Topic: WH40K vs. SW vs. Halo

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Topic #2941

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August 25, 2008 9:34 am #

This is not, I repeat NOT Star Wars vs. Halo, but all Warhammer 40,000 vs. all Star Wars or all Halo. But my opinion is that for it to be any challenge for WH40K, it would have to be SW and Halo vs. them.

Star Wars: Imperial Fleet, Rebel Fleet, Infantry relatively inconsequential besides Jedi, Sith and Mandos. Good ground vehicles include AT-ATs, AT-STs, and Juggernauts.

Halo: Covenant Fleet, UNSC fleet, excellent infantry (Spartans, Elites, Brutes, Hunters) Decent ground vehicles (Wraiths, Scorpions, Warthogs) Only significant ground vehicle is the Scarab.

Warhammer 40,000: Imperium Fleet, Space Hulks, Superb infantry (Space Marines, Chaos Marines, Orks, Imperial Guard) Excellent ground vehicles counting Titans. Other ground vehicles include predator tanks, Dreadnoughts, Leman Russ tanks, rhinos, others. Also has various gods and primarchs, such as Russ, Magnus, Sanguinus, and the gods of Chaos.

I think WH40K wins. What do you think?

"Some soldiers say that to reach maximum combat efficiency, they need to be in the zone. Sir; I live in the zone." - RC 1207 'Sev' to RC 1138 'Boss'
August 26, 2008 5:18 am (Edited August 26, 2008 05:18 am) #


WH40k, course if you wanted to make it easier on the others you could say it was before the Hersey.

I think it should be all factions of all of them. And i dont think they would have the primarchs, considering their all lost or dead or in stasis or deamon princes or what not.

But 40k still wins

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 26, 2008 12:59 pm #

does star wars get death star?

August 26, 2008 3:45 pm #

Even if SW got a death star or even a fleet of them 40K would still crush them.

"Trample The Weak, Hurdle The Dead"
August 27, 2008 12:00 am #

All you realy need is the tyranids...or necrons....or chaos.... :P

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 27, 2008 5:20 am #

WH40k win without a doubt
The space marines or imperial guard alone would defeat them i think
Titans are just sexy
Imperial armor is just gorgeous:
Leviathan Command Centre
and good ole trusty the baneblade

And the primarchs? Gee there pretty hardy, they could kill a ton of spartans easily i think

And even if it was before the heresy, The space marines then where a lot bigger wernt they? and the emperor was alive.....certain doom for the enemies of the emperor

The emperor + Horus together? :P ouch

haha this Post has made me happy
i love warhammer!

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
August 27, 2008 9:07 am (Edited August 27, 2008 09:09 am) #

OK first I wouldnt give the SW the rebels, they suck.

They would need the mandalorain fleet, the GAR fleet a reformed Jedi council so that there more on the warrior side, the Chiss fleet, the ENTIRE CIS's droid plants churrning out battle droids, they also could use the Killicks (i dont know if any ones heard of them before but there bugs that reproduce really fast) the Geos, the Trandos the Wookies, an advancment on the techs such as the Dark trooper project, the death star the sun crusher, and the super star destoryers. And if I were the Republic (whos at power at the time) To start cloneing other things besides humans, like trandos and wookies.

Then SW could trade its cloning techs to Halo for its genetic upgrades. So the GAR could start training SPARTAN II strength Clones. And vise versa. And with the help of the other factions the Coves would be under new managment, and could be able to unearthlost wonders such as level 6-12 Power suits (Master chiefs was only like a 3 I think) And if they could finds that they could mass produce it for there army so they pretty much got space marines too. If not better.

And if put under this amount of pressure I think the council would have been over thrown and replaced with more power hungry people. So if they were able to act freely within the galaxy I believe they could unearth powers such as infulencing life/creating life/keeping people from DIEING, destroying worlds, Sith chants, holocrons and other atrocities of the Force. Also STARKILLER (the secret apprentice) could be trained to full power and then be cloneed, to creat the Force leigion fully upgraded with Forerunner power suits the eqaul or greater of the SM suits. WITH the condition training of the the SPARTAN II and the Kaminoains SO.

A small sqaud of THOSE guys would be more that enough to ANNILATE an entire chapter of SM's.
PLUS if they were trained with the power to you know...NOT DIE. Then 40k has a slight problem.

Holy crap this probably me bigest post ever.


[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 28, 2008 12:57 am #

Mandal., The purpose of the Adeptus Astartes is as shock troopers. Imagine a thousand inhuman giants in faceless armor suddenly crashing down among your forces, and beginging the slaughter. Imagine a warrior that could crush your skull in his hand with a gentle squeeze. Imagine an army to whom the very concept of fear is unknown. Now imagine bigger giants.   Imagine warriors that compare to the 1st wave as the 1st wave compares to normal humans. Imagine giant bipedial tanks, soaking up tremendous amounts of fire and killing thousands before you even wound it. Now imagine them never seeing engagement because a single missile hit the planets atmosphere and ate all the life on the planet in less then a day Then imagine a single spark. One small burst of energy combusting all the gas from the decomposing corpses of the dead. And igniting the planet in a world wide firestorm.

