"Its dangerous to talk that way to the Empire." The bounty reports obiously had not reached Chandrilla, as this man did not know Xeldor. "That was some stunt on the speeder bike."

"What speeder bike?" The trooper glared at Xeldor.

"That fly-by you did. Nearly fried me." He gestured to Xeldor's DC-17. "Not many own those anymore, and somebody nearly killed me with one."

"I only use this pistol as a last resort, and hidden, resort." The trooper got up.

"Come with me."

"I tried to help you, and this is how you repay me? I'll tell you this: The Rebellion will try to kill Moff Relias soon, via a bounty hunter named Uriel Kreigan. This hunter caught me, to take me to Rebel symopathizer who ordered the kill. I'll help you get this man, if you don't arrest me."

"I'll think about it. I won't arrest you if you do prove useful; for now at least."

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 30, 2008 6:45 pm #

Sarin put his helmet back on, paid the bartender.

"I'll be back in an hour, I have to finish my rounds."

"I'll be here if I can." The man said


Sarin left two of his Stormtroopers just outside, to be relieved when he came back. As he began to walk away, he sent a message via his helmet's comm asking for Sergeant Lagosh's Squad to be put on standby.


"Yes Sergeant?"

Take control of the squad for an hour. Finish our rounds, then report to me at Data Control."

"Yes Sergeant!"

Sarin had to check on the name that man had mentioned, Uriel Kreigan. And see what other data he could find.

Some may run a short while, but none of them would bide.
August 30, 2008 8:56 pm #

Xeldor saw the man leave. He also noticed that he left two troopers to guard the Cantina. That would keep Fett away from him; for now. Xeldor turned on a comm. slicer, to listen to whatever report that trroper would file. He knew the workings of the Empire quite well. The report was un-interesting.

"Data control," Xeldor muttered under his breath. The only complete and fully functional part of the fortress. It had records of everyone on planet. Except him, of course. Finally, an idea came up. He would give up his rogueish nature, and swear allegiance to the Emperor. Or at least; act like it.

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 30, 2008 9:46 pm (Edited August 31, 2008 11:51 am) #

In Data Control, it seemed to take forever to find but finally this popped up on the screen.

Name: Uriel Kreigan
Age: Unknown
Species:Presumed human
Affiliation: Unknown

Weapons: Numerous

Appearance: Corrupted Data

History:Uriel Was a former Royal Guard, but defected and is being pursued, when he isn't hired by us as a bounty hunter or mercenary.

This was all Sarin could get from the files. He checked the time. 15 minutes left. He went outside and watched three imperial officers bickering over somthing-or-other. Doofuses.

We've got a war here. He thought.

He decided to wait patiently for his men to arrive.

Some may run a short while, but none of them would bide.
August 30, 2008 10:00 pm (Edited August 30, 2008 10:04 pm) #

Xeldor noticed that time was running out. Uriel would surely attack soon. He went to one of the stormtroopers outside.

"Relay a message to your commander for me: Uriel WILL strike soon."

*I'm now allowing more than 3 Unknowns, and with permission, people can change affiliation. RARELY*

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 30, 2008 10:54 pm #

*ok, I'm an 'Unknown' now*

Ralin dismounted the speeder he’d aquired and started for the cantina.  A pair of Stormtroopers eyed him, but didn’t make any moves; though they appeared to be saying something into their comm. links on their personal bands.

Entering the dark atmosphere as the doorway slid open, Ralin turned and saw Xeldor leaning against the bar.  The man jerked for his blaster at the sight of the T-visor, but quickly hesitated as he realized it wasn’t Fett’s.  As Ralin strode into the room Xeldor obviously relaxed.

Reaching the bar, Ralin peered over the bar at the corpse of who appeared to be the former bar tender.  “You’re a hard man to follow” he commented with no more emotion then if he’d just seen a stain on the floor.  “You called me on the street before; you wanted my help.  What is it you want…and what’s in it for me?”

