Ooh they do look alike Sadriel :D
That is a funky flag
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
Ooh they do look alike Sadriel :D
That is a funky flag
Pretty cool,Sadriel. :cool:
Wow. i apparently never looked that close to the OK flag to see it, but you're right it does quite similar.
new here but just wanted to comment that i'm looking to get a mythosaur skull tattoo and wondering if anyone had any pics of anyone with a mythosaur skull tattoo?
Interesting... I too had always heard it referred to as a bantha skull, but I did notice the similarity to Jaing in Visionaries.
No cassus was a farmer... OF SOULS!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry just playing kotor for the first time. wasn't it that mandalores of the old proved themselves by killing a Mythosaur?
No, they were all hunted to extinction by Mandalore The First some text say that this was how he became the first Mandalore while others say that his warriors were the ones who destroyed them.
Most of them say that Mandalore the First Conquered the Planet which points towards the fact that the Mythosaurs may have been a sentient species because I don't think you can really conquere a planet by killing the wildlife, if this is true then by that logic I could go to the US, kill all the rabbits and rule the Country.
I see the badge as possibly a crest with 5 moons (maybe representing regions they conquered) with an arrow through them all. And then the blood possibly representing the blood they had shed conquering them and the "F" as their general clan Symbol?
It's just like my best friend's last name (Talley) was once Gaelic O'Tallay but through generations and moving to other countries and what now, it changes. So Vhett becomes Fett