And thats just the space marines. Not the eldar, not the tryanids, not the orks not the necrons not chaos. WH40k wins by numbers alone.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 28, 2008 8:31 am #

Indeed mandal your upped halo and star wars army couldnt even come close to the space marines chapters, a small squad enough to destroy 1000 space marines? :| ( that is right isnt it? 1000 space marines to a chapter?)
The space marines are super humans, gods among mortals, they symbolize perfect warriors, there training is Enough to kill spartans alone in my opinion.
The basic equipment of a space marine, correct me if im wrong:

The power armor, Mk.VII 'Imperator' Armour and Mk VIII Power Armour: Errant Armour are the standard issue to space marines, the later being for sergeants or higher i think. Which is capable of surviving in any enviroment and withstanding A high degree of punishment.

There standard issue rifle is a .75 calibre bolter, capable of firing
    * Bolts: regular ammunition
    * Kraken Penetrator Rounds: equipped with an adamantium tip designed to penetrate the hardest armour, the Kraken rounds offer even better penetration than standard rounds
    * Inferno Rounds: rounds filled with flammable materials instead of explosives, they ignite on detonation, burning a target from the inside out in many cases
    * Hellfire rounds: contains a potent mix of poisons, bacteria and acids that cause massive tissue damage to the target. Often designed with specific targets in mind (i.e. Tyranids)
    * Stalker rounds: silenced ammunition using a gas launched ignition system to remove noise/muzzle flash, range is considerably less than regular bolts
    * Metal Storm rounds: fragmenting rounds designed to explode in much the same way as a fragmentation grenade

A chainsword or chain weapon, commonly found used by squad leaders can cut through most armor alone, hacking at limbs severing them, if not the tendons and veins creating mass bleeding and eventually death.

Power weapons include such as
The following is a list of the most common forms of power weapons found amongst the Adeptus Astartes:

    * Power Sword - By far the most common power weapon, the power sword is favoured by a large majority of Imperial Servants for its versatility in both attack and defence. Less frequently seen versions include smaller powered knives. Notable power swords are the Dark Angel Sword of Secrets and the Black Sword of the Emperor's Champion Sigismund.

    * Power Axe - A less often seen pattern of power weapon, the power axe is nonetheless used by many warriors, especially those hailing from worlds where the axe is commonly used, such as Fenris. It can be wielded much like a sword, but relies on hacking and slashing rather than stabbing. Well-known Power Axes include the Axe Morkai and the Axes of Ultramar.

    * Power Maul - A relatively rare weapon, the power maul relies on its mass and concussive power to damage targets, rather than an edged blade. In the hands of a skilled wielder it can inflict grievous wounds. Power mauls have traditionally been a symbol of office for many Adeptus Arbites judges, yet they have also found favour with certain Space Marine Chapters. The Traitor Warmaster Horus is often depicted carrying a power maul in battle, and it was a common armament of early Space Marine Terminator squads.

    * Lightning Claws - A lightning claw consists of several miniature bladed power weapons that extrude from a housing in the user's wrist, or a gauntlet's digits. Designed to slash and stab at the enemy with great speed, a pair of Lightning claws can inflict raking wounds that are hard to dodge or parry.

    * Power Fist - Also known as a power glove, the power fist is a large armoured gauntlet that is sheathed in the same disruptive energy field that is used in other powered weapons. However, it relies on punching and crushing attacks to inflict damage on the enemy, lending great strength to the user's punches. When worn in conjunction with a suit of powered or Terminator armour, the strength is even more significantly improved, allowing the bearer to punch through even armoured vehicles and buildings with ease. A power fist may be switched off to allow the user normal usage of his hand. Powerfists are a standard weapon employed by most Astartes Terminator units.

      When fitted with a powered chainblade attachment, the powerfist is capable of cutting neatly through walls, bulkheads and armour plate, augmenting the squad's already formidable anti-armour capabilities, and allowing a squad easy passage through obstacles and buildings.

    * Thunder Hammer - A thunder hammer is a powered hammer that has been modified to emit a strong blast of energy on impact, often shocking or incapacitating any target able to withstand the hit. The sound of an impact from this mighty weapon resembles a thunderclap, and is the source of the thunder hammer's name. Thunder hammers are often used by Terminator assault squads in conjunction with a Storm Shield, protecting the wielder as he strikes.

This is just a small array of equipment, not going into melta weapons, plasma weapons or las weapons (Lascannon, not the las gun haha :P )

And to top it off just imagine a land raider

    * Weight: 72 tonnes
    * Height: 4.11m
    * Length:10.3m
    * Width: 6.1m


    * Crew: 2 (Driver, Commander)
    * Max Speed: 55kph (48kph off-road)
    * Engines: Adaptable Thermic Combustion w/Auxiliary Reactor
    * Main armament: 2 x Twin Linked Lascannons
    * Secondary armament: Twin Linked Heavy Bolters
    * Ammo Capacity: Lascannons: Unlimited (reactor can recharge powerpacks as long as it has fuel). Heavy Bolters: 2,600 rounds
    * Transport Capacity: 10 fully armoured and equipped Astartes or 5 Tactical Dreadnought Armour equipped Astartes
    * Armour: 95mm Advanced Composites including adamantium plate, titanium/plasteel plate, ablative and ceramite layers that provides protection similar 300mm conventional steel protection at greatly reduced weight