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
August 31, 2008 1:26 am #

(( I dont like how you basicaly instantly know all about my character, Seco. If you could edit that would be nice))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 31, 2008 11:07 am #

"What I want...I want help; and fellow Mando'ade to follow me. What's in it for you? 35,000 credits if you help me fake the Moff's death. Here's half." Ralin reached out for the money; acting as though he hadn't seen any for ages.
"Very well. We have been in chaos since Jango Fett left us. I will follow you for now. And you have Mandalore's helmet, so I guess that means you are the new Mandalore." Xeldor turned and looked at the corpses on the ground. Nobody cleaned up the two bartenders he had killed.
"Ralin, the Rebellion wants us ALL dead. By joining me, you will help us avenge all of our fallen vode."

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 31, 2008 12:05 pm #

((I edited my post for you, AA. Let me know if it needs more.))

Sarin watched as his Corperal came closer.

"Here we are, Sergeant." he said.

Sarin then picked four of his men, the other two and his Corperal he let rest. As he was walking he recieved a transmission from one of the men he had left.
This was just what he needed. He sent for Sergeant Lagosh's men to make a perimeter around the governer's house. Evening was coming on, and apperently he was running out of time.

Soon he reached the cantina(after he relieved his gaurds and told them to report to the Corperal). He went inside with two of his men. Instantly he noticed another man with his contact. A man in Mandolorean Armor. Hmmm.

He approach them. As he did so, he had his men stand on one side of the room. Then he notice the bodies. He walked right up to the men.

Some may run a short while, but none of them would bide.
August 31, 2008 1:43 pm (Edited September 1, 2008 10:34 am) #

"Hello trooper." Xeldor said casually.

"What are those bodies there?"

"Hmmm? Oh, Rebel spies."

"And this Mandalorian?"

"A friend. You could call him my...partner." Xeldor looked at Ralin, then to the trooper. "Why?"

"I recieved your message. I wanted to know if this was the Uriel Kreigan that you mentioned earlier."

Ralin growled. "Don't associate me with him." The trooper was obviously frightened by Ralin, and backed up a little bit.

"Very well. I am Sergeant Zahgis; You will help me attack this Uriel person, so I can see your worth."

"I expect to be paid..."

"And you will be. How much?"

"35,000 to me and my partner."

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
September 1, 2008 7:49 am #

Uriel was in a dark dirty alley, still looking for Fett. Of course he didn't really expect to find him quickly but he didn't think it would take this long either. After quite a while of wandering, he found himself here, and he didn't like it. The reason for the unease became apparent quickly.  Five men came seemingly out of nowhere, they had either been on the roof or in the refuse around him.

Four of them wore a darker version of Scout Trooper armor, a light grey, he assumed they were storm commando trainees. His force pike took care of two of them, with power at maximum it easily decapitated one and sheared another in half. He was disarmed however, by another trainee. Pulling his double bladed vibrosword from its place on its belt and hitting the button on it that caused the blades to spring out he killed another driving the blade through the helmet.

The final trainee proved to be a little more tricky, he blocked a quick strike from a vibroknife, then rolled back and fired quickly, using one of the stun-blastrers on his wrist. The shot hit the trooper's arm and it fell limp. A shot came in from his left, and knocked Uriel down. The other soldier, a full fledged Storm Commando, was already right up next to him, forcing a blaster into his face. "Good bye traitor" He hissed, Uriel rolled, kicking at the troopers legs but missed. Another shot, another near miss. Uriel pulled out his disruptor and fired at the trooper with the limp arm, the weapon, on maximum power literally caused his chest to explode out backwards, leaving a glowing crater as the edges were vaporized. Swinging his arm over to the left to aim at the Commando he fired, but missed as the commando spun, then grabbed his wrist and twisted, disarming him. Uriel grabbed one of the vibroblades he had, the others were inconveniently located. He stabbed, but his wrist was grabbed and the knife was being forced back on him. The commando was very strong, stronger then Uriel and the knife was slowly inching towards his throat. With no choice, Uriel twisted away, and stopped pushing on the knife, it embedded itself in the ground.

