Topic: RPG Diablo III

Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.

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Topic #2911
August 15, 2008 4:51 pm (Edited August 19, 2008 05:08 pm) #

Hello people this is the Diablo 3 thread based off the already released Diablo 2 and up coming Diablo 3. Now if you don’t know about the game here is the story behind the game.

  The coming of the three Diablo’s marked a time of evil in the history of  Sanctuary unlike any other. The cataclysm that followed their arrival brought immense change to the world when the three Diablo’s unleashed their hellish followers upon the world. These followers wrought great  destruction upon the lands of Sanctuary. That which was not consumed by the arrival of this malevolence was often twisted and altered by the effects of the resulting chaotic forces. Many of the native creatures in habiting the world became vile and depraved shadows of their natural forms. A world that once allowed the unfettered development and expansion of mankind became a place where only the strongest could survive. The areas most tainted by the prime evil’s arrival in the mortal realm are the western kingdoms, the desert regions of Aranoch , and the jungles of Kejhistan.
  Unnatural and evil forces and influencing most, if not all, of Sanctuary’s beast to at least some degree. Many have witnessed creatures outside natural habitats assisting the minions of Hell’s wrath. Such sights grow more common as one nears a lair of demonic nobility. Greater demons gather these controlled beasts to their location in an effort to protect themselves. These powerful monsters harbor deadly capabilities, and occasionally appear in unexpected areas. Let the adventurer beware !

Okay that’s what you need to know
Key places and who inhabit them
MT. Arreat : Barbarians
Khanduras : Paladins
West march : Fallen ones ( demons)
Kehjistan : Sorceresses, and Shaman
Amazon islands: Philos, Skovos, and Lysander : Amazons
Scosglen: Necromancers
Playable Characters
Barbarians : Brute force
Paladins : Have the power to call aid from the gods
Sorceresses/ Witch doctor's : Can cast spells / heal allies (witch doctor's only) can control foe's/ can sommon beast.
Amazons : are very athletic and can complete obstacles quickly
Necromancers : Can bring fallen allies back too life ( But causes them to lose life cannot over use it doesn’t drain health it drains life force ) / can  reanimate corpses (exp if in a graveyard can bring skeletons from the dead also cannot over use drains little health not life force )

More will be added on character’s so stay calm just make your character and keep updated on character’s list…….. And have fun

Oh almost forgot and remember this is based in kind of Mid evil times so only Swords, Axes, Hammers, Bow and Arrows, And Clubs, and armor can't be futureistic have fun

August 15, 2008 5:49 pm #

Ah a teaser :P

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 20, 2008 7:22 pm #


"I swear by the soul I don't have, I am going to kill you."
―Boba Fett
August 20, 2008 7:36 pm #

I'm not too familiar with the game, so I have a couple questions. What's the goal of the game, and what can the Paladins do?

take it easy baby take it as it comes
August 20, 2008 8:17 pm #
BFFC-Draco wrote:

I'm not too familiar with the game, so I have a couple questions. What's the goal of the game, and what can the Paladins do?

okay the goal of the game is for all the nations in Sanctuary too team up and fight together against Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal. The Paladins canuse the power of god like summon up a huge holy shield too protect them and there allies or they can make their god cast thunder, or fire or ice,and also they can use their gods too inhance their weapons

August 21, 2008 12:24 am #

Name: Agathor
Affiliation: Barbarians
Appearance: Long dirty blonde hair, Bulky Athletic build, No facial hair, the right side of his face is tattooed blue, Wears a horned helmet with a face mask that can be pushed up into the helmet, also wears a bronze chest plate with shoulder padding that has an elephant shaped head on the left side and a loins shaped head on the other, wears leather gloves with bolts on the knuckles, wears bronze leggings, and a leather belt with a boar head shaped belt buckle, stands about 6’2.
Weapons: Two steel hand axes, One steel long sword, A iron shield that’s  in the shape of an elephants face the tusk poke out so they can be used as a weapon.
Agathor who was the son of Beathermore who was the leader of their little tribe of the many Barbarian tribes in Mt. Arreat. The Barbarians have always been a warring tribe, even before the Great Diablo’s have risen they used too battle with other nations such as the Amazonians and the Paladins. Most of the Barbarians were angered at the fact that they had to join the people they once considered  enemy’s, one of the most angered Barbarians was Beathermore. Especially since Beathermore was one of the high class generals who had lead the fight against both the Amazonians and the Paladins, so when the high Chief Meektar told him the his son has been chosen to travel to the far land of Khanduras too aid all the other races in the fight against the three Diablo’s. Beathermore went to Agathor the night he was suppose to leave too give him some advice.

Beathermore: How you holding up son .
Agathor: Okay I guess, just mad I have to team up with our once sworn enemies.
Beathermore( walked to Agathor and looked him in the eyes ): Hey, you must do what you have too for the need to survive, no matter who you have too work with.
Agathor ( Moving away from Beathermore and back too his packing ): Well I still don’t feel save without you or any of the elder’s watching over us.
Beathermore(looking down hopelessly): We elder’s must watch the village, and there will be other Barbarians there with you.
Agathor(looking back at his father in anger): But I’m the only one of our tribe !
Beathermore(Walking away , turns back and says):Sleep up you’ll need it tomorrow you have a long journey ahead of you.

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