    * Capable of operation in inhospitable environments such as toxic atmospheres, death worlds, hard vacuum, high & low gravity etc. Able to operate in water exceeding 35m deep
    * M32 'Cyclops' class Machine Spirit, comparable in ability to Machine Spirits used by Warhound & Reaver Titans
    * Advanced communications gear & holographic display linked to Cyclops class Machine Spirit allows it to act as a command centre for expeditionary forces
    * Squad monitoring equipment: allows vehicle commander to remotely monitor vital signs of Marines assigned to transport
    * Transportable via Thunderhawk Transporter making it possible to field in the most unexpected locations
    * Excellent mobility - wide tracks provide low ground pressure and offer ability to traverse virtually any terrain
    * Includes medicae facilities for treating injured Astartes
    * Energy systems capable of recharging Astartes power armour and energy weapons
    * On-board stores sufficient to allow embarked squad to campaign for extended period
    * Adaptable engine allows the Land Raider to run on a variety of fuels such as fossil fuels, gas, plant derived oils etc.
    * Onboard shrine ensures spiritual well-being of embarked troops

With a squad of these space marines on. The land raider would easily smash past a defence line, deploy its cargo and wa'la.
The land raider is practically a moving bunker.

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
August 28, 2008 12:07 pm (Edited August 28, 2008 12:25 pm) #

Well none of that stuff is really going to help if the person there fighting cant DIE. As I said in my previous post the many powers of the force include creating life, and keeping alive, its like the power of Darth Sion, indeed he did die, but that was the Exile convincing him life wasnt worth living. So he let himself go. (Thats added to the super suits and SPARTAN II/Kamino training, and since there now so big theyed use bigger lightsabers too. Plus with destructive capabiltys of Starkiller)

And another power of the force that I forgot to mention was the turning of flesh to metal used in ancient times by a sith witch...think necrons. If they could use that, then they could turn things such as rancors in to huge metal monsters with the resistaince of a necron. (thats addes to there numbers)

And another thing...the huge armys of the orcs massed together...would be subject to mind influence since I think we can all agree are weak-minded, so if the user was powerful enough, he could turn a huge orc army against its users.

and ANOTHER thing. Battle meditation. That alone could win a few battles.


I also forgot to mention a few things for the HALO peps.

AI's such as Cortana could be crafted onto completely mechanized capital ships creating super fast reacting ships and coridnated battle plans on a unprecedented scale.

And since you guys like to put numbers into the battle I do some of that myself: The covenant, has LARGE amounts of infantry. and just simply the humans have been reproducing over hundreds of years over thousands of worlds. Thats alot of people.

The humans ships would be fitted with shields. (and the cove ships would be using the efficent use of plasma that cortana invented)

The Coves powerful infantry (such as the hunters and the brutes) can be used to create new hosts for the cloneing proccess. which can then be outfitted with better weaponry from SW

AND THE BUGS. you forget that the SW unvivers is populated with vast amounts of BUGS. most likely not on the scale of the tryannids, but still. (also the coves have a bug race called (by the humans)  Drones i think)

(and a note to AA: you cant fight a war with shocktroopers alone)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 28, 2008 12:24 pm #

I'd go with Warhammer. Don't they have those Bolt Thrower dudes? Brutal

take it easy baby take it as it comes
August 28, 2008 1:01 pm (Edited August 28, 2008 01:03 pm) #

On another note Id just like to say that: Yes 40k has a high chance of winning, Im just pointing out that it would NOT be a onesided war. AND that the Space Marines would not be able to do it by themselves.

So dont think im saying that SW would win hands down. Im saying that theyed kill quintillions of them before they lost.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 28, 2008 1:52 pm #

I kinda think SW is being under-rated here. Somewhere a Death Star was mentioned, or even a whole fleet would be useless. Did we all forget what a Death Star could do? WH has crazy infantry and ground troops, but do they have artillery or defense to compare to the power to destroy a planet with one shot? Then of course, the power to destroy a planet is nothing to that of the Force. The Sith and Jedi would be GREAT powers on the field, as well as their leadership. AA, you mentioned there was no fear in the WH soldiers, well there could also be no fear programmed into the battle droids as well as the clones. The Darktroopers would be a pretty good opponent for Space marines as well, given some more power or w/e.

But yes, the Rebel's do suck.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 28, 2008 2:30 pm (Edited August 28, 2008 03:16 pm) #

I think Space Marine do feel fear, as far as i understand, All AA is saying its just that there so powerful, thats theres nothing TO fear. Which is completly incorrect. Since there are many MANY things for SM's to fear in 40k. So i guess I dont really know what he meant.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 28, 2008 2:48 pm #

Ah ok. Well theres one question that needs to be answered, how to blaster bolts hold up against Space Marine armor? I'm not sure if its the same in both series' cuz the blaster bolts in SW may be different from that of the WH blaster bolts.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 28, 2008 2:54 pm #

I'm sure the Mandalorians would gratefully charge into battle against the likes of any WH40k army with no intent to ever make it out alive. Shame there isn't a force like it in the SW Universe.