"Its a shame your on the wrong side of this, you put up a good fight. Unfortunately my masters ordered me to kill you, and unlike yourself I am loyal." The Commando said. Uriel activated one of his wristblades and stabbed the commando in the gut with it. He ribbed them out to the side, disemboweling the man, who fell to the ground, shaking. "Did you masters not teach you to be prepared?" He asked, not expecting an answer. As the commando bled out he gathered his weapons and left. He had a bounty hunter to find.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
September 1, 2008 8:48 am #

((Hey MH, could you please edit the part where you said 'Sergeant Sarin' to 'Sergeant Zahgis'? That's my last name.))

Some may run a short while, but none of them would bide.
September 1, 2008 10:01 am #

Dont mind if i join do you? =]

Character: Ben Griffin

Age: 23
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Empire, 1st lieutenant, Platoon commander of the black eagles, a shadow storm trooper spec ops group a specialist squadron of the 501st
Weapon: E-11 blaster rifle with extended barrel and an optical site on top, a ceremonial type vibroblade hung on his assault belt on his left side, (right handed)

Appearance: A tall and muscular man with implants in him, literally making him half robot. The implants increase strength, stamina and reflexes. He wears the black armor of a shadow storm trooper, All black with the left pauldron bearing a darker Eagle (Similar to the Parachute regiment cap badge).
He has shortish brown hair with bright blue eyes.

History: Most of his history was destroyed when they put griffin on the experimental X-1 project, Wiping his emotional memories to stop him from letting them get in the way of the mission. All though untouched was his need for a female partner and the bond he shares between his platoon and faith in his commanders set above him. The earliest he can remember to was the start of this war with the rebels. Where he was with the initial actions on Chandrilla with a small squad of the 501st, since then commands from high command formed a small platoon of these into the black eagles with him being the platoon commander all though only one section of these men where around, ( 8 )

Griffin sat in the armory cleaning his E-11, The imperial fortress was a big place but it was constantly being attacked by the rebels, the rebels also appeared to have air superiority which was a bummer. An imperial fleet would perhaps soon be here to lend some support, the imperial force where seriously under manned, only the automated turrets on the fortress and the mens resilience stopped the rebels overwhelming the defense.

Griffin was going to lead a recon team into the city, the rebels had been spotted more and more there. he had picked three of his best men, Tigs, Lance and Wolf. Tigs and Wolf where expert snipers while Lance was more....brutal prefering heavy blasters and big bangs rather than the silent death. Donning on there Black armor, they all held rank, Tigs and Lance being corporal while Wolf was a color sergeant with the appropiate ranks etched in a darker shade on the arms, Griffins being two pips also etched into his armor. Of course in barracks the darker markings would be replaced with a white and gold mark.

With that the fire team made there way into the city, The snipers taking mark watching Griffin and lance's movement on the ground as they did a foot patrol where they lost contact with a storm commando trainee squad lead by a full fledged commando, he was a good one too, Griffin had known him well. The civilians of Chandrille grew wary and hostile towards Griffin and Lance but they knew what they where and didnt dare trouble them. Slowly walking the city with sniper cover Griffin smirked under his helmet

"What a nice welcome eh?" Griffin said to Lance

"Oh yes sir, im suprised there not throwing us a party...They all share the same expressions, like there all dead" Lance said back turning around walking backwards for a few paces

"Ha yea, Wolf? Tigs? You see anything?" Griffin asked

"Sir funny you should ask then, we just saw a figure run from down an alley way. we can see a black shadow there well a few, all motionless, two clicks north west" Wolf answered

"Roger that where on it, you get that lance?"

"Yes sir lets move" Lance replied with that the two Eagles began hurrying to the alley.

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
September 1, 2008 1:51 pm #

"I have another squad covering the Governer's house. I have three more men on standby." said Sarin to the two. "You'll be paid when Kreigan is in the Empire's hands. If the Governer dies, you'll only be paid half-if we have Kreigan. Deal?"

Some may run a short while, but none of them would bide.

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