"Those with the ability to lead, have the responsibility to do so."
August 28, 2008 2:55 pm #

In hand to hand combat the Space Marines are unmatched for sheer power, the elder for sheer speed and the orks or nids for sheer numbers. No one would stand in the way. Not even SW

"Trample The Weak, Hurdle The Dead"
August 28, 2008 3:20 pm #

You really ought to point some other stuff out instead of just saying there 'strong' or 'fast' or 'theres alot of them'.

And besides It dont matter if your as strong as the Hulk, faster than the Flash or have more fire power than a million death stars. All it takes to win a battle/war is apply pressure where it needs to be.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 28, 2008 5:00 pm #

The space marines fleet and the imperial navy has bigger and better space craft than that of the starwars and halo fleets.

typically the most powerful class of spacecraft operated by an Astartes Chapter, the Battle Barge is also the rarest, with few Chapters fielding more than two or three. Equally at home combating enemy vessels in space as bombarding enemy held planets or unleashing up to three Companies of Marines with pinpoint accuracy Battle Barges are the core of Astartes power. So feared are these vessels that even the rumour of a Battle Barge deploying to a restless system is often enough to quell rebellions and quiet any malcontents.

Astartes Vessel Crews
Astartes vessels are, in comparison with Imperial Navy ships, highly automated and crewed by a relatively small number of Chapter serfs. These men are fanatically loyal to their Astartes masters and constitute a skilled and dangerous force for any foe foolish enough to board such a vessel. Astartes crews also include former Marine aspirants who have failed the demanding initiation rites of the Chapter. These men have often received advanced training or even partial geneseed enhancement during the novitiates and such serfs often serve in senior roles aboard ship. These Chapter serfs support the efforts of a skeleton crew of Astartes specialists including TechMarines who see to the machine spirits of each vessel and the Captain and command crew of the vessel.

Heavily armed and armored, Battle Barges are designed to safely and rapidly deploy Astartes forces to trouble spots. Able to transport up to four Companies and to deploy up to three of them simultaneously Battle barges represent a force capable of single-handedly taking or re-taking almost any planetary system.

Primarily armed with heavy bombardment canons capable of devastating even the heaviest enemy vessels or the toughest of planetary defences Battle Barges also carry lighter weapons batteries better suited to smaller or more numerous targets. This heavy armament together with their massive shielding and armor plate make them relatively slow and unwieldy vessels. Their ungainliness is however, offset to a large degree by their heavy automation and superbly trained crews whilst the genetically enhanced skills and centuries of experience of their Astartes Captains often give them an even larger edge in ship to ship combat. Battle Barges are also armed with a number of torpedo tubes and carry a range of warheads, from cyclonic ('planet buster') to plasma torpedoes designed to destroy capital warships.


These amazing vessels also serve as mobile workshops and armories for Astartes forces and are capable of manufacturing munitions or repairing almost any of the equipment required by a Marine force short of Land Raiders or Terminator armour. Many Battle Barges, particularly those assigned to carry the Veteran First Company of a Chapter are also equipped with arcane teleportation devices.

Also common amongst Battle Barges are fully-fledged Apothecariums where the warrior-medics of a Chapter are able to heal even grievously wounded Marines or to implant suitable recruits with the sacred geneseed of the Chapter to bring the ship's company back to full strength. Battle barges also include chapels, massive training battlefields and blessed, sanctified rooms where the Chapter's Librarians may study the signs and omens of the warp or commune with other members of the Chapter in distant star systems.

Death from Above

Battle Barges are equipped with several means of dispatching troops to their targets, the most common being the Thunderhawk, an intra-system vessel capable of operation in space or atmosphere. Able to carry up to 30 Marines or several vehicles, Thunderhawks also provide invaluable logistical support to deployed Marines as well as offering considerable strike power through a combination of missiles, bombs and canon.

Often employed alongside the Thunderhawk is the Astartes Drop Pod, able to hold between 5 or 10 Marines and capable of being deployed within minutes of translation from Warp space to Real space these pods are used to launch the characteristically rapid assaults of the Astartes. They are also capable of transporting Astartes Dreadnoughts or automated weapon systems.

Boarding torpedoes are also used by many Battle Barges though they hold a more specific role in Astartes warfare, being reserved to assault enemy vessels and space hulks. Capable of holding up to half a Company of Marines, boarding torpedoes are often used in surprise attacks on space fortresses or enemy command vessels, their assault often being the signal for a more general attack by an Astartes fleet.

As you can see that, it describes as how one battle barge can capture a whole Planetary system, not just one planet, a WHOLE system.

Plust The halo and starwars armies are made from humans, who need sleep, food and drink.
Space marines Require no sleep, little food and little drink. They can fight 24/7, do not suffer from moral, are immune to fear. The imperial guard numbers in there billions drawn across thousands of planets.

And i come onto the T'au, These men are masters of Armed combat, utilizing rail guns capable of penetrating any type of armor with ease.

Combining the T'au 's firepower further onmore into the space marines. you have quite a feasable army.

So where saying here
Chaos Marines,  Daemonhunters, Dark Eldar, Eldar, Imperial Guard, Necrons, Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, Space Orks, Tau and Tyranids.


Halo and star wars?
and most notably from there would be, Halo humies, covies, rebels, imps, mando's and the others.

It would be a battle but a battle that the warhammer universe would win pretty quickly

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
August 28, 2008 5:49 pm #

even if you have all that it takes a long time to conquer that large amount of space. So they might be able to win quickly relative to the fact that they need to take billions of star systems. So around 20-30 years at the most.

(and also id like to point out that droids (and im not talking pethetic B1 battle droids I mean the magnagaurd  types) and certain kinds of clones and certain species that could be cloned, dont need sleep either.)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 28, 2008 6:00 pm #
Nigzy wrote:

The space marines fleet and the imperial navy has bigger and better space craft than that of the starwars and halo fleets.

As you can see that, it describes as how one battle barge can capture a whole Planetary system, not just one planet, a WHOLE system.

Where is your evidence for that? In fact, i can't even find a site that has the schematics for a Battle Barge. There are however many pictures. Now judging from the relation of the Battle Barge and the snub fighters aurrounding it, it is definitely not bigger than a Star Destroyer, much less a Super Star Destoryer. Looking at the cockpit sizes of the snub fighters and looking at the Battle Barge next to them gives a pretty good ratio for its size. Its practically the same as a Star Destroyer. Not 'bigger' not 'better'. In fact, theres only 3 or 4 per chapter, while there are so many Star Destroyers going around while the Imps are in power that I cant count them with one hand. And where in the description which you provided does it even compare to a Death Star? The Battle Barges deploy troops, bombard planets, and have a couple lasers on them: its just another Star Destroyer. The fact that they have so few as well is another thing against them.

Each Battle Barge can deploy at most 4 companies. AT MOST each company is 200 troops. Thats going to be 800 troops with it stuffed to capacity. With 4 battle barges, thats 3200 troops from a whole chapter. How many troops in a regular ol' Victory I-class Star Destroyer? 2,040. Thats ONLY troops (not crew or vehicles) and ONLY ONE Victory-I class Star Destroyer. Thats a scouting party for the Imps. They usually have like 4 per planet, and even more on more important planets. How about a more common Imperial class? 9,700 infantry. Now judging by the scale of this battle, and that the Imps would probably bring out the big guns and all they've got...

Lets say ONE Super Star Destroyer. Anyone wanna take a shot? 38,000 troops. The massive tidal wave of Imperial troops would surely take down the Space Marines now that I think of it. Plus mandos, Plus Force users with lightsabers.

But lets take a quick look at how the space battle would be. I thought that the Space Marines probably would decimate the SW universe on a ground battle. But after this evidence of the sheer force of the Imps.....damn. Now the space battle was somthing i was SURE SW can win. After all, theyre the STAR WARS. WARS IN THE STARS. SPACE COMBAT. Lets see what one Super Star Destoryer brings to the party: 250 heavy turbo laser batteries, 250 turbo laser batteries, 250 ion cannons, 250 concussion missle tubes, 40 emplacements and a good ol tractor beam. Now lets take a look at a battle barge in action:

No contest.

Now thats only one Super, I cant even find the stats for a Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer, which is a monster. So add all those Star Destroyers, Super Star Destroyers, and just toss in a Death Star.... Now toss in the jedi and Sith and the Mandos and the Wookies and hell, why not, the Rebels. 

Hell, the Death Star alone would be near unbeatable. Remember all the crap the Super Star Destroyer brings? Ok well remember the size of it in comparison to the Death Star it crashed into in ROTJ???? Its like combining a FLEET of Super Star Destroyers....then putting a big lazer that blows up an entire planet. The Space Marines DO NOT have that kind of firepower, nor does anyone else in WH (I think). In space, WH loses.

On the ground, things become hazy. I place my bet on the SW universe. They bring such an overwhelming number of troops and vehicles to the battle that the skilled and bloodthirsty troops of WH would be swept away. There would just be way too many ppl shooting lasers at the WH army. I can't imagine the scale of the battle, its monstrous.

On a side note, something i thought would be probable. The WH ppl could maybe be coaxed onto a planet to fight against the SW ppl, and after the troops are deployed the Imps tip-toe the Death Star in and blow them all to ity bity bits of asteroid.

Anywho, thats my opinion. I didnt copy and paste this stuff here, i did my homework. Exact numbers here. If i remember more to bring up ill post....

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 28, 2008 7:03 pm (Edited August 28, 2008 07:20 pm) #

To help clear up the belief of land battles being one sided Id like to point out these pictures:
(These are bigger than a human)
(and notice the size of these Dark Troopers...Bigger than a space marine.)

Enjoy..and feel the fear. :P

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 28, 2008 8:01 pm #

I'm not too sure about the size thing between Darktroopers and Space Marines, I need a better perspective. But yeah those are nice pics. Just a taste really, the Imps go bigger and badder with their vehicles. And i forgot the destruction the droidekas would spread.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 28, 2008 9:51 pm #

one word....


"Trample The Weak, Hurdle The Dead"
August 28, 2008 10:34 pm #

So I bring an essay there with legit facts and you bring one word? Ok: AT-AT

Oh and heres a better Dreadnaught

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 29, 2008 3:18 am (Edited August 29, 2008 07:25 am) #

Your turning this into SW vs space marines only

The battle barge you provdided a picture of is a venrable, space wolves battle barge, Which is not an actual battle barge but only a cruiser which serves as a battle barge by only name

That picture of a dark trooper looks just like a bigger imp really, no difference in the armor it seems.

And your At ats would be decimated by a titan which could lay waste to thousands if not tens of thousands of imps.

And battle barges dont carry many men because they dont need to, you forget that those 800 space marines even less can take a whole planetary system extremely fast. The battle barge is practically a flying city. Then you get the likes of the fortress monestries which some chapters use as there flag ship this can be as big as large moon

Space marine terminators also need to be brought in, wearing tactical dreadnaught armor these elite are very hard to be took down,

And warhammer pictures are hard to find due to it being a table top game where as star wars has its movies for pictures.

As for your jedi's Libarians can use there type of the 'force' to practically make there minds explode, or Chaos libarians can use it to take there minds off them turning them into obediant little puppies.

Then the chaos has there gods too.
Necrons are pretty much invincible, after there destroyed years later they can rebuild themselves
Daemon hunter; grey knights can be prettyyy darn handy too

And as for your planet destroyers they require shielding from a seperate source right?
A strike team of kasrkins or space marines can take this out one by one, take over the death star using boarding torpedoes and wa'la warhammer universe have a host of star destroyers, bring in the mechaneus dudes, up gun them with a few bits and bobs.

The imperial guard number in there tens of billions capable fighting soldiers with billions of tanks at there command.

The space battles will be a close battle but i think that the boarding of the bigger ships by space marines and the elite of the other races would just about win it for the space marines.

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
August 29, 2008 8:29 am #

Ok then. Tryanids. 40k wins. Chaos. 40 k wins. Necrons 40k wins.

Oh then this. Orks united one massive wave of millions upon millions of greenskins swarming through the deathstar. No matter how hard starwars fights, even with halo as an ally, they lose. Mandal, ships can only move so fast, no AI will change that. The death star can only be in one place at one time, and an AT-AT isnt all that strong. So many of you forget about chaos, the dark gods would find many followers in the SW universe i think. And mandal, if a bolt punctures your skull and explodes theres no way you can survive.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 29, 2008 1:09 pm #

The reason this is turning into a SW versus Space Marines only was because someone said that the Space Marines could take on the entire SW universe AND Halo.

And you CAN surrvive a bolt exsplding inside your head...If you have the correct amount of power in the right areas of the force.

An dark troopers armor is made out of phrik (spelling?) that can stand up to a lightsaber...and need I point out the size of there weapons? And thats only Mark II, Mark III can get a whole lot bigger. Capable of easily picking up a AT-ST.

While Titans of the 40k universe are large and have lots of firepower, they are not produced on the scale of AT-ATs, AND there are bigger/better versions of the AT-AT (AA i think youve seen a pic of one) which have more more armor and weaponry. Also an excelent anti-titan weapon would be the Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Unit ( ) Which can bring down bigger targets than the Titans (these are mass produced as well)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 29, 2008 1:15 pm (Edited August 29, 2008 01:15 pm) #

Of course, Chuck Norris would destroy all of this with the blink of his eye. But that's for kicks and giggles.

August 29, 2008 2:30 pm #

The WH followers, mainly Nigzy and AA, keep supporting WH and saying it would win with little to no evidence. AA, you listed like 4 different races there that would win. Evidence? none.

Nigzy, you think the librarians would just take over a Force users mind like it was nothing. The librarians PALE in comparison to one Jedi. Librarians are merely elite troops with powers while Jedi are capable of commanding armies and achieving unbelievable feats.

Me and Mandal continuously bring hard facts to the table while WH is constantly defended by just blurting out 'BIGGER BETTER FASTER STRONGER'. All you guys keep saying is "This would lay waste to that. This would decimate that." But WHY???? Because they look cool or something? HOW ARE AT-AT's NOT ALL THAT STRONG? Their heavy canons OBLITHERATE stuff. In a few shots it would destroy any kind of heavy artillery or vehicle.

The fortresses that are sometimes used as flag ships? Death Star would blow them out of the sky. Boarding torpedoes? Destroyed before they reach the Death Star by the billions of snub fighters, destroyers, cruisers, and everything else the SW universe would have flying around.

You guys just always SAY that WH would win. No numbers, no actual critical thinking here. The TRILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of troops vehicles, artillery, fighters, Jedi, Sith, mandos, cruisers, destroyers, Death Star....There would be so many damn beings occupying one general battle zone that it would wash over the WH forces.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 29, 2008 2:55 pm #

Necrons, they can not die, they move forward in an undending tide. Tryanids, they consume like and use it to make more of them billions of creatures all increasingly deadly. The Deamons of Chaos would consume all before them, in a shower of blood fire and flame.

Ever see an Emporer Class Titan? it would step on a AT-AT, I'm still on vacation, and i'm stressed about alot of stuff so forgive me if my arguments are not up to your standards oh lord of role playing section

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 29, 2008 3:09 pm #
Adeptus_Astartes wrote:

I'm still on vacation, and i'm stressed about alot of stuff so forgive me if my arguments are not up to your standards oh lord of role playing section

Guess what, theyre not. If you wanna debat then bring more to the table then a sentence saying "WH is better."

And I think you deserve that title. After all you post on every RPG................with the same character, just a different name. At least when I use the same character, it actually IS the same character. Sometimes I even make it interesting and have their family members, instead of just posting the same dark, super awesome, anti hero with crazy armor, and crazy powers. But excuse me for actually trying to make things interesting. Maybe I should also post over-powered anti heroes too, you seem to like it so much.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 29, 2008 3:36 pm #

Actually, Spaceball 1 would destroy that Emperor Class Titan.

August 29, 2008 4:24 pm #

I have noticed no one had bothered to mention something beside Imperial war might. Why was such effort spent to create such a overwhelming force of battle prowess? Anyone?


A war hungry, pain worshiping race and society. That knows how to destroy whole worlds, with out a single blast being fired. They are known for being "brutal, merciless, and unstoppable." Could they not alone compete with WH? Let alone with combined forces?

Sorry but SW is grossly over powering WH.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
August 29, 2008 4:58 pm #

are all the factions in WH40K human or non-human?

August 29, 2008 5:30 pm #

SW, hands down. The stormtroopers would overwhelm any force. The Rebellion would never back down. The Jedi and Sith would use their awesome knowledge of the Force to make any enemy stop in their tracks. The Mandos would have a new challenge to rise to. Jar Jar would annoy them to death. The Yuuzhan Vong can die off for all I care...Nothing can defeat the SW universe; unless God was part of this topic.

"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 29, 2008 6:37 pm #
Mandalore Hunter wrote:

SW, hands down. The stormtroopers would overwhelm any force.

The Rebellion would never back down.

The Jedi and Sith would use their awesome knowledge of the Force to make any enemy stop in their tracks.

The Mandos would have a new challenge to rise to.

Jar Jar would annoy them to death. The Yuuzhan Vong can die off for all I care...Nothing can defeat the SW universe; unless God was part of this topic.

The stormtroopers can overwhelm any force? I guess little furry creatuses with sticks and stones don't count...

Even if the Rebels didn't back down, they would still be decimated.

Not nearly enough Jedi and Sith for that to even almost work.

Mandalorians are formidable, but read the descriptions of the Warhammer 40,000 characters.

Jar Jar would be killed.

Valthonian wrote:

Guess what, theyre not. If you wanna debat then bring more to the table then a sentence saying "WH is better."

And I think you deserve that title. After all you post on every RPG................with the same character, just a different name. At least when I use the same character, it actually IS the same character. Sometimes I even make it interesting and have their family members, instead of just posting the same dark, super awesome, anti hero with crazy armor, and crazy powers. But excuse me for actually trying to make things interesting. Maybe I should also post over-powered anti heroes too, you seem to like it so much.

Dude, calm down.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
August 29, 2008 7:55 pm (Edited August 29, 2008 07:57 pm) #
BFFC-Dracö wrote:
Valthonian wrote:

Guess what, theyre not. If you wanna debat then bring more to the table then a sentence saying "WH is better."

And I think you deserve that title. After all you post on every RPG................with the same character, just a different name. At least when I use the same character, it actually IS the same character. Sometimes I even make it interesting and have their family members, instead of just posting the same dark, super awesome, anti hero with crazy armor, and crazy powers. But excuse me for actually trying to make things interesting. Maybe I should also post over-powered anti heroes too, you seem to like it so much.

Dude, calm down.

He crossed the line, not me. Lord of the Role Playing Section? I'm so done with RPG's here...

And you minused me for berating him without reason? His sarcastic inuslt isn't a reason? Re read his post and check his tone before you consider minusing my karma please.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 29, 2008 7:56 pm #

Draco i see you choose to forget about the other fomidable armies and fleets in the SW universe. What about the Chiss and the Vong? What about say the other species that are warriors like the Ngorhi ( i know i spelled that wrong...)

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
August 29, 2008 7:59 pm #

No, he didn't. It's called a joke. I seriously doubt he meant that. Even I'm not egotistical enough to mean something like that.

On topic, Warhammer's army would destroy those from Sta Wars. I'm not familiar enough with Halo to say.


Valthonian wrote:

And you minused me for berating him without reason? His sarcastic inuslt isn't a reason? Re read his post and check his tone before you consider minusing my karma please.

You can't tell tone from a post, but I do see how that could be an insult. However, you were attacking (or what seemed like attacking by your 'tone') him for not giving evidence for his ideas, instead of saying something akin to "care to explain a little more," especially since his posts were not completely devoid of explanation.

And you went on to attack (and it was most certainly an attack) him for his actions in unrelated RPGs, which had nothing to do with what you or he said. That was without reason.

Si wrote:

Draco i see you choose to forget about the other fomidable armies and fleets in the SW universe. What about the Chiss and the Vong? What about say the other species that are warriors like the Ngorhi ( i know i spelled that wrong...)

I don't choose to forget, I just actually forgot them. Warhammer also has the Chaos Gods, the Lost and the Damned, the Tau, the Sisters of Battle, Daemon Hunters, Necrons, etc.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
August 29, 2008 8:19 pm (Edited August 29, 2008 08:22 pm) #
BFFC-Dracö wrote:

No, he didn't. It's called a joke. I seriously doubt he meant that. Even I'm not egotistical enough to mean something like that.

Ok then. The hell with it, I was joking too.

(sarcasm implied.)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 29, 2008 8:26 pm (Edited August 29, 2008 08:30 pm) #

Storm Troopers I must say have numbers, but not really alot of skill intill the new jedi order era. The thought of them overwhelming Space Marines is rather comical.

And guys come on we dont have to get ugly here, I can sense alot of the frustation coming from AA becasue of the ignorance of some of the people here.

Space Marines versus any one or even two factions in star wars and they would win. Just remember that they are 9 foot tall giants who would wrestle with wookies for fun..out of armor. They have miniture cannons with high calibur (spelling?) weapons that would shred alot things in SW. (plus they got diff tips like the flame ones) There armor is very thick. Heres a pic for referance

The armor would most likely take quite a few blaster bolts before being compromised, and even then SMs can take an insane amount of damage before they actaully die.

So SW fans...Be respectful of the might of the Imperium. Dont say that somthing like a storm trooper of the Civil war age could take on the mightest warriors of Man.

Its like saying a gungan could take on a Mando...It just isint right.

But still as powerful as the SMs are they can NOT take on ALL the factions of star wars.  Thats my main complaint.

However ALL the factions of 40k WOULD proably win given time, but not just the Imperium.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 29, 2008 8:30 pm #

I think Halo would be beaten down first, the firepower from WH or SW alone is enough to take on that universe.

August 29, 2008 8:31 pm #
Valthonin wrote:
BFFC-Dracö wrote:

No, he didn't. It's called a joke. I seriously doubt he meant that. Even I'm not egotistical enough to mean something like that.

Ok then. The hell with it, I was joking too.

(sarcasm implied.)

You're right on that. I misread his original post. I edited my above post as a continuation of our debate.

It's been a while, but don't the Marines have numerous implanted body parts that allow them to essentially always be awake, among other things? those would be pretty helpful.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
August 29, 2008 8:33 pm #

And the Witches of Dathomir.....

There is a lot, more than would suffice for a stright victory for WH. WH would certainly pose a formidable threat, and im sure they would fight hard and many in the SW galaxy would die. But if i came down to all of the galaxy uniting for the destruction of WH, then they would fall.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
August 29, 2008 8:38 pm (Edited August 29, 2008 08:40 pm) #

ALL the factions of 40k would win given TIME....just trust me guys. But simply just Imperium? I dont think so.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 29, 2008 11:34 pm #

In terms of navy I would have to give this to Star Wars.  I'm quite sure that Star Wars has much heavier firepower.  And the speed of their vessels I would think easily outmatches that of WH40K.  (Hypderdrive anyone?)

For army it sounds as if a Space Marine alone could take on a Jedi.  I don't know much about the rest of the 40K universe.  This one for me is a toss up.

I feel kind stupid with this short post with everyone else's uber-long posts.  But it is just an opinion.  If anyone has a rebuttal perhaps I may invest some more time.

Hmm.  Rebuttal, I like that word.  (Had to throw in a Deadpool quote.)

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 30, 2008 10:33 am #

Ok, Val, sorry about that, i'm realy stressed out and stuff, and I kind of just snapped
Now, moving on.

I dont realy have time or knowledge for all the details, but a titan is much bigger then an AT-AT, and the forces of 40k are obscenely powerful, the tryanids are stronger then the Yuzhan(sp) Vong, more vicious, more numerous. The Necrons are an army of skeletal droids that do not die, their weapons eat through armor like it was paper. Chaos is also numerous, and Chaos Marines are much stronger then normal Space Marines.The imperial guard would simply charge, like the ocean waves eroding the rock, if nothing else The space marines would be used for more surgical strikes i think, storming bases and such. Navy i dont realy know. It could go either way there i think. Space marines would excel in boarding action, so would chaos and Eldar. I think that with all the factions united that there is simply no way they can lose. Creatures that literaly consume all life on a planet allied with the best warriors humanity has ever known and those that were once their brothers but turned on them for more power, a race of psychic warriors as graceful as they are deadly, the corrupted version of them, Giant creatures that, though not bright are imensly powerful and only do not conquer the galaxy because of the fighting amongst the tribes (which are united now mind you), Droids intent on extinguishing all life in the galaxy for their gods, An army that is simply legion, with millions of soldiers at their desposial, all deemed expendable, (and their tanks) The mechanium, the followers of the machine-god and their titans. An all female witch hunting army (and the psykers they formerly hunted). One thing applies to the forces of the 40k universe. They are Legion. For they are many.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 30, 2008 11:25 am #

hmmm...very dramtic there AA.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 30, 2008 8:34 pm (Edited August 31, 2008 10:56 pm) #

At first I would have said SW would win just because they'd outnumber 40K so much....but that was when I thought 40K was only a few worlds worth of ppl.

Now I have no clue, and shall leave this one to the 'experts'

